Hey! Please tell us in a short, original poem either how things are going in life, or how your heart is feeling in general.

If I am being completely honest, I was inspired to post this because of a Jimmy Fallon Hashtag video I saw. But I think it would be totally fun to do something similar here on BP. Don’t be afraid to share if you aren’t feeling that great, either!!

No judgement, my friends. Allow your corky, weird, beautiful, authentic, poetic selves to shine.


The mask:

She smiles, I cry.
She is outgoing, I am shy.
She loves, I am alone.
She is amazing, I am unknown.
She is beautiful, I am a mess.
She is happy, I am depressed.
My mask is perfect-
She hides me.



    2020 sucks,
    can't get no bucks.
    can't see no one,
    this isn't very fun.
    on Bored Panda a lot,
    doing literally nothing but rot.
    i hate this year,
    i want to murder it with a spear.
    stupid elections,
    stupid people giving stupid directions.
    people hating,
    others dictating.
    i need a break,
    from this stupid ache.
    this year is sucky,
    no one is getting lucky.
    everyone is dying,
    people are spying.
    all in sucky 2020.


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    Lula Gage
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love it, got a great rhythm to it! Definitely got a very powerful point across

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    "I'm tired," I say,
    "That's all."
    And in a way, I guess it's true.
    In every other way,
    It's a lie.

    Tonight you ask me
    What depression feels like.
    I think, then tell you
    That it's sort of like
    Slowly clicking up a roller coaster hill,
    Waiting and waiting to peak,
    But never reaching the top.

    You seem confused
    But don't ask anything else.
    Soon enough you're gossiping about
    How that girl we know got pregnant.
    You don't understand that
    I am still climbing that godforsaken hill.

    People call me heartless,
    I wonder if they realize
    How difficult it is to function
    When you're not sure if you even exist.

    And here I am,
    Dodging your politely, forcefully concerned gaze,
    As you ask me what's wrong.
    "I'm tired," I say,
    "That's all."

    I wish I could explain depression to you
    Once again and scream about
    How I wish I could feel anything.
    Do you really want to know what depression is like?
    Depression is like having a disinterested corpse
    Skillfully stowed in the shell of my body.

    "You seem so sad lately.
    Can't you at least pretend to care?"
    Oh, honey, if you only knew.
    You ramble on about this and that,
    But I'm no longer listening.
    You could dig for centuries
    And never strike my dying core.

    And THAT, my innocent, naive fool,
    Is what depression feels like.




    Roses are red,

    Silent as a mouse,

    Your door is unlocked,

    I'm inside your house.



    That money talks
    I won't deny.
    I heard it once,
    It said, "Goodbye."

    It's R. Armour's



    I'm very ugly
    So don't try to convince me that
    I'm a very beautiful person
    Because at the end of the day
    I hate myself in every single way
    And I'm not going to lie to myself by saying
    There is beauty inside of me that matters
    So rest assured I will remind myself
    That I am a worthless terrible person
    And nothing you say will make me believe
    I still deserve love
    Because no matter what
    I am not good enough to be loved
    And I am in no position to believe that
    Beauty does exist within me
    Because whenever I look in the mirror I always think
    Am I as ugly as people say?

    I feel like this sometimes! But now, read it from the bottom up.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Whoaaaaaaa this is so cool! I ❤️ that it’s so different from the bottom! Definitely gonna save this.

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    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    Stop, gosh dang it,
    I don't want orange juice.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also, I meant for the orange juice to be this garbage fire of a year, if you think about it.

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    I mope around the house
    I wait and wait for shows
    No avail comes

    My mo tells me to turn away from the blue light,
    I sigh and wait for her to leave
    Then get in my phone



    This will make sense when I am older
    Someday I will see that this makes SENSE
    One day, when I'm old and wise
    I'll think back and realize
    That these were all completely normal events
    I'll have all the answers when I'm older



    Roses are red Violets are blue i feel like Sshhiitt what about you?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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    Then I guess I'll go for Blues On Tuesday, by Dutch poet/performer Jules Deelder (translation below).


    Geen geld.
    Geen vuur.
    Geen speed.

    Geen krant.
    Geen wonder.
    Geen weed.

    Geen brood.
    Geen tijd.
    Geen weet.

    Geen klote.
    Geen donder.
    Geen reet.


    It translates roughly to this (I tried to retain rhyme and rhythm):


    No money.
    No fire.
    No speed.

    No newspaper.
    No miracle.
    No weed.

    No bread.
    No time.
    No knowing.

    No shit.
    No crap.
    No nothing.



    I am confused, just like this poem. (By Shel Silverstein, it’s called A Meehoo with an Exactlywhatt)

    Knock knock!
    Who's there?
    Me who?

    That's right!
    What's right?
    That's what I want to know!

    What's what you want to know?
    Me, WHO?
    Yes, exactly!
    Exactly what?
    Yes, I have an Exactlywatt on a chain!

    Exactly what on a chain?
    Yes what?
    No, Exactlywatt!

    That's what I want to know!
    I told you - Exactlywatt!
    Exactly WHAT?
    Yes what?

    Yes, it's with me!
    What's with you?
    Exactlywatt - that's what's with me.
    Me who?

    GO AWAY!

    Knock knock...

    Shel%20Silverstein Report


    ...But the roses are wilting, the violettes are dead, the sugar bowl is empty and so is my head.



    The wind brushed me softly
    As I walked toward the gate,
    Snow covered the ground in blankets,
    Birds flew south, where it is safe

    Safe from the cold and the wind and the rain
    Safe from the loss
    The heartbreak
    the pain.




    Life sucks sometimes.
    But you know what doesn't suck?
    Having your feet strong on the ground
    Being able to breathe
    Feeling love
    That quick smile you and a stranger shared
    Like your hearts are related
    The changing of seasons and wind
    Knowing that you are loved.
    Continuing to hope and joke and love and live
    That doesn't suck.
    So as life goes on, promise me this
    That you will be grateful and kind and strong and hopeful
    Promise me







    Out of the night that covers me,
    Black as the pit from pole to pole,
    I thank whatever gods may be
    For my unconquerable soul.

    In the fell clutch of circumstance
    I have not winced nor cried aloud.
    Under the bludgeonings of chance
    My head is bloody, but unbowed.

    Beyond this place of wrath and tears
    Looms but the Horror of the shade,
    And yet the menace of the years
    Finds and shall find me unafraid.

    It matters not how strait the gate,
    How charged with punishments the scroll,
    I am the master of my fate,
    I am the captain of my soul.

    -William Ernest Henley

    Invictus is a Latin word meaning “unconquerable.” Remember, pandas, you are unconquerable. If you’re reading this, your track record so far for making it through bad days is 100%. Keep fighting.

    Sorry, I know I already posted one, but I just thought of another one that I love that I wanted to share. Not original either, but no one that I don’t know very well irl gets to see my original work. I love poetry.



    i want to end it i have no meaning my friends are rude and dont treat me like human beings my parents left my when i was 2 and know there only one thing i can do

    Goodbye everyone


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    Lula Gage
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just because the people around you have been less than perfect does not say anything about you personally... you have plenty of meaning! And you WILL find your people. Please do everyone including yourself a favor and allow you and your beautiful soul to live. Get help, find a therapist or medication, love yourself, and keep hoping please. Life will get so so much better, please stick around to see it. Sending you so so much love and I truly hope you get the help you need.

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    Hey fiddle faddle
    My year has been addled
    I lost my job to Covid 19
    My condo has roaches
    My income atrocious
    And my right breast failed screening...
    My life still has meaning
    I am still here
    And in the horizon
    There is a new year.



    Nathicana, by Lovecraft. Excerpt:
    Soon, soon, if I fail not in brewing,
    The redness and madness will vanish,
    And deep in the worm-peopled darkness
    Will rot the base chains that have bound me


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Didn't read far enough to see it was supposed to be original. Oh well. Down vote away.

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    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not whither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    From the Shadows a light shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be King.
    -J.R.R. Tolkien

    Not really how I’m feeling, but I love this poem because it not only describes Aragorn, but it’s a reminder that not everything is how it appears on the surface, and there are always hidden depths if you keep looking. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Sometimes, gold doesn’t glitter. Not all kings wear crowns.



    Roses are red,
    Voilets are blue.
    Some poems rhyme,
    This one doesn't.
    Because I given up.



    I sit
    eyes glazed with tears

    for a time
    when I can hug my friends
    video calls are not enough
    my friends hold me together
    keep me from breaking completely.

    for a time
    when i am not around my parents
    all day
    I love them
    don't misunderstand
    but I’m sick of them
    school was always my chance to get away.

    for a time
    when i rode the bus
    every day
    and got away from home.

    for a time
    when I didn't cry myself to sleep
    most nights
    my heart aching.

    for a time
    when all i wished for
    was to find
    a lost sweater
    because now
    I’m wishing
    to find
    my lost hope.


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    Lula Gage
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow, I love this actually SO much. I love the last stanza, too. I think we can all relate to the topic.

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    Why do I keep trying
    I can't help the crying
    but it's all fine
    when you see their life compared to mine
    words never mean enough
    because all our lives are tough


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    Summer Woodsong
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hang in there. I can't say it will all get better. But, maybe we'll learn to tolerate it better. sigh...

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    Born into the world I bring no possessions I am new.
    Here I am laying here and now my possessions are few.
    I’m crawling now getting about, this is what I now do.
    Rising up on my feet can’t stop me now for I am now walking
    Discovering my voice I make a choice never to stop talking.
    I am older now I am free, like other people this is me,
    My life is what I now see, and what I want my life to be.
    My choices vary far and wide it’s up to me to choose,
    Some choices I will win but then some choices I will lose.
    I have discovered that no one’s life will never ever be perfect,
    It’s up to me to live my life and make my choices worth it.
    If it doesn’t work out what life is about then I just have to try again,
    I will just have to try to fix that hole before the leaking of the rain.
    Now I am old, my life has come and been,
    Before my eyes I tell no lies, this is what I have seen:
    I have seen the good, I have seen the bad.
    I have seen the happy, I have seen the sad.
    I have seen the lost, I have seen the found.
    I have seen the homeward bound.
    I can see the present after the past.
    I have seen the few I have seen the vast.
    My memories are dying, they are becoming a haze,
    I am now sitting here in my chair seeing out the days.
    Good bye fellow world for it has been a pleasure,
    Thank you for having me, my thanks I cannot measure.



    this is a poem
    and it is a good Haiku
    I like turtle soup

    i wrote this cuz my brain wont compute for a big poem


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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do you know, a Tanka is basically a Haiku, with 2 lines of 7 syllables at the end. If you add the last line, it becomes a Tanka! This is a poem/ And it is a good Haiku/ I like turtle soup/ I wrote this cuz my brain wont/ Compute for a big poem


    Come with me, in my shiny black car
    On a ride, in which we shall go far
    This ride is like no other,
    you might just cry for your mother
    So buckle up, and hold on tight
    This ride will keep us out late tonight

    I’ll be your tour guide, I’ll lead the way
    I’m the one person with whom you should stay
    There are two stops, the second the newest
    I apologize in advance if you turn bluish
    Come along, there are lies untold
    Let’s go now, my story is about to unfold

    The first stop is defined by ADD
    A mental issue causing me to not be able to focus on thee
    Sitting still? Not a strong suit
    Time management? That might as well get the boot
    I take a prescription to help with this
    I hope that it would bring some bliss

    The next stop has history
    I apologize for the lengthy mystery
    I won’t go too in depth, only for my own well being
    If I went through it all… I’d be crying. THAT I’m guaranteeing
    It’s time we drove the trail defined, Depression
    I hope this doesn’t leave a lasting impression

    I started with the pain when I moved
    I don’t fit in is what this proved
    I was being bullied from the beginning
    I was trying to be happy but the negative always ended up winning
    I faked the happy feeling
    But you could tell the lie was peeling

    I started basketball, boy, did that start some wicked insults
    I was told everyday that I was too short and weak to have any good results
    I was beginning to curse
    Mainly because the taunts got worse
    Maybe if I opened up more
    My feelings wouldn’t be such a bore

    I hate that I’m telling you like this
    But I feel this is the only way
    I need someone I can trust, a real friend, you might say
    There’s more to the story
    But that remains untold
    I guess you’d have to know me for that part to unfold

    I hope you know, this just sums me up
    In the calmest way possible, of course, otherwise I’d just blow up
    Thank you for listening to my story
    My sad story, in all it’s sad glory
    I forgot to mention, the second trail has no name
    I hope no one has to live up to it’s so called fame

    Now, as I pull up your driveway
    In my shiny black car
    I thank you for coming on my ride
    I will carry on this story with pride
    Stay safe little one
    Don’t let this ride ruin your fun

    ~ TheDemonUnderYourBed



    I try to sleep⁣
    It's not easy ⁣
    Pictures play⁣
    Inside my mind⁣
    I can see how far I've come ⁣
    And what I've left behind⁣
    It's not quiet here⁣
    But I'm so very still⁣
    I can hear the electrical hum⁣
    The house settles as she breathes⁣
    I wish I could settle⁣
    Put my mind at ease⁣
    So I lie here⁣
    But it's never quiet here⁣
    Inside my mind.



    The jingling of bells--the alarm sounds.
    The voice it speaks in carries no dread.
    But I'm the opposite,
    I fear what is ahead.

    I'm barely dressed,
    I haven't brushed my teeth.
    I haven't washed my face, my pores,
    I don't want to know what's beneath.

    I open the computer.
    The clicks are set in my fingers.
    Day after day, the same buttons are pushed,
    The memory always lingers.

    I push the button without thinking.
    Joining the Zoom meeting.
    The loading screen appears.
    It'll just bring me to tears.

    I glance at the clock.
    2 minutes late.
    The teacher hasn't even started the meeting.
    How great.

    No time to grab breakfast.
    No time to grab papers.
    The teacher starts the meeting.
    Where is my eraser?

    My eyes widen in realization.
    My camera's on.
    I'm wearing a robe and pajama shirt,
    And I need to go to a salon.

    My cheeks turn red.
    I turn the camera off.
    I shrink back in my chair.
    I fix my hair with a scoff.

    On and on, the day continues.
    The homework piles up.
    I've barely eaten anything.
    And then my mother just has to disrupt.

    "Have you been paying attention?"
    Every day the question is the same.
    "Yes I have, Mom."
    Even though that was a lie of vain.

    Grades dropping,
    Homework rising.
    I failed my test.
    How surprising.

    Arguing with my mom day and night,
    I trudge through the endless week.
    I have homework to do over the weekend,
    Today has been so bleak.

    I've made it all the way to Sunday,
    Just to start again.
    All the way through the tiring week.
    But at least I have my friends.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hi people! So, I know the rhyming is pretty bad, and it doesn't keep a solid rhythm, but this is more of a vent/rant rather than a good poem. It may not make sense to you, but I made it have lots of meaning to myself, and I hope you can see the meaning as much as I do. :)

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    You know this one, let's sing along:
    And bad mistakes
    I've made a few
    I've had my share of sand Kicked in my face
    But I've come through


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    WEEEEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIENDS. Hello, fellow Queen fan! I am totally obsessed with the superior band!

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    There may be a reason
    I’m even here
    If you find it please tell me,
    For if there was one
    I think it flew out my ear.


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    Billy the kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    life is precious its the best thing you got, hold onto it very tightly, it really means a lot.

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    I wrote this poem during my middle of the night mental breakdown. So it might be trash. It is titled alone.

    I am alone
    I am trapped
    No one to hold me
    No one but me



    The murders are scary,
    They keep me up,
    But woman’s soothing voice
    Calms me, very.
    Although it’s true,
    Most the stuff we worry
    Will never happen.

    I’ve been afraid,
    The nightmares I’ve made
    Keep me up.
    The endless raid of Life


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    Lula Gage
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow, this is great. I love the way you remind the reader in the last stanza that your own ideas and stories are the things scaring you, not reality. You're a really great poet.

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    Against the warm spring breeze,
    I hear chirping on the wind.
    After winters longer freeze.
    Gives way to fresh green leaves.

    Children frolic in the field,
    Rolling in the grass,
    Laughing, playing, having fun, rejoicing winter's end.
    The sun reigns over all
    at least until cold fall,
    The cycle continues without end,
    But people change as well,
    With the seasons too.

    People grow old and die,
    But yet the seasons continue,
    Following nature's path.
    And everything that ends starts over new again.

    By: me



    Nothing left to say,
    Nothing left to do
    But sit around and wait
    To loose another screw


    See Also on Bored Panda

    People always say

    "why regret something you once wanted?"

    but if I had known

    what I know now,

    I never would have wanted it

    in the first place.

    ~ I have no idea


    See Also on Bored Panda

    "Why?" I ask
    I've come so far
    But there is still a higher hill to climb

    I can keep climbing
    But how far is the top?
    Is there one?

    And if there is?
    Where is the will to keep going
    Because from there, I can only fall

    "Why?" I ask
    What point is a view from the top
    If it only lasts for a few seconds



    roses are
    2020 sucks!
    f**k my life and hopes yours sucks

    (sorry it's just what I felt like I hope everyone has a good life🙃)


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    Summer Woodsong
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    These days are tough... sometimes you just gotta say something to let some of the pain out. No worries, friend.

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    Just want
    This year
    To end

    So I
    Can feel


    See Also on Bored Panda

    We watch the inferno fire
    and play in the ashes
    my depression is a dragon
    my faithful companion
    the only one who stayed
    when the Inferno came.

    She whispers to me
    in the silence and stillness
    One day the fire will consume me
    and I will be rendered dust
    carried by empty winds

    Long forgotten by faithless friends
    who ran at first sign
    of the consuming fire
    will still forget me then
    Fear not, she says
    Death is a friend you can rely on

    Maybe one day I will listen
    to my faithful dragon
    as we travel these ravaged lands
    but until then
    we watch the inferno fire
    and play in the ashes.


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    I am gone
    like the waxen candle
    after the meal is done.

    Seemingly lightless,
    Yet in some spiraled whisp
    of white cloud.

    I seek
    and yet will find,
    my true nature's space.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    In the end all I can do is forgive
    And live the life I was meant to live

    In the end all I can do is rise above
    The hatred and remember to love

    In the end we are all the same
    No one person is ever to blame

    In the end our voices will not die
    But sing to the moon and sun in the sky

    In the end, the beginning seems a dream
    Without light we hear our lasting screams

    In the end the ghosts of the past
    Are faded, shunned, and made to last

    In the end silence falls
    Silence falls through the crumbling walls

    In the end the cracks shall break
    And at last the wall shall quake

    In the end the wall will fade
    And the beginning is finally made


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    Lula Gage
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow, this is my favorite. It puts so much into perspective, and has such a beautiful tone, and voice of hope. Since your profile name is your actual name, is it okay with you if I add a quote of this to the end of my email signature, give you, Emily Weick, full credit? I just love this so much!

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    Alone in my box,
    living between each zoom call.
    What is there to eat?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Definitely can relate. Meditation and The Block have helped, and not necessarily in that order.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Is life...



    Ein Mensch, man sieht er ärgert sich,
    schreit wild - "Das ist ja lächerlich!"
    Der andre', gar nicht aufgebracht,
    zieht draus die Volgerung und lacht.
    Eugen Roth

    direct translation
    A person, you see he is annoyed,
    shouts wildly - "This is ridiculous!"
    The other one', not at all upset,
    draws from it the conclusion and laughs.

    of course it doesn't really work in english because of the german wordplay


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And now I find my typo - after sending it ^^ Folgerung - of course by the way, I just love most of the Eugen Roth "Ein Mensch" poems - but this on stands out


    Story's in my mind
    A blissful escape
    Wonderful for bedtime
    Or when awake
    Story’s of love
    Story’s of hate
    Story’s of rebellion
    All make
    A spectacular escape

    Best I could do if the top of my head.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    one time i nocked on a door,
    evrething silent i stepped through and roared
    my sisters were lying, unbreathing and whats more...
    they yelled april fools and i nearly had a heart attack.



    See Also on Bored Panda

    Big ginger love bug lives in my yard
    Wants love and food, which isn't so hard
    I pet him, he purrs and I go on my way
    But sadly that's not what happened that day
    When I set the food down, there was no need to beg,
    But he wanted attention and chomped on my leg!
    And by the next evening I'm calling the doc
    Explaining what happened and why I can't walk.
    The pain is unreal, my whole leg is bruised
    My lymph nodes are screaming, I feel so abused.
    The doctors have given me three kinds of pills
    The nausea's making me green at the bills
    So here is what I should have known all along:
    Cat Scratch Fever is NOT just a song!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hope you’re feeling better. Some cats are so fickle. Some are pure joy.

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    Light brings clarity
    Darkness brings comfort
    Light brings lonliness
    Darkness brings comfort
    North Is Up
    South is down
    Down is where I feel
    Love comforts all
    Love is foreign to me
    Friendship never ends
    Friendship for me is stillborn
    People have friends
    I have cats
    People can betray you
    Cats are loyal and loving
    I see those that have what I dont
    I try to get what they have and fail
    They say you dont know unless you try
    Why try when you know you will fail


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s so good to know you have cats. So good for your soul.


    I wake and look at the sun
    The world seems like no fun
    But I get up anyway
    To get dressed and start the day

    I wish to have a friend
    To spend the day with
    But I just sit... and find the wonders inside

    I read the best book series...
    I eat random food...
    All in total, I do nothing... but life must be filled with fun...



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    You know everything is going fine.
    Except there's California Fires
    And so many people have died
    Our country will be fried
    When either of the leaders are elected
    Either choice will have many new laws erected.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Have hope. Everything changes including bad times.


    roses are red
    violets are blue
    I got hurt ,oh boo hoo


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    Billy the kid
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't cry little Mae for i have something for you, just wipe those tears and blow your nose, here is a tissue.

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    roses are red
    blood is blue
    I went to a mental hospital, 3 times whoo hoo😔😟😑



    corona sucks
    i like ducks
    my school is virtual
    and (something that rhymes with virtual)
    i hate my mask
    and often i ask



    I try to sleep
    It's not easy
    Pictures play
    Inside my mind
    I can see how far I've come
    And what I've left behind
    It's not quiet here
    But I'm not so very still
    I can hear the electrical hum
    The house settles as she breathes
    I wish I could settle
    Put my mind at ease
    So I lie here
    But it's never quiet here
    Inside my mind.


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    She's pretty, he hurts her
    She doesn't see it all a blur
    She may smile but it all lies
    She likes all the guys
    The truth never comes out
    She may just have to breakout
    She's smiling outside
    She's crying by the dockside
    she is everything people want to be but its vise versa for her
    She is a girl that wants to be loved by who is


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love this so much! :3 and I agree with your user name

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    "The Cost"

    So much pain has passed through this old soul
    And I have all the marked scars to show
    But hope still pumps through these dark veins
    No matter the cost and the pains

    So much pain living within these eyes
    Growing colder, the warmth slowly dies
    Life’s been kicking the shit out of me
    But I’m still standing, defiant, and free



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    is the same
    my brain.


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    School is on
    Sleep mind turned on
    When life gets tough
    Sleep is enough


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    My whole personality
    Is built on one thing
    My support of women’s rights
    Are what make me, me

    Behind a mask
    All day and night
    Nobody knows
    Who I am inside

    2020, the raging garbage fire
    It totally sucks
    Just like Trump



    The year is
    Everything has changed.
    Every human living underground.
    From the radiation and war above.

    Others weep and shiver in
    fear. As others prepare for fight.
    One of them is I.
    I show no fear, or backing out.

    The earth is in battle,
    with creatures of robots and war

    Radiation and darkness,
    humans are under awaiting for the end.
    As if well there be in end to
    this war?

    As powerful and advance soldiers
    go above the ground to fight off the
    in heavy built silver suits with
    machine guns and swords of steel,
    we await till it is clear.

    The year 2020 is
    dark and a life
    to risk.

    For the sake of humanity.
    just a story I made
    while making a story I am


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    #64 I always regarded myself,
    Unable to become more than I was.
    Others telling lies that leeched into me like poison.
    Doubting life would add meaning to my childless existence.

    Shamed for the abuse a man inflicted on my child-self,
    Never encouraged, never pushed... to keep me "safe".
    Then a kind, brown-eyed man appeared and let the light in,
    He took the limits off my abilities.

    Nursing school graduate, first in class,
    Graduation speech purged the years of doubt I kept.
    Caring for the sick, the hurting,
    Fighting against a pandemic.

    Now life is full of meaning and fulfilment,
    Work never truly feels like work.
    Nursing is a gift to me, a soulmate of sorts,
    And life is rich and vibrant.

    All those who made me believe I was nothing,
    Are now replaced by those who build me up.
    They appreciate simple acts of kindness.
    I have found my home.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your whole experience has brought you to today. Your gift is making a huge difference to those you care for. Thank you.

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    This Be The Verse

    They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
    They may not mean to, but they do.
    They fill you with the faults they had
    And add some extra, just for you.

    But they were fucked up in their turn
    By fools in old-style hats and coats,
    Who half the time were soppy-stern
    And half at one another’s throats.

    Man hands on misery to man.
    It deepens like a coastal shelf.
    Get out as early as you can,
    And don’t have any kids yourself.


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    In Bed
    Watching YouTube
    While COVID Spreads
    Not being useful


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    Arctic Fox Lover
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wouldn't say "YouTube" and "useful" are the best rhyming words, but I like your poem! :3


    School sucks balls
    My grades are like water - fall(ing)
    My dad beats my ass
    But I do track and am fast



    When I try to sleep at night
    You won’t slip away with the light.

    I get it.
    There’s things that you wanted to do.
    Just because I can see you,
    Doesn’t mean I’m your second chance.

    So shut up and go away.
    Or forever locked in my head you’ll stay.


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    Roses are Red
    Violets are Blue
    Ethel's are Green

    (Old%20Ladies%20Underwear%20by%20Lee%20Mack) Report

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