We've all had our share of public bathrooms what was your worst experience


Working reception at a spa. Lady comes and she was dirty and smelly. She was wearing designer clothes but she was super filthy and not wearing shoes. She flashed a wad of cash though and booked every service we had. The owners were so desperate. Then she used the bathroom and peed on the floor and rubbed s**t and period blood all over every inch. Then she complained about the facilities and left without paying. My friend and I called the owner and we had to shut down for the day.


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    Opening the only bathroom stall in the men's toilets at night in a student bar, only to be greeted with a toilet bowl literally filled with sh*t with at the centre a small 'mountain' of it rising for at least 10 cm over the rim. I still feel so much compassion for the person who had to clean up that mess.


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    I guess this counts as a public bathroom. My first job at Pizza Hut. Had to scrape a used tampon off the ceiling. Having had to clean many toilets over the years, I can safely say women are WAY more disgusting than men.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've also cleaned many toilets over the years and men still "win" that round. Feces outside of the toilet are worse to deal with than the occasional used menstrual product left out.

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    I was a teenager student and that day I got my period. I went to the school restrooms and there was no toilet paper in any of the stalls ( to embarrassed to ask someone for toilet paper or a pad) , I grabbed a couple of my notebook paper sheets and made a pad… I proceded to go to class and continue with the day. Needless to say, I ended up with lacerations in my inner thighs and vagina.



    There was a dead mouse in the toilet bowl at a mall I happened to visit. In a different stall in the same bathroom, there was a bloody tampon.


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    Stopped near the m5 in stroud at a little service station after being caught in a really bad blizzard with my mum and two brothers. It had one tiny toilet that we all really needed to use.

    It was grim. It seems a lot of people that night had used the toilet that day. The floor was two inches deep in urine I guessed most of the guys had not wanted to venture into the hell hole and had just stood by the door and aimed, the light was broken bar the little blue anti smack light that illuminated the room enough to see a huge turd next to the crapper not even in it, there was no toilet role and some sick ba*tard had eaten half a ginster pasty while in there and left half of it on the side. The place reeked! I felt bad that we had to use it but felt even worse for the staff who were found to have to hose it out the next day, the poor lighting makes me happy about the things I didn't see.


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    One time I went to a bathroom in a DC restaurant. and the floor had a huge picture of a bunch of people, all different ages and ethnicities, and they all had their palms pointing straight up and they stared at you as you did your business. Creepy. But also pretty funny.


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    When I was a young girl, maybe 10 years old, I was at a historic movie theater in the city where I lived.
    The restrooms were upstairs and didn't have a door, just stall doors.
    I was in the stall by the exit and a man came and stood beside the stall.
    I could see his black shoes under the side wall of the stall.
    I was so frightened.
    He stood there for a few minutes.
    He finally turned and walked away.
    I did go back to the theater, but I never went to that restroom alone again.


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    in elementary school, I was in the bathroom, gossiping and giggling with my friend because that's what you do when it's hot outside and the bathrooms are air-conditioned. Anyways a girl a few years younger than us ( we were in 4th grade I believe) and we think nothing of it of course. Anyways when the girl is done she comes out...and she doesn't have pants or underwear on. Me and my friend kinda freak out and run out of there. I still cringe thinking about that day


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    RK Barbo
    Community Member
    2 years ago

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    I decided to use the female bathroom that day and as soon as i walked in i heard some girls scream they thought i was a boy so they threatend to call the front office. As i just went oassed them to a stall and started my "buisness" one of them kicked the door and it hit my knees. Not only bad bathroom design but wow that hurt.


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    I was at a fabric store with my mom and younger sister when I was about and she was 5. We asked Mom to use the restroom. She said we could as long as we stayed together. (Granted, this was 40 years ago.) We walked in and there was vomit all in the sink. We both nearly threw up and ran out to find Mom.


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    A dead quiet loo...well except for the Joe next door straining over his recycled tacos...


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    Kid and her mom left the stall mom cursing. Long line for bathroom so I went in. There was pee on the floor and a mess of toilet paper to cover it up. I really needed to use the bathroom so I needed to try not to step in the pee (which was conveniently located in front of the toilet) while using the restroom.


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    With a public bathroom? Surely you mean in, unless .......


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