Tell the story about the one time you got yelled at or even whooped over something dumb.


I make pride earrings for people and my teacher asked if I could make her bisexual earrings so I was like yeah totally and my dad saw me making them that night and said it was inappropriate and my teacher shouldn’t be “talking about that sort of thing” he yelled at me a lot and I gave her the earrings the next day anyway.



    When I was in primary school, we were only allowed to write in blue or black ink. One time, my teacher yelled at me for writing in "purple ink". The ink I was using was actually dark blue, but she ignored me when I told her that. I basically got in trouble because my teacher was blue- purple colour blind.



    i would get in trouble for not dressing up like a girl, for not wearing makeup. i got in trouble a lot because i didn't act like a girly girl. i would get into fights at school a lot and when i got home my ¨parents¨ would beat me till i was black and blue......



    Trigger Warning

    My father put his hand on my thigh while I was sitting on the couch.

    I moved away so he no longer could from where he was sitting on the ground.

    He moved his hand FURTHER UP my thigh than where it had been.

    I reflexively (very gently) slapped his hand off of my leg, out of fear.

    My mom started yelling at me. Later, she said that I should have “gently removed his hand with a smile.” She also said it was my fault for staying in shape (from MARTIAL ARTS, which I do so this sort of thing doesn’t happen.)

    Now, my mom is still mad about what I did, and I do not speak to my dad.



    Getting angry at a classmate for slamming my laptop closed on my fingers. Straight to detention for me because I 'disrupted class'. Never forget...



    I got in trouble for being transgender!



    I told off the deputy headmaster (also the son of the headmistress) after he called me a Satanist for wearing black and being sad. My uncle died a few hours before that. Years later I found out he disappeared after being inappropriate towards some teenage girls. I will never regret calling that SoB all the Slovak insults I knew back then.



    being born. it was h**l from then on. lol



    Back when Little Richard s 'Tuttie Fruiti' was new, I came through the door singing; 'A wop bomalooma bahwop bam boom' and got yelled at for cussing.



    Back when I was living with my mom and grandma I threw out a milk carton and I guess I didn't tighten the lid very well. So when my grandma moved it, a few drops spilled out.
    She got so mad at me that she didn't talk to me for like 2 days. It was so confusing and out of nowhere, I'm still baffled.



    Selling fake weed in Primary School to some older kids, I was probably 11 or 12, and they were 13. It was crushed up alfalfa pills I took from my dad's vitamin cupboard. The Principle (headmaster) asked me if he should call my parents. I said 'no sir.' He said 'Never do this again'. Never tried anything like that again.



    I get dehydrated at night and my parents yelled at me for having a water bottle in my room.
    I got grounded for tripping over a crack in the sidewalk.



    I hate injustice... So I hate when I get in trouble when I tried to do something good... Now that I have kids, I always try to asses the situation before I tell them off.



    So this girl in my class was the teacher's pet ( my math teacher)

    and she would try to get us all in trouble

    ( by the way we all hated her so we didn't really care at this point)

    so this one time I was doing my work and this son of a b**** told the teacher I was using a pen and the teacher actually believed it

    after that she called my mom and my mom actually spanked me because she believed it as well.

    Every time I went to my math teachers class I would always eyeball her

    moral of the story is don't trust anyone especially the teacher's pet



    When I was in primary school, I got in trouble for not telling my parents when I finished an assignment



    so I was on my switch and my dad said I was sneaking on screens so I told him I thought I could and I got into even more trouble.
    how can u get in trouble for telling the effing truth



    I got mad after being mocked. I didn't go crazy but apparently "I can't take a joke" .


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    Hehehehehehehehe (ve/ver)
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate when people defend their meanness by saying that you can take a joke. Its stupid and impossible to argue against.

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    I was driving, my mind in another world, when I got pulled over by a policeman. He was sightly irate, said he had been following me for a mile.
    I said, "I didn't hear your siren".
    Reply: only had my lights on.
    "What did I do?" For no known reason I was scared to the point of
    My license plate had expired!
    I am grateful to that policeman. Certainly, not for the fear he instilled, but for reminding me to be attentive to my driving. I never forgot.


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    John C
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If this is true and you drove a mile without seeing flashing red and blue lights in either your rearview or either side mirror, you shouldn't be driving. Officer was justified to be irate. A driver that oblivious is a danger to others and I don't wish to share a road with you.

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    I shined my shoe clockwise instead of counterclockwise, drank water from the wrong side of the cup, inhaled the general's air without permission, couldn't read size 12 font from 10 meters away, continued to perspire without permission during a South Carolina summer while running...


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    Anime SImp
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    um who doesn't have perrmision to breathe air , who ever told you that shouldn't be able to breathe air

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    I am six years older than my brother so I get the punishment for stupid things that he does.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's the same for me! Oldest kids are just the test subjects so our parents punish us and our siblings get away with murder. 😑

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    I was grounded for a week for folding the towels with the seams on the outside. Other groundings: Vacuum tracks not in the same direction. Button 2 & 4 buttoned instead of 1 & 3 after I washed, dried, ironed and starched my step-dad's shirts, 23 days for being 23 minutes late, for coming in after dark (as in after the streetlights turned on - still twilight), for listening to the radio while grounded, for reading while grounded, once for leaving my room to go to the bathroom while grounded... I spent a LOT of time alone in my room...



    Y'all remember that they closed all the schools on March 13? Well, 2 days before March 13 I felt really sick so I went to get my temp checked. Well, my temp was like 97 which was weird. The nurse told me to keep coming back after every class. I told one of my teachers and she said "Well if ur sick ur temp should be going up!" She went and had a huge conversation and probably argument with the nurse. I later felt very nauseous and threw up in the toilet. Well, since no one saw it except about 10 girls I couldn't go home. I had the flu I gave half of my class the flu because they wouldn't let me go home. Because, I wasn't there on March 13 I couldn't get any of my stuff out of my locker until the summer... thanks Mrs. Kassens



    not me but my best friend. in first grade when we met, she and another girl started a rumor that one of our teachers was a vampire. it was supposed to be a joke and nobody actually believed it, but they were both sent to the principles office and had to stay inside for recess for a week. they were in FIRST GRADE.



    I'm typing this secretly as I'm grounded for literally just doing my homework. My parents think I work too hard, and I was apparently being 'defiant' as I tried to justify the fact that I needed to finish responses for class.


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    Oviya Gowreesan
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My parents put me up with a lot of work, and make me spend all my time playing. When my teacher calls about me not finishing my work, they get mad. Parents sometimes tho -_-

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    My stepdad yelled at me for talking to my sister when she was doing homework. :(



    So there i was doing my work and i dropped my pencil and the teacher frl wanna come for me sayin " your passing notes?!" and im like bruh no nd she told me to sit outside of the class ;-;



    when I was like three years old me and my twin were at my older cousin's house, my cousins are like six years older than me and the put play makeup on me and my sister. when my dad came to take me and my sister home, he saw that I was were ing makeup and threw a fit. the whole way home he yelled at me and my sister. I was THREE when this happened and I thought I was playing with my older cousins, how was I supposed to know I would get in trouble?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why was Robert Catte's comment downvoted? It wasn't related to the post, that's true, but I found the info interesting! They did nothing wrong, why are they getting downvoted for sharing interesting things?

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    Ok this one is pretty dumb, but when I was in the third grade I had to go to the rest room with my mom and I was in the kindergartners hall for some reason. And I am a girl (preferred non binary) with short hair because I am a "tomboy" and there was a teacher standing there monitoring the kids. She straight up pushed me out of the way and said "WhAt ArE yOu DoInG! ThIs Is ThE gIrls ReStRoOm!" in front of my mom. My mom told her that I was a girl and I went to the restroom. Fin



    I got in trouble for wearing a hat in school, it wasnt covering my face



    not cleaning out my rabbit's litter box when there not kidding...3 BITS OF POOP. thats it, and she freaked out. that was today. *-* you got to be kidding. (babbleing cuz ya)


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    Rosie Hamilton
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not just the poo though. Urine as well. For the rabbit's health it does need cleaning out daily.

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    I got in trouble for wearing a watch! in 2nd grade!!!! my mom definitely had a word to the priceable



    Not me but my brother got in trouble FOR BREAKING HIS ARM, okay here is the story. So it was summer and he jumped off of the play set we had and caught himself IN HANDSTAND MODE and he went inside and was SCREAAMMING at the top of his lungs and my older sister just said to him “shut up” and he said “B B BUT I.... AHHHHHHHHHH” and he got grounded for a damn week.



    I got slapped by my school principal for...wait for it...sitting in the wrong place!



    Coming out as Bi. My parents don't support LGBTQ and i never intended to tell them, but unfortunately i ended up having to tell them, and recently i had skipped class for the very first time just because i wanted to and well, imma teen what do you expect, but i didn't even get in trouble for that, but when they found out i liked a girl, they assumed i was trying to be "rebellious" and i had to switch schools, which sucks because at that school i had actually had a social life and now i have 1 friend.



    When I was in first grade I didn't want to read the books at my "reading level" (I was a precocious reader) and instead, I just read whatever seemed interesting. My teacher took me aside one day and told me to only read the books in the 'P' and 'Q' reading level boxes. I was in FIRST GRADE. I didn't understand why at home, I could take anything off the shelf and read, but at school, I could not.


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    Elizabeth Molloy
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I skipped a whole section of the required reading in Primary School (UK, aged 5) because the teacher realised I was very good at reading. Yours was obvious a moron.

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    I have 2 and 1 of them actually happened to my sister but it's fine. 1. When I was about 8 years old my step mum and dad shouted at me for talking to my mum on a video call while my little sister was in the room because apparently my mums voice is poison. 2. When my sister was in primary 1 (I live in Scotland so when you are in primary 1 you are usually 4 or 5 years old) the teacher got really mad at her for writing with her left hand and forced her to write with her right hand but was still angry because the writing was messy.



    In 6th grade we were walking back from lunch to the class on the sidewalk and the teacher told us to stay on the left side of the sidewalk. I wasn't paying attention and walked on the right and then in class she gave me a detention for listening to rules.



    I got in trouble for sleeping like not in class but at home it was 7 am



    When i was in Pre-school i got in trouble for a reason i dont remember. while the teacher was scolding me for it, I looked up at the big plastic leaves that were on top of the preschool building then, looked down at my feet. The teacher started yelling at me for i quote and quote '' rolling my eyes '' so ya.....


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    Gold roses
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same thing happened to me with my mom looked at the clock next to her to see the time and got accused of rolling my eyes

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    I got in trouble for feeding the cats without being asked. I am an animal lover and enjoy caring for my pets. My electronics were taken for 5 MONTHS! I still don't understand......



    Kicking a rock on a playground that is covered in rocks.


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    Amelia Bedelia
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You could have hurt someone. Of course you got in trouble.


    First grade teacher sat me at a desk with a broken lid, but I didn’t know it. I lifted the lid to get a book, and let go, assuming that it would stay open like every other desk and it slammed shut. Lost recess for a week and she called me a lier in front of the whole class and another teacher when I tried to explain. She hated me and I hope she’s dead.



    Once, I and my sister had a little dispute outside (no idea what it was, probably something stupid), but anyway, I decided to go inside because she was, like, screaming at me.

    -So, around this time, I had a habit of locking the door when I went inside the house because my parents would get annoyed when I didn't.-

    As I was going inside, I L O C K E D the door, and my lazy ass stepdad, sitting on the couch, got up and was like- "I saw that whole argument going on outside there!" "You wanted to lock the door to get back at her!"
    And I, VERY CALMLY, tried to explain to him that I sometimes do that. People make mistakes. But NO. He had to DRAG the whole thing on and make it even more of a problem by blaming me for something that wasn't really my fault.
    He then proceeded to send me up to my room and SCREAM at me for 45 straight minutes.

    Keep in mind that my stepdad was also pretty annoying and was clearly trying to mess around in places that he did not have authority in. He also gave me odd vibes.

    very off topic but once, he took my sister to one of those "Daddy-daughter" dances (when my father had asked to go with her) because my mom thought that it would be a nice "bonding time"
    She refused to dance with him and both of my parents got really pissed off at her. Made me pretty mad.



    I was young but I still remember this really vividly.. I was maybe 4 or something, and I had got into trouble for saying something cheekily, I didn’t even say anything cheeky, apparently it was the way I said it, I can’t remember what exactly. We had a ‘time out step’ at my home and my dad sent me there, which was reasonable. However, I had a cat soft toy that I was very attached to, I literally carried it everywhere. My dad took the soft toy away and got mad at me when I started crying. I stayed there for about half a hour, crying, not because I was in trouble but because of the soft toy incident. He isn’t as strict anymore, but my dad was quite strict, and would sometimes grab me by my wrist and drag me, for example if I was taking too long. I don’t think he intended it to hurt but it was exceedingly painful.
    My mum also gives me into trouble whenever I snap at my brother. He sometimes tries to ‘run me over’ with his scooter, and my mum barely gives him into trouble, but I get told off-



    This boy who was obsessed with me kept trying to talk to me (we were unfortunately sat next to each other) whilst our teacher was talking and I told him to shut up because I wanted to listen to the teacher. He had been talking for at least ten minutes and I just said one thing to him and the teacher had a go at me for it and ever moved me (not him) to this isolated single- desk at the back of the room (which was nice bar the attention I got because of it). She was a really nice teacher usually.


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    Suzanne Haigh
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Teachers have off days so watch out when have are going through something.

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    when i was in school i already makes death treath to a kid in school. as a joke... was too young to realise how serious this is.



    One time I got in trouble for attempting to scan a quarter on one of the Safeway self checkout scanners i was 4 but i think i deserved it


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    Tee Witt
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At 4 years old I think this was displaying intelligence, your parents should have been directing you better.


    As a high school senior my Algebra class was the last period of the day. I got called down to the principal's office and cutting that class the previous day. I told him that I did NOT cut class, that we had a pop quiz even and to check with my teacher. He calls her, confirms I was there and gives me detention anyway. Why? Because I had never been in trouble before and was a senior, so he wanted me to have the full high school "experience." BTW, the teacher DID apologize to me when she found out I got detention for no reason.



    In 6th grade we were walking back from lunch to the class on the sidewalk and the teacher told us to stay on the left side of the sidewalk. I wasn't paying attention and walked on the right and then in class she gave me a detention for not listening to rules. (posted this again cuz I typed it wrong the first time)



    When I was in 8th grade, I got suspended for three days because I flipped off my math teacher. Now, I'm not saying that I shouldn't have had some sort of consequence because that's really disrespectful. However, this was LITERALLY the first time I had EVER been in trouble for anything at school. Also, a friend of mine flipped off the vice principal once and SHE only got lunchroom KP duty for a few days or something like that, so it seems like my punishment was a little harsh.


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    Momma Dubb
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This was the Administration's fault for not having clear consequences for certain behaviors. I think the suspension was warranted but the friend should have suffered the same.

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    Almost every time I do something stupid it either gets ignored, they don't care or someone did something worse (I'm the middle child so I got ignored a lot)



    Once I got in trouble in first grade for tying my shoes. I'm not even joking.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yo in 1st grade i didnt know how to tie my shoes.... teachers wouldn't help me tie my shoes and it took me 30 minutes

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    In primary school, I got taken to the principal's office because my teacher thought i called him 'gay'. He mis-heard me when i was having a casual chit chat with my friends about him. What I said, ' He doesnt care'. What he heard, ' He is gay'. I was in so much trouble and there was so much drama that even the bullies came up to me and asked me about it.



    For eating a small chocolate.



    Self harm. Yea. And also my depression makes me feel stronger emotions towards things, and when my younger siblings tick me off on purpose, to see me crumble, I get in trouble for that too.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I understand I hope your ok, and I hope things get better, stay strong your not alone.

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    In the fourth grade, our teacher said that we can ask any question about the assignments. I raised my hand to ask a question and I got in trouble for asking a question!! I didn’t shout out or wave my hand around! And a few more kids in my class asked some questions and at the end we got yelled at for asking questions about the dang assignment!


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    Holly Frame
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1 of my old teachers (who got fired for being unfair with the students) told us that we were allowed to drink out of our water bottles which were kept at the back of the class because she said that drinking water had a negative affect on our learning but we were only allowed because it was Friday. Then she got mad at the people who got a drink that day 🤦


    I was drinking a glass of water and I spilled some...
    I didn't notice it and my mom looked over and said, "OH MY GOD, Can you not see that spill there?" So I got a paper towel and wiped it up...
    After that, I had to do 3 hours of (Made-up) Homework...
    This happened today - 2/12/2021 - .
    I also got my back pounded and my arm feels broken.



    Once my uncle gave my a bullet from WW2 for Christmas and I brought it in for show and tell along with a picture of the rifle it belongs to. I got detention after school for 2 weeks.



    so one day in science we got introduced to scratch coding. i really liked it and was super interested in it. i have ADHD. so in social studies, my next subject, i wanted to try it out. after i was done with all the work, i assumed that we could just do coding, since there was nothing on the board, and there was someone else on it as well. so i go on it. i was the only one who got in trouble.



    In 2nd grade i got in trouble for being able to read above grade level. I moved school the next year. I am now top of the class. lol.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That happened to me in year 5. The teacher took my book but I just pulled out another one from my bag

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    I ripped some old jeans of mine (like stylistically, on purpose) and I got in trouble...ended up crying in the bathroom for about two hours
    and my parents don't understand why I have trust issues


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    Angel Lyke
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My parents don't understand why i have trust issues either...... Once they yelled at me for grabbing my sister's hand to stop her hitting me. I still wish they were dead.........

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    I blew out a candle, then my mom grounded me.



    I got in trouble for whistling at the dinner table. My dad made go whistle on the front porch for an hour.



    Got yelled at and send to my room/bed for drawing on the doorframe without being allowed to say goodbye to my grandparents. It was my sister who drew the letter "d" (as in my name). 22 years later I still don't know why she did that. Guess I got in trouble for speaking up though



    I got written up for someone else being late for work.



    I got in trouble for telling my stepdad I was done with my assignments



    For taking the dog to the vet and saving his life.

    I was 15 and our dog was clearly sick, trembling and in pain. My father is an abusive jerk and he decided that the dog was fine. After a couple of hours of begging and arguing with him (my mum agreed with me but she is a coward and never supported me) he forbid me to take the dog to the vet. So I left the house with the dog to pay with my own money. My father followed me and grabbed me, trying to pull me back home but I got rid of my jacket and kept going with the dog. At the end he just followed me to the vet. It turns out that the dog ate something poisonous and was in a lot of pain. Not only I never got an apology from either of my parents but also my father started mentioning to everybody how "I scaped from home" and how bad a daughter I was. I cannot hate him more, he abused me verbally for years, he only touched me that time. I am still hurt that my mother never defended me a single time.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Having a bread fight inside the house:
    My sister and I were young and the babysitter started it as a game.
    She let us crumple up pieces of bread and hotdog buns to throw at each other.
    Then we cleaned it up and she put the bread pieces up high into baskets my mom had hanging on the wall.
    Later on, my dad accidentally knocked down one of those baskets and stale bread crumbs went everywhere.
    My sister and I told him about the babysitter but he didn't believe our story and grounded us for lying. And made us clean it up again.



    When I was little, I was OBSESSED with wearing dresses/skirts! I wanted to feel like a princess all the time (LOL I'm such a girly girl), so I had several simple dresses and some skirts that I would wear to school. One day, my mom told me I had to wear pants because it was too cold. I got mad and tried to change her mind, but she wouldn't budge. So I wore the pants and smuggled a skirt to school in my backpack, changed in the bathroom in the morning, and PLANNED to change back after school. She never would have known if my silly little, like, first-grade brain hadn't forgotten to change back. (The reason is so dumb, but I get that I was punished... I was being really dishonest and obviously my parents didn't want THAT to become a thing.)


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I got in trouble for using the cookie dough I MADE that we kept in the fridge for everyone to eat. I got yelled at, and even though I left some and my siblings ate that, I was the only one to get in trouble.



    I ate too much at my brother's birthday party and later threw up. On his bed. I told my mom I needed to throw up and she made me go in and say goodnight to him because it was his birthday and I puked. So, I got in trouble and had to clean up the vomit and apologize to my brother. I was six.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wtf that's not fair at all. That's her fault for not listening.


    Once in eighth grade I got detention for *erasing* graffiti ( in pencil ) off a bulletin board next to my desk. Over forty years later, and I'm still pissed off about that one.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    My family scares the crap out of each other, so when someone scared me and I chased them, they got mad (they do the same thing) and I'm the one who gets the blame.



    This was back in 4th grade or so. This kid kept kicking my chair which was really annoying. And add on the fact that he was tapping his pencil on his desk and turning his squeaky spinney chair around.

    I have a hard time concentrating if someone's making loud noises behind me so I told him to stop. He looked at me and started kicking my chair again.

    So I got pissed and raised my voice a bit. This was probably my fault.

    The teacher, who was talking to the "popular" girls (who were the teacher's pets,) in an obnoxiously loud voice, looked up at me and said "[my name], WE ARE IN INDEPENDENT WORK TIME, NO TALKING."

    And then proceeded to promptly put me outside the classroom with a form to the principle and my parents.

    I ripped it up. It was stupid.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    For getting a snack. My dad was saying how i couldn't eat in my room, cuz I always made a mess. Meanwhile, my sister, was currently destroying the living room.


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    In sixth grade there was this kid who i had problems with and we had the same gym class and anger had rose between the two of us and we were going to fight but everybody was holding us back and i got detention for a day even tho there was no fighting or hitting


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    Doggo Froggo
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow - at one of my schools, two boys got as far as hitting but they just got told off.


    1. I was whistling. Got taken to the principal for it.
    2. Something personal fell out of my book. It was a piece of paper where I wrote about a student who was an absolute piece of s**t to me, and never got in trouble, bc I was too shy to tell anyone. This student found it and got me in trouble for it.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    In relationship with a bipolar narcissist so I could write a book...
    1) cleaning our bedroom and throwing away 4 year old magazines he never was gonna look at = Full blown temper tantrum with various things thrown at me.

    2) I repositioned the blanket and "took his warm spot"= most ridiculous fight I have ever been in.

    3) he said something really dumb and I apparently made a face... I'm not allowed to react to dumb things he says.

    4) Pretty much doing or saying anything he doesn't like or challenging him in any way...


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    Maru Järveläinen
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have only one question to ask. Why are you in a relationship with said bipolar narcissist? If you still are, break up. Heal. Be free. He is NEVER going to change or make up for it.

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    Not cleaning someone else's room


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    In middle school, I had a huge crush on the class bad boy. He was always getting demerits and detentions, and at one point was going to be suspended for a week if he got into more trouble.
    I tried to take the blame for him doing some stupid prank, but I was such a good girl that the teacher didn't believe me. He got suspended and I got detention for trying to cover for him.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I was in like kindergarten. I didn't know it at the time, but apparently the people at my lunch table left a big mess? Anyway after lunch the principal came up and asked who sat at lunch with me. I couldn't remember (kindergarten brain) and tried to tell her that, then I got in trouble for 'trying to keep my friends out of trouble' 🙄


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    I had my hat on backwards (i miss spelled hat in the first one)


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    A friend and I were at the school yard right by my house, and we were hitting baseballs around. The school yard was enclosed by a wooden snow fence (this was back in the '70's). We got the brilliant idea of hitting the snow fence with our bats and seeing who could make the chunks of wood fly the furthest. We must have been having too much fun and forgot what time it was 'cause my mom walked up to get us and saw us in action. No "time outs" back then!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I got in trouble just eating chocolate frosting and had all my electronics taken away for 2 months.



    Helping a friend with asthma.



    One time, got in trouble with a dungeons team party (hypixel skyblock, sweaty team) for dying to the one mob in the game that does half your hp no matter what. Got kicked, had to find a new party. I was the best player in the team. This might not make sense so I will answer comments lol


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    4 years ago

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    One time a kid tripped in front of me at school and my teacher yelled at me because she thought I tripped him. The kid just sat there staring at her and didn't even try to tell her what really happened.



    I once forgot to sign a drawing in preschool and I got in troble (other kids just got reminders after 30 times but I forgot one time and got in trouble )


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    I got in trouble for watching mha because my Dad thought it was porn , I had to show him that it was just an amazing anime and not anything inappropriate. I still got band from my phone for a week tho =(



    When i was 13yrs old, me and my buddy bought lots of new years eve fireworks and took a walk through our neighbourhood. we were throwing them carelessly into every direction and one must have landed close to a window of the house of a baker that had his shop 2 blocks from where i lived. the baker came out and kicked our asses as he and his wife where scared af. so my younger dumbass stupid self thought ok, he kicked our asses, lets put fireworks into the blinds of his shop....bottom line i got caught, it cost my parents 2k for the repair and i was grounded for 4 weeks. But i never bought fireworks again....



    I wrote in my name cursive in kindergarten and had to study during reccess


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You shouldn't be punished for having advanced writing skills.

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    Well, this isn't something I got in trouble for but it was my brother. So basically my mom was forcing my brother, my sister, and me to go on a walk but my aunt ended up showing up at our house and she was actually going to the mall so my mom said change of plans were going to the mall now and since my brother didn't even want to go on a walk he definitely didn't want to go to the mall so he and my mom ended up having an argument and my brother stayed at home and didn't go to the mall with us. My mom was so mad that the whole time we were at the mall and on our way to and back from the mall my mom was talking about kicking out my brother just because he didn't come with us (keep in mind my brother is 12y.o).



    Got in trouble in middle school for swearing...I said "Rats!" after dropping my pizza slice on the ground on school trip. My teacher's rationale was "You said that instead of a swear so it just as bad." I followed it up with "Well that's F***ing stupid." And had to sit on the bus for the rest of the trip. It taught me not to bother censoring if I was going to get in trouble either way, began swearing a lot more after that...


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Little did the teacher know... the rats were silently plotting against her for claiming they don't exist...


    I got in trouble for my shyness in 1st grade



    For trying to join a game of monopoly with 3 people playing bc it was "Full"



    I was 11. I had just gotten back from my school, and then my mother was waiting at my bedroom door. Apparently, she had found "Drugs", in a baggie. In my room. It was mint for a science project.


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    Commander Rex
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Eleven? Nah mate drugs don’t really start until 14 ish. No drug trade in the elementary school lol

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    getting slapped for telling someone they tried to kissed each other. tried to tell a teacher but she said mind your own business



    Oh I have so many. One was I brought a .22 bullet to school. This was WAY before what happens now adays, I had no plan no nefarious thoughts, I just found it and thought it would be cool to show off.... it wasn't... and I got in massive trouble. I got in trouble for eating the rest of my mom's diet cookies, which she finished the night before and forgot. I got in trouble for a cigarette butt found in my bathroom garbage from her (my mom's) friend's visit earlier, but she thought it was mine. All kinds of dumb stuff.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well the first school shooting happened in 1764 so unless you're hundreds of years old then no, it wasn't WAY before what happens these days lol

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    I had my hate on backwards



    I got in trouble for hitting a kid lightly with a drumstick ( We were in band class) when he was hitting my best friend harder than I hit him. After I hit him I ran away. He hit probably as hard as he could. We both got sent to the principal's office. I had a quarter-sized welt on my back from him. I still got in trouble for hitting him, I got 1 day of In-School Suspension (ISS) And he got 1 and 1/2 days!! Well at least I got some sort of revenge, his mom and I are close she's a teacher at the school. She's like the gay mom I've never had and always wanted. (I'm also part of the LQBTQ+ community I'm non-binary and queer.) His mom and i talk a lot i even have her number! lol



    One time, at my school, I got in trouble because I said hi to someone, and the teacher overheard thinking I said hell.


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    4 years ago

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    btw, why does everyone keep downvoting me just bc of my opinions, i can like Trump and dislike gay and stillbe a normal f*****g human

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    Want a second one? Did 90 days 'under observation' in prison because I had a little bag of a medicinal herb that should never have been illegal.


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    Vanta Black
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If it was genuinely medicinal, you would have had proof you needed it, or be able to contact your doctor so they could confirm it.

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    For bringing water bottles in school. I was about 15 and got (my first and most horrible) bladder infection. I had to take giant antibiotics every 4 hours and had to drink as much water as I could while also going to the bathroom often. I came to school with my meds and 4 large bottles of water. I followed the rules and took my meds to the nurse. About 2nd period hit and I needed the water. I pulled a bottle out of my bookbag and started gulping. Everyone started staring at me. My teacher was furious. I had no idea what I was doing wrong. Apparently, the yr prior a girl brought in water bottles full of vodka, and from that point on water bottles weren't allowed in classes ever. I was told I should be using water fountains. I was told I can only use the bathroom out of class twice a day bladder infection or not. I was told out of class water fountain fountain trips were twice a day as well. So I ended up staying home from school and damned near had to go to court for truancy. *shrug*


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    Vanta Black
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You should have taken it to court. Your doctor would have vouched for you, and your parents would have backed up your reason for staying home. It's not truancy if you have a valid reason, and your school was too stupid to understand and accomodate your needs.


    I got in trouble for doing my test to quickly even though I got 100%



    Every time for the past four or so years, when I would tell my mom a good thing about a friend of mine, she would say, "Then how come you aren't as good as them?" If I told her about some random achievement of mine, she would say, "Well that's nice, but you could have done better." Well, I dunno but I don't think I coulda gotten better than a 100 on my honors Pre-Calc midterm. My mom told me that "I should have done better" when I told her about it.
    And she wonders why I have a practically nonexistent self-esteem...


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    Commander Rex
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cut her out the second you can support yourself, she’s an awful person for even THINKING her child isn’t “good enough”.


    Not me, but my friend.
    There was a guy who was thumping his hands against his chest really hard. He hit her so she poked him in the chest with the eraser of the pencil. SHE GOT DETENTION. Also, the same guy pushed her down the stairs of the school (we have really steep stairs) and he didn’t get in trouble. Bonus one: There was a guy in middle school who had hated my guts since I came out as non-binary to my class. He was talking loudly behind my back about how I almost gave him rabies, the teacher heard him and he didn’t get in trouble.


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    I'd just switched schools and I knew nobody except for one girl trying to be 'popular' whom I'd made friends with, and she invited me to this sort of 'picnic' where there would be awesome snacks and we would make slime. Eager to get to know some people, I volunteered to bring the food coloring for the slime. We made the slime on the cafeteria tables, everything went great. Fast forwards to the short recess after lunch, we're heading to the track to eat some food when the teacher came up and told us the principal wanted to speak with us. We were obviously confused, since we'd cleaned up after ourselves (so we thought). It turned out we hadn't and the younger grades had waited for ten minutes for the custodian to clean up our mess. Thankfully, my parents to this day have no inkling of it, but to put a long story short, I got in trouble for trying to make friends with the 'it' crowd



    I was seven, and got in trouble for something I forgot about. A teacher at the school I was at took me aside because of it, and after we discussed, I then got in trouble for looking behind me, because the other kids were shouting. Apparently, that counts as "Rolling my eyes in spite."


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    I got in trouble for being smart in math.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Details- the teacher was teaching what 12x13 was and I already knew... I said math was boring to this girl next to me and she told the teacher. The teacher gave me: 234x127 and 2 other sums I got it right and he told me to not do it again...


    Pooping once. I don't want to explain



    I got in trouble for no reason:
    So I was in class doing some assignment where I had to rotate around to the different tables. And one table was full and a girl cried because there was no space for her to sit at the table, so everyone is like blaming me for some reason and people are telling the teacher that "I took her seat" when nobody sat at that table before. Then the teacher took me into the hallway to talk-- she obviously doesn't believe me and gets me in trouble. ((I swear people are out to get me))


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    For saying "Mind your own business" to my little sister when she was reading very personal texts over my shoulder. I was grounded for being "mean" to her and not setting a good example.


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    In third grade I got in too for walking with my feet too close to the ground



    This is one of the most dumbest things I got punished for. For throwing a full apple in my school's toilet. My Grade Level Lead must have mistaken me for throwing it in the bowl because 1, I did not have a single apple for my recess, 2 I did not like apples and 3, I did not trade a snack to my classmates for a apple. My mom got mad at me and I will never forget that ever again.



    My great grandpas funeral was in rapid city, so I had all my homework in my folders. But it had been a really windy day so all my homework flew away into the stupid wind. My mom said we could just email my teacher and it would be fine. So we went to the funeral, came back. And my teacher started yelling at me! Turns out that the paper that said i was going to be absent for a few days, well my teacher threw it away. AND the homework copying sheets. So yeah. Got in trouble because the teacher threw away my homework.


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    Uploading around six thumbnail images of stationery items to our web based Point of Sale system. The GM was sure that the pictures would overload the system, causing it to crash and leave the entire company unable to trade.
    The thumbnails took up 168kb. Total. o.O


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    I was about ten. At school each class would line up before being taken into school. The lines were monitor by older kids. One day as I lined up some kid pushed me over. The monitors grabbed me and I was marched to another teacher's class where he belted (leather strap on the hands) me twice for not being in line.



    for not being fast enough, I was supposed to get out of my house to go on walk with my grandma but I didn't knew and she got super mad


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well obviously you were supposed to read he mind.. duh (sarcasm)


    I was sitting down on the carpet in class when my teacher tried to display something on the Smartboard. It wasn't working, so we just sat and chatted for a minute or so, and we were laughing because my teacher made a joke about the SMartboard not working (completely forgot what the joke was :P). I commented saying, "Is it a dumb board?" and that was a big mistake. My teacher gasped and asked us who said that. I told her it was me, and she shook her head with a dirty look. I have no clue why! I was very near her, so she couldn't have misheard me and thought I was cussing or something, so I don't understand! xd


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    My friend (and kind of me) got into trouble because we thought a friend was going to take his own life and we called the police... he didn’t, thankfully!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Update: the police must’ve thought we were joking and wasting their time or something, because they went to my friends (the friend who helped me call them) house. No clue what they actually said, though.

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    My glasses cost too much.


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    Vanta Black
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did you knowingly go over an agreed upon price, or did you buy them before telling your parents (I assume they were the angry party) how much they were?

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    I read in english class


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    Commander Rex
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR! READING?!?!?! IN ENGLISH CLASS?!?!?! THIS IS A CRIME WORTHY OF DEATH!!!!!!!!!!! Like, what? Is that not what the class is there for?


    I did an assignment while the teacher was talking and she made me sit outside for the rest of class.


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    I tied my shoe and got yelled at by multiple adults.


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    in six grade, it was 8th hour and we usually clean up the class room five minutes before its time to leave. its was two minutes before the bell rang i raised my hand and told the teacher that it was almost time to go. she literally yelled at me in front of everyone wasting time. the bell rang she again yelled at me for wasting her time. she was telling a story about her ex and how he cheated. she made me stay after school when i had to go to a visit to see my mom and yelled at me for 30 minutes straight and gave me a two hour detention. that same day. i missed seeing my mom. and the teacher knew that i had family issues and she gave me another detention on another day when i was going to see my mom. she gave me the other detention because i looked way from her while she was talking about her ex again.


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    My sister and I had this large rubber spider with real fur on it that we got out of a gumball machine as kids. We would hide it in each other's room from time to time---desk drawer, closet, etc. Saturday was sheets-washing day so I was making beds and put the spider in sister's bed. Later that day, we got a call that a grandma was coming to stay the night. My sister's room was upstairs and mine was in the finished basement, so hers was the guest room. I totally forgot about the spider!! So at bedtime, she and I are in my room and we hear dad yelling for her at top of stairs. First and Middle Name!! She went running. Two seconds later, I hear my name yelled. First and Middle! When I got up there, my unhappy dad was holding the rubber spider in his fingers. "Why did you put this in Grandma's bed?!!!!!" So I had to explain that I had meant to put it in my sister's bed...... Anyway, Grandma was not mad.....

    Second thing, same Grandma. After we moved to Florida, when I was a teen, she flew down to stay with us for a week. Mom was at work and I was home from school for a break. I was to spend time with Grandma. Well, I found the movie Piranha was on tv so we watched that. When mom came home, she asked how our day went. She wasn't that thrilled when I told her what movie I picked, but Grandma was fine with my choice and said she enjoyed it.


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    I was in class one day and my teacher called attendance, but she did not call my name. After she took attendance she called out my name, asking why I was late, I said I was not late and that I got here before she started attendance. She then asked me what time I got there and I said 10:30, she then proceeded to tell me that class started at 10:29 and that it was unacceptable to be late to her class. I was getting fed up, so I told her all the reasons I was right, and why I should not be tardy... I got called absent in class...

    Authors note- this teacher is just terrible, for example, she said to my classmate randomly, ¨Your going to be the type of husband whose wife takes advantage of him.¨ I mean, come on!


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    I lived 8 miles away from my school so I had to get the bus everyday. One day the bus broke down and we had to wait to get another bus into school. That bus broke down as well (welcome to Ireland in the early 90s people). I and about 15 other girls form my school were so late that morning, but that didn't stop us from being dragged into the principle's office and being yelled at. We all told her what had happened. Even a teacher who lived out our way saw what happened and told the principle what had happened. It didn't make any difference though.


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    Wanted to tell a teacher she had a dictatorial teaching style, but in a more creative way. So I made her a "Communist Party membership card". She was furious and wanted to report me to the principal. I correctly predicted that I would laugh at this when I remember it many years later... but I was pretty worried while it was happening.


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