Have you shared recently something private and now regret it? Let us know what happened.


    My Roblox password. I got suspended from school.



    I shared being ace.

    That is all you need to know.


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    RafCo (he/him/ele)
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm definitely too old to understand this. My only understanding of "ace" means you're really good at something. He's an ace pilot. I'm guessing this isn't that.

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    not me but my friend

    So my friend kind of likes my other friend, and he told a couple people but one of those people told the crush that they know someone who likes them. ..


    so this person is trying to figure out who the person is and my friend said HE WILL HELP so now he has to fake a person's existence :)


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    i told my friend who i thought i could trust that i had been hurting myself (i’m fine know) aaaand um yeah if you’re gonna tell someone, tell an adult who can help, not done dumb teenager


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    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oh im sorry about that just know that Jesus is there for you all you got to do is pray


    Shared with a guy friend at my school that I was raped when I was 12 by a family member. Turns out this friend fancied me and one day, he asked me out. As I didn't feel the same, I turned him down and the following week, all 2000 kids at my school knew exactly what had happened to me. When I confronted him about it, he called me a self involved cow because 'other people have stuff going on too ya know - it's not all about you!'.
    Jokes on him though. I saw him at a friend's wedding recently - guess who's put on a ridiculous amount of weight, is balding and still works at the same pub he's worked at since he was 16? It might've been 15 years but suck it, Nathan.



    Boy, lemme go down the list

    The fact that I am pansexual, a certain crime I committed accidentally when I was little, my ex boyfriend's name, the fact that i'm working towards a more feminine body shape, the list goes on


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Telling Someone Who My Crush Was

    This Was A Few Years Ago When I Was Still In College


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    the password to my old iPad. My friend got on it while i was making tea, she went through my photos, history, and spent my coins on my favorite game. She also spilled my private info on Roblox, but that was later. All i can say is F**k you b***h


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    Telling my mom I'm pansexual. It's not that I didn't want to tell her, or that I thought she would react badly or anything, I just wasn't ready. I had only figured it out a few weeks before that, after a huge gay panic that caused me to fall down several internet wormholes about various sexualities. But my mom was going through my phone (for a reason, it's not like she's crazy and doesn't give me privacy or something) and she would've found out. Telling her when she was mad at me for something else was a really bad idea, because she said some stuff that I know she didn't really mean, but that was hurtful. But I would've rather told her before I was ready that had her find out from going through my phone.


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    RafCo (he/him/ele)
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not sure I followed this, and I'm realizing I'm far too old for this thread. But, as a parent of a young man about your age, I hope you understand that your parents are fallible. Sometimes we f**k up, and so something really dumb that we know is really dumb. I hope she apologizes, and I hope there is forgiveness. I'm sure your mom loves you dearly, and whatever was said, she likely regrets it. I've seen your posts, and you seem like a good kid, but as a parent, thinking of your kids as sexual beings is really hard. You guys grow up too quickly, especially now with the internet. I'm happy that you are understanding yourself, and I'm sure your mom is too. Butt it may take some time for her to get over the fact that you're even thinking about sex at all. Anyways, sorry I rambled

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Telling my sister that I love her but don't really like her, that gets thrown back at me a lot!


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