The title is pretty clear. Share with us, what would you like to tell another person here.


The endless America-bashing. It's not enough to constantly trash what's wrong with our country while a significant percentage of us don't like what's happening any more than the rest of the world does, but the fact that so many pandas seem gleeful about rubbing salt into the wounds.

We get it, you hate us. You don't need to remind us every article, comment or gallery.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

we don't hate you, we're baffled....the enormous amount of extreme ways of thinking shocks me every time. i also would like more positive posts about the usa, makes everything nicer :-)

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    i love everyone on here. you guys have saved my life.


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    aww :( aslo, hi bee :) and I'm still mad at u for not going to my school :( ur a meanie :( lol

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    A lot of people on here really seem to be struggling, and I feel you. I really do. I'm not going to tell you it's all going to be fine and good because I can't promise that. But I will tell you that there will always be someone there for you, even if it's a random stranger on bored panda.
    That said, I am happy to talk if anyone needs to



    You have the choice to be positive or negative. Just don't bring the drama and don't be a troll


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Agreed, but sometimes there are hurting Pandas who need to vent, and we should do our best to support them. It's easy to know the hurting Pandas from the trolls.

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    Amy, life is worth it, don't give up



    For my fellow pandas,

    You don't know me, and if you do probably not that close. However, I just anted to tell you that I'm proud of you. You came this far, no matter what troubles went in your war, big or small you're here. Thank you for being here, I love this community with my whole heart. You have been for me when I was in the dumps every single one of you. You guys are so funny and I love reading your comments and talking to you. You are meant to be here, and I'm not sugarcoating anything. You all make me so happy and plead, don't leave. Everything will get better I promise. Even if you're just a kid with sh!tty parents, I promise it's gonna get ok. Or if you're a grown adult struggling with breakups and and the other stuff that comes with it, you're strong and I know you'll pull through.

    There's no reason to not get the help you need, and I know there are many pandas (including myself) who would love to listen to you.

    Oh and by the way, you look stunning.



    Dear all of Bored Panda,

    Thank you for everything. None of my friends are as kind and supportive as all of you. Without the source of community here, I would be in a much darker place in my life. I've been almost a year here, and my life is much better.

    Thank you,



    What I would like to share with all my fellow pandas is - please appreciate time. I woke up the other day and discovered that I am 68!! I’m pretty sure it’s only scout 20 years since I was 18 :( Appreciate the time you have with your children- all 5 of mine have now left home and sometimes I ache with longing to have them back- either as annoying toddlers or exasperating teens - I miss them


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    Jessica Shookhoff
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So true! Right now, my kids are driving me crazy because here it's midnight and they won't sleep, and yes, I want to pull my hair out. But, I also know that there will absolutely be days in the future where I miss all of this so, so much. Your wisdom is much appreciated and timely!

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    you guys have always been here for me. even when my own family wasn’t. i’ve made so many friends, a few enemies, and a couple of frenimies. sure, there’s the occasional BeePee troll, and the articles are pretty mid, but the community is pretty awesome. maybe it’s not irl, but i still love all of you guys.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I joined Boredpanda a couple weeks ago and I thought u were funny so I started commenting on ur stuff lol

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    Regrets! We all have Regrets. Don't beat yourself up over Regrets. Face it, consider it a lesson learned, move forward & be happy. 🌻



    You can do it, also i need 5 bucks

    (I’m only kidding )



    A lot of the people on here are really cool, nice, and I do learn a thing or two reading comments while I am scrolling through here.

    To everyone who sees this, you are awesome, and thank you for making this website awesome to experience on the daily.



    A couple years ago, I was given a very difficult to swallow diagnosis and had to be hospitalized a couple times and had surgeries.

    I posted a comment about it and so many of you wished me well and said you wanted me to get better. It made me fight harder.



    I started reading and commenting here a couple of weeks ago. First of all, you all seem to be very nice and sensible. Second, you crack me up sometimes! Thank you for being who you are ♥


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    The Kitten Overlord
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I joined a month ago, and WOW! I’ve seen ZERO toxic pandas! I’m sad about those who left, but exiting for the promise of knew pandas, rising up to take their place as passionate, kind Bored Panda Ambassadors!

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    This is my last year of school.

    I’ve been to three school districts, leaving being friends and enemies every time.

    I hoped my junior year would be perfect, but everything just kept getting worse. I collapsed, they think it’s a heart issue btw, my thyroid hormones crashed, and I got diagnosed with cancer. My depression relapsed and I started feeling suicidal again. But I’m getting better. My grades dropped and I got frustrated.

    But I’ve been getting better. And to ask you pandas who stayed and supported me This whole time, I love you. I wish you the best.

    Amy, I know life is hard, but I understand. Suicide is not the answer. I know you barely know me, but I’m begging you, reach out for help. I’ll be there for you, but there are us pandas worried about you too. You’re brightening up this website, and we love you. I’ve been through hell, you can find my story in one of my submissions.



    Likes and Points don’t matter! Don’t take them as either validation or invalidation.

    Also. We are NOT meant for this rat race world. Do what you must to survive. Do what you want to thrive.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Whenever it looks like I'm beginning to get ahead in the rat race someone puts in faster rats.

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    Guys thanks for being kind. And I just want to apologise if anyone here misunderstands me. I stand for justice and the little guy. If I rip on you/your country, sorry, just having a rough time here in Africa. We do respect you, just want equality. Anyway, where's Headless Roach, Nathaniel, Monday, Lakota Wolf, Sad Quokka, Feathered Dino, CaroCaro ,etc?


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also @amy I am a suicide survivor. It gets better. Reach out to people. Meaning comes from being available to others.

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    I love all of yall so much i wish i had this many nice people where i live. Ive never had so many friends before and i love when yall respond to my comments! always makes my day :D



    Far too many Pandas take the stories here as gospel truth. Most of it is made up for entertainment value.


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    Have I been downvoted a lot or has something gone wrong because I had over 8,000 points earlier now I have none. Has this happened to anyone else?


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    freakingbee (she/he/they)
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yeah i was so confused and thought it was just me at first, hopefully they’ll be restored…

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    That the opinions and comments of others, even if they hurt of offend you, don't have to change because of YOU.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's a big grey area between expressing opinions and spreading hate, and it's difficult to navigate. We don't have to accept hate, but we should keep listening and respecting different views and opinions. - My personal rule: is expression my viewpoint gonna 1) help someone? 2) give anyone insight? 3) keep a necessary discussion open? If all three are no, I keep my opinion to myself. Or at least, I'm not gonna post it on a public forum. In my private life, it might be useful or acceptable. But with strangers, I'd rather try to spread joy and love.

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    THEY LIES TO US!!!!1!1!1!1!



    Breast cancer feels just like a hard pea in your breast. Someone told me that once and it saved my life.



    I have not done a good job of remembering names. With that said, I just want to extend a hearty "thank you" to everyone I have interacted with on BP. Whether I am commiserating about life's ups and downs, telling bad dad jokes, or sharing random thoughts about the myriad stories, cartoons, and interesting photos, everyone has been extremely friendly! People lift each other up here (in general), and those that troll get down-voted out of sight! Truly a refreshing online experience. Again, thank you. (((((((HUGS)))))))


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    New Everywhere
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's the only "social media" I use because of what you just expressed.

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    I love reading people's posts and everyone here is really nice and supportive.



    Getting down voted makes me question every post I start to write. Down voting is so weaponized so that even if you're not being nasty or inappropriate, you can get down voted. I often try to take a moderate approach, but if the general consensus is more aggressive, some are going to axe me. BP admins don't always see that.


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    Michael P (Perthaussieguy)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Read #23. Don't fret the down votes. There are some people who will down vote everything just for the hell of it.

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    Whoever invented BP needs a Nobel Peace Prize or something like that people are so positive on here and it really makes my day even to see that so many people love everyone's posts here!

    Also quit judging yourself based on how many people like your stuff! I currently have less than 500 points but I am still so grateful that so many people still like to see my posts and other stuff!

    You are worth it and you really matter no matter who you are! I support anyone who needs it whether you are LGBT+, a furry (personally I love furries and I am one) or anything else that people might judge you for! I am willing to talk to anyone and I love to help people so if you need someone to talk to I am your person :)
    Thanks for reading if you made it this far you all make my day :)


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    Jessica Shookhoff
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not a furry but I fully support anyone who is! And your post is so lovely and heartfelt, it gave me the warm fuzzies.

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    I wholeheartedly accept you for who you are, embracing all aspects of your identity, including The Alphabet Mafia (LGBTQ+), race, religion, and more. It makes no difference to me whether you identify under the rainbow umbrella or have a different skin tone; what truly matters is that you treat others with kindness and respect. You are amazing just as you are, as long as you do not cause harm to others. 🌟



    u guys are amazing and i am so grateful for bored panda!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hear, Hear! Bored Panda is a way to escape the grimness of reality for a bit.

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    1. Help with expecting nothing in return
    2. Put your food in your mouth and not on social media



    tbh since i started reading BP i always wanted to be apart of “that community” i.e. nathenial lakota wolf amy lefty libra (just to name) most of the BP community sets the standadprd so high it helps me get away from the horrible real world. so i want to say, thank you.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Here's an upvote. I sincerely hope you'll find peace and fulfillment in the real word

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    it's IRONIC! Usually strangers on social media HIDE so they can BULLY people due to their low self worth. THEY ADD NO VALUE! they become liabilities in their own lives with what they say but you can't hide from yourself! KINDNESS IS A CURRENCY! GIVE LOVE=BE WEALTHY! When you know your worth, you won't give discounts! WE ARE ALL worth it! XOXO



    All the people on this sight, who are complete strangers, are nicer than a lot of my friends about everything and I love you guys for that. Thank you :)


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    Be kind to others. You just don’t know what someone else is going through. A smile goes a long way.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This needs to get higher up on this list. I see people get their panties in a twist over the littlest things, and I wonder why they they're getting upset over someone else having a hard time, too. If they'd listen, I'd tell them that EGBAR.


    Amy, I have seen your profile. You are an amazing person, please keep living even if it's just to SPITE those awful people in your life. Imagine someone tells you to die and you say "maybe i will" and then the next day you come back stronger than ever. How fun will that be? All my amazing friends, those people are just jealous of how amazing you are. Headless Roach, Lakota Wolf, Zara the Squid and all my other SUPER famous BPers, everyone depends on you! Don't give up now! Keep going, even if it's hard. I believe in you. Even if it's just me, a spark of hope in a galaxy of darkness can create the biggest fires of confidence.

    Please think of yourself like I do. An amazing, powerful, confident, strong and beautiful/handsome human being. What they call you does not define you. What they do cannot hurt you. You are a piece of diamond and if all of the amazing diamonds come together to form a huuuge glittering rock, we'll be able to smash the hammer of hate trying to break us apart. Love you my amazing people!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, always loving Amy's posts, and a shout out to Brenda, whom I haven't seen on here in a few weeks. There's lots of you Pandas I look forward to seeing posts from, like Amy, Brenda, and Lakotawolf. I might not always remember your screen name, but I always upvote you when I see you.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    England. And UK. So UK is a political agreement/disagreement formed since the Act of Union in 1707 between England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. And it was forged to make peace between neighbouring countries. And it was the aristocracy and Westminster, and still is, that make those decisions, that likely benefit them. Civil war is/was a constant threat. The Commonwealth is a Royal Family initiative paid for by the UK public. English people accommodate everyone. 20% of the population are born abroad. Yet we are misunderstood by the media as racist ruling classes who deny opportunity to vulnerable others. It's awful to be so turned upon by people you wanted to help.



    I just discovered that there are Pandas "following" me!
    I'm not sure why ya'll are "following" me because I'm probably just as lost as most of ya'll are, and I don't know how to contact you to tell you I need directions, too!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    A simple smile could possibly change someone’s outlook on suicide. You just don’t never know.


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    don't jump offa cliff amy! life is worth living, even if it's just to be there for people you care about


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    Thank you to everyone on here who welcomed me, accepted me, became my friend. I really appreciate all of you, I feel like I can be myself here in ways that I can't irl. (Especially to Rose, Donut, and Betta, I love the silly little treehouse world we've created)

    To a certain few: Please don't go. Just make it through one day at a time, I know it's hard but I promise it will be worth it in the end. I believe in you and I know you're so incredibly strong just for getting to where you are now. I will ALWAYS do whatever I can to help, please reach out to me if there's anything I can do.

    To the troll (you know who you are): LEAVE THEM ALONE ALREADY. If you hate the "wokeness" here (really just a supportive community), just go somewhere else.


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    Some of you are super nice, chill and I appreciate the comraderies when it comes to lifting up one another when we're unfairly getting downvotes.

    Some of you need to chill out and get to know me better. You don't have to agree with everything I say. I don't expect that. But I don't come from a place of trolls. Just a different perspective and I'm open for debate.


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    Jessica Shookhoff
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Respectful disagreement is the only way to reconsider our opinions, and I thank you for your outlook and your willingness to share it, even though it may not always be easy!

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I want to thank all of the pandas all around the world who share their photos of where they live or travel. There are so many beautiful amazing places that I will never go to. All the natural beauty, or man made wonders, or cultural expressions. But all of the pictures you share so freely help to open up and enrich my life. It makes a huge impact.


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    please stop downvoting people for asking questions. Why not answer instead?


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    Amy, how about instead of dying you come live in Singapore with me and Pidgeon? That goes for you too, may, i’m 18 and I can take care of you all, and I will. I swear on my life.



    not a well known person at all but ik she can read my post:
    Ce n'est pas correct en aucune façon de frapper les gens sans raison, ce n'est pas drôle si je pleure et que vous commencez à vous moquer de moi. si être ivre, c'est pourquoi vous aimez ça, arrêtez. et s'il vous plaît, abstenez-vous de contacter puisque je travaille si dur pour être vos stupides petites poupées étudiantes.

    thank the stars thats over. ily all


    See Also on Bored Panda

    You guys are really nice to everyone here, because we deserve it

    Except for this one guys on like, uh, Things Women Thought Men Knew or something, a WOMAN IS NOT SOMETHING YOU OWN. GO OUTSIDE AND GET A REALITY CHECK. JEEZ.

    Sorry for the rant...



    I feel it's like a little community. I'm not into social media so I don't tweet , instagram etc. I hear all these horror stories about online abuse but Bored Panda posts are always so uplifting and make me feel feel better about the human race.

    I also love "show us your adopted animal stories " Hopefully they are enlightening and educating people on how taking in a needy animal is way more compassionate and kind than buying.


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    Life is a lot better if you seek truth and not validation.
    Life is a lot better if you leave your ego out of it.
    Just because it's a popular idea, doesn't mean it's true or good.
    Not everything is about you, so there's no need to take everything personally.
    A lot of the stories are entirely made up; no need to live or die defending them.



    you guys are the best, I love reading these posts and comments in the mornings before school.



    All of you guys are so nice! Without bp I'd live my life thinking I was some cringe artist :)



    I love you guys a lot. You are super nice and supportive and everyone on here has something different to offer. I love how different everyone is, and how people from all different walks of life can come together and just have fun on the internet


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    I miss Foxxy! Zara has been quiet too! There were several names that I enjoyed seeing their input, many have been quiet lately.


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    Jessica Shookhoff
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wade, c'mon, what's going on? Are you struggling with something and need to talk? I know that when people in my life start talking like this it's because they need to be heard and seen. So, what's up?

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    Ignore all of the trolls; lots of people spam hate comments on whatever content they can find just to get some lols. i have been trying to ignore them recently, they want to make you mad by starting unneccesary dramas.

    Oh and P.S, The downvote button is a report button, not a dislike button. Sayonara!



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    Last week a fellow Panda mentioned a case in Colorado, I believe, that happened the day before or after the JonBenet Ramsey case, but it got little to no notice because the young girl was black. And I wanted to look more into it, but couldn't find anything, so I want to reach out to said Panda because I can't for the life of me, remember the name of the post (or the name of the Panda, sorry!). If I could get more info I'd like to see if there's any DNA and, if so, I'd volunteer to do the genetic genealogy for free. Even though I mostly focus on pure research, I am familiar with the forensic aspect of genetic genealogy. So, yeah, please give me so more info, because I'd really like to help in that case if I can!


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    Your fly is unzipped!


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    Can we have less reddit and tiktok posts and more Panda content? If I wanted to read reddit or tiktok, I'd go there.
    Idk, more "ask Pandas" stuff and Panda created content that you don't have to scroll through to reach to participate. I love seeing posts where Pandas share their creative side or sole artist they discovered elsewhere.


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    AxolotlViolet (they/them)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Exactly, Reddit won't accept me having an anthro animal persona that's nonbinary. However, bp is different

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    Hi. I doubt you guys know me. Just thanking yall for the pandas and posts that give me strength especially in dark times. BP is a great community and for anyone else who needs to hear this:

    You are awesome

    Every day is a good one, even if all you do is make it through

    Our world is messed up, but always remember to be a safe space for someone else.

    You never know what someone else is going through.

    Your story is a beautiful one, it may be a mess but no one’s is perfect.

    You guys (along with a loving therapist) are getting me through the dark time am in rn, so if yall need to talk, here are the comments ⬇️ and i will do my best to respond.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    DISCLAIMER: Below this is the same response. I accidentally posted it twice. My bad 😅


    Hey, Baby Frog! It’s Charlotte Stackhouse. I didn’t mean to offend the she/them panda. I was laughing at the joke, I see why it could look like I’m laughing at them. Sorry for the mix-up! 😅


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    Hi. I doubt you guys know me. Just thanking yall for the pandas and posts that give me strength especially in dark times. BP is a great community and for anyone else who needs to hear this:

    You are awesome

    Every day is a good one, even if all you do is make it through

    Our world is messed up, but always remember to be a safe space for someone else.

    You never know what someone else is going through.

    Your story is a beautiful one, it may be a mess but no one’s is perfect.

    You guys (along with a loving therapist) are getting me through the dark time am in rn, so if yall need to talk, here are the comments ⬇️ and i will do my best to respond.



    Juan Something: I’m trying to upvote all your posts


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    If you are living in the USA, just try and find a way to move out. In case social-health-and-overall-well-being, like human/worker rights, social nest is importantant for you. Europe is a continent with very many including-culture countries, where you can have a perfect awork-life balance with a decent salary, and no worries about your health, your's or kinders' education, being-let-aside-of-the-road,if you loose your job .... and so on... And if you think, that there is just anopportunity for white-collar-job people, you are wrong. Many countries are in need of people doing blue-collar jobs, and the payment reaches the needs. Sure, you havetobe good, as per normal.
    Doesn't apply, if you are in the privileged cast, but for 90% of the people living there, USA is a dystophian nightmare from a Marvell-movie.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just wondering then why so many people are desperately trying to get into the USA, often doing so illegally, if it's as bad as you say it is?

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    I come to BP when I am literally bored (like Failblog a decade ago), I never realised until this day that some people's lives revolve a bit around that website. And that a lot of BPs were minors, and more specifically children aged 13.


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    Nice Beast Ludo
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think the kids are much more mature and witty than a lot of adults and have a refreshing world view that I find interesting.

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    I wanna be able to say some of my opinions without being downvoted. Maybe if people read ALL that I have to say that wouldn’t happen.

    I think being lgbt is wrong. I think changing your gender identity to be more reflective of how you feel is wrong. BUT THATS MY OPINION. Y’all are free to live your lives as you choose. I will treat you as a human all the same. I also think a bunch of other things are wrong, like drinking and eating pork, but I won’t police people for that. Let you love your life, let me live mine.

    Palestinians have been denied a fair chance to self determination, and global politics is part of the problem. I am not attacking Israel’s existence, but I will stand in solidarity with Palestine until Israel gets off Palestinian land in the West Bank, stops evicting Palestinian families in Jerusalem, and ends the suffocating blockade of Gaza. Also, screw Hamas and the current Palestinian Authority Government. Even they’re part of the problem.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But can't you think it's wrong in your own head? I will also treat you like a human, but I can't understand why you would want to tell me I'm wrong (I'm queer). You are free to disagree with me, but saying so out loud is not gonna make the world a better place, and it's not gonna change me. - So I'm asking you, politely, if your opinion is only gonna bring hurt, and no love, maybe only share when people ask for it.

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