Hey Pandas, What’s A Fear You Have That Sounds Stupid But Has A Story Behind It?
I want to hear them!
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My somewhat stupid one is, getting falsely accused of a crime and spending the rest of my life in prison. I’ve heard a lot of scary things about being in prison, and I’ve heard many cases of police chasing the wrong suspect because it’s easier than finding the right one. So, as irrational as it may seem, that’s my stupid fear.
I have this fear of uttering something weird or disturbing when getting a general anaesthesia.
The story behind this is that once, as I was getting prepared for surgery, the doctor gave me the anaesthesic and the assistant told me, "Ok, now you'll start muttering weird stuff, and then soon you'll be asleep"; to which I replied something like, "oh? Really, do people say really weird stuff?".
She reacted strangely, suddenly seemed embarrassed... wouldn't look at me anymore, just after some seconds softly said "yes"...
This was my second surgery in this place within less than a year (needed two sessions). So later at some point, I realised that maybe I had said something REALLY BAD the first time, and she remembered me???
(I have other fears related to anaesthesia because something actually went a bit wrong that time, so I guess I should fear for my life rather than worry about social embarrassment! But this idea of unwillingly saying something disturbing has somehow stuck with me ...I had several surgeries before that but I had never thought about this.)
Mine is loud noises. not super weird but it comes to form an unlikely occurrence, where I and my family had fireworks shot at us and it hit my dad. we all lived, OBVI, but it still terrifies me
Ants. I’m scared of ants.
This is a new one. I love backpacking and there was one day where we woke up and there were ants ALL over me. I came to learn that they had been crawling all over my face while I was sleeping. They were inside my clothes all day, they were in my bag, sleeping bag and even my shoes. I still shiver just thinking about it.
Mine is water slides.
My parents made me go down one (it was like a funnel?) in the pitch dark. It was terrifying
I'm with you on that I'm always scared I'd get stuck and won't be able to get out.
Right now fear of talking to my friends. I am going through some tough time. Don't want to bore them anymore with my sad state right now. But at the same time I have developed a new fear of losing them because I am not keeping in touch with them. Sounds stupid to me but not able to overcome it. Mind playing mind games. Sorry for the rant
Tell your friends that your going through tough times that you need to deal with on your own so you won't be contacting them for awhile but you still want to stay friends and when you have your head together you will contact them again. I have a friend that does this and I'm always around when she is ready.
Being murdered in my sleep.
Several of my family members were executed in their sleep by someone that they thought that they could trust when I was young. I was the one who found them.
That is a TERRIBLE thing to go through, especially for a younger person. I'm so sorry.
I'm scared of glass windows. A bit over a year ago on my 13th birthday, my arm went through one and I got pretty seriously injured. I have permanent nerve damage and some pretty bad scarring, and now I'm scared of touching windows
Afraid of roaches, which ironically cured my arachnophobia.
When i moved from the chilly midwest to Texas at age 23, i saw my first roach, a giant water bug. It was fast, and it was flying…
It was like brown humming bird, from h__l , just levitating, and bumping into things with a thud sound. It moved towards me slowly, and the horror was intense. I now have a legit phobia of roaches, which actually has a name
When the bus is sitting at a red light in the middle of the train tracks. For crying out loud, leave that space in case a train comes.
A lot of my fears are my C-PTSD triggers. The bulk of them are. However I am also afraid of:
June Bugs - Just typing that out I shuddered. They're like little sticky imbeciles that should all be burned in the fires for all eternity.
Deep water I can't see the bottom of - This one is trickier and tired to a lake incident. One of my uncles took off not realizing I was in the water....well knowing the uncle he could have known but I'd like to believe he didn't do it on purpose.
Ladders - I've fallen off of too many of the dang things.
Sensation of falling - See above - plus I tried roller coasters or spinney rides but I have an imbalance in my ears so I get viciously nauseated and dizzy so fast.
Even if I can see the bottom, if I can't touch the bottom with my feet and can't float well it's a big NOPE.
Not a super strong fear, but falling in a cornfield. The first time I fell off a horse I was galloping full speed in a freshly harvested cornfield. Super spiky stocks were everywhere. I (being a naive 10-year old) had not tightened my cinch(part of the saddle that holds onto the horse's stomach) enough. I slid off the side of my horse (saddle and all) and landed on my knees in the spiky corn stalks at 35 mph. Still makes me cringe to this day.
I live in the States and I will never consent to a lie detector test. I will never willingly give a DNA sample. I won't spit in a tube to find out about my genealogy. The reason: I live in the States and there are too many ways this could break bad.
I am horrified of scraping my elbows and knees. I refuse to run on concrete or any surface that I could fall and scrape myself on.
Story: my brothers and I had just bought rollerblades for the first time. Their knee pads and stuff came in, but mine didn’t until later on. I strapped on my helmet and went skating anyway. My brothers really wanted to go downhill, I was wary but I didn’t want to be left behind so I did it. I started going really fast, my break wasn’t working, and there was a DEEP pond right in the way. I was going to grab my dad’s hand but I realized he was also on rollerblades and I would take us both down. My mom tried to push me in the grass so I wouldn’t get hurt, but I collided with my brother. I left a good puddle of blood on the sidewalk that day, and my knee has a cool scar.
Still terrified of bikes, rollerskates/blades etc
I have fell and injured the same spot on my knee 4 times now. 1st time I fell while walking and the skin came clean off (gritty road so it tore it off cleanly). That scarred over. Then my friend jumped on me and the scar tore off. It scarred over again. Ran for the bus and fell. Scarred over again. Now, a few days ago, fell while walking. As I sit here typing, I have a nasty wound on my knee. The things clumsy people have to suffer through *sigh* (edit: all of the times I fell, I fell on rough, hard, gritty road which effectively grated my skin off. Ouch)
Cannibals. I kept having this reoccurring idea that while I was asleep, a group of starving cannibals would come in and eat me alive and they would tear out my vocal cords first so I couldn’t scream. They would use their teeth to tear my flesh and somehow they were under my bed, in my closest, etc. so my brother comes in in the morning to wake me up for school and he just sees my half eaten, bloodied, corpse on the bed. That’s my weird fear
geckos. i am totally terrified of them. i have waited eternities to go outdoors because one was near my door, and i didn’t want it to come inside. i scream when one’s within 3 feet of me. i’m not entirely sure why i’m so scared of them, but i think it’s because of when one got in my house and i saw it wriggle out of my light switch. that sight freaked me out. i also think another part of it is when i finally worked up the courage to go outside for a prolonged period of time and face the geckos after the previous traumatizing incident. all was well, but when i was going inside, i made the discovery that apparently, there was one in my freaking sliding door. hate them. geckos, not sliding doors.
I’m afraid of drunk people because I’ve heard stories about some of my alcoholic relatives that are now deceased. I just don’t like to be around places known for having drunks. I can deal with being around drunks I just prefer to avoid it and when I am near them I’m very cautious. It’s dumb but it’s the honest truth.
It's actually quite understandable and my daughter has this fear because of her dad. She doesn't talk to him anymore.
Drowning in the shower (I fell off a dock into a lake as a kid and almost unalived). I have a hard time putting my face into the spray, it's that bad.
I have a not-quite-irrational fear of bugs getting stuck in my hair. I know it sounds unlikely and weirdly specific, but several yeas ago I woke up in the middle of the night with a live cockroach literally stuck in my hair. It got free and ran away before I could do anything about it, but there's just something about going to brush your hair out of your face and feeling something squirming around that can seriously scar you.
I'm lowkey scared of the dark. I guess it's not really the dark that I'm scared of, but what might be in it.
I'm afraid of the dark because I never feel alone anyways. When I have the light on I can reassure myself I'm alone. When it's dark I feel watched. I'm then terrified of turning the light on and seeing something I don't want to see.
Because of horror movies (Final Destination; Elevator), and one time I got stuck in one with my father. Didn't help that the dang thing creaked and groaned unsteadily. Had a brief period where I was almost over it...and then I saw Another (which I'm sorry, I DID enjoy it but I can't help but dumb it down for myself as "Final Destination but anime" given how the deaths played out), and there was this one scene that kind of cemented it back in. This isn't an overwhelming fear, mind you. I still get in them once in a while, if stairs aren't available. But you can count on my paranoid butt finding that one bar inside the lift to clutch onto for dear life until I get to my designated floor.
Jeez that sounds horrible. I’m low key scared of those too so, just so you know, you’re not alone
My stupid fear is tripping and falling in front of a lot of people. Like iv'e had nightmares. I saw it happen to someone and now I'm deathly terrified.
One specific horror movie.
I actually like horror movies currently, love most even! But there's been one specific movie series I've never EVER been able to sit down to without bolting and hiding.... SAW.
I watched part one when I was eleven or twelve.... Too much, too soon.
Maybe not a fear but it is a worry about something unpleasant happening. I never drink the last couple of mouthfuls of a drink I can't see the bottom of. This is things like black coffee or liquid in a dark bottle. I'm in my 50s now but, when I was about 7,I was drinking a cold lemon drink from a flask with my school packed lunch. Mum used to sometimes give me a cold drink or soup in the flask. When I drained my lemon drink I had a small, soggy, square piece of carrot from the tinned soup the day before, which must have got stuck when being washed up. I was so traumatised by this unexpected lump in my lemon drink that I promptly threw up.
Roosters....when I was little we had a chicken farm and every time I went outside the rooster would attack me without fail. I also have a fear of Emus. We lived in an interesting area in Texas where one of our near neighbors imported animals. When she couldn't sell them she settled on releasing them...onto our property...when I was 6 years old. Bad enough I saw giant bird monsters when I was little but I just recently found out that they can peck through bone. Especially that of a small child. Oh, and did I mention that she had released 4 of them at the same time?
Fire. When I was three or so I couldn’t see what was in a cup so I stuck my hand in. Inside was a candle. Good thing my parents like their water with extra ice, otherwise it could have been even worse.
I have this weird fear of the unknown where I get terrified to the point of near paralyzation. It rarely occurs, and i can’t go anywhere without someone I trust watching me.
Years ago, a friend lost her son due to her insisting he spend New Year's with them. Once he'd arrived there, he and some friends went down to the beach to sit on the rocks. Tragically, a large wave came over them, and he couldn't hold on and was swept off the rocks. His shoe was found days later, miles away, with his foot still inside. Because of that, I will never insist or even suggest my kids do or don't do something, for fear my suggestion could lead to tragedy.
Ummm.. im scared of moths. Like, deathly afraid of moths because i found one in my shower once. They terrorize3d me for the next few days because we had a moth infestation.
Years ago, a friend lost her son due to her insisting he spend New Year's with them. Once he'd arrived there, he and some friends went down to the beach to sit on the rocks. Tragically, a large wave came over them, and he couldn't hold on and was swept off the rocks. His shoe was found days later, miles away, with his foot still inside. Because of that, I will never insist or even suggest my kids do or don't do something, for fear my suggestion could lead to tragedy.
Ummm.. im scared of moths. Like, deathly afraid of moths because i found one in my shower once. They terrorize3d me for the next few days because we had a moth infestation.