*insert funny description here*


If I were you guys even though I posted this

I’d totally send a message to ten people that if they didn’t send the message to ten people, I’d die tomorrow.



    You ALWAYS have "a day" left to live. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow might never come and all you have is today. BUT if I knew that the world would end tomorrow, I would gather my husband and son and all our dogs together [like this doesn't happen anyway] and love on them. Because, really, love is all you have.


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    shadow dragon
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To quote a wise tortoise I know, "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called present."

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    Write a letter to my kids and husband telling them how much I love them and always will. Go to the sea and walk for a while, have a swim if it's warm enough. Really appreciate it. Go to sleep with the sound of the waves and hope to get washed away.



    I'd probably tell everyone that's close to me. Knowing how time flies, it will probably take all day. Then with a final hour left, I'll kick back and just hang with my closest circle with a beer in my hand, talk, and try to keep everything as light as possible, you know, as if I won't die in an hour or so.



    Kill myself. I'd just want to speed things up.



    Eat whatever tf I want. I have a model-thin body and for some random reason, I'm completely obsessed with keeping it that way, even if I try to convince myself to take a break and have a pizza one day instead of a salad. If I have one day left to live, I'm sitting my ass down on the couch eating an entire tub of Oreo ice cream, a s**t ton of chicken sandwiches, sushi, and literally anything else just 'cuz I can.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The food option, I mean, calories don’t count if you’ve only got a day left

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    MakingNutella pancakes, deleting my "Spicy" folder from the PC and play with my dog. Writing a letter telling specific people how much I liked them / hated them while listening to my favourite music. Near the end of the day I would walk to a bench on a hill with a beautiful view over my home village - and chuck some wine while waiting



    Would probably spend that time with my family and closest people, as for the rest I really don't care, but at least I'd die knowing I was surrounded by my favorite people.


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    Annie BAMMANN
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's so sweet! Just from reading this I can tell your probably an amazing person!


    Panic attack, leading to a heart attack & die…probably the next day. A self-fulfilling prophecy..if I believe it.



    1 day only?
    So no real time to travel, spending your last day in airports and layover limbo…
    Delete my own internet history first off, last day could be on a different time zone knowing my luck.
    Spend a few hours setting up all account info and documents so the wife does not have to look or get locked out.
    Dust off the insurance policy so it’s ready to go, schedule the insurance agent to call the wife in a few weeks “just because “.
    Log into a job so the benefits pay double :)



    Spend the day on Bored Panda requesting sympathy from well-wishers!


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    Settle some scores.
    And have ice cream.



    Grab my cat and rent the most amazing private jet, because worrying about paying for it is a moot point, and fly to Dallas to be with the people I love. While I'm there, the Airplane Museum in Addison has several vintage aircraft you can pay to ride in with incredibly experienced pilots. I'd take a ride in a Spitfire. (Bucket list)Then I'd play golf with my nephew and his dad. Spend as much time as I can getting to know my nephew's wife with everyone sitting around just enjoying the late evening.


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    I'd spend it at home with my close family and friends. And do something practical like pack up the stuff that needs to be donated. I would just want to be with the ones I love and soak up as much of thr day as possible.


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    spend my time eating my grandmas food- i cant think of anything else- lol


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    Ideally: attempt to sell as much of my stuff as possible, tell my best friend that all my money is to go to her, and then just wait.

    Realistically: panic for the whole day


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    I'd just make peace at the end. I'd probably message my close friends (like three people) not about what's happening but just to say thanks. I'd probably just chill in the garden and listen to my favorite music and watch the clouds float by. I'd love it if rain fell so I can feel the beat of the drops on my skin for one last time before I go on that whatever awaits us.


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    I don't want to think about that. I cried thinking about beneficiaries. Certainly wouldn't be going to work, that's for sure. I'd spend my whole day with my daughter, take as much money as I can scrounge and we'd go on a trip to see the ocean.



    Scream. Then write. And maybe do my homework as well. And after that clean my room waiting for death.


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    I would go buy a tree from the nursery and plant it in my yard.


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    I’d really like to take my family to New Zealand so we can go (snow) skiing in the morning & surfing in the afternoon. Spending time with your loved ones while doing the sports we love would be an awesome last day for me.


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    Throw a party!


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    I would rent/steal the fastest car I could find and drive to Maroon Bells (outside Aspen, CO) as fast as I can. I've always wanted to drive Independence pass like a madman. If I make it, go for a walk with my dog around the lake. Jump back in the car/steal another one and take the highway back home as fast as I can. Find those I love and those who love me to say our last goodbyes. Eat a good dinner then spend the rest of the time i have before dying making videos for those I know reminding them how much I love them. I'd also film a couple videos revealing some things unknown and apologizing to others. A deathbed confession only relieves the person dying but those I've hurt deserve some closure.


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    I’d spend a leisurely day with my wife and my dog, eat some delicious greasy meal, and feel some relief that I don’t have to try anymore.


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    I'd go to my favorite beach, sit and watch the water one last time. Then I'd go home and spend time with my family, telling them all we had a heck of a good time together.


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    I would scream, cry, curse my luck. I'd then think about my problems one last time before forgetting it all, and making amends with all the people I've hurt or disappointed. I'd say all the things I was too shy to say to people. I'd eat delicious food, treat myself, and listen to my favourite songs. I'd run outside and race the wind. I would achieve more in my last day than in my entire life. Then I'd lie down in a rose garden until I'm gone for good.


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    Comment arson or other felonies! I would not lose a thing.


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    Tiny Dynamine
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As you can see, it sometimes takes a while for your post to show up. I think you meant "commit" as well.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Wait for a parking spot in a crowded mall,I would find eternity there.
    I actually don’t know what to do so I just watch Netflix,relax with my pets and go on with my usual life in case it was fake news.


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    Throw a big party with everyone I know.


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    The answer really depends if YOU have one day t live or EVERYONE has one day to live. If a meteor is taking out the planet, I’m not going to bother scrubbing my PC and browser history; if I ate bad fugu, I’m doing that twice.


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    Worry about how it's going to happen.


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    Use my Chaos Magic to rewrite reality into allowing me to live a lifetime instead (if the Phoenix Force doesn't already make me immortal).

    If I couldn't, I would bid farewell to all of my family and friends, do one last meaningful dance, close my eyes, and leave this earth and all its problems. :)


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    I'd wake up late, drink a cup of coffee and have toaster waffles, watch some TV, mow the lawn, have a shower, go to work, save a few lives for about 12 hours, then go home and fall asleep.


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    Watch the entire Star Wars saga


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    Contact my family and friends for a chat. Take a bubble bath. Make love to my husband. Go out to the woods to await the end.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I would jump outta plane without a parachute


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    First thing I would do is rush the stages of grief. I'd be sad, mad, I'd try to bargain with God, you know...all of that, once I got to acceptance, I would send messages to everyone, some would be of love and appreciation, the others would be all the "Eff you's" I wish I had said throughout my life instead of holding it in. And trust me some deserve it. Then I would gather my Fiance and kids, and we'd drive to the beach and I would boogie board until I couldn't anymore and then lay in the sand cuddled up with them and go peacefully and happily after telling them how much I love them and to look for me in their lives. To know that I'll always be there.


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    Comment arson!
    I would regret nothing!


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    Armour up a bulldozer with concrete and seal myself into it to wreak havoc on the local population.


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And, if you get captured, the local judge will give you 90+ years! Win-win!


    Come out as a trans boy and aro/ace.
    I'd also make sure to visit all of my friends/family before I died.


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    Hug my dog and listen to Mike Oldfield.


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    I would tell Dwell, Koka and Rowan, and Via and Asla (and the whole jatllos-x system) I love them, say goodbye to the enby club and Ainsley, tearfully tell my "kids" that pama has to go, and punch my mom in the face :)


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    Probably kiss my crush and squish my cat without caring if she meows


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    Die in about a day probably.

    Just kidding, I wouldn't even know I had a day left in the first place to plan something.


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    Comment arson or an other feliny! I wouldn’t lose a thing.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Depends...I would probably eat a lot....then text all my friends about how grateful I am for them...then eat.....read Keeper Of The Lost Cities Fanfics.....then idk


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