If you woke up and every single person on the planet had mysteriously vanished without any trace whatsoever, and no other changes to the earth (everything left as-is, no apocalypse or signs of disaster), what would you immediately do?


Relax, cause I think my social anxiety wouldn't be a problem anymore......



I, personally, would first “steal” as much as possible (if it can even be called theft as it is no longer owned by anyone). All those resources should keep me going for a fair few years. I’d attempt to find where everyone had vanished to, but to no avail. Then after my fruitless search I’d go and befriend animals so I didn’t feel lonely. I’d have great fun exploring, I’d be able to use anyone’s house as my shelter for the night with no shortage of choice. However, I probably wouldn’t end up lasting too long in the end.


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idk... i'd do anything i want, ig

i wouldn't have the worry of staying up to society's standards so yeah. i'd probably take stuff that i need/want from stores(since i wouldn't have to pay for them lol)

but i'd hope at least a few people that i'm close with would still be there. just so i wouldn't get lonely


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Download all the e-books I could before satellite maintenance went down. Then settle in for a nice time alone.


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Feed pets as I look through people's houses. Unlock the zoo cages. Drive all the fancy cars. Find a library and hope my glasses don't break.


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lissmerriweather avatar
Community Member
11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes! That sounds fun. I'd finally get myself a pet sloth! Just make sure to swipe a few pairs of glasses beforehand. It's unfortunate the bank clerk from the Twilight Zone didn't have time to plan ahead.


I would move all my stuff into the biggest home in town. Then I would gather as much food and water as possible. And I would start getting things like solar panels and inverters so I could have power in my new mansion. Then I would read every book that I have ever wanted to read. Also I would save some dogs and cats so they can keep me company.



Cry my eyes out from fear, panic, and sadness, then attempt to contact everyone’s numbers. If that doesn’t work, I would figure out how to do stuff for myself like cooking and cleaning.


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•sleep for 12 hours
•watch tv
•try and find everyone, but not too ugently because NO SCHOOL WOOOOO



Have a much bigger existential crisis.


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Go insane


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•find a suitable place to live comfortably
•Adopt lots of cats to help with the loneliness
•work on improving the state of the earth and environment/ecosystems and wildlife, then live as I can survive before dying so the earth can start to heal from everything humans have done to it.


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leonaschorleo avatar
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Though hopefully, the ecosystems would recover mostly on their own as there are no humans to mess it up. And the ecosystems that don’t - such as those with invasive species - the invasive species would eventually become naturalised there


Rob the grocery store. My food budget is minuscule at the moment and I want some good stuff for once. After that I’d have to do some logistics planning on keeping the animals at the zoo (and in my house) fed.


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See Also on Bored Panda

I know people aren't going to like this answer but I think I would kill myself. There would be too much happening that I would be feeling for me to be okay. Was it my fault for everybody to disappear? Am I being punished by everybody being taken away?



First, panic. Then find a huge house and adopt as many dogs as possible!



Take the dogs for a nice long walk, then settle down for a good session of gaming until the power went out.


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Honestly, I would probably cry a lot and die within a week or so. I have no idea how to survive in the wild.


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I’d panic, accept what happened, fall into a deep depression, but try to go and find things for awhile. Explore places I’d always wanted to where I live
Maybe try and travel across the country
Eventually I’d be too lonely to carry on but I’d try to get something out of life while I got a chance


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I would go to museums and touch everything. Maybe take a few pieces I like to decorate my home. I'd snoop through the White House, Area 51. I'd also love to search through the Vatican Apostolic Archives. I want to know what weird s**t they have in the basement.
I do suppose before I go snooping worldwide, I'll have to teach myself to fly a plane or sail.


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I’d panic, accept what happened, fall into a deep depression, but try to go and find things for awhile. Explore places I’d always wanted to where I live
Maybe try and travel across the country
Eventually I’d be too lonely to carry on but I’d try to get something out of life while I got a chance


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See Also on Bored Panda