We all dream every night—they can be exciting, bizarre, sad, or even terrifying. The latest vividly stay in our memory, and might actually give other people nightmares!

I dreamed about a zombie. Share the scariest dream you have ever had, everyone!


Two recurring ones. Getting trapped in an endless maze of a house and having something fall on me. The something falling on me one leads to me being wide awake, sitting at the bottom of my bed, desperately trying to find what fell on me.


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    I dreamed that there was actually Piggy, the Roblox monster, in my own house. I got panicky when I heard a sound. So my family evacuated the house, and I saw Piggy bouncing up and down waving its club. So I ran away screaming, then found a person striding towards my house. I yelled at her to run, but she just scoffed at me like I was stupid. I fell and woke up. It looked very real, the neighborhood and the trees and everything.



    I was forced into creating a monster, but all the monster would do was challenge me into philosophical debate rap battles, and man, I cant rap, and becasue of that donald trump got reelected, and holy sh*t that was scary



    I have had many scary dreams but the one that stands out the most to me is a recurring dream I have that began soon after I started being sexually abused. In the dream I am in a room with no windows or doors, so no way for me to get out. There is a small hole in the wall where someone is continuously watching my every move whether it is me getting dressed, going to the toilet, washing myself, sleeping etc. And on the other side of the wall there is scary guitar music playing. I had that dream many times when I was younger but now I am older I have it very rarely, thankfully.


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    Mariah Miller
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i have a dream a lot its hard to explain but there's this long thing and i do something if it doesn't work the thug gets bigger and someone like a mannequin comes in and screams at me then i wake up but its not me and i'm awake looking around and i said the floor hurts its bright put plastic my mom said and i was screaming and crying and i don't remember but a little of it ve slept walk in this dream open doors and knocked i've had this since i was 5 i went to the hospital once bc of it

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    I've dreamt that some monster picked me up, impaled me through my chest, and I began to die. I've "felt" the whole process of death right up until that moment where I felt that I don't exist anymore. Then I woke up.

    Other time, I've "met the devil", but only briefly, as I couldn't handle the experience of it. I was sort of lucid dreaming, I walked around my room, and thought "I wonder what the devil's up to?" (don't ask why, I rarely wonder about such things). It was a brief flash of horror, and I woke up in sleep paralysis, ears ringing, I've felt deep rumbling through my body, unable to move, and in complete terror.

    Scary, huh?


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    Mariah Miller
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    same oml my babysitter turned into one and chased me through me into a trunk and picked meh up i was like 6 to and the demon was tryna take your body over

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    I was alone in the woods and BAM I was in a cold dark maze, I could only see my hands through the darkness. and then I heard it, the sound of children screaming, the sound of my mother crying and calling for help. I see them. thousand upon thousands of children being cradled by their parents, I see my mom, I run toward her but she doesn't see me. " mom?" I called to her. She's crying. I see what she is holding. I see me with a gunshot wound to the head. I scream but no one can hear me, I scream hoping one person could see me. But they don't. someone taps my shoulder, I turn hopeful, it's my sister. I was confused, she could see that, she pointed to a pile of bodies next to my mother. My family. One by one their breathing stopped. my breathing stopped. And I woke up.



    I once had a recurring nightmare, that Freud would have loved.
    I set the scene - the butler's pantry of my childhood home, I am emotionlessly looking at my mom chopping my body into pieces, and putting them into jars to preserve. It makes me feel weird, but also makes sense - this is the place where you would keep the preserves over winter. I keep on watching over the situation, she is going at it, first my torso, then legs. I wonder I must be seeing all of this from above, with my soul levitating above my body... and then it dawns on me... no - I am watching it through my own eyes, from a jar, where my head is already conserved and placed on a top-shelf.



    I was about ten and went on a girl scout camping trip with my group. we were in a cabin and had bunk beds. our parents got the bottom bunk and we got the top. we messed around for a while and eventually went to sleep. I drifted to sleep and then suddenly, I was sitting on the edge of a cliff. I was peering over and staring at a beautiful forest on the other side of the cliff. I wanted to go over there but waited for a while. eventually, I stood up and my brother appeared out of nowhere. he pushed me over the edge and I fell. turns out I rolled off the side of my bunk bed and hit the cement floor. I slept on the bottom bunk with my mom for the rest of the night



    I have 2:

    nukes hit us

    enormous meteors hit us

    either way, world ends, we all die



    My parents turned into zombies.



    So, I constantly read about Creepypasta and watch videos about them too, and this isn’t really a dream, but one time, I was on my phone at night, and I seriously though I saw Jeff the Killer in my room (It was just my hoodie hanging in the closet) I threw 2 shoes, 5 socks, 3 t-shirts, and eventually, my phone, before I realized it was just my hoodie



    I dunno if that'll qualify as "scary" but it was everything else than pleasant:

    Sunny weather at a beach with our, my girlfriend and my, families having a really good time. The kids are playing in the water, building sand castles et al, the adults preparing BBQ, laughing, chatting loudly, dancing to music, you know the deal, just everyone is enjoying each others company. Me turning around, watching over my 2 sons as they are running around, being cheeky to their relatives. Then I see my "sis-in-law" with a sweet, little girl in her arms. Instantly I recognize my daugther as she is having my eyes and her mommy's copper-redish wild hair. My flower is coming down to the beach, wearing a gorgeous summerdress, approaching her sister to get our girl, turning towards me with her big, beautiful, sunny smile on her face. As they're about to be next to me she tells little one, "Let's go to Papa and play with him", now with a shining glow surrounding them.

    Me, waking up in tears and sweat, shaking my head. Having two boys, yes, but she being for almost 6 months dead...



    This is gonna sound really weird but... when i was around five i had a dream that my little brother was taken by Curios Gorge and the man in the yellow hat into the back room at bed bath and beyond. When i found him he was strapped to the scary laugh thing from Monsters Inc. that made your lips big. When i grabbed him the building started to collapse and my parents didn’t know who i was. It still haunts me to this day



    Keep in mind, I have a lot of scary dreams, but this one really really got to me, so we all know that movie, Madagascar, I forget which one, but it is the one with the purple evil octopus. Anyways, the dream started out with me in my old school's parking lot, but there is grass in front of the fence, and that is where I was standing with my little sister and for some reason, the purple octopus came to me and stole my little sister. I was so scared, and so I lunged at it, but it then turned into a honey octopus and ate my little sister. When I woke up in sweat, I literally thought my sister was dead.



    I some times have dreams of being stuck in an endless loop, dying and dying, again and again. One time I had to go to the hospital cause I wouldn't wake up. The worst part was, that I could remember all the horrible and gruesome ways I died (Could almost feel them). Sadly I have been seeming to get them more and more lately. I haven't slept in 2 days


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    robin rumack
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't know if you have seen anyone about this, but, there is a medication that works well on PTSD dreams. I am a social worker and our MD prescribes it with great success.

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    i dreamed that there was a weird gang on the highstreeet who had their own shop. they had amazing cameras that saw everyone and everything. one day me and my dad were kn a bicicle ride, and we stopped outside. we hid behimd some railings. mg dad steped out and got abducted. then i got abducted . i landed in a strange world. then i wokr up because i couldnt take it any more 😂. I was about 6 and this terrified me


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    Ok mine is. I wake up in a old house, I start to wander thinking where is the entrance, the clocks all move and a couple days go by but it is always night. After this a face always appears in front of me it smiles at me then runs. I chase after it but it keeps getting further and further away until I cannot see it anymore, then right as I sit down from exhaustion I feel a hand gently place it’s self on my shoulder. I look back and it is the face except it’s eyes and mouth are bleeding. It opens it mouth and makes a horrifying screech then you can hear it say “Your time here comes to an end.” It pulls out a knife then right before it stabs me I wake up. I’ve had this dream about 3 time now and the only thing that changes is the condition of the house. It keeps getting worse



    I had a dream that a dog bit me when I was a child. It bit the inside of my wrist. Since then, I have developed a phobia of veins. Right now when I look back, the dream doesn't sound very scary; but back then I thought it was the scariest thing that happened to me haha


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    Mariah Miller
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    lol when i was 9 a dog bit me on my pinky and chin i got away fast enough though and i still dont hate on the beed it was the owners fault i walk the breed of dog every day and every one says nice dog lol

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    Probably my scariest had to be when I was like three. It started off with a pretty simple birthday party. When we got home, it was SUPER dark. Anyways, we are all just sitting on the couch when I hear a whirring sound, kinda like the noise a robot makes. Robot comes rolling out of the extremely dark hallway, then says “do you want to play?” Needless to say it still scares me to this day, and now I’m thirteen.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a similar recurring dream when I was three. My entire family went to the grocery store, save a sibling, and when we get back, the house is all burned on the inside and the stairs are on fire, and my sibling is on top. And a witch sits at the bottom of the stairs, cackling.

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    This one happened weeks ago...Ok, so I went to sleep, but it wasn't like any other dream I had. It was like I was still awake. I was paralyzed. I couldn't move at all. It scared me so badly. I wait for another dream like that but nothing.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's called "Sleep Paralysis" and it is REALLY terrifying. Sometimes you can see/feel stuff going on in your room.

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    Heh, ANOTHER scary dream I had was when I was super young, probably like 7 years old, so anyways I was in a haunted house with my friends, and so it was pretty cool because it was a mansion. So my friends got bored after nothing scary happened, and so they tried to find a chill place to hangout and play spin the bottle (insane children mind), and so we saw a bright light, a tv light, coming from a room. We walked there and there was a nice tv playing, you know it, Madagascar with the purple octopus. There was fresh popcorn on the ground, so my friends picked it up and watched the movie. I was bored, so I went exploring by myself. I went up the stairs, and I saw a red light coming from a room. I opened the door to childhood dog with red eyes growling at me. I was so scared I must of started crying in the real world. I woke up before anything could get worse, but this time I wasn't on my bed upstairs. I was on the first floor bathroom ground crying with my dad just staring at me almost falling asleep. Somehow, I slept walked down the stairs without falling (I was probably walking down the stairs in real life when I was walking up the stairs in my dream) into the bathroom all the way across the house. Moral of the story, never go into a haunted house to watch a Madagascar movie.



    I don't remember my dreams or nightmares. I just don't. However, sometimes, when I get fever and throwing up sick, I get horrible nightmares. How do I know? I wake up in a panic, still half-asleep and partly still dreaming. Sometimes I remember these incidents the next morning, sometimes I don't. And I never remember much more than what my body was doing and flashes of a terrifying, insanity-inducing dream that I can't quite wake up from. I've mentioned it to my friends, who just dismiss it as sleepwalking, but I am always completely aware during it, responding to other's questions and interacting with things around the house, but still not quite having escaped from the nightmare plaguing me, clinging on to my mind. These nightmares terrify me to think about them, so I don't think about them much until another one happens, or a trigger from one pops up in my life, and I'm left reeling, questioning myself again.



    I was 15-ish and had ordered Sleepy Hollow on DVD, as you did in the mid 2000’s. Some days go by, and I had this dream where I was watching the movie with my then boyfriend. While we’re watching, I realise I’m eating my bf’s fingers. More creepy than scary, but still.
    The movie arrived in my mailbox the next day.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    DON'T EAT UR BOYFRIEND'S FINGERS!!! (this time . . . hehehehe) OMG what the heck is wrong with meh


    I dreamt that I was in the Hunger Games in my own house.
    My best friend was there, too. I was part of the Careers, and my enemy, the leader, told me to kill her. And I did.
    Then I found out that I was possessed and I finally broke free, after I won the Games.
    It was weirdly vivid. I could SMELL it. Sometimes it comes back to haunt me.



    Ok, now this may sound odd but my scariest dream happened when I was about 4 years old. It started out as a normal dream. I was with my grandma, in her bedroom, and she started singing. But when she sang, every she was saying was appearing on something ribbon-like. Suddenly, my grandma stopped singing and I saw a cauldron. All my family was in it, but I couldn't move to save them. When I woke up, I thought I was alone, and cried.


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    I had a dream fairly recently that there was a fire in my room, and my parents didn't believe me. May have been mad scarier by the fact that I was at my friends house for a sleepover when I had the dream.


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    I had a dream that my family were lying on bombs and we couldn't get off or they'd explode immediately. In the end we called some sort of SWAT team to dismantle it but I wonder what would've happened if I'd gotten up...



    I guess this was a lucid dream or sleep paralysis? Anyway, I woke up in the middle of the night to my bedroom lights flashing on and off really quickly and a really loud voice that sounded like it was coming out of a VERY loud bullhorn. Then my room started shaking and then I felt myself get dragged out of bed as I clung to the sheets. So, um... Yeah. That happened.



    I was stuck repeating the same day over and over again (like in Groundhog Day) and it was one of those days, it's a Monday, your alarm doesn't go off, you miss the bus, and on top of that, you miss a conference call. One of those days, but to the next level. I missed the most important conference call ever. The bus was to the city, and on top of that, the boss FIRED me. And that day was repeating. Pretty bad dream.


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    The one where I ate a moldy cucumber on show and tell day and had to go to the hospital for major surgery, but they forgot to give me some of that sleep-stuff and I could feel the pain. Or one of those 'desk falling' dreams where in reality I'm half awake, and in the dream I'm sitting at a desk. Then I fall out of the desk and completely wake up, terrified and disoriented. OR that one where my worst nightmare came true. I was standing all alone in complete darkness. Monophobia. It happens.


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    Just so you know, when I say I was 'waking up' it means I was waking up *in my dream*.

    I woke up in the middle of the night and there was this man sitting on the edge of the bed. He told me to 'join him' or I would face the consequences. I didn't know what that meant (I had this dream when I was about 10) so I said of course I wouldn't join him. He suddenly got very angry and started yelling, so I dove under my covers. When I was brave enough to peek out, he was gone, so I went to tell my parents. I walked down the hall, but it wasn't them. It was two completely random people sitting in my parents' bed. They told me to join them, as the man had, but I was terrified. Somehow, I knew at this point I was in a dream, and I decided I needed to wake up. I ran back to my bed and closed my eyes hundreds of times. I woke up. Now the door to my bedroom was slightly ajar and I could see my younger brother walking down the hallway. A light was on from the bathroom, and all I could see was the back of his head, and it looked exactly like him, so I ran to give him a hug I was so relieved. But the boy turned around and it wasn't my brother. So I tried again. And again. And again. It never was my actual family, it never was anyone I knew. It was so much worse than it sounds, especially since every time I 'woke up' it was a different stage of the night, or a different bedroom sometimes.
    When I actually did wake up, for real, and went down to my parents' room, and it was actually them there, I cried because I was so happy.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Omg, I would've screamed as loud as I possibly could. My family/friends don't scare me too easily. I always scare myself on my own.


    I used to have this one quiet alot. I would have woken up from sleeping on my couch late at night. Believe it or not, but the elf from the movie "Elf", or someone like him, would tell me that I have 15 seconds to get to my bedroom. He never told me but I knew that I would die if I didn't. Most times I would get about 3 metres and would then stop dreaming. Only once did I get to my doorway. I've stopped dreaming that dream for maybe a year now. Was a bit weird considering I was only 7, 8 or 9.



    i was maybe 10 or 11 when i had this dream

    i was on my phone texting friends i dont know why but i was.I once seen a man with a black vest with pointy shoes staring at me with cold dark eyes with blood coming out of them . at this point i started recording and i blinked to wake up but i blinked to a different setting,i was on a long dark street with a family holding hand like 5 miles away. as i walked towards them they got more once i start running away they grab my hair and start to cut it.i was scared because i thought i would be bald.the man that i seen was the dad and he was the only one there once his family disappeared .He then told me to get on the bed that he provided with his powers .i got on the bed and some how i "fell asleep" i "woke up" to find the man eating half of my body .i tried to run and scream but he had muted me like a zoom host.


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    I dreamed that I was eaten by my cat. It was scarier than it sounds.



    I was playing in the beach with my siblings and we got attacked by man-sharks... You know that scene in Moana when Maui has a shark head? THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY LOOKED LIKE AND IT WAS SO FREAKY. Also I died


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    My scariest is a recurring one. I am out somewhere, and I keep getting hopelessly lost and can't find my way back. No matter how hard I try, I just can't figure it out. In real life, it's terrifying to get lost like that. Another version is being at school and not being able to find my classroom or my locker. Then I can't remember the combination. So odd to have these dreams, as I haven't been in school for about 45 years.


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    I woke up on a giant cupcake. I tried to climb down but the icing rolled me up and carried me away. It doesn't sound scary but it was.


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    Okay, so it's not really scary now, bu I was only like, seven years old, so this terrified me... So (my school was only one story) I had a dream that we found a set of secret stairs in my school. It was me, my grandma, and a friend. Then we- not walked- rolled down the steps (by choice) and then we met and evil farmer and he strapped us into these metal skis , that were on a table, and by now the door that we used to get into this room was gone. Anyway, it was kind of like an indoor barn if you know what I mean, and they had a bunch of animals behind those little half door thingies- he had horses, cows, I think a donkey, and PIGS. Okay so me and my grandma and my friend were strapped to these skis and forced to watch as the farmer took a pig out and chopped it's head off with an ax. I remember that we escaped but not how we escaped. But anyway that was a pretty scary dream for a little seven year old and i slept with my mom the next two nights.


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    Mine had to do with Attack on Titan. In the dream I looked out the window and I saw three Titans. My heart literally skipped a beat and I woke up so fast because it felt so real.



    Stuck paralysed in my bed, strapped down. I heard the faint noise of clattering and something breaking in the kitchen and it was freeezzzinnnggg cold in my room as well. Anyway, fast forward a bit and I am still paralysed to my bed but suddenly can actually move so I get up and run to my parents room and they have had their throats slit. I let out a deafening scream and try to remind myself it is not real. I get back into bed and find myself strapped down again and not able to breathe of move. My bookshelf moves and a man with flashlights for eyes creeps around the corner, climbs on my chest and cuts my eyes out and replaces them with flashflights before saying "now you can see the light". I woke up screaming and crying needless to say...


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    The scariest dream I ever had was being trapped inside a horror movie and being the victim.


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    me getting jump scared


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    I had a dream that I was in a weird, creepy store (target) and when i got in the elevator the lights turned off. the store was desinged with all kinds of weird layouts and what not and i can't remember the rest of it


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    The other night I dreamt that there was a secret room in my house. When I found a secret door to it, I found the remains of a tribe or something that got stuck in there. There were a ton of dead bodies and it freaks me out that I wasn't scared in the dream, or when I woke up. But the fact that that was what I dreamed about is unsettling.


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    Ok, so I must have been like 8 or 9 at this time so it was much scarier then. Anyway, all of my friends from grade school were hiding like they were playing a of hide and seek. I was playing with them. All of a sudden a metal solider (think Legend of Zelda dark night) grabbed my friend and shot them, obviously I ran and somehow I ended up in my childhood house hiding in the linen closet. As I started to wake up I heard the front door open, saw one of the soldiers walking towards me, and all of my friends from grade school screaming. Then everything went white and I woke up. So yeah, that scared 8/9 year old me. Kinda scares me now


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    I had a dream where for some reason, when I used the light switch in my room, it didn't work. I called out to my dad to come fix it. Assuming he was coming by the footsteps I heard, I turned around to tell him what had happened. Instead of my dad, it was a figure. I knew what it was. It was that... thing... It came up close to my face, its ripped mouth whispering in my ear. "1 19" I had woken up in a cold sweat. Nothing out of the ordinary. I had this dream about 2 weeks from when I'm typing this. I still don't know what it means. Please, if you think you know what this may mean, please tell me.



    I had a dream about a post-apocalyptic world run by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.



    I dreamed that I was playing cards with some friends of mine. then suddenly everything around us disappears. the only thing I could see were my friends and the floors looking like black water. the walls were gone so it looked like an endless expanse of nothingness. we looked around and then suddenly something comes out of the darkness. it looked like a big spider but with a longer body going upwards like Slenderman, and with milky white eyes. and with two long arms and long fingers, with a mouth with pointy sharp teeth. the thing chases us, and usually in my dreams when I'm running from something, I won't be able to run.. i just kinda feel like im wading through deep water.. I don't know why.. anyway, then even though I can run, I'm still moving forward and I'm going faster than my friends. They slow down, and the creature reaches my first friend, and the thing grabs them by their ankles. then it eats my friends leg.. and eats the rest of the body. we all try to run faster but it doesn't work. eventually the thing eats everyone except for me because I'm still running. it catches up to me and then the thing grabs me. then when its about to eat me I woke up..


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    First of all, my word, you guys have some freaky dreams!

    In real life, it was the anniversary of 9/11, so before bed, me and my parents and siblings discussed 9/11, terrorists, etc. I was 12 or 13. I think that's what gave me the dream I had that night. In my dream, I was sitting in the backseat of the family van, and my mom was driving. We were alone on a narrow mountain road. Out of nowhere a guy on a lawnmower (the kind with the two handles you steer with, not a steering wheel) starts following us. He looked like a biker guy (long gray beard, leather jacket. Also no hate to biker ppl or anything) I knew he was a terrorist even though no one said anything. I told mom that the guy was following us but she didn't think it was a big deal. I blinked and the car was pretty much gone (just not there anymore), just the floor and seats and wheels, but no walls/sides or doors or anything. I told mom to speed up and she started getting nervous, but the lawnmower terrorist went faster to keep up with us. Eventually he pulled up next to the car, by this time me and mom were terrified. He pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the thigh and I died and then woke up.


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    Huh - at nearly sixty, I live on the same street where I grew up - have had the same dream for fifty years. It varies, but basically there's the growing realization that "they're going to find the body".

    Got no idea why.



    I was held at gunpoint for about two minutes.


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    I was running down alleys from a man with a gun. He shot my leg and I fell. I was trying to crawl away from him and at some point I turned around to look at him only to find his gun touching my forehead. I couldn't see his face, but the sound that exploded when he pulled the trigger woke me up instantly. My entire bed was wet from sweat and I was hyperventalating. The sound that I heard was the thunder outside. Ten years later I was walking to a tutoring job that my university helped me get so I could earn a little cash throughout the semester. I turned off the street into an alleyway and it was the same one from my dream. I hadn't even taken a step into it before calling and apologizing to the tutoring group that I would no longer be able to work at this particular location. I've avoided that side of the city for four years before graduating. It might be paranoia, but that nightmare still sits with me today. I've had snippets of my dream happen in real life. There is no way in hell I will test the theory on that nightmare.


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    I've had one really bad nightmare and it involved me at boarding school. I was being tied down in front of the whole school the set ablaze by the headmaster. The worst part was that the flames never burnt out or did my skin burn away which left me in constant blinding agony.
    I was untied and forced to wander the school, ablaze and screaming out for mercy to be done and death to take me.


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    A truly horrific one that is terrifying to even think about. I generally have PTSD dreams of being chased & attacked, but this one was worse.

    I was going to my house, and there were people working on the power lines behind it. They... fell into the pool with a live wire. Charred skin, dangling, twisted limbs... ugh.

    I woke up and barfed, it was too real, too horrid.



    i was at a show where a shark was doing tricks and somehow i slipped out of my seat and the shark slowly devoured me

    i was taking a walk and a random snake shoots at me and kills me that gave me snake phobia


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    I became thanatophobic at five. Was at my aunts' house in Scotland (we live in GB) for the holiday. Had a nightmare about all the people I loved dying. They were just about to rise from the dead and try to kill me when I screamed myself awake. Now I always think about losing my family on a night, and that dream has made me scared as HELL at losing them. It was so sad... Where my friends only think about the here and now, I always think about how it will be when one of us dies... That dream messed my thought process up big time.


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    Last year I had a dream that a group of people were going on an adventure. They got to a point where they had to cross a river. There was a sign that said beware of alligators. In order to cross the river they had to walk across a thin dock. One person in the group fell in and I had to force myself awake.


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    I had quite the nightmare that no matter what I did, no matter what anyone did around me to stop it, Donald Trump was elected President of the US. I'm still trying to wake up.


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    As a child I had a reoccurring nightmare that I was being chased by the boulder in Indiana Jones while trapped in the "Lost Woods" from the original NES Zelda.


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    I have shivers just thinking of mine, oh God, here goes....

    I am completely terrified of centipedes. Like phobia level totally irrational, complete historics.

    I had a nightmare where I was lost in a DENSE jungle and a GIANT centipede gets tangled in my hair. I freaked out crying, trying to escape, ripping at my hair, running and running not watching where I was going. Then, I fall over a cliff, centipede still in my hair. As soon as I hit the ground in my dream I woke up with a jolt, sobbing. My husband had been trying to wake me because apparently I was thrashing in real life, kicking him. I couldn't be calmed down and couldn't sleep for a few nights after. Good Lord I hope I can sleep tonight.


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    A reoccurring one I had.
    It was like a video game and reality thing?
    I would find an egg or a chick. Then I would put it into this tiny cage, and it would grow, but then (I didn't think it was so scary in the dream) it would look a bit like a feathered crab, but then turn back into a chicken. I would play with it and suddenly it could talk. For some reason it started this army, and whenever I tried to approach the chicken, it would snap at me or something so I couldn't go near it. Its voice sounded female, so I'll call it a she. She had a name and it was Betty I think.
    Then I spun a wheel thing and got a dragon, and this dragon would stay with me. It was white and blue.
    After that, I would have to do the process again, except I would accidentally kill the chick or smash the egg. I would then have to force whatever it was into this super tiny cage which I didn’t want it to go in.
    At this time there would be a war of some sort, but I couldn’t do anything. This part I can’t remember so clearly because it’s a dream but what I remember was that Betty would be killed (with a lot of blood) and something made me super angry, there were these two really glittery ducks, and then I’d be speeding away on a motorcycle I think.
    Anyways it was way creepier in the actual dream than my crappy explanation because of the blood and stuff.


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    In an attic, there's a body is lying on the floor.
    The body has its stomach cut open, like in an autopsy.
    I had to light with an stick-like lamp on the body so that a 50-something year old woman would see to make the cuts properly.
    I looked away as she cuts, but my mum, who was standing next to me, said, "Aren't you going to take photos?"
    I did it, with small tears in my eyes, because the body now belongs to my favourite teacher.
    The woman folds the skin like a package.
    I drop to my knees on the old floor, and look in horror when she has finished folding it.
    Angrily I ask in a trembling voice; "What are you doing?"
    The woman replied, "I'm dismembering".
    I said, "Wouldn't you help her!?!" (With surgery?)
    After I said that, I took a picture of the skin, as my mum previously said I should.
    Shortly after, I hear a "sss" sound, as I look behind me, I see that there's gas coming out of a vent.
    I'm now desperately trying to take photos of the "package", because I know I have to run.
    As the gas is coming closer, I take a deep breath.
    When the gas is close enough, I run downstairs.

    Once there, I sit around a table, the one that's in my grandparent's kitchen.
    Everyone in my family was in the room, which is a kitchen and living room combined.
    I went to check outside. I opened the door but soon closed it for some reason. (I recall getting a BAD, BAD feeling about what's outside)
    But after a while in front of the door, I went out.

    It was windy - almost stormy - as well dark and scary.
    The only sound was the wind, with it's usual whining/whistling sound.
    I walked around the house, and there was this new hen house, which was lit up with a yellow light.
    In the window of the hen house, was this rooster which looked off, since it didn't move. This made me feel pretty uncomfortable, since who'd place a silhouette of a rooster there, in a night-time storm?

    I looked towards the forest - which is located roughly 400 meters / 1 312 feet from the house.
    The forest was completely black, almost indistinguishable from the sky which was almost as dark, but you could still see the clouds moving from the strong winds.
    The only thing separating the sky and forest was the faint light of the far-off city.
    After a while, I heard this real ominous music, coming faintly from the dark forest.
    It was the most infernal music, very unsettling and boding.
    This gave me an uncomfortable feeling, so I got inside again.
    I went in, to the table, and sat down.
    On "TV" there were 7 or 8 small Germanic or Eastern European folkdolls with strange faces, which were colored pink & red, probably flayed.
    They "teased" us with high-pitched voices.

    I asked "what does the gas do?" to my family.
    When I came in from outside, everyone had lost their hair, I might mention.
    In answer to my question, Dad said, "The nose falls off."
    This made me freak out, and I said "Oh god, oh god, oh god" because I somehow knew this meant death.
    I asked how he knew, and he replied that he'd talked on the phone with others who had lost their noses.
    I then said "don't you die of that?"
    "Yes, you do."
    "...But! Shouldn't it be possible to do a skin transplant?"
    "...Maybe so"
    After a while, which seemed to be a "black out", I came back from outside.
    Again, I walked to and sat down at the table.
    Then I see dad's nose drooping.
    Horrified, I point at it in and yelled "your nose is drooping!!".
    It was just a little "loose", as if the cartilage and bone wasn't there.
    When this happened, I thought about how they actually have managed to talk to others who have lost their noses.
    Because they died, didn't they?
    Then I get an actual vision of how in the room of a neighbor, there's two bodies lying face-down on the floor. Two creatures with moose skull faces and long dark hair stands over the bodies, one of which speaks on the phone.
    This froze me with fear.


    It makes no sense, but it was scary. Tenseness and fear was always there through it.
    Sorry for the length, but I remember it so vividly.


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    So, this happened around when I was 7-8. I was being chased by pretty much almost every murder character you can think of: Slender man, any fnaf character, hirobrien, freddy krueger, IT, and like 3 chinese urban legend character (not sure which ones tho). ngl, it was a pretty scary dream and I hope I will never have a dream like that again.


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    Oof Me
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I try to fling myself off a cliff when nightmares happen I woke up when I feel weightlessness

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