Many of us had imaginary friends growing up. Whether they were an animal, human, or superhero, many of us could definitely think up quite the character to occupy our time. Please share!


A little lion, like a pocket lion. So I could carry it everywhere.



    "Tornafo" who was a friendly sentient anthropomorphic tornado.


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    A fluffy bunny named Bonbon and there was a spaceship called the "Alligator" which is shaped like one. All my childhood imaginary friends live in the "Alligator".



    ok so mine is kinda weird but according to my mom when i was like 2 or 3 i had a "little brother" called raymond who could fit in the palm of my hand. and one day i hadn't been talking about him for a while and she asked me where he was and i said "he died". and she asked me how and i said "he was very old" and walked off.


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    It was just a little monkey.


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    I had like a million, the most relevant of which were:

    -A fairy named Cecilia
    -A worm called Uncle
    -A daughter named Rose (don't be judging XD I was weird as f^ck.)
    -A purple monster with a briefcase who travelled through portals. He was my "Boss"
    -A skinless red man that liked to whisper in my ears at night.



    i did not have an imaginary friend but i had a stuffed whale named larry and i took him everywhere i went. now he sits on my bookshelf all worn and all the glass beads that used to be in him fell out, but he is still cute.


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    PlusUltraNova (She/They)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have this adorable dinosaur stuffed animal that I would take literally everywhere when I was younger. He's been sown together so many times, and now he's finally getting some peace on my shelf lol.


    Mine was a dog who could project memories out of his eye like a hologram.



    I didn't have an imaginary friend. Didn't have any real ones either come to think of it. 😼


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    same. same. I hope you're surrounded by good friends now.

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    When I was 3-4 years old I had an imaginary friend named Emily and she was 3 inches tall and liked to sit on the end of my fork or spoon so there always had to be two pieces of silverware so she could stand on the end of one and watch me eat and so I didn't accidentally eat her.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I also had a stuffed pig named Penelope who had 2 glass eyeballs and when I was 8 or 9 years old I accidentally left her outside in the rain and one of her eyeballs popped out. After that happened she was mad and kept threatening to kill me so I kept throwing her away and my mother kept rescuing her from the trash can. I finally got rid of her by putting her out by the trash can at the street because the garbage men came to pick up the trash. Fast forward 30 years later and my mother pulls her out of a closet and I was like noooooooooo!!!

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    Mine was a wolf who curled up under my desk at school.


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    A Wild Bean (they/them/any)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mine was a wolf too :D he also came to school with me, but he didn't curl up under my desk, that would have been cool though

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    Not mine but two of my kids. The eldest started talking about her male cousin. She would start making short stories about him.
    Then mid-kid began to talk and she has sorta adopted the male cousin. She talks about several of them, the most memorable one being "SmellingDoors" who likes to smell doors and he lives in the house with the best smelling door. She also talks about a male cousin who once was dead but then he wasn't. He's not a zombie or anything like that (though my eldest started to have a Mr. Zombie as an imaginary friend around the time that mid-kid started to talk about the dead-not-dead cousin). He's just somehow not dead anymore.

    My kids have no male cousins. They may get some in the future since my brother is childless but may/may not have kids in the future.... but as for now, there are no male cousins.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My sisters and I also had a shared imaginary friend brother and no one in the family knows who started it...we,re very one in age and not a brother then or now! Also little bro was always the scapegoat for when our parents asked who did it!!!


    a duck with four legs instead of wings. his name was skulduggery



    I don't know if this counts.. but I would pretend that my giraffe stuffed animal and my zebra stuffed animal were alive(cleverly named Giraffe and Zebra)... they could talk and eventually they both fell in love I think.... Zebra could do karate.


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    Victoria Bard
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey, I'm definitely not judging stuffed animal names. I had a purple dragon named... Purple Dragon.

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    Alright, I guess it's my time to share. For starters, I had a grandpa who was a blue genie (I wonder where I got that from 🧞) and he lived on Neptune where it was always Christmas.

    I also built off of the Conan the Adventurer 90's cartoon and made his sister, Wind of Storm. She was a great swordswoman who talked to dragons.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh yeah, Windy has bird wings and could jump dimensions. I took was an... Interesting child.


    oddly specific, but a Hawaiian girl with long black hair and blue eyes. I wrote stories and drew stuff about her. then I realized OCs exist. But still, she was a great friend. she was always there when young me needed support and hope that im going to climb out of this abusive shithole one day


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    Skater Chick (they/them)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope you get out of there safely. You can always email me if you need to talk.

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    I don't remember I had imaginary friends, but I had (I was sure they were real) imaginary monsters. One green dinosaur was hiding in the wardrobe. One green dragon (like Chinese snake like) was sneaking behind the window. My father showed me they are not there, every time he and mom came to wish me goodnight.


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    Her name was Arch, she had red hair, she loved to play on the swings.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There was also cheesy, who was basically cheese if cheese was a person. Do with that what you will.


    Mine was a little bunny, like a Dutch bunny, except with grey. Her name was citrouelle (French for ‘pumpkin’, don’t ask I was a weirdo). We liked playing tea party together


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just a bit of context if any of y’all say ‘it sounds like my pfp/real bun’ -I picked him cause he looked like my imaginary friend, his name isn’t citrouille cause i realized it didn’t fit him, I call him a sugar pumpkin tho lol

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    I had an imaginary dog



    When I was, like, 10, I had a goddess who lived in my mirror. I made the world for her in my mirror when I slept. She had a husband who was an elf and three children; Elec, Miria, and Alaxi. She would only talk to me when I could see my reflection and she was like an older sister to me.


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    This post just brought back memories of the time six-year-old-me was thoroughly convinced that I had an invisible pet wolf (I think his name was Lupus, although I have no idea where I learned the latin name for wolves) who was a constellation who came to life. He could travel to space and sometimes brought me moon rocks. I also tried to convince my friend that they had invisible pets too, and I was the only one who could see them.


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    mine was a 6" girl that i made furniture for out of cardboard boxes and contact paper. i put the furniture in my closet so she would find it and live there. and yes, the books about the borrowers were my favorite.


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    He was an a-hole! LOL!


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    Mr. Nobody. His first name was Jeremy, and he lived in my and my friends shared him.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my friends and I.. Sorry if this is taken as rude, it's just proper grammar this way.

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    not quite an imaginary friend but I made up a character named William who is half dragon and he has been there for me ever since


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    I had an imaginary twin sister named Heidi. I would use her to scare people who bullied me, i.e. "If you don't leave me alone, my sister is going to beat you up!" (not once did that work.)
    I also had a dragon named Beedly-Dopper who would bite the legs off of the kids who bullied me. I'm starting to see a theme here...


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    My daughter had 3, bubba, lulu and Zaubsaa. She played with them for about 2 years. She has 3 siblings who she tried to encourage to play with her imaginary friends. Sweet but also a bit strange


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    It was a girl that looked exactly like me but with freckles. I called her Rhew, and she was my twin sister.
    (P.S. my legal name means snow, and Rhew means Ice)


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry, just realized my username also means snow (I knew it before just forgot what it was). My legal name is not Yuki, Yuki is a name that I like when I feel especially girly. I am sorry if you thought that.


    She was essentially a second, more idealized version of myself (dressed better, had stuff I didn’t.) Her name was just a nickname for my name that none of my family called me - and I didn’t actually know it was a nickname for mine at the time.


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