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Gun control
Women's, LGBTQIA, and African American rights
Disagreeing with random person 2332 cuz they a b***h
That cancel culture is literally ripping us apart. like it’s “racist” to have a black person or a native american or any other race on a logo for a brand. Even if it’s not offensive at all, people will pretend it is. this promotes more inequality because now it’s primarily white people on logos. also chase the police dog did nothing wrong. JUSTICE FOR CHASE.
Using your turn signal. It’s RIGHT NEXT to your hand!!!
I once joked to a friend that european cars turn signal lights were just for show!
All the big stuff, and my right to be an extremely picky eater. People are so obnoxious about it. I like what I like
The point where we have a whole month to one group of people and where someone can get sued for rape while saving someone who is drowning, is way over the bar, this is not tolerance, this is doing the same s**t over and over expectacting something to change! You just need to accept that intolerant people exist! Mark my words!
No hill. During the course of my (long) life there have been quite a few of them. It’s easier to be willing to give up your life for something if that life wasn’t very precious anyway. However, I am finally so happy that there’s nothing I would give up that happiness for. Sorry.
Latin Endings for Latin Words
Both octopuses and octopi are acceptable plurals for octopus. Of the two, octopuses is the simpler and more commonly used. The proposed plural octopodes is based on the plural of the Ancient Greek word from which octopus ultimately derives. But it’s rarely used outside of the octopuses vs. octopi debate.
If you want equally, why is disabled people special treatment!?