Positive energy! Tell me about the good stuff, big or small.


I finally got my driver's license yesterday! I was slow getting it done and then my depression kept me from taking those "big" steps this past year. I'm so proud of myself!😁



    So much excited to publish the poems I've been writing for three years now.



    in 8 days i have my appointment to schedule my surgery to fix my spine :)



    A few days ago, my second little cousin was born. As a youngest sibling and a person who loves kids, I've always wished I was an older brother and my little cousin- now cousins- are the closest I can get. I'm super excited to get to know her- and she'll be the first and possibly only person in my family to only know me post-transition.
    Much smaller-scale, I got my ears pierced two days ago and I look great (as always but now with earrings). I've wanted earrings since I was a kid and I'm very happy to have my ears pierced.
    Basically, I'm very happy rn.



    When ever I get home from a long day of work/school, my little puppy Luna is alwas waiting at the door. It brightens my day.



    I discovered the Furry Fandom. Had I not, I probably would not be as silly or fun as I am right now. Also, I probably wouldn't have had the idea to write most of my stories had I not ran across it because of the Youtube algorithm.


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    Don’t know if I should be excited, but the amount of people who ask me to help them with math when I personally think I suck at it. It makes me happy that people
    trust me enough in my weakest subject.


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    I had a relapse, but I have been sober for almost 2 months. I'm feeling like myself again, and realizing I like myself, and I'm starting to learn to have fun again without the use of drugs.


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    Julie Snelling
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well done you, I'm sure it's been a hard road but you seem like your on the right track now. Keep it up.

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    I’m excited for the new Antman and the Wasp Quantumania movie, it comes out around my bday. Ima try and go watch it.



    I recently had my birthday party and invited a guy I had a crush on. He came and we played games at the arcade and ate pizza. He was so sweet the whole time and I was flirting a bit, and on the way home he slyly grabbed my hand and in that moment I knew I loved him and he loved me. He is now my boyfriend and we haven't yet met up again, but we are planning on seeing each other soon.



    So my school is having a dance in March, I asked my crush to the dance AND SHE SAID YES!!!!!! :DDD


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    I recently got into dnd with some friends and I’m really enjoying it. It’s a Monday tradition which means I have broke the curse of dreading Mondays. :) if ya hate mondays I Recommend consistently having something to look forward on that day. It makes it easier to get out of bed in the morning


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like Mondays because anything could happen! I don't like Fridays because they remind you nothing ever changes

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    I recently came out to my family as bisexual, and I also came out to my boyfriend, and he said he loves me regardless of my sexual orientation, he’s just the sweetest boy I ever met, I love him so much, we’re definitely eventually going to get married someday.


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    Warning. Plain speaking. I have officially finished my Xmas shopping for Dec 2023. I am not boasting just explaining. My general mobility is deteriorating by the minute. I had an opportunity to buy some things on sale. Early January. 50% off. Plus Gift cards galore. I will buy Purdys chocolates on line in November. I will also give some $$$ gifts.

    The holiday season is hugely special to me and no matter what happens in the next year with my knees I am prepared. Everything now neatly stored on a wooden tiered shelf unit from my late mother.


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    My life for about the last nearly 4 months haven't been the best, so I will tell you something that happened before this ongoing downward spiral began. So, I managed to make Section Leader and First Chair for the Trombones. I had celebrated a 1-year anniversary with my (now ex) girlfriend. I have been doing my best to make others happier and making them feel like they can come talk to me. My peers in highschool honestly have felt like my own kids and I've felt like a happy single father to them, and they drive me nuts. In conclusion, I'm really excited about the people in my life that show me the pathway back to life.


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    A few months ago I met one of (if not only) my closest friends, thanks Pinterest!



    My cousin was born today. It's a girl :)


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    I finally got on antidepressants! After years of battling with depression, it’s faded by a lot over the past week or two. It was hard going on them and I nearly gave up multiple times, but I made it! I won the battle!


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    I know a lot of people say their kids are the best thing that happened to them but when I say it I mean it in so many ways.
    Before my first daughter was born I was on a fast track to nowhere. I was drinking every day and taking whatever was on offer. I ended up in hospital with a crazy high blood pressure (208/268) I should be dead. I met my now wife of 9yrs and she got pregnant. I started thinking hard.
    I was on a disability pension (I have Ankylosing Spondylitis) I used to work in a nursery and did some landscaping and my partner is also on a disability pension. Her parents are both welfare dependent, her sister and brother are welfare dependent. So in a nutshell my daughter was going to be born 3rd generation welfare dependent.
    I decided I needed to retrain and do something with my life. I was at the time 28yrs old. I felt absolutely useless being that young and not doing anything, I felt like I was just sitting at home waiting to die. I was to young for that.
    I went to the welfare office (centrelink in my country)


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    Community Member
    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry my fat fingers pushed publish before I could finish........... I asked centrelink to put me through a course at TAFE (community college) and I wanted to do Youth work. I was a crazy kid and had a lot of issues at school. I completed a certificate 4 in youth work and took on a job at a school for at risk teens. I have since completed through work my certificate 4 in training and assessing, cert 3 in horticulture, cert 3 in agriculture, cert 4 in chemicals and a heavy rigid truck license. I now drive the bus to the school and teach the kids about Aboriginal Culture. I spend my days teaching the most awesome bunch of young people about bush tuckers/crafts/survival and the Dreaming. My beautiful girl was the catalyst for change and I love her more every day. # FTR I don't have anything against welfare recipients.

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    I got my hair cut short finally!! And I started dating my crush so that's good too :)


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    I uhhhh, my discord rp server is active after three years, and filled with the most wonderful people I could ask for, and I love talking to them each day


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    I got into a really big competitive swim meet with other states, its a travel meet, im so excited omg. Also i made a new friend a few days ago, and thats cool bc ive been feeling pretty lonely lately lmao


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    3 months ago I made a new friend who is now my bestie. before that, i was struggling with trauma, trust issues, and ptsd (and much more). I still am. However, my new bestie is the most supportive person i have ever met.he also shares my name and we tell each other a lot. we have both been through a lot. he is amazing and i appreciate him so much.


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