Hey Pandas, What’s A Sign Or A Brand Name That You Always Read Wrong? (Closed)
We've all been there, reading "Chipotle" as "Chip-pot-el" or missing the "o" in "Kellogg's". But the real question is, when were you finally corrected? How long did it take you to figure out you were incorrect?
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When I just learning to reas, I thought Disney was Disnep because of the damn unreadable logo
When I'm traveling in the UK, every time I see a place "To Let" from far away, I'm seeing Toilet...
You know the sign for REI Co-op? Well, up until about 13 years old, I thought it was "REI Coop" and was very confused as to how REI was related to chickens... A few confused questions to my parents later, I was corrected and they will never let me live it down :(
I always said 'Thalia' like Tal-ee-a until the PJO show. apparently it's pronounced Thal-ee-a