There are some things that can't be learned. There are some things that can be learned, but if one doesn't have an innate ability, all the lessons in the world won't help.
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My first thought too! I rarely had good teachers and I was so intimidated that I I never gave it the effort it deserved. But always knew it was a magical world!
I wish I was born with the ability to forgive myself.
I wish I had the skills to draw wonderful peices of art
I'll go first. Hand to eye coordination. I was blessed with a good ear for music, and I've got a decent singing voice. But I lack the physical dexterity to play instruments. Ten years of piano lessons, and the best I can do is "Für Elise." I can read music, but the info never reached my fingers, for some reason.
I'm also terrible at any sport that requires throwing or catching. I struggled to learn how to type. My cursive writing is just this side of legible, and don't even ask me to draw anything more complicated than a stick figure.
Musical ability of any kind
You gain musical abilities through practice and experience, not when you're born. It's never too late in life to learn how to sing or play any instrument. It doesn't matter if you can't hold a pitch or if you don't have rhythm. The more you're committed to the music, the better you'll get. PRACTICE IS KEY!
If we can do one that is made up, then teleporting, I think it would just be so much easier.
I can twist my arm all the way pack :)
I’m also extremely good at acting
A voice like Shirley basseys’.
Imaginary Talent: The ability to speak to, and understand, all types of living creatures.
Real-life Talent: Public Speaking
flexibility. the most i can do is lean backwards into a backbend and stand back up. i wish i could do things like famous contortionists. theyre so cool to me.