We all like a good sappy story! Tell us yours!


We've only been together for six months, but I already have so many. One of my most memorable, was the first time I met his eight year old son. I only spent a few minutes chatting with him before they left and my Fiancรฉ later told me that as soon as they left, his son said to "daddy, I really like her". I can't have kids, so I feel God has blessed me by giving me such a wonderful soon to be stepson. I already love him like my own.


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Kari Panda
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Youโ€˜re a good person. Iโ€˜m wishing the three of you all the best.

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    I wasn't feeling great and fell asleep on the couch while we were watching a movie. My partner carried me through to bed- we're both guys, I'm 5 10 so can't have been too much of an easy feat!


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    my class went on a field trip and my crush and me were chosen to sit next to eachother and she fell asleep on me



    Being together for 18 years has given us many cute moments but I think the one that stands out most is just after I gave birth to our daughter. There was a name I loved but my hubby wasnโ€™t a fan so we decided on a name but I still kept trying to persuade my hubby on the name I REALLY wanted but he wouldnโ€™t budge. The day came that I went into labour and had our daughter a few hours later. My hubby said to me as our daughter was laid on my chest โ€œI saw how much pain you were in so you can use the name you wanted for herโ€. I am super happy, especially coz I now HATE the name we initially compromised on. Such a shame that I wont share her name with you due to privacy reasons but it truly is a beautiful name.



    it was a thunder storm outside at night and we sitting in the stable on the straw watching my horse eat dinner. we were snuggled up under a blanket just talking and enjoying each other company



    I got my driverโ€˜s license very late, and my family had never owned a car, so I wasnโ€™t used to the whole driving thing at all. After I got my driverโ€˜s license, I moved in with my boyfriend. Previously, it was a long distance relationship so we settled somewhere in the middle. Thus, I have to drive for over an hour to get to work. The first time I had to actually drive to work, it was the first time ever that I was driving entirely alone, it was dark, it was raining and I didnโ€˜t know the way very well. I was so scared I was close to tears. Then after a few minutes of driving, I notice a car behind me. My boyfriendโ€˜s car. He followed me all the way up to my workplace, giving me signals when I wasnโ€™t sure about which direction to go etc.. It was so calming to know he was there. That man often drives me nuts, but knowing I can count on him when it matters is precious.



    Well Iโ€™m single soooo....


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    M_E the Meguca Wolf
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    the best moment you can give yourself are the ones you do without any regrets, you go child, i'm also apart of single squad qwq

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    What's a significant other? Never had one. Probably never will.



    Not my cutest, but my favorite by far. When I was 12 I liked dis guy and he liked me back and one day I was having this massive fight with my best friend and was hiding behind a brick wall crying about it. And suddenly he appeared and sat down next to me put his arm around my shoulder and hugged me. Still cheers me up to this day.


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    i had a crush on this guy. we were in cross country, (which is running very far) and on the first day i sprained by ankle. a few weeks later we were doing sprints. (which is going as fast as you can go) because of my leg, i had to watch the others from the sideline. my crush was on the edge, so when he ran past he held out his arm for me to high-5. i am still warmed by this.


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    2 years ago

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    We had a school formal recently and we were at different tables, I literally couldn't stop looking at him and once he caught me staring at him and smiled back at me. I swear my heart melted.
    Another time is when we were talking about what scenario would we ever be mad at each other. He said "maybe if we break up, but nope we're not talking about that"


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    I know itโ€™s not the answer for this question, but wanted to include the recent things that mean something to me. These moments will have to do for the foreseeable future. Former romantic partner: all the times they were being sweet and cute, especially to the ones I love, when they are actually grouchy and antisocial. Came with or picked me up after I spend the day(s) with my grandparents in rehab or the hospital. Keeping each other afloat during challenging times. Going out of their comfort zone to try to make me happy. Shooting me every time in laser tag. Not making me exercise with them. Weโ€™re not together anymore, and I know weโ€™ll eventually be friends but itโ€™s been hard. Twin (not by birth): Checking up on each other. Itโ€™s been mentally draining, and itโ€™s getting riskier to be around each other. Every moment I spent with her over the summer is a cherished memory. Mom: yelling and laughing at each other, getting her to travel and see her extended family. Being forced to take numerous pictures for her. Role reversal: being the prepared and responsible one while she have fun.Teen sis: learning to communicate better and being more considerate of each other, trying and giving in to our cravings, and also chasing each other down because one decided to be an asshole about food. Good, old friend: driving over 6 hrs just so I can save a couple hundred bucks and visit another city. Giving my hobbit feet foot rubs. Itโ€™s reciprocated, not to his feet though. Drying my hair (badly and gave up quickly) when I was inebriated and lazy. When we see each other, itโ€™s so platonically intimate and affectionate. He ruined male friends for me, and I donโ€™t even like him most of the time. Heโ€™s an asshole but I already love him. Good, old friend 2: every dinner date weโ€™ve had, him showing up with homemade cupcakes after I fainted. Our platonic romantic friendship gave me faith in still having male friends and being myself around them. Cousin: having you trust me with your difficult toddler, and having her learn to accept me and fall asleep in my arms. Doggos: your love is too much and unnecessary, I like cats. One gets a mini heart attack (exaggerating), another pushes me down and gets all over me, and the others follow me. Cousin 2: sooo many weirdness and sweetness to go into detail. She sprayed me with water while I was in her bed to get me off. I didnโ€™t know her dog followed me.


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    The cutest moment (so far!) with my GF is when I told her I liked her. We were at my house and doing homework together. We were best friends and we kinda had a romantic air about our relationship. I had seen some people on the internet use Google Translate to say stuff. So I typed in what I wanted to say to her (Hi Ava, I have a question. Do you want to be friends? Like friends, friends? I donโ€™t know if you want to, but I decided to give it a try). I told her to close her eyes and listen. When the talk-bot was done talking, we hugged for 1 whole minute. We have been dating for one month.
