Share what would be on your to-do list if you had only one day to live.
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Have a party and invite all my friends. Call all the people I love but I don't talk to anymore.
Make a will so I know my dog and my art supplies go to someone who will take care of them.
Hug my family a million times and remind them how awesome they are.
Take my dog on a hike. Then I would glam myself up "to the nines" and go visit my parents. After a while, I would take another walk with my dog, find a spot to star gaze and wait for the sunrise (or sunset)...
I would make sure his godparents take him in, write down his medical history etc.
Hang out with my mother-in-law - it would feel like a year...
Make love with my husband, eat chocolate, and watch something humorous so we die laughing.
Hmm. There are a couple of POS people that I could "unalive" and since I won't be around to face the consequences... tempting. /jk. I think I'd make a video of everything that I think is wrong and what I think the solutions are, and share it with everyone on my social media. That's probably half the day gone. Then I'd call up all my reprobate friends and get hammered.
Get high
Upvoting to counter the downs... Down votes should be disabled when the answers are personal and subjective. :(
first, i would probably write down everything i ever wanted to say to everyone in my life (positive) and i would probably get a tattoo cause i've always wanted to, and i would go to school for maybe an hour to say goodbye to everyone, and i would take my friends, all of them, out of school so we could hang out one last time. and i would cook something extrememly elaborate and delicious for everyone i love. and i would hug my dog and never let go. i wouldn't sleep, cause there would be too much to do. and i would tell everyone not to be sad, because i don't want them to hurt because of me.
Drive to my mum's house and hug her, tell her I love her and that it's OK. Get my family and friends over there for some laughs and tell them how much they all mean to me. Make sure my cats get a home and give my stuff away to my 2 brothers.
I would plug in my earphones and listen to all the songs that I would love to hear one last time. I would go and eat all my favourite foods. I would call all my family members and friends.
I will write my will, wear my Sherlock Holmes Tshirt, and read all the Sherlock Holmes books I have with Jeremy Brett's Sherlock Holmes running on the telly and wait for the crack of dawn.
hug my family and friends, take a tour around my house, eat a looooot of food, then go to sleep.
I’d eat a massive portion of my favourite meal, mac and cheese, then I’d go to the shops and buy as much dog and cat food as my bank would allow, I’d take it to my local shelter and ask to spend some time cuddling with the dogs and puppies. Then I’d go home and kiss my 8 cats. Then my cats and I would climb into bed together and I’d read the final few chapters of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (from the moment they go to gringotts). Then I’d die happy because I’d have done all my favourite things
I would set a timer for 24 hours, so I know exactly when I will die. I will throw out all my inhibitions, do stupid stuff that I always wanted to as a kid but was “against the rules.” Run rampant in a store, knock stuff over, drive my car recklessly (on a highway with no other people around, I don’t want to endanger others), because screw it I’m gonna die anyway. I’d eat Tacos For Life and Andy’s Frozen Custard.l and Breadeaux pizza. Smash expensive stuff for the heck of it. (Take my stuffed Stitch animal with me on all my adventures.) After checking my timer, I’d smash my phone for the heck of it and end it all by jumping off the highest building I have access to, so the last thing I feel is like I’m flying. Of course, before dying and at some point in the day, I would also hug my parents and brother and call up my family and tell them I love them.
I would down a proper amount of magic mushrooms and giggle my way out.
Easy: I would spend every minute with my cats, since they are my most precious treasure! 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
There's nothing and nobody more important for me, so there's no hesitation here. I would eat my favourite pizza and give them extra treats and food they like the most. I would tell them how much I love them and thank them for everything we shared. I already know they would be taken care of. And then I could die in peace.
I would spend time with my family and friends. I would ask my brother to delete my search history. I would make myself my favorite food and then I would lay in bed peacefully with my food and my favorite book.
I would spend the day with my kids. I would write out everything that is special and amazing about them down and my wisdom encouraging to be their best selves showing them they can do anything. Then we would just do anything our heart desired. Also, I would go to mass with them. It is important that we do this as a family. God is very important to me. So, setting that example to attend church to be in prayer with them on my last day will show the important of it. Then while we are there I would get my last rights done.
If God and church is so important, it’s “rites”. Coming from an agnostic.
First, I’d write a bunch of letters for my sisters for the future. Probably one for every birthday until they’re 18. And once that’s done, I’ll make a brief will. Then, I’d spend the rest of the day with my family. Playing games, telling them how much I love them
Honestly? I'd transfer all my money to my best friend up North... except for enough to buy a couple of buckets of finest Champaign and chocolates... then I'd write a letter explaining that my best friend had nothing to do with my death, despite me giving him all my money just before dying... then I'd tidy up my flat whilst drinking: Put everything in boxes and generally make sure it's easy to clean up. I'd probably put on an adult nappy and lay down a plastic sheet - i mean my landlords made a d**k tonne of money off me but there's no point in me being a d**k about it.I might take the time to email Tony Blair and call him a c@~t... never forget!
Make sure I have a good home for my cat. Donate all my books to Little Free Libraries. Then go to my favorite bar and drink a bunch of craft beers.
I would likely die as an over thinker wasting the whole day trying to think of the best way to spend my day 🫠
confess to my crush of 9 years
Buy lots of Ice Cream and what ever else I want than invite my friends and close family over to party(possibly a pity party)
HMM. This is a tough one, mainly because I have so many friends, so I'd probably hang out with the ones I love the most. I'd also just drink a sh*t ton of caffeine, to get that final high one more time
probably go tell my bf i love him, then go to a green day concert (hopefully perform onstage too) then go listen to all my vinyls and die listening to the rock and roll band part of homecoming.
I would feel a sense of relief.
First, delete my search history. make a replica of the cardboard tank costume meme and rob gamestop because f**k it. Then I go play said videogames with familly and friends and in my final hours, steal some beer even though i'm way under age.
First hug and talk to all my family that are in the same house. Then call all my family members who aren't in the same country as me. Then if there's still some time left (because I have a very. very. very. big family) call/meet up all my friends. I think I wouldn't tell them that I was dying though, so that their last memory of me would be happy instead of marred with tears.
Make a tindr account and use a photo of myself giving the middle finger. Add a description telling everyone to go f*** themselves.
Apologize to everyone I hurt, make a will, have a massive blowout, invite everyone I know, and plan my last words.
I would make sure all money are in good hands, I would call everyone I know to let them know I’m gonna die, I’m going to sleep for 9 hours straight because I haven’t done so in about ten years, and then I’m gonna grab my pets and portal myself back to my home planet lol
Well first I would go call my birth mom and let her know that the way she raised me and my siblings is why we were all adopted out. Then I would hug my best friend and tell him that no matter what not to mourn me and instead celebrate the things I did. There is half a day..... Then I would go eat some Cheddars and the hour before my time is up, I tell the guy I like that I like him and go die peacefully with my sisters by my side.
I'd commit suicide in one last "F**k You" to life!
Go and rent an exotic car (Porsche 911 GT3, Ferrari California, Lamborghini Aventador), and just cruise. Bring my phone chock full of music that I love, crank the tunes, and travel around the area in style. Stop periodically to chat with friends in the area, grab extremely unhealthy meals from restaurants nearby, and top off the tank. Then, in my last hour or two, lead the police on an epic chase at extremely high speeds before crashing in spectacular fashion, making the news headlines and going down in infamy.
Give all my stuff that family wouldn't want, to the thrift store that benefits the animal shelter
Ask out my friend. Make sure my guinea pigs go to a good home. Donate my money to Greenpeace. Eat sweets. Go for a long walk at night and look at the stars. Give all my stuff to my friends and brother. Go to costa with my whole family. Visit my cousins (4 year old twin boys, adorable)
i got add something- i would also play all my fav songs really loudly , roast everyone thats ever annoyed me.
Spend every moment of it with my 2 kids. Talk - really talk to them about everything they will go through in their lives. They are incredible now at 14 and 18.
Tell my parents I'm not straight. Eat all the stuff I want. Go swim in the ocean, climb a mountain and yell at the top of my lungs, "AAAAAAAAA!" Because you know what, why not? Finish the final season (so far) of MHA, tell my crush I like her, and in my last hours, fly an F-15 jet. And in my last moments, tell everyone I have ever known (family, friends, etc,) that I love them.
Oh, and go to Spain and donate all my stuff to charity.
go to California. find the man I'm in love with and make his every sexual fantasy come true.
I would say goodbye to all my family, read a few chapters of my favorite book, and spend the last few hours at a cat café with my family
I would take all my good pain relief medication chased down with an alcoholic coffee. I’d put my wishes in the family group. And tell them (except two) that I love them.
I’d have my 3 favourite meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With more alcoholic drinks, cocktails please.
I’d spend every waking second with my partner and our 4 cats, ensuring they are going to be kept forever. We would be intimate.
I would tell about 4 people outside of my family I love them. And tell the majority of my social media peoples that relationships are 2 way streets and to take care of the ones that matter to you, better.
I wouldn’t rail against the fates. Just try and make the last memories, the best memories.
I would head to the nearest grocery store, buy every jar of Nutella on the shelf, then go home and eat every last spoonful right from the jars.
I wouldn't want to now
Since this is closed I’ll do it here. Honestly, I couldn’t take the stress and probably would commit suicide, oh and pray even though I’m atheist because better safe than sorry
Ask Jesus to forgive my sins, love on my animals, contact family and friends and tell them I love them and eat three incredible meals.
I reccomend "They both Die at the end" by Adam silvera. Really cool book. Go google it and read description
Since this is closed I’ll do it here. Honestly, I couldn’t take the stress and probably would commit suicide, oh and pray even though I’m atheist because better safe than sorry
Ask Jesus to forgive my sins, love on my animals, contact family and friends and tell them I love them and eat three incredible meals.
I reccomend "They both Die at the end" by Adam silvera. Really cool book. Go google it and read description