Hey Pandas, What’s A Stereotype About Your Country You’re Tired Of Hearing (Closed)
We all have one that even if it's true we're tired of hearing it.
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As an american, every slight I hear about the USA is usually true. Guns, healthcare, abundance of garbage food, and the last crazy president and his minnions.
I agree with the OP, and I’m not a self-hater. I do hate gun fetishists, healthcare for profit, and the people who voted in and will again vote for a sociopathic grifter with the emotional and intellectual maturity of an eight-year-old, and who’s never told the truth about anything but his name. Which he likes to say in third person. I hate racists, homophobes and transphobes, and Christian nationalists, who conveniently are usually the same people. I hate people who think science, especially medical science, is political. These are the people holding back what *could* be a great country—if it would, of course, embrace its triumphs, but also admit and address its failures, rather than label them “the good old days”—and are instead striving to make us a Bible-thumping, oligarchic global backwater. Caveat: I do hate myself a little for all the damn junk food I eat.
Romania: "You're all thieves and beggars and you come here to steal our jobs and take advantage of our social benefits system". I heard this in several western European countries.
Nope. Just because a very small percent of my fellow citizens decide to break the law, that doesn't make us all offenders. And it's not like your own country doesn't have its own; it's just that media/ tabloids only mention nationality when immigrants are involved.
Also, why were those jobs vacant for so long, and could only be filled by immigrants? Perhaps because they are underpaid in many cases, and require exhausting work hours that no local would accept? Well, that may be a good question for your government.
Wow, thats new to me, when i hear romania i think kings/queens lol and gladiators :)
don’t live there anymore but russia:
FOR GODS SAKE THE MAJORITY OF US ACTUALLY SUPPORT UKRAINE AND WOULD VOTE PUTIN OUT IF WE COULD. We’re just absolutely unable to cos he controls the voting system 🥰
but yes i do actually drink a lot of vodka oops
The gun stereotype in the U.S.A I'm still in school and not once was there a legitimate threat but even I know it is just the few idiots that ruin it and make it see like it is anarchy to most of the world. Yes there are other stereotypes that are correct but only the few idiots or most wealthy elites won't understand it but even then they may know.
Switzerland - Many expect all of us to be rich or at least being comfortable. But there are many poor folks out there. Unemployment is higher than it seems. Yes, we have social welfare and social facilities to help. But for many there's no help and on the other hand wrong ones DO get help. We have good healthcare, yes, but the fees for that are exploding and are rising yearly 5 - 10%. Yearly. There are many other issues. It's still a nice place to live in and to work. But it's nowhere near the paradise for all of the population as it seems to be.
Pretty much the same as op on the first post, but not all of us are overweight racist Americans
Why do people seem to think that we're supersmart and all have a job in IT? (Let's ignore the fact that both of my parents work in IT as do many of my family members and I get good grades) Its really silly how many people just assume that I want to be some kind of Microsoft helpdesk worker or something (a lot of respect for those people ofcourse) Or that I'm some kind of scammer, yeah that's probably the worst one.
For America, all of the problems with guns and the healthcare system are valid, there is a lot wrong in this country. There are still those of us who want to fix our country and show the world that beyond these problems, America is a beautiful country with many diverse cultures living together, with stunning natural beauty, and (some) amazing, lively cities.
My parents are Pakistani, and there are so many stereotypes about dishonesty and terrorism that exist. It’s not to say they aren’t valid, but they’re also insensitive, given the fact that it is Pakistanis themselves who are impacted most by these domestic issues. Our country isn’t broken, it is a work in progress, and with all of the problems that exist, there is still a host of reasons for me to be proud of Pakistan and its advancements to come.
the crooked teeth thing -British speaking
Britain: we aren't all obsessed with baked beans. When I had a tub of them for lunch I got largely negative reactions.
UK: everyone loves gravy/baked beans/marmite - I hate all those things and everyone is posh - couldn't be more false
UK: everyone loves gravy/baked beans/marmite - I hate all those things and everyone is posh - couldn't be more false