Any facts that send shivers down your spine? Post them here!
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You'll never see what you actually look like. Mirrors show you flipped, and cameras distort your face. You'll never truly see what other see when they look at you.
Fir trees can grow in human lungs
Your teeth explode when you’re cremated…
Dolphins can (and do) rape each other.
Which way you choose to go when you leave your house could decide whether you live or die. If you go left, you could get hit by a bus, if you go right you could meet a friend and have a nice talk.
Nightmare on Elm Street was based off a true story. It is 100% possible but rare to die from a nightmare. You’re welcome :)
Every human is home to tiny spider cousins. They are called Demodex.
Your skeleton is wet.
One day, it won’t be! 🙂
Swallowing spiders in your sleep or having eggs hatch from a bite are urban myths, but spider bites being able to cause necrosis is totally legit. Brown recluse bites can even dissolve whole toes or chunks of finger!
i read this somewhere. you know when your face gets itchy at night? well those are skin mited having sex on your face.
I sota want to know how they do it cause there so small, but im not about to go to safari and search ‘skin mites having segg’.
There’s a parasite that detaches a fish's tongue, and then becomes its new tongue.
That there is a whole ranch in Utah where there has been so many skinwalker sightings that the ranch is actually called Skinwalker Ranch. The sightings started around the 1930s and still go on today. Just a lot less because the ranch is covered in security fences and it makes it so no one can come in.
I thought it was a cursed native american from when their cheif died? IDK, butI went on a school camp and everyone was scared out of their minds of skinwalkers.