We all have some painful experiences (I’m pretty sure.) What was the worst one for you?
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A pit bull got into my house somehow, then my cat (the sweetest cat ever btw) went down the stairs. The pit bull saw it and basically ripped my cat to shreds in front of me. It was really frightening and scary, especially considering I was only in like 2nd grade at the time.
The death of my oldest child, at 21 years old. Still trying to recover from it, and it has been almost five years. I still miss her every day.
{Trigger warning} My most painful experience has had to be my first suicide attempt. I think the worst part of it has had to be the fact that I've never told anyone about it.
I am sorry you faced this alone. Most people don't understand how it feels in the moment. They can't imagine the pain or how well we can hide the problems. I needed someone, who wasn't part of my family, to help me sort through the past. What was traumatic and what was normal? Am I a liar? Do I exaggerate? Where do these negative feeling come from? I hope you have or will find a way to get the help you need. There so many of us who hide our feelings from the world, it is impossible to know who around you feels the same about themselves. You are not alone, but one of many. Yes, the worst part is not telling someone who can understand, find a therapist. Expect few to understand, do what is best for you. You are important, you matter, take care of yourself. Sadly those who love us can seldom see our struggles. It isn't that they don't care, they don't understand.
my heart was broken, that's my most painful experience
My daughter losing my grandson 3 weeks before he was due. Ronnie would've been 8 years old now.
When my friend Rowan attempted suicide. We were 17 at the time, so this was only 2 years ago.
Rowan's had it really bad. When he was 4, his older sister was shot while on holiday in Finland. When he was 13, he was in a car accident. He survived with a few injuries but his mother died in front of him.
His dad had to work 7 days a week so he could support Rowan and his younger brother. Rowan rarely saw his father.
When he was 15, it was revealed that he was gay. Most people didn't really care, but a few made it their priority to torment him. The people who didn't care that he was gay didn't stand up for him, though. I would try to stop them from hurting him but they would shove me aside. He managed against them pretty well but there was 5 or 6 people who attacked him. This happened on a daily basis.
We tried reporting it to the principal but she wouldn't listen. Idiot.
He fell into depression. One day, when we were 17, he said he needed to use the restroom. He went and was gone for 5 minutes. After 10 minutes, I got worried so I knocked on the restroom door. No reply. Then, I heard something clatter. I shoved the door open and I found Rowan on the floor, with blood flowing from his wrists. There was a pocket knife next to him.
The thing that makes it all worse is that he attempted suicide because of our classmates. If you're here on BP and you're reading this, don't f*cking bully someone because of their sexuality. You don't know who you'll end up killing.
I called an ambulance and they took him to the hospital. Once he got out, he had to go to therapy. Today, he's doing way better and he got out of depression. We're both studying for our Bachelor's Degree in Music at the Boston Conservatory now.
Once again, I remind you: don't f*cking bully people. If you bully someone, their blood might be on your hands.
I'm so sorry that happened to you and your friend Rowan, that's absolutely awful, and those bullies are disgusting, horrible people who don't deserve anything
i would say was when my parents found out about my depression, anxiety, and sexuality. I had never been more scared than at that moment. I never cry in front of people because I don't want to be seen as weak. but at that moment I broke down and cried. I was scared that they would be mad and not accept me. I was scared that they would yell at me and say it was my fault for depression and anxiety. they found out because of BP, I left the page open that said about how I felt. I was a mess and I was fighting them because I didn't want to show my arms. it has been a month now and my arms are healed and I am feeling better but I'm still scared. I still have anxiety and depression but it is getting better. i am finally starting to like myself and how I look. I cut off all of my hair and now when I look in the mirror I actually like how i look. it will take some time to fully heal but i am slowly working on it.
Mentally painfull was the moment my girlfriend miscarried in March this year. And 2 years ago whendoctors told me I had a braintumor (it has since been removed). The fysically most painfull was a headache I had because I fell out of a tree, and landed on my feet, causing a whiplash. The latter is also a somewhat happy memory, as the whiplash, and extreme headache is how I found out I had a braintumor. Doctor didn't know the cause of the headache, and at the end of his rope, sent me to the hospital to get a scan, just so they could rule out anything serious. And during that scan, is when they found out.
This is going to sound meh compared to the rest of these, but I got bucked off a horse, fell out of a tree, slammed into a tree, sprained my ankle, and got bitten by a squirrel over four days.
losing my oldest minecraft world that pained me lots
I made a whole city and it took a LONG LONG LOOOONG time, then....MY STEP DAD ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT 😭😭😭
Definitely a tie between watching my cat get killed by a dog we were gonna adopt, or smashing my ring finger with a trash can and fracturing the tip AND ripping off two fingernails
I watched someone kill themselves with a very powerful firearm.
Also, this wasn't traumatic, but painful. But, my 'friends' in 6th grade made life a living hell. They acted like they were my mothers, (I had a seperate and way cooler group of friends aside from them). And I had to tell them if I wanted to hang out with my other friends. I would constantly feel awful and they made my first year of middle school into my worst year of middle school.
My most painful experience was having my first chicken die. I have trouble feeling grief, but when she died I felt it. She died in her sleep, of old age.
I have never experienced many physical injuries because I am very cautious, so this was my most painful experience.
I love chickens, they are adorable !!! I would really like to get some battery hens
My grandpa dying.... he had a heart attack out of nowhere so there was no warning. He was only 59. It shocked all of us and no one in the family has been the same since.
I have three (sorry if that is a lot):
One, was physical pain. When I was five, I SMASHED really hard into my neighbors fence while on my bike, and broke both major bones in my arm.
Two, was in 1-5 Grade, there were only six other girls in my grade in my class. Four of them were friends, and for FIVE YEARS I tried to be friends with them, but they were always really mean to me and like talked behind my back. TOXIC BIOTCH ALERT.
Three, was I have depression and one night, it was the closest I ever came to killing myself. Looking back, it's really scary, how close I came to killing myself that night.
Wow. I'm sorry about that. I could never try to compare one of my situations to yours. I hope you have cool, amazing, supportive, cool, amazing, awesome, kinder friends. Did I say I hope you have amazing cool new friends? Well, I hope you do, or hope you get some, because I don't like when people are sad and stuff. WHY am I even reading this post? I should go read a happy one. Hope you feel better tho!
I was 13. My friends were playing in the gym when one of them ended up accidentally crashing into me and we both landed against a window, shattering it and cutting my hand. Bleeding profusely, my male friends rushed me to the campus clinic where the doctor told me if I wanted anaesthesia, she'd have to inject me more times inside the open wound to give it, but I'd get less needles in if i just went ahead without, since she'd only give me three, as opposed to 5. Maybe it was blood loss or feeling faint or the fact that I'm female surrounded by all the male athletes...I don't know. I'm not even sure why I was given this option (I'm in Asia?) with no parent present at 13. I told her to stitch me up with no anaesthesia. Has anyone had a gaping wound stitched with no anaesthesia? There are no words to describe! Held it together heroically but bawled on the last stitch! Became a very popular girl after tho! And got the blue eyed Russian guy I wanted! Naturally!
Falling in love.
When my ' best friend ' told my crush I liked him, and then started flirting with him and spreading rumours about me behind my back. And when nobody would hang out with me because I was friends with a special needs boy, and had to stand up for him every time he was bullied. And also when my dog Pod ( Prince of Darkness, because his eyes wouldn't show properly in the pictures they took of him to post online to help him get adopted ) died from cancer.
Spraining my back, I was in a pool and couldn’t move for a minute. I felt what it was like to drown. It was crazy. I then went to therapy for a year to recover.
When I was 9 (now I am 11) and my dad use to shout and kick my mom one nite she ran out in the rain and after that she applied for a divorce during that it was very hard my dad ran away and didn't give us money but now everything is good since AUG 2019 😃✊🏾we came back to India & I'm living a gr8 life
About 8 ish years ago my family was making a stew in a Crock Pot and my mom went to check the mail and tole me to get a bottle in the cupboard, stupid me thought it was a good idea to climb on the counter. i ended up slipping knocking the pot down and getting 2nd degree burns down my whole left arm.
Watching someone die right in front of me. I still am glad I got to talk and see her before she died.
Tried jump roping over a basket ball...
BAD idea...
I was riding my brand new bike, down a hill and somehow the bicycle chain dislodged from the spiky ring that held it. Next thing I knew, I was racing down the hill with absolutely no control. When I managed to stop rolling, I realised the spiky ring was lodged in my leg. I yanked it out and it hurt like hell. The details are quite fuzzy, but my mum said I cleaned up the wound and bandaged it myself. Apparently I took pain like a champ. Oh and my parents didn't find out until like the next day. Funny enough, I'm now a medical student and I can't stand the sight of spiky or sharp things. Needles make me queasy😅. And I seem to have lost my bravado when it comes to pain. I'm a wimp for pain.
when i was 7 at a nature center i tripped on a root and my head fell on another root and i had to get A LOT of stitches.
another one is when the jerk of my 4th grade class, colin LOOKED UP MOMO ON MY DEVICE lets just say i had nightmares for months and now its blocked on school computers.
also i had two guinea pigs named zebra-golden-butt and peanut butter/avalanche they both died in the same month it was my first pet loss ever.
I had 2 mice once... I feel your pain :( My first pet loss was when they passed.
Going through a time when I had a continuous cycle of panic attacks due to my ptsd due to domestic violence. I felt like I couldn’t escape the overwhelming pit of depression I felt in conjunction to the constant panic that I’d feel each and everyday. I couldn’t even find comfort when I slept bc I’d have nightmares every time I drifted off. The first panic attack made me feel like I was dying...then when it subsided I fell into a cycle of being scared of experiencing another which actually led to even more panic attacks. For a long time I stayed at home on my couch afraid that anything would set it off. I am fortunate enough to have a partner who has never left my side even when I felt like I was loosing my mind. I have gotten better. Some days suck, and there’s always going to be days where I run into someone who thinks I can just snap out of it. I can’t, mental illness can cause immense pain and suffering that far too many people are fraud to talk about. So anyone reading this, don’t be afraid to talk about your struggles with mental health, you never know who you can help by simply speaking your truth
Thanks for sharing! Everyone has their own struggles. Mine personally is having a mildly emotionally abusive parent. I still have to live with them though (I am 12).
My identical twin sister passing away in my arms from cancer.
I am SO sorry for your loss! That must have been really hard for you. Sending hugs!
I tore my ACL and meniscus when I was eleven. Had to have surgery and physical therapy for months.
Getting a wooden horse smashed in my head. I was 5 so I don't remember.
This isn't as bad as the others, but here we go. NOBODY told me my fricking period would hurt so much. Anywhere I sat, my back hurt. To top it off, I was constipated. Very very severely constipated. Don't just go, "Oh, it's not that bad! Just take some laxatives!" There where none in the house. I got more and more constipated until it was pain every 10 or so seconds, and THEN my mom gets me laxatives. That poor toilet. My worst emotional experience is seeing my fish dead, and having to bury him.
I've never told anybody this before, and my family knows (obviously), but when my eldest sister was fourteen (I was seven) she tried to jump out of our car on a highway and afterwards I kept having nightmares that she.....actually did it.
I would have to say my most painful experiences have both happened this year. I had a miscarriage in January and that was the most physically painful thing I have ever been through, and emotionally painful. I really want a child but I do not know if it will happen for me ever.
The other painful experience is my father dying in October after a very hard but short battle with cancer. I really wanted to give him a grandchild, or even for him to see me get married before he passed. It was only one year from when he was diagnosed to when he passed away. :(
Thats a rough year, im really sorry, i hope things start to get better and you can have a child in the future :)
probley when i broke my arm falling off a bunk bed. i knew that breking a bone hert but oh MAN it was excrushiating ! (it only herts for a little bit then everyone gives you candy for your POOR little arm.)
hmmmm... i think made a few spelling errers on this.
OK so a couple years ago my sis and i had a bunk bed, and since i was oldest i got the top, well one night i was in my bed reading and she came up and told me it was time for bed. I ignored her because i was on the last paragraph of the chapter, she climbed into my bed which i had made very clear was MY SPACE because we shared basically everything, when she got in my bed she tried to take the book from my hands, so i pushed her. Onto the hardwood floor. And my punishment for fracturing my sisters arm? i wasnt allowed to read for a week.
When my mother told me that my father and stepmother were getting a divorce. I cried a lot. It has been a year and a half since it happened and he is still going from woman to woman. I get attached to them and then they break up.
Also when my boyfriend moved to Alabama, and didn't say goodbye....
First losing my dad 2 days before my birthday, then loading my step dad to alcoholism last Halloween. Physically painful was being mauled by own hundred pound pitbull after giving her a bone. First time in an ambulance and Harborview and getting stitches. I still cried when they had to put her down. My leg will look messed up forever but at least I have my life and it didn't happen to someone else
This is gonna sound like meh compared to the others, but I was jumping on my mom's bed (I was 4) and she told me to get off, so I did, but I slipped and fell backwards and ended up ripping a small piece of my ear off on the radiator. But I got a sucker at the ER, so it all turned out good.
My most painful experience was probably when my aunt died. My aunt had epilepsy, so we knew that she wasn't going to live as long as someone without it, but we weren't expecting it to be so soon. My aunt and uncle were engaged, and had already reserved the spot where they were going to get married. She had a seizure when she was taking a nap, and rolled over on top of her dog and ended up suffocating him too. Today is 100 days since she died.
I've had a lot of painful injuries but the worst pain physically and emotionally was when my Fiance told me she didnt love me and she wished we had never met. We weren't even fighting at the time and I never got an explanation.
In one morning,
1. I was told I could not return to college because I lacked, "visual ability"
** A problem if you are working toward a Bachelor's of Fine Art
** My work was property of the school for certain amount of time. It would be returned a bit dirty and creased so it was harder to apply elsewhere. Why did they want my work?
2. I was told I was not welcome to return home. "Life is easier when I am not there.
** This was according to my mother. She didn't tell anyone what she said.
3. Because I was no longer a student, I lost my work study job and the meals it provided.
4. We were evicted from off campus housing.
** All things considered, it was a reasonable decision on their part. It was immediate.
Homeless, no longer enrolled in college, and unemployed within a few hours. Then I realized my boyfriend had stopped calling, not sure when.
An amazing summer followed. I applied to college again but in a different department. At first they said students asked to leave cannot reapply. "You chased my check, you must look at my work." I started again in the fall.
It was a summer of endless kindness. I remember sitting in a fraternity kitchen sobbing, while guys made me buttered toast -- I really liked buttered toast. My two jobs went above and beyond to keep me around.
"Cocktail waitresses quit after just a few nights. It has been weeks. You can't be a waitress anymore. Check the bartender schedule." There weren't any other female bartenders.
It is something I look back, then think, "If I could do that? What else can I do.this?"
My friend said that one day he went to school and when he came back his dog had been shredded by coyotes with intestines and heart All over
oh my goodness! not a normal occurrence but is really sad. sorry for the friend's loss.
The time I was walking my dog and a big dog, I think it was a pit bull saw my dog and pulled the leash out of the owners hand and ran at my dog. My dog (a border collie) jumped out of the way so I got bit instead (it HURT). It wouldn't let go of my leg but eventually somehow my border collie fought it away. I'm so grateful to my dog
Everyone, most pitfalls are good dogs. I love all dogs and pitbulls are no different. I think this one attacked me because the owner was a shady guy (may involve drugs)
I legit forgot that a pocket knife bends! Was peeling off a plum like I always do and put too much pressure on the knife. It bent onto my thumb and literally sliced. Blood soaked through three balls of cotton immediately. I first laughed, then cried, then laugh-cried my head off thinking of how stupid I was to forget that the pocket knife bends!Also, I never went to the E.R. My mom just put a cotton ball, gauzed it around and bandaged it. We changed the dressing every 3-4 days!
I am a legit clutz. I have so many painful experiences so I'll just list the top 3. Once (before I could swim) I almost drowned in a pool, Drowning doesnt hurt but there was another kid there that kicked me into the pool so my stomach hurt.
I went camping with a friend and that accidentally hit me on my neck with a torch.
I crushed my finger in my schools 100 LBs Metal door.
I get growing pains sometimes there faint but a couple of times I have woken in the night crying. Sometimes they hurt so much I can't move and I lay there awake at night feeling the pain. Usually I have heat pads that I use. But they exploded on night and that was horrible cause it was really bad growing pains in my arms and legs.
My other painful experience was when my mom told me that our grana had Alzheimer. She said he could have the bad type where he would die to ten years. I though all along that he was gonna die. I didn't know in till a few months ago that he could have had the less extreme type.
For me it was when I fell face first into the curb from my bike when I was little. I completly busted by lip on the ground and had to get stiches to fix it.
I once was playing with my friend on our bikes and we were trying to see who can get the biggest jump off of one of those little bumps at the end of driveways. I pulled up on the handles too far and when the back wheel landed I flipped. Fortunately, I was OK.
i already posted but i have two more
1. My cat died, it's the first time i had to experience a pet death.
2. In gym last year or so, i kicked a soccer ball the exact same time as someone else and almost sprained my toe. it hurt for weeks to even move it.
You know how dreams were thought to predict the future, I had a dream once where I killed two of my best friends. One because I was curious what would happen if I did, and the the second time she had killed one of my other friends and couldn't take it anymore. I was so freaking worried after that dream. I told them about it after a month, and the seemed fairly chill about it considering how i legit killed them in a dream.
Christmas Day, 2019. I was taking my German Shepherd for a walk. He saw another dog inside of a fenced-in yard. He started to chase it. They ran alongside each other on opposite sides of the fence. I was just about to let go of his leash when he dragged me on the driveway. I had scrapes on my knee my side and my elbow on the left side of my body. I haven’t lived a long life but it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced
I lost my uncle in a motorcycle accident around the age of 10. I remember the day I found out like it was yesterday and I will always hold him in my heart.
Physically, The car crash we got into when i was 6 (It was pretty bad) Emotionally? lots of things like when i was convinced it was my fault my parents argued so much and i was having suicidal thoughts. I never acted on them and im not sure if others would think of them as suicidal but i definitely thought they would be better off without me. Also all the times my friends were upset and i didnt have a way to help them. But we're thriving guys *Exessively does peace signs*
When my grandfather passed away. He was my father figure and I loved him dearly. I couldn't grieve for 3 years. I couldn't even cry. But one day it just hit me and I broke down crying. That is when I finally was able to grieve. I still occasionally have dreams about him and it is very comforting.
when i dropped an iron on my arm and got lots of second degree burns. And when i broke my leg (i jumped into a pool) And when i had to get stitches (bike accident) The most mentally painful was when my best friend moved away.
This is definitely not as bad as the other ones on here, but whatever. One time i was baking a cake and so the timer for it ran out and it is super loud and it scared the sh!t outta me and so i was already like shaking and running to the oven. (i was in our backroom playing video games) Anyways, i was panicked so i grabbed a friggin butter knife and so, (btw i did have oven mitts) i grabbed the cake and put it on the stove, which was off it just needed to cool, and so (sorry i talk a lot) THEN i stuck the butter knife in bc i wanted to check if it was done (even tho the toothpicks were like- RIGHT THERE) and the cake was done so i stuck the hot, metal friggin butter knife in my mouth, and keep in mind, it had a jagged edge, and so the knife was at an angle in my mouth, i felt the burn in my mouth so i ripped it out of my mouth while cutting a sliver in my lip and then burning it. I actually still have a scar (this happened like a year ago) and some of the nerve in my lip is like- gone. so uhm i can't feel in apart of my lip. rip apart of my lip.
Me coming out to my family. When I did, my mom forced me to either take it back or leave the family. I broke. I took it back. If you are wondering, I'm Pansexual.
Probably in 6th grade. I was really depressed at the time, and was self harming. On top of that, my friends didn't care and tried to pressure me into bullying one of my other friends. When I refused, they started bullying me, and my depression took a turn for the worst. They spread some rumors about me, and I started contemplating suicide. I'm now doing a lot better, thanks to my awesome therapist, a good antidepressant, and my (not toxic) friends and family!
My toenail ripped off.
I have a pic.
i could be remembering it wrong, but i'm pretty sure the first time i had to get a cavity filled they didn't give me numbing medicine or laughing gas.... i don't really remember i was like 6 but i know i was crying.
For me it was getting my tonsils removed, it was agony for two whole weeks. Couldn't eat, could hardly drink, it was sooo painful. Worth it though!
I was on my hammock and it flipped. I hit my shins on the metal pole underneath it and it gave me bone bruises.
My most painful experience was when I had a kidney infection causing it to swell, so painful I barely slept for two weeks till it was diagnosed.
I have a few but one of them would have to be when I saw my cat Ninja with (what I thought to be) a piece of rice sticking out of her mouth. I touched it to make sure that it was rice but the second i touched it she screamed at me. I mean full on screatch. When she screamed i saw that it was attached to her gums. i told my father (I would have told my mother but she was out) but he said she would be fine (I disagreed). about 20 minutes later my mother came home and saw Ninja and immediately said that she needed to go the vet ASAP. We took her to the vet and i was sooo anxious. the vet said that she would need an operation since the tooth was still attached to the gum. when I came back from school I was worried sick because i didn't know when I would see my baby. my mum came to pick me up (a rarity) and told me that ninjas tooth had gotten caught on the bars of her cage and and come out on its own. I was so relieved that she was ok and came home to see her happy as can be on my mums bed. for about 2 weeks afterwards we had to wet her dry food so that it was easier for her to eat.
Anyway Ninjas all good right now and we even have a quarantine kitten (we got her during quarantine) called Yogi who is currently sitting on top of me (I have a bunk bed and she is on the bunk bed).
I always procrastinate drawing my grandmother's face for some reason. Until one afternoon, I decided to draw my grandmother tomorrow because my drawing tool was at home, and at that time I was at my uncle's house. That night, from outside Grandma's room, I took turns with my mother to stay awake. playing the cellphone and hearing the sound of grandma's snoring, until suddenly the snoring sound suddenly disappeared. I immediately ran to the room and woke everyone up. Then my grandmother was taken to the hospital, and 2 hours later the doctor said that my grandmother had passed away. It hurts even now.
I accidentally fell off a chair when I was about 4. It hurt a LOT. I had to get stitches for it.
When I broke my leg.
We were in moab in January, it was my second time skiing ever. So obviously I was falling, a.ways into the snow banks. I hadn’t fallen hard but my skis malfunctioned and my legs twisted up. I got a spiral fracture and I was going to Hawaii like 2 weeks later so that was fun.
Having my period for almost eight months straight... I no longer have it now and I’m doing better
I have a lot. First I'll say the physical ones. So a little over a year ago I was feeding a pig and it bit my finger. I have a big scar. My dad accidentally jumped me off a blow up thing and I went flying, I broke my tailbone. This one is physical and emotional, but a few months ago I was with some friends in a gym (not an actual gym, like a school gym) and we were kicking a soccer ball around. I went to kick it and I slipped and fell on my knees and hands. Everyone started laughing, so I brushed it off and laughed with them. I cried when I got home and had huge bruises on my hands and knees for weeks.
Now emotional ones. Falling in love, because you can't fall out of love without hurting. Next being anxious and depressed and having panic attacks, I never told my parents (I'm 15). Being teased at school is always the worst, there's this one kid who always calls me stupid and idiot. I pretend not to care. Really the worst and most painful things are the things you keep to yourself. I've never told anyone about the emotional stuff, it feels good to write it down even if I still have the occasional panic attack.
Having to walk into the Potter household, only to find the woman I loved since my 1st year, murdered. I miss you Lily. Always.
Way too many to list here. The most recent? My sister's dining room table includes a large, 80 lbs oak bench. Over Thanksgiving dinner (I'm Canadian, ours is earlier), my niece and nephew were monkeying around on that bench, somehow managed to knock it over, and that bench hit my right shin and fell on my right foot. Thank God nothing broken or fractured, and thank God it hit me and didn't hurt/kill the kids (they're 5&3 years old), but I had mega bruises for weeks, and still have a long scrape down my shin and ankle. I was only able to fully put weight on that leg 2 weeks ago. To put it into perspective, my brother in law, who's a paramedic and lifts heavy things for a living, and my dad had trouble righting that bench
Last year, I had this crush on a guy, it then we went into quarantine. I thought about him every day. Eventually I realized I didn’t actually like him like that, and now we are just friends
I've had a lot. Bullying, self harm, death in the family. But the worst three are, my niece was stillborn at 41 weeks. Watching my sister go through that was the worst feeling as I couldn't help.
My husband upped and left suddenly after 18 years together. Mostly because I didn't do much around the house, I have rheumatoid arthritis so find certain things difficult. After 6 months we reconciled. 2 weeks ago I found out he was trying to reconnect with a woman he met on tinder during our separation. I ended our relationship. My heart isn't coping.
Lastly my cat had a massive heart attack in front of me and died in my arms. He was only 5 and my emotional support.
When my cat elaine died. My mom picked me up from my grandma's, and I cried the whole way home when she told me what happened.
When my cat elaine died. My mom picked me up from my grandma's, and I cried the whole way home when she told me what happened.