Just pretty much anything that would not be evident through your writing.


I've got a stutter. I like posting on here because people listen to what I have to say without looking at me weird.


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    I use hand gestures. A lot. My voice also gets increasingly higher/faster as I get worked up/excited, which results in me angrily gesticulating with the voice of a squeaky toy.



    uhh. I talk REALLY fast. Like, sometimes people can't understand me.



    Well (don’t tell anyone) but I’m secretly a human, not a cookie . Shh


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    saw & order
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am absolutely gobsmacked by this information, astounded you might say. I’ve been bamboozled. Hornswoggled. Tricked.

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    I'm very, VERY short. Like, BEYOND short. THE SHORTEST! Ok, I'm exaggerating but I'm the smallest kid in my grade :/


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    Crazy Cookie
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How tall are you? I wanna see if someones got me beat. I’m 4’10, and having met my mother im not getting much taller (I’m still In high school so there’s a SLIGHT chance I’ll be tall one day)

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    I sometimes tend to use ASL when I talk for no reason at all.


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    Deutschland Mädchen
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's so cool! I've been wanting to learn ASL but all I know is the alphabet and a few words like yes and no.


    I am a girl... idk lots of peeps keep thinkin ima dude because of the way i type...

    Also i will switch accents multiple times during a single convo just because im tryna see which one you understand best :)



    I'm actually a little cocky dipshit who's mean to everyone and generally just sucks but online, working with kids, and when it actually matters I'm really responsible and generally a pretty good person. Idk why im like this I don't particularly enjoy it but I guess it is what it is. Dipshit by day, good and responsible person by night



    -I don’t have eyebrows because of trichotillomania.
    -I’m not a huge fan of eye contact, so I tend to look at the floor when I’m talking to you.
    -My voice can be kind of monotone. But sometimes it’s overly loud, or too dramatic., etc. I don’t feel like I have control over my voice sometimes.


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    so I had to look up TTM, I didn't know what it was called but I used to have a friend that did that. (trichotillomania is when you compulsively pull out body hair, like eyebrows). I thought it was strange until a little while ago when I decided that pulling out my arm hair made me less anxious. It's slowly getting better so I've mostly stopped, but sometimes it pops back up again. And I also have the eyes contact problem. I don't know when it started but it absolutely freaks me out. Especially when I'm talking to someone and they get upset that I'm not looking in their eyes, even after I explain it makes me uncomfortable, and if I like you or trust you enough I'll at least look at your lips.


    if you only knew me online, you would know I'm a comedian, but irl, I have social anxiety disorder.


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I should add "with new people one-on-one" its better on stage where I dont give eye contact and with people I know


    My voice has different tones with different languages.



    I sit very weird. I hug one knee while putting the other leg under the leg I'm hugging.


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    Katie the Koala
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am happy to report that I slowly and awkwardly figured out what position you were talking about then realized I sit exactly like that. All. The. Time.


    I am a very distant get involved person. I have a silly personality but tend to get clammed up. I tend to information dump when I get passionate about something.



    I'm not actually a snake. Shhhh. Also I don't have a specific accent , I just sound like various British places in general, it changes up a lot. I also speak really fast and make far too many jokes. My voice can be very hard to understand sometimes. Just don't tell anyone I'm not a snake.



    I've been playing electric guitar for 26 years now.


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    you would see that my left shoulder sits significantly lower than my right shoulder, because of my severe scoliosis. you would also see that i have blue-gray-greenish eyes. and also people tell me i have a really good voice


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    I talk SUPER fast and use LOTS of hand gestures to try to get my point across. I also use the word y’all a lot for someone who basically has no southern accent until I try to talk to old people



    That I was overdosed by medical professionals and had to live with excruciating pain for a long time and had memory loss from the incident because they decided to give someone who had a previous brain injury antipsychotics and thought that wouldn’t harm anything..

    Also, that I was in school for cognitive science hoping to get my doctorate because I was passionate about helping other people dealing with cognitive issues (and I suspected a lot of people were being over analyzed incorrectly like myself) but wound up being mislabeled with mental health issues because the doctors didn’t understand the difference between what I had going on or my obstacles attached to it because of a head injury that happened to me vs someone with psychological distress.


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m absolutely gonna keep going with my profession. Why let a couple bad apples ruin all my hard work. ;p

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I actually…
    Have a name.
    I know I know, Unnamed Hooman is actually named hooman! My name is Alina btw (pronounced Uh-lean-uh)


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    Everything. I am a mystery. You dont know a thing about me, have a bad day



    I'm physically gorgeous.


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    I have a subtle southern accent that's more clear when I say certain phrases and/or words. I'm also pretty short.


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    Bisexual Axolotls
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm from the Southeast, but my accent only really shows when I get excited and my words blend together, or when the inevitable curse of the "y'all" shows itself.

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    You need to meet me to know haha.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I have glasses and I'm kinda small



    90% of what I say is sarcastic. Not even obvious sarcasm, you have to get to know me before most people can tell normal me from sarcastic me. I use it in every in person conversation. It started as a defense mechanism when I was bullied, but now I just use it.


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    I actually have 3 tattoos that are carefully covered unless I am the one who decides to show them to you.


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    I don't photograph well. When online dates wonder why my pictures are old, or there are so few pictures. They are usually pleasantly surprised (judgemental a******s)


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I'm super tall for my age


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    Why do people call me ninja. I've unintentionally startled a lot of people by moving really quietly and suddenly just appearing next to them. "How can you be there when you were just over there?" A phrase I often hear seasoned with a shocked expression. Because of this, my friend gave me a necklace that jingles as a present, and my coworkers gave me a rattling keychain chain that you can wear around your neck.


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    That I'm a strawberry flavored potato


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    I'm not into small talk and I wear my feelings on the outside, so you'd know pretty quick when I start getting bored. My daughter also tells me my mind trails off when she's explaining things, and she knows. It's true. What I didn't realize is I start muttering to myself and walk faster.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I am a small boi but make up for it in more smallness


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