Gosh these answers are going to be strange...
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Well let's just say every pizza shop in the world is going to be raided by noon....
Cats everywhere.
1. No religions! So much less disagreement.
2. Everyone is gayyyyyyy
3. Everyone is a Liberal!
4. So much anxiety. There would be no due dates or times you have to be places. Stuff is due March-ish You have to be at class at 8:00 ish.
5. Mo modern music. All 60s 70s 80s music. And jazz. Jazz stays
6. That’s it
Edit. Take out the religion thing. I don’t want to be offensive. I don’t know why I said that
Pretty much a bunch of dogs and cats and cows everywhere and steven universe worshiped and every sunday you have to sing sings from it, (I love steven universe)
We would all get along. No joke there would be no fighting because we would all understand the other persons thought process but also be able to bring new and helpful Ideas to the table. Now if we all had the same brains and the same thoughts exactly then there wouldn't even be a need for that, we could all just live happily ever after. Until one of my clones rallied up with others and turned on the other clones. Then we would have a problem.
- Ever read Lord Of The Flies?
- “...One Nation Under Law...”
- The Human population would die out because it would just be all females
- Everyone is gayyyy
- Harry Potters Children would have better names (like seriously J.K, TF)
- Everything and everyone on fire
- You literallly couldn’t step outside without seeing at least 20 dead bodies
- Musicals. Everywhere.
- The worlds biggest library
- Pride flags EVERYWHERE
- Bellatrix Lestrange rules. And Draco Malfoy is royalty
- Effed-up sh**
- Chaos
- More chaos
- Animals. Everywhere. Watching you. Judging you.
- Houses made of cinnamon rolls and apples. I’m being realistic
- A real Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria and Circus Babys Pizza World
- Even more chaos
I forgot to add- - Durmstrang, Hogwarts, and Beauxbatons (not how you spell it lol) - I get to be springlocked (that’s a weird dream of mine-) - Any Gryffindorks will immediantly be sent to the torture chamber - Lots more chaos - Petting zoo with all the animals. All of them. - Anybody thats homophobic, racist, or sexist, will immediantly be brought to me, where they will die a slow and painful death - The biggest amount of chaos
crazy cuz im bossy but i can be nice and my sis will have more bossy me'ss but she will get to play with 'em lol it be bad with too much me'ss
No one talks to each other and everyone is going through emotional trauma because of books
Lots of things floating around everywhere, and voices. That's what being a spirit is like... no one can see you
We would all go meet Ariana Grande and after that we will rob every ice cream shop. :) Happy to share with you.
every library & bookstore will be full w/ people also there'd be a lot cheaper price on allergy-friendly stuff cause i think it's stupid that dairy & gluten-free stuff costs more than the regular stuff and my fam is dairy & gluten-free
Well the whole world population would have a roblox account and (assuming everyone had different names) everybody's name that started with A got free 10,000 robux every month
There would be a LOOOT more pieces of fanart and also fantasy novels in the world! (I have so many creative ideas but so little time 😢) Among Us public lobbies would have a bunch of the clones in them and then would actually try to play well instead of randomly voting people off. Maybe I'd be a lot more confident and less afraid of being judged since someone else being weird along with you helps, and there would be tons of people being weird along with me!
And everybody wants to do what i want to do