What things that a lot of people do bug you?
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Glorification of celebrities! They're basically just people who a lot of people recognise.
Cancel culture: the "those who disagree with me deserve to be berated, and made to disappear" school of thought.
Cancel culture is the most vacant term ever. The people who claim they are being canceled are often the least tolerant of different views. Take the GOP for instance.
The expectation that having a smart phone puts you at someone's beck and call. I have had people email me, then call me to tell me they sent email and if I didn't answer call, they texted. I do not exist on this plant for the sole purpose of being available to others!
The Incredible workload schools give on children (who often also work) and expect them to just do the work without asking.
The UNHOLY, UNNATURAL KARDASHIAN/JENNER manifestation of self-serving, self-centered, attention-seeking idiocy ... and anyone who tries to model their looks/behaviors. Have some pride, people! FFS!
the cult of identity. this obsession with me, me, me.
The pressure about what kind of "status" your job has. All jobs are important and it's ok to work in retail, or be a doctor or work at a restaurant or a CEO of a a huge company or work construction. All that matters is if you're happy with the job you're doing.
There is an old saying. Everyone wants a big apartment and a six figure salary until they have to pay a six figure bill to get their crapper repaired...
Being rude, obnoxious, or argumentative to people doing their job.
Basically prejudice based on things we can't change, and didn't choose
I would agree, except I would add that we need a clear, solid definition of those terms. People too often call people prejudice just because they don't agree with them. I can accept someone without agreeing with them.
Piercing small children's/babies ears. It doesn't matter if it's 'tradition' it's cruel and gives the child zero benefit. Also opens them up to infection
I meant to say I think a popular thing that should stop right now is pollution.
We've been saying that since the 60s. Many things have gotten better since the boomers called attention to pollution back then. Cars and factories in the US are much cleaner, and many super-toxic chemicals, such as DDT and freon, have been banned. But now we're deep into overconsumption, trashing the planet, and wasting resources on crap. Plus many of the countries, such as China, that produce the things we buy, have not been regulating their pollution. So while we pride ourselves on being green, the countries we buy from have been poisoning the planet more than ever.
The thing where *insert non white race* wears weave or cornrows or some other "black" hair style and is told they shouldn't do that because it's cultural appropriation.
It's a hairstyle. Grow up and learn to deal with the fact and hairstyles, food, clothes, etc can't be controlled like this simply because of race. You can definitely educate the person if you think they should know something tho
I personally think that homework should be given only if you want or need extra practice in a certain subject
Laughing at other people's pain and humiliation.
Any action/behavior that involves breathing a chemical or smoke into your lungs that is not purely medicinal (pot doesn't count as medicinal in this case) in a way that benefits our breathing, should never (yes, NEVER) be done.
The idea that you have to go to college to earn good money and be successful.
yes! I'm over $30.000 in the hole and still broke. while they sold that lie they forgot to mention loans and the fact that trades are very good to have
Trends. Half of them get someone hurt, and all of them get people to do the same , unoriginal stuff .
I get what you're saying, but something is called a "trend" simply because it's popular with a majority. I think we could go a little further by saying "dangerous, cruel, and destructive trends" need to stop. That being said, it falls to the individual to think before they act.
I think the "did i ask" should stop, it's really rude. No, you didn't ask, but i wasn't talking to you.
for example: Friend: My dog just did....., it was so funny Me: Yeah, my fish used to do ......, haha f: what is their name? Me: Their name is french fry, actually they just had a bunch of babies and i- Rude Person: did i ask
Stop bullying people because of their gender, sexuality, or race
Use of the phrase game changer". A new laundry detergent isn't a game changer. Anew twist on an old recipe isn't a game changer. New NFL overtime rules? Now THOSE are game changer.
Brands putting their logo/catchphrase/name all over clothes. Companies that have their logo anywhere out in the open anger me
Putting fish in bowls. They’re way too small and full sized tanks are much easier to clean, among other things.
YES!!! so many people are like "oh, you don't want a goldfish, they only live for a few weeks" NO. they can live for 15 years, but bowls are too small. and they are seen as "the perfect starter pets" but they are high maintenance and belong in large tanks or ponds. My papa has 3 that are around 7 years old,he keeps them in a pond in his backyard and they recently had a lot of babies. He gave about 13 to us. We have to do water changes regularly, and make sure they have enough room to grow.
Animal cruelty and abuse. And glorifying said cruelty and abuse by splashing it all over the internet.
People at my schools shout slurs at others to sound cool, or they pretend to be gay for popularity. It is really bad and It needs to stop. Also, a smaller problem. Kids yelling and moaning in class. There is also this one kid that bangs his hands on my table during art. It is very hard to draw with a bouncing table.
Influencers/ celebrities lying about plastic surgery, making everyone think they are "all natural", further raising the beauty standard. I know so many people with eating disorders because celebrities look skinny while having big bums
Just the whole desire of 40/50+ people trying to look in their 20s and early 30s again, and then lying down about their age. You can get all the plastic surgery, derma peels and all that, but nothing is going to change a more sunken, chiseled, mature bone and muscle structure, for the entire body to the point your fooling anyone. If you want to impress anyone, lie your age up. So if you're really 50, say you're 55.
People dissing people for wearing a mask when they're supposed to...
People should mind their own business. I don't get why someone else wearing a mask affects somebody else's day to day life.
Should we assume you mean the kind that ruin lives, and are easy to become addicted to? The word "Drug" covers an extremely wide category. Even table sugar and caffeine are drugs, depending on the definition used.
Family Vloggers/using your kids for views.
There's a really sad story of a mom who made her kids film videos and if they did not do it she would lock them in a closet for days without food. Abused them, and even forced them into ice baths and if they didn't do it she would stick their heads under the water. She is not arrested you can find more info by looking up "The Fantastic Adventures Scandal".
Social media in general. Facebook, twitter, instagram... etc.
Stereotyping men and women to have certain body. Also the use of photoshop to met said stereotype.
The one animal that is responsible for billions upon billions of deaths. Humans.
Getting mad at kids for “hand flapping”or general hand movement, when it’s just a coping mechanism to regulate one’s emotions.
There is that one video with a kid like man who apologizes for being excited because he got a ride on a supercar and it breaks my heart, every time I see it.
What i would call “Slapper TV”
Putting a group of young people together and watching who they snog or sleep with - then calling it entertainment.
They then go on to call themselves “celebrities “ even though they haven’t earned that right.
Reality tv my a**e - what a load of tripe.
Men who barely know you trying to get all up in you buisness and man that ask you for noods right away. Its sickening and I was unfortunate to be with a guy(well, several guys) who did that, and i f*****g hated it every time
Choose carefully who you let into your life, in any way. Aside from that, it's an unfortunate symptom of a deeper societal problem. The best way to combat it, is to not tolerate behavior that demeans women from your male family members, and teach your sons and grand sons to treat women with care and respect. We change the world with one action at a time.
those annoying relatives asking kids how much marks they got! it really pressurizes those poor kids who unfortunately scored less marks!. and parents forcing there kids to get good marks or they will punish them! its a lot of tension and pressure which can lead to suicides at a small age!. i also got suicide thoughts!. this needs to stop guys!
I never pressured my kid nor really paid too much attention to grades and marks. If I here she passed, she passed. I was more attentive to what she was learning and how well she was catching on. Having a kid with a learning/development disability/delay really puts a different light on the education system. They're giving kids a whole lot of nonsense and just expect them to repeat it in answers to questions, and summarize with pointless instructions that make the kids think about anything other than the content of what they are supposed to be writing about. There's no creativity, actual hands on exploration and discovery and free-thinking. Just "sit at your desk. Be quiet. Do as your told. Pay attention to the instructions. Raise your hand when I say it's okay."
scalping PS5's
Scalping anything. That being said, isn't scalping just buying something and then selling it for a much higher price?? The consumer needs to decide what they are willing to pay. No one is forcing anyone to buy it. No customers=greedy person stuck with a product they can't sell. Easy-peasy.
vaping/smoking! both are seriously addictive and dangerous
I swear I've seen more people smoking in my city than in previous years. There's rarely a time I see a building without people standing around in a noxious cloud of smoke in the doorways and the bus shacks.
Republicans and forcing religion on children. The same people who force religion on children are also the same people who get upset if a child is taught anything lgbtq related and insist they’re too young to learn about sexuality. Well karen, they’re also too young to figure out what kind of religion they should follow too.
This is a very complicated statement. You're defaulting to a lot of vague, general terms and concepts. Also, the fact that you just say "Republicans" is a glaring indication of intolerance.
Phone obsession. Especially around other people. Instead try to be more present in the present.
You say as you browse on Boredpanda, probably on a phone or mobile device.
Transphobia. It is currently experiencing SUCH a dramatic increase. Since when does it affect you if parents want to support their kids with HRT so that they don't want to kill themselves? I am so sick and tired of this just let us be happy and be ourselves it isn't that hard.
Political intrangence. Stop the divisions fomented by politicians who care only about power!
People who think they know better than you what you need
in life in order to be happy, successful, etc. (Oh, if you would just date, find a better job, go back to school, etc.) No, I'm 56 and I know better than anyone what I need, and what I'm capable of. (I have several disabling conditions.)
Stop blaming every problem in the entire world on Trump or Biden, or their parties.
It's gotten pathetic. It's bad in Canada, too. The snow falls in April, we need the streets plowed and somehow Trudeau is involved.
Airbrushing...and the more destructive deeper issue of prioritizing physical appearance over inner-health and good character.
At first it was a fascination of transformations. Now it's weird and tiring. Same with airbrush effect makeup. Everyone is trying to go for the same style of makeup, just with different colours, and trying to hide every feature that makes them unique, even trying to change their face shape with contouring. I go au natural 99% of the time, within the last few years I've noticed I'm more self-conscious about my face and neck that I've been basing hairstyles to hide certain areas I used to not think much about. I've now found out I have a round but A-triangular face and it's not attractive in today's standards.
Everyone becoming carbon copies of eachother. I don't see any originality these days. It's sad.
This is something more people are noticing. I was talking with a sales clerk at a new clothing store. I was waiting for my daughter as she was trying something on and I was looking in the mirror at my new wide flares (pretty much bell bottoms) and we had gotten on the topic of 70s styles coming back. The sales clerk even agreed that in the past decade, at least, there's been no originality between brands and stores, and clothing is not as fun whereas in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s clothing was fun and experimentive. Sure, vintage and retro styles are becoming more popular, but the this century seems to be stuck on finding it's own revolutionary style.
Social media. I hate that my 12yr old niece is saying "like and subscribe guys" on her Snapchat
The whole "telling my pet they're adopted" thing.
It hurts my feelings.
TikTok. It needs to die.
Social media. I can understand using it, but it being your life is weird. And so called "influencers" doing dangerous things that could, and have, killed them just to get some likes?! Followers?! It's absurd!!
Stop labeling people based on their political party. The second someone knows your affiliation, they brand you with all kinds of ridiculousness. Most people are actually fairly moderate.
You could just say one thing, 1 THING that your passionate about and someone will assume you a political label and it's all a ruse to trick you into changing the topic and defend against it so you stop talking about what it is they're disagreeing with. It's a pathetic manipulation tactic. Best thing to do is take a moment to process what it is they're doing, remind yourself of the original topic and why you wanted to comment in the first place, and don't engage with the bully. Just ignore and continue on.
Making fun of someone for liking the modern Pokémon games.
yes! Pokemon is not bad! you shouldn't mock them just for playing a particular game!
Stop fishing for attention by posting ridiculous statements such as, “I make my [spouse] earn all the money and take care of me, and (here it comes…) I DON’T CARE!!” (Hint: we don’t either)
"AITA ...?" Usually the people who post these already know the answer, or are just wanting to publicly throw someone under the bus.
The Walt Disney corporation.
They've killed so many animals during the making of their films.
Police Brutality
Whitewashing History
Overpriced Healthcare
Lack of Decent Pockets in Women's Clothing
1. ALL brutality. 2. We need to be more careful about what we label racist. 3. YES! It's killing our society. 4. Every person has their own perspective and motives. Until people choose to only write the facts, and write ALL the facts, our history will always be flawed. 5. Deceitful bribery or threats within lobbying need to stop. However, I don't believe there is anything wrong with talking to leaders about an issue, openly and honestly, and trying to show them why you believe it's a good thing. That's IF it's a good thing. 6. The whole Healthcare system needs a revamp from the ground up. There are people making a huge profit by treating patients like products.
whitewashing, using filters to make you white, the tide pod ,challenge, cinnamon spoon challenge, and TIKTOK.kardashians
online daters, cnp's, online daters, toxic slenders, da hood,
yes it is so bad. it is basically useless!!. it pressurizes us. it causes problems in physical and mental health, lack of creativity and imagination, stress and makes you feel like its hell in here. why do students have to learn like 11 subjects but teacher just teach one subject at a time, that is so unfair. now people are gonna say 'bla bla..offensive words' go ahead downvote this rn. schools force us to study 24/7 even on holidays but teachers dont do anything on that holidays. and they give us (my school, maybe urs too) holiday homework which is s**t. and they say its mandatory bla bla i dont f*****g care, ur ruining my holidays, give me some REST. i hate schools and homework.
The "Stop The Steal" bulls*it...
You lost fair and square.
Stop trying to incite violence dividing a country you claim to care about.
Saying that people can't be lgbtqia+ if they're christian or believe in God.
My aunt, unfortunately, does not "agree with their lifestyle". Her words, not mine. "Their" meaning anyone who's lgbtqia+. I, as you can see, am Bisexual. I've known since about a year ago, and it was a real revelation for me. My best friend has two dads, and I never cared or thought badly of them, but my aunt did. I always thought that was fine with my aunt, too, until recently when she said a few things about them. She says that she just lets me hang out with my friend because she's really confused and it was God's calling and whatnot. The second part is like, ok, that's cool, but the first part just annoys me beyond extent. That and another time when she, me, and my sister were just vibing at starbucks, and she starts saying how gay people ARE gay because they don't have a father figure in their life. I imeadiately glance at my sister because like. . .our dad has been gone. and I honestly could care less, but it's her making assumptions for me. That's just not cool. And she's said previously that if we ever feel atraction to the same sex, then we should tell her so she can "pray away that evil spirit". WHAT. THE. HECK. I'm young and I'm almost certain that If I told her about my feelings it wouldn't go well. It's just so annoying. She says that God didn't make us to fall in love with the same sex and whatever, but I completely disagree, and I consider myself a Christian. And that's just confusing. Because if god loves everyone, does that just exclude everyone part of the lgbtq community???? Likeeee?? That just annoys me beyond extent. Like what the hell?
A lot of those people have no power, no real say other than making sounds and blowing hot air. Just roll your eyes and ignore.
ahh yes. animal testing and poaching. my mum used to say that people dont hunt animals they just take the corpse's skin, that was a lie. cuz how could u take a corpse's skin and make a dress outta it. poaching animals is wrong, killing an poor animal for a f*****g rug is SO BAD and all the cosmetics these shitty tiktokers and girls (imma girl too) wear is b******t. u dont know how many animals are dying due to animal testing (beagles, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, pigs, mice get animal tested the most). we need to save animals.
Calling tips "hacks."
The expectation that women respond in a demure, submissive and polite manner (with a smile!) when their boundaries are violated. Ex; men who stand too close, the “casual” touch, the “you’re cute but let’s find a man for some real info.” Good rule for men who are confused by this: If “x” behavior towards another man would earn you a punch in the face, then that behavior isn’t appropriate toward women, either. I’ve never heard a man say to another man “c’mon honey where’s a smile?”
I just had a realization. The "lets find a man for some real info" part. Does anyone think this happens way too often? Like, more often than we think but we just don't notice because it's not admitted in such a blunt way?
Advertisements on TV for prescription drugs. Most people lack the knowledge to determine if a drug is right for their condition but they hound their doctors about it and give them bad reviews if they don't prescribe. Any drug advertised on TV is going to be expensive, and it contributes to high medical costs. Also, studies have found that those long lists of grisly sounding side effects they tack on at the end actually make people MORE likely to trust the drug because "Hey, the company is being honest with us".
Venerating religion and culture above any other logic and reason. If your culture allows bad things, those are bad things and don't talk to me about the sacred history of culture. Stop oppressing people just because you've always oppressed them! I have certain things I won't eat because I have assessed their qualities as food and decided they are awful and make me feel unwell. If I were to be incarcerated, I have no right to food without ingredients which, say, give me heartburn or diarrhea, but if my magic sky man says no in an ancient book then that's protected and they must cater for me. If I want to wear a hat in class because it's cold and hats are warm "no hats in class" but if I want to wear one because the magic sky man says I must, hat policy exemption.
By all means do religion, but don't protect it over and above other reasons and belief systems. If someone has a convincing argument to let them do something, assess those arguments equally.
Smart people being suppressed and forced to work with those who do not want to learn.
And getting lumped in and treated the same as those who don't want to and refuse to learn.
Littering! In the middle of traffic I watched a grown woman roll down her car window, stick her arm straight out with a plastic take out cup and drop it straight down into the middle of the street. THE EARTH IS NOT YOUR TRASH CAN.
Tbf, I think some people don't care because even if it goes in the trashcan where does it end up? At a large landfill on assigned land where birds and other animals scrounge around, and the wind blows around. Some of it, including "recycling" gets shipped on barges to be dumped onto other lands. Some of those barges get caught in high gale winds and large waves that capsize the barge and all that garbage gets strewn about in the sea. The best solution is go back to the old, old days before plastics and one-time-use products were around.
ENDING NAMES WITH -LEIGH OR -EIGH. So annoying and easy to misspell and pronounce! Also, naming kids "Hunter". What if they are vegetarian or vegan?
Are we going to start telling other cultures, like Sri Lankans, to not give their kids those 15+ lettered names? In a world that's becoming more and more of a melting pot we're going to be exposed to names and words we've never heard before. We're just going to have to get used to it. What should be stopped is people getting angry over names. It's just a name. Ask how to pronounce it. People also need to stop being angry over having to help people who aren't familiar with that name on spelling and pronunciation, especially if there's a difference in cultures.
Ripped skinny jeans. Especially on men.
A trend is only as good as its consumers attention. Let other people waste a ton of money on clothing they normally would sell at Goodwill. My kids think it's cute and I told them that we don't waste food, we reuse things or fix them when we can, and I will not buy clothing that is already damaged. I'm pretty relaxed about how my kids dress (self-expression wise) but paying more than full price for damaged goods is not going to happen.
The N-Word Pass. People at my school stay joking around about the N-Word Pass, saying that they have it because they're black, or jokingly asking their friends for it because they're white. I genuinely enjoy making race jokes with my friends, my close ones, anyways, who get it and aren't offended(and neither am I). But I've never had anyone of my white friends ask for the N-Word Pass jokingly or not. It's honestly mind blowing how many white people have said the n word or are this close to saying it. I don't even find it funny. If one of my white friends came up to me and asked me for the n word pass with a straight ass face, I would die on the spot. I just think that's not cool. Like I enjoy that our generation is so diverse and we're all comfortable making race jokes because that's just how we are, but I just see a problem with having something entitled to you because you're a certain race or identity or something like that. I see an issue with that and I've made it clear with my friends that I just don't think that's cool. It's hard to explain so I hope that made some kind of sense.
Fast fashion. It's a waste and looks stupid, and fashion in general is mostly manufactured to get you to buy their stuff.
It's manufactured to be cheap, cheaply made, with cheap labour and cheap working conditions. Absolutely horrific what has happened in Bangladesh. When those factories were collapsing with workers inside, and catching fire with people unable to escape, I saw and heard some of what was being said on shows like 'Lang and O'Leary Exchange' show (Idk why I watched that at night.) they were more interested and concerned about the loss of profits and what it would do with the clothing industry and investor money. Absolutely appalling.
People who fake any kind of disorder. I can't push this enough- please, please, don't make fun of/ fake any disorder. Its really not funny and harms the community. At first, when I realised that I was a DID system, I thought I was faking (impostor syndrome). Faking Tourettes isn't quirky or fun, it harm your like in so many ways, i'm saying this from experience. People on places like TikTok who fake tics are horrendous and you should report their accts.
This is not to be confused with those who have long suspected and noticed something wrong, done their research on what it could be and drawn to a likely conclusion without changing or exaggerating the disorder. Many people have gone unassessed and undiagnosed for years because it's costly and not easy to get access to those services as an adult.
Waiting for the best option when you’re invited someplace. I invited friends over and more than half said “maybe but i want to see if someone else is doing something cooler”
Drinking coffee. I've tried to give it up many times, tried switching to caffeine free stuff but like the sad addict I am, I always come crawling back to sweet, sweet coffee
When drunk in moderation, and without loads of sugar, coffee can be beneficial to your health.
Energy drinks
Putting an egg on top of food such as pizza and hamburgers, Wny?
Anything and everything to do with the Kardashian's and Jenner clan. They are absolutely useless
Beauty standards. They are trash.
Interestingly a good artist will emphasize on flaws and viewers will awe at how beautiful the model is or how exotic it is,
I think that a popular thing that should stop is Stans.
I would say clothes styles. I see that skinny jeans are going out of style but I WILL NEVER GIVE UP MY HOLY SKINNY JEANS!!!
This is becoming a plague on social media and the world of paranormal enthusiasts and serious investigators are wanting it to stop:
Trying to contact recently dead/missing people with Ouija boards and other devices, or pretending to do so.
That is so disrespectful to the victim and their family.
It is obvious these YouTubers are trying to profit off of tragedies and get views. That's all it's about. Even going as far to convince fans of their channels they were doing a good deed to help solve the case. No, that is a lie to cover your butt and get them riled up when their video gets reported and demonetized. Stop. Just stop with that.
yes we did to show our emotions and to say whats needs to REALLLLY stop
yes we did to show our emotions and to say whats needs to REALLLLY stop