We all had dreams of doing something really cool when we were kids, but not many get to enjoy that childhood dream. However, we still can enjoy the job that we have (or not). So share what you dreamed of and where you ended up!


My childhood dream job was to be retired. I am now retired.



    I'm not an adult, I have a job as a dishwasher at a restaurant but I want to be a pastry chef


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    Daune Tullina
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm a food server and the dishwasher is the foundation of the kitchen. You can't run a restaurant without one. Unfortunately dishwashers are usually the least paid and habe the most physically demanding job. Its not just washing dishes. Its clea ing pots, pans, prep, the restrooms, mopping and sweeping the kitchen, taking out the trash etc. Its hard hard work. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. As for being a pastry chef, that's awesome! Working as a dishwasher you'll learn how the kitchen runs. If you want to make a really flaky pie crust use gluten free flour. Its a pain to work with, like making a crust out of kinetic sand but so very good.

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    Growing up I had always wanted to do something medical, and eventually settled on being a vet as I adore animals. This included practising putting fake bandages on my beloved cat, and checking her heart with my stethoscope...
    Anyway, sickness and disability meant that I couldn't expect to do the practical aspect of the job in the end, but I could still do the academic side of things. So, I got a degree in nutrition and now I'm working in medical research (in the data science side of things), & I love it.



    I wanted to become a product designer, logo designer, or something like that. I used to spend hours drawing and imagining some new types of cars, products and such, spent much time learning calligraphy (in a childlike manner, mind you). I ended up working at Bored Panda, which is a great way to be updated on artistic stuff, what's popular, how social media works, etc. so I'm more than happy.



    I wanted to be an adventurer. Like an archeologist but the one that fights mummies, an explorer, or a superhero. Basically any character from a movie, TV show, or book. I now work for Bored Panda and it's full of its own little adventures, I couldn't ask for a better job!



    I'm still a kid (and I still don't have a job :>) but I aspire to be an author. I never knew what I wanted to be for the longest time until 2 or 3 years ago when I was writing and everything just clicked--I wanted to be an author. Ever since, I've writing and writing, and nothing has gotten boring yet! :)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    me too I'm still a kid and have no job and I still have no idea what I want to be it's been 3 years and I still don't know (i'm 11)

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    As a kid I wanted to be a nurse, so I became a nurse. I worked as a nurse for 2 years, then i became physical disabled, and had to take on an administrative job in the hospital. I cried and became depressed. Now I’m 54 and started 2 months ago at the hospital pharmacy, I’m back at the medical side of things and maybe who knows, later this year I can get back to school! My inspiration was my aunt who was a GP, where I used to stay a lot during holidays and could ‘help’ in her practice as a young girl.



    Bahahah... 3rd grade - wanted to be a horse breeder. Not even sure if I knew how horses mated. I'm a teacher now.



    I'm still a kid, but I want to be an Orthopedic Surgeon. Someone I know got a hip replacement and it sounds really interesting. I also want to be a surgeon because most orthopedic surgeons are male and there also will be a major shortage of them in about 5 years! I hope I become one! :)


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    Leslie K Von Dell
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good luck. And don't EVER believe it if someone tells you that you CAN'T! Just don't believe it!

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    im still a kid but my dream is an animator and i can allready animate sooooo i hope it works out?



    When I was in the 3rd grade the teacher, Mrs. Church, asked each of us what we wanted to do. I said, I wanted to get a Ph.D. in History and teach. And yes, I did say that. And that's exactly what I did. And that was over 63 years ago.



    Wanted to "help people", not sure what kind of job that was going to be...I'm a counselor for Veteran's, I help them find jobs :)



    Someone within the art sphere, because when I was a kid I was really fascinated with the way encyclopedias were designed and I was an artsy child overall, so I wanted to do something creative. Later on, I started playing around with photoshop, and now I work at Bored Panda which is creative work and requires me using photoshop daily, so I guess it turned out well in the end.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is the 3rd person on here that works for BP. Good for you all. Thumbs up

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    When i was really little i wanted to be a doctor but after that i realized how much i love learning and helping others learn, now I want to be a teacher, but i'm still a kid so we'll see. (Although i recently learned the high school that i'll be attending next year has a few classes specifically for learning how to be a teacher and i'm really excited about that)



    My dream job rn is a librarian or something with books


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    Kendra Miller
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't go into librarianship because "it's relaxing and you can read all day". Go into librarianship because you like books, helping people and being creative.

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    I wanted to be a pediatrician but as I got older I couldn't handle the idea of having someone else's life in my hands. Now I work at a high school in the tech department and I love it! I'm still helping young people but in a different way...and working with teachers is awesome :)



    I went through phases on what I wanted to be, like fashion designer, beautician and interior designer. But those ideas didn’t last long. For a while I wanted to be a diversional therapist but was unsure on what field (kids, seniors or disability sector) so I did work experience at a kindergarten and an aged care facility. Once I decided on the aged care sector I started looking at courses but then I was told some devastating info which tossed the whole idea away. Unfortunately there is not a lot of work for diversional therapists (only a few hours a week) so most people with that position also do aged care. I have ZERO interest in showering, wiping bottoms, cleaning dead bodies, changing pads etc. Diversional therapy was off the table. For years after I had no idea what I wanted to do until about a year ago. I have applied for a course for Cert III in pathology (phlebotomist) and once I get my drivers license I want to study laboratory and science technician.



    Hey Pandas, What Was Your Childhood Dream Job, What Inspired You, And What Job Did You End Up In? (Closed) I left a highly stressful job with no plan and landed a job teaching art


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    4 years ago

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    I never really had one single dream job picked out as a kid growing up. I mainly picked out something I thought would please my parents... a doctor, a nurse, a veterinarian. It wasn't until I was in high school that I knew I would not do well in a college environment, I was just too outspoken and very firm in my opinions as well as a lazy streak that I fortunately out grew. What I finally ended up becoming was an automobile repair technician. I think that was the reason I out grew my lazy streak. I LOVED what I did and the enthusiasm just could NOT survive with that kind of energy. I got up every morning, bouncing out of bed, filled with joy at being able to go do something every day that I loved. I'd show up early and work late. And I actually go PAID for it. That blew my mind. I remember some friends of mine bemoaning their lives, how they hated their jobs, their bosses were jerks, it was a go nowhere kind of job with measly paychecks and I just marveled at what I had stumbled into as a sassy teenage girl who didn't know a piston from a hammer when I started. And I told my kinds when they got old enough to start thinking of what they might like to do for a living was this:

    You spend more waking time with the people you work with, in a place that is not your home than you do with your family. So enjoy what you do, who you do it with and where you do it. I don't care if it's pushing a broom or doing brain surgery, just enjoy it or your life will be miserable. And as long as you are true to that you will make me proud!


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    I wanted to be an artist. I actually had talent for it and I got an associates in art but just before I got my degree I got my heart broken and lost all drive. Today I am an RF engineer and I work on high power RF transmitters. In my spare time I make robots and movie prop replicas.


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    Shelley DuVal
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love how you work on robots and movie prop replicas. Robotics are the future.

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    My dreams were to be a lawyer or an actress. But then I really wanted to be a Neo-natal nurse. (nurses that help deliver babies and work in the NICU and all that) but my aunt is one and when I was 15 she sat me down since it had been basically 10 years that I had dreamt of that and she looked exhausted. She said, "Do you know why I came here after work?" I shook my head no. "I came straight here because I know how bad you want to do what I do, and I love that about you but I have to tell you about today so you can make an informed decision. It's not all about playing and taking care of infants, that's the fun part. Do you know the other half?" I again shook my head no. "Today I delivered twins, and an hour ago they BOTH passed away in my arms." She cried, I cried and there went that, no friggin way. So then I trained my sights on Law Enforcement like my dad, and in five years I will retire from the same agency he retired from five years ago.


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    I wanted to be a professional orchestral musician. I work at Barnes & Noble. I'm working on getting my degree in Music, I just have 2 more years left!



    I swore I would be a tiger trainer when I grew up. What could be better than being around giant kitties all day long? I guess I've never grown up because I'm a waitress and part-time artist, but I have 4 little tigers at home that trained me!


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    Margot Porter
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some big cat sanctuaries will let you volunteer, and that can help you gain experience if you ever decide you want to pursue that path.

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    I wanted to be a Doctor but imA servant for Jeff Bezos and this is where I go to express my feelings but still I love working for the big man.



    well I am still a kid and I want to be a actress I mean thats not gonna happen but 😐 I can still dream (my inspiration is emma watson)



    Wanted to be a Police Officer. Became a Teacher



    My dream job was to be a singer, but ppl were rlly rude to me so I now want to be a designer. My sister inspired me... And soo faarrrrrrr I haven't gotten a job bc im 13 and too young :)


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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Screw what people think. Anyway, being a designer is cool! (I don't know why there were 2 downvotes but I upvoted)

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    Growing up I wanted desperately to play professional football. My father played for the Eagles and his father was recruited by the St. Louis Browns. It seemed important, to me, that I continue their legacy as a professional athlete.
    It turned out that I was a pretty good baseball player; I was good enough to be recruited by universities and minor league teams my senior year of high school. I blew out my left knee my last year of HS and all those offers dried up and disappeared.
    I ended up at a small school, no scholarships, but I did get to play for four more years. After graduating I went on to umpire and eventually coach for many years. I would probably still be coaching if it were not for the intrusive, offensive, and demanding parents.
    In the end, I did actually become a professional athlete- I've earned a good deal of cash playing disc golf tournaments.


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    I wanted to be a teacher. My dad said that was stupid. So, I worked minimum wage jobs for 35 years, but I finally made it. I just finished my degree and I get to be a math teacher.


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    Not yet fully there, but during the solar eclips in 1999 (I was about 6 years old at the time), something in my head switched and I always wanted to become an astronomer. My parents and even teachers were always super supportive and encouraging. Just before christmas, I handed in my dissertation and I will have my PhD defense soon. It was hard work and a rocky road, but past me could not be prouder of current me.


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    I'm still a teen and I've wanted to do many things throughout my life. But the first thing I ever wanted to be was a builder/inventor. I never had the right knowledge to call it a job or even knew if woman could work as a builder, I just knew I wanted to do it. 6 years later, I am on the verge of pursuing marketing design. It has the things I love most: Writing, Art, and Math.(Yes I like math)



    Well, I'm a kid and want to be a therapist. If anyone here is a therapist can someone tell me about the job?


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    Margot Porter
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are many kinds of therapists. can you specify? Ex: Animal therapist, Physical therapist, psychological therapist, animal behavior therapist.

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    Wanted to be a Teacher but ended up a abanker and I really dislike it but almost at retirement. Please continue your education so you can leave a job you hate. I left home because of an abusive mother so I pretty much just landed in every job I've had by referral from friends.



    Well, I don't have a job, except for babysitting (before COVID of course), but I have this unrealistic dream of being an artist. It obviously won't happen, and even if I do become an artist, it probably won't be a stable job. I also would like to be an elementary school teacher, because I love being with little kids.



    im still a kid and dont have a job but I would love to build robots or work as a digital artist or something like that


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    Shelley DuVal
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Both robotics and digital art are highly sort out right now, and there is no reason for that to not be in the future


    I wanted to be WAC. Sadly, my father thought that desire out of bounds for his 5.2-foot daughter, started a no-WAC campaign, and would have put his belt to my backside had I disagreed. He won. Phooey! I became a homemaker and mother. Still wonder how good I would have been in the military.



    I never wanted to be anything specific. I knew I would end up with a mental job rather than a physical one, because I did well in school. I knew getting good grades would help with getting into a good job... and I didn't put much thought into it beyond that.

    When I finished school, I figured, "well I might as well go to college and get a degree if I want a good job"... and made a point of finding courses that sounded interesting and challenging. I signed up for the "co-op program" where you could switch between work experience and courses each term... and turned one of those co-op jobs into a career.

    I just roll with things. If I see an opportunity that I could take advantage of, I jump on it. Not having an actual plan means I can be more adaptable.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It also mean a far more interesting life as well as huge horizons


    I wanted to be a cartoonist. I actually did that for a while but now I'm a publisher and cartoonists work for me.



    im still a kid but i was forced to grow up faster than m siblings, so I didn't have time to think about that stuff but I wanna do something that changes the world


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    When I was in grade school and they started asking us what we wanted to be when we grew up, I decided my answer was going to be as ridiculous as the question posed to a 7 year old.

    Sumo Wrestler.

    That was my number one answer to every 'What do you want to be' and watching year after year teachers trying to find a way to tell me that wasn't possible while not wanting to crush my dreams was hilarious.

    Truth was I wanted to be a Marine Biologist or go into sociology or phycology. My main dream was wanting to be in the ocean despite never having seen it in my life. By the time I hit 7th grade I knew that wouldn't happen. Life happened and I finally got a job that I enjoy very much. I'm in the Security industry. I love it and it fits my life at this time.

    Still haven't seen the ocean but one day I hope too.



    To anybody out there who might have posted a submission to this thread or who might feel that they will never get their dream job because it is "unrealistic" go check out the Bored Panda article about the Australian zoo keeper. Remember, the loudest voice telling you that you cannot do something is usually your own.



    My dream job as a child was to be a Spanish Teacher - inspired by my amazing Spanish Teacher (who I heard has sadly since passed). She had such a love of the subject, and she made every lesson fun and exciting. It took a long time, and several deviations along the path (including but not limited to failing my finals at University due to unrecognised and severe mental health issues - v taboo in the 90s), but at the age of 40, after restarting my degree, I graduated with a BA Hons in Spanish and French, and qualified as a teacher just over a year later. I'm now a teacher of MFL in a wonderful school, and I'ver never been happier in a job - even with all the Covid restrictions and insanity!


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    I'm still a kid and don't have a job but, I want to do something with art like, voice acting, acting, tattooing, or even just a freelance artist! I feel like I have some sort of talent and people have complemented me on my art before so I feel like I should.


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    Since I was little i’ve always had a love for horses. My moms side is all Southern and I’ve always looked up to my grandpa because of all the accomplishments he’s done. He was a rancher and did all of the rodeo events you could think of growing up. Late 2020 his life was at risk and nearly died 3 times, but I got really inspired to be in the rodeo industry. So about 7 months ago I joined and now I’m a team rope


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    Initially, I considered being a part of the local law enforcement in my area. Of course, with all the protests now, that would indeed be a very questionable choice, rightfully and respectfully so. Fast forward to my sophomore year, I found out about music therapy through a current music therapy student who was our band's percussion coach at the time. He helped further spark my interest in the field, and here I am pursuing it today. 4 years, 1200 hours, 6 months, and a board exam until I get the certification and degree!


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    I went through a lot of phases, like I wanted to be a police officer, an author, an astronomer, among many others, but now I reeeeeeeeally want to study ancient civilizations, or something in anthropology. I've always loved learning about the language, diet, religion, traditions, housing, art, cultural impact, etc. of any civilization in the world and I have an intense hunger for that knowledge. I'm still young though, so we'll see what the future holds.



    I've just read a lot of the posts that people have entered here. There seems to be a recurring string of thought, especially by you younger ones. That you want to be someone or do something but you know it won't happen or that it's unrealistic. What you do with your life, what you become is more than just a paycheck or a title. It's an expression of who you are, what your values are, where you stand in life. And to aspire to do something you feel is unrealistic isn't something to look at negatively, don't feed that, negativity feeds on negativity. Feed it only positive. Say you want to become an artist. Maybe you can't live on an artists income, but that doesn't mean that it is exclusive to any other type of work you may choose to do. I'm old now, my work days in the shop are over. But during the coarse of my career I worked in the shop during the day and did my art work and wrote at nights and on weekends. I made money doing both but my main source of income was my ability to fix things. So don't think that you can't have a job because you think it's unrealistic. Just think of ways to get there.



    I wanted to be a published author (preferably famous lol). I wound up becoming a paralegal, which is actually a fantastic use of my writing skills, but it's not really creative writing - at least, not in the sense that novels are. I still write short stories and poems on my own time.


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    I wanted to be an author/writer. I had a great aunt who worked for the Chicago Sun-Times. She sent me books for presents and encouraged me to write. What did I end up being? I'm 73 and have had a lot of jobs: librarian, teacher, publicist, theatrical costumer, and book reviewer among others. After I retired I wrote a series of books that were published, so now after a lifetime of being a writer, I'm also an author. My message to you: Never give up! You'll get there if you work at it. Peace.


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    Daune Tullina
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I just found Heart of the Holidays on Amazon. Really enjoying it so far!


    I wanted to do something in theatre. Not on stage, but "something else". I'm a stage manager now.


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    My first dream job as child was to become a scientist on Board of a space ship like the Enterprise.
    I knew it was a tv-series but was to young to realize there are no spaceships yet, I thought there was a filmstudio somewhere in the earths orbit. ^^' - my mother had to explain it to me that it's all fake and SF. Sort of devasteted me, I so wanted to be like Spock.
    I'm now a teacher and it's very satisfying to help others gain knowledge and help them find their dream jobs. ^_^


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hello, fellow teacher... may I ask what subject and where?

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    I always wanted to work in a scientific field relating to animals, conservation etc. Things didn't go to plan, I didn't go to uni, and have been working in IT for nearly 10 years an dit made me miserable. Anyways, I quit my job and am starting a degree in environmental science in a few weeks! Follow your dreams people!


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    I wanted to be a mechanic. I'm a female, so my parents talked me out of it so I became the worst accountant ever. I got fired, went back to school and now I'm a mechanic.



    I wanted to be a cartoonist like John (from Garfield) but low-key I thought it wasn't a real job at all.

    Now I'm 27 and I'm a professor illustrator 😁


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    I want to be a therapist, so I can try to help people overcome challenges. Right now, though, I babysit, and am looking forwarded to becoming 14 so I can get an actual job. (I'm 12 now)



    For most of elementary school I wanted to be a book editor, so that I could get paid to read. Then I decided that I wanted to make video games. King's Quest, Space Quest, Full Throttle, I wanted to do that. I went into computer science and my day job is a programmer. I did not, as originally planned, leave my province after a few years to get a job with EA or some other big game company. By that time I knew too much about how terrible those companies treat their employees, and was too invested in family/friends where I am. But I *do* work feverishly on games in my spare time. Books too. In addition to a couple dozen less-complete projects, I have one book at like 6th draft (nearly ready to send out!) and one tabletop RPG at blind playtesting stage (also nearly ready!). I'm also working on a multi-game adventure game series. So... I think I did pretty well for myself!


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    I wanted to be an astronaut...I'm a mortician.



    My dream job was to be a cowboy like my dad. I did clean stalls for quite a while but I still wasn't a cowboy. I am now answer the phones for 811 Call before you dig. I did have horses though and am now looking for another.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s cool that you had horses. What’s 811 call before you dig though?

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    I wanted to be an astronaut, but I am not physically fit. I am very dramatic, so I became an actress. Tecnically, this is not my job, I pay to be in programs because I am a child. But I see this as my future job. Emma Watson inspires me.


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    I've wanted to be a Youtuber. Got my account in November, currently 100+ subs. Learning how to record better and do better editing.



    i've always wanted to become and astronomer and I haven't gotten a job yet and I still want to do this


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    Margot Porter
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Have you seen if your city has an astronomy club? They can often be found with the Parks and Rec department.


    I wanted to be a doctor or work in the medical field when I was younger because I wanted to help people, and I'm in high school now and I still want to work in the medical field. I guess I'll see how it turns out lol


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    Margot Porter
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Being a dental hygenist is the way to go. For the amount you would get paid and the amount of education you would need, it's a pretty sweet job.

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    Well, I'm technically still a kid, but I want to an (Australian) astronaut. I was inspired by reading about it and Star Wars (I think). I'm still young, so rn I don't have a job, but fingers crossed I'll go into space someday.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dammit - I meant "I want to BE an (Australian) astronaut" and that I was inspired by reading about space, and by watching Star Wars. Sorry

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    I'm still a kid, but I want to be an actor. When I was younger I wanted to be:
    1. Astronaut (I don't know why)
    2. Teacher
    3. Author.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope you become an actor. Can't wait to see a movie with you in it!

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    I wanted to be a marine biologist who spent her days caring for and training dolphins. I was inspired by a trip to the aquarium when I was in third grade. I was chosen to get to help feed a dolphin and give him a gentle rub. From that day on, I was hooked on dolphins! Unfortunately, I discovered in high school that I am awful at chemistry and didn't think I would be able to do well enough in college to pursue that path. I wound up becoming a nurse instead. It runs in the family as my mom is an RN and my late grandma was an LPN. Now I teach licensing exam preparation and love it!


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    Greatest ambition as a kid, artist -> 30 years on, cyber security consultant.


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    I wanted to be an artist...
    I quit creating art for years until I found the most awesomely supportive partner ever. She encouraged me to pursue what makes me happy.
    And now I create art and self publish my adult coloring books.


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    I didn’t really have a dream job as a kid. I wanted to make clothes, especially costumes for a little while when I was in my teens, and now I make decals for Warhammer minis instead :)


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    I wanted to be a war correspondent, front line journalist. I ended up working as a Training Manager for financial services companies. But I enjoyed it very much so I don't regret the twist in my life.


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    Well I'm not an adult but I think I want to be an equine assisted therapist (working with people of all ages with autism, down syndrome, BPD, depression, ptsd victims, abuse victims, etc...) Or a medical examiner it's really hard to choose


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    I wanted to have a dinosaur zoo, then I found out they all died so I changed it to palaeontologist. But now that I've grown up I work for the government, which crazy enough, is a lot like trying to move stone and working at a zoo at the same time. So I guess I win?



    I wanted to be various things at various points in my life:

    1. An engineer, because my Dad was one, and I was inspired by him, as well as a scientist
    2. An artist (I love to draw) and a calligrapher
    3. A nature photographer
    4. An astronaut
    5. A prosthetics designer (after I saw a documentary about unexploded mines maiming kids. I wept for a long time.)
    6. An archaeologist
    7. A revivalist (someone who revives old fashion, old customs, recipes, music etc.)

    I did become an engineer, and worked in research for a while, but now I am a mum with a pretty normal job, and haven't been happier in my life!!

    I still have time to achieve a few dreams, so who knows what I might still become?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow! I think we have the same list, except for the prosthetic designer and archaeologist. I instead wanted to become a paleontologist for the love of dinosaurs and mysteries. I'm glad to hear you're still going after your dreams, I know I certainly am ^^

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    I want to be a video game developer or a YouTuber.


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    I’m still little but I want to be a private chef or a live in nanny in Los Angeles when I grow up. They’re stable jobs, and I chose Los Angeles because people don’t know what to pay so I might end up with a great salary lmao



    i want to be an author, artist, and kinda like if i were to find a dead animal i would try to figure out the cause of death from the inside and the outside, (i'm 13) so i started writing a book that includes all the things I love


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    Wanted to become a veterinarian. Had to pass Biology. Failed. Worked customer service jobs. Highlight of my life was catching someone at self check out try and get away with more than $300 worth of stuff by not using the right labels for things. (.99 cent lollipop for full bag of potatoes...some of you be mad that it always said 'unknown item' but people like that was why.) Work in thrift store now. But love writing. When one door closes, look for another one.


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    I always wanted to be a mother. I was but went into teaching because I had 5 children, a divorce, and no child support. Then I realized I really like it!
    I'm now a writer. Too cool. Bucket list!


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    I thought I was absolutely destined to be an NFL Quarterback which I dreamed of being...um...in High School I never grew taller than 5'6" and weighing 110 pounds, ran the 40 yard dash in almost less than an hour, could throw a football around 10 yards if the wind was with it. So, spent the last 30 some years covering sports professional, 15 years covering the NFL (from the sidelines). Did one time throw a pass on an NFL field...but it was to my cameraman before either team came out...close enough.


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    I'm still a kid!!


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    Billy The Kid
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Stay as young as you can. You spend more of your life as a grown up than a child so dont rush to get there. Peter pan fan.


    my childhood dream was to be a professional boxer im am not an adult but i go to nick diaz academy where i earned 3 stripes and good friends


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    I'm still a kid and have no job and I still have no idea what I want to be it's been 3 years and I still don't know (i'm 11) Any Ideas? I mean for the future?


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    Leslie K Von Dell
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I never really knew what I wanted to be when I started working. I fell into my profession totally unaware of what it would mean to me. Fortunately I fell into something that I totally loved, excelled at and it paid extremely well once I got into the specializations that I did. And if I wanted to I would still be working (I'm a retired automobile repair tech) because if you know how to fix a car you can fix anything. And I pretty much have! Good luck and don't worry about not knowing. Just remember to do something that brings you happiness as well as a paycheck and you can't go wrong.

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    I always wanted to be a teacher. We had an actual blackboard in our basement from when an old school was torn down, and a couple of desks. I played 'school' all the time with my friends. I had many excellent teachers over the years, I suppose that's what inspired me. I've been teaching since 1998. I currently teach reading and math to Title 1 students in grades K-8.



    I always loved museums and when I found out that people actually worked in them, that's all I wanted to do! I started my first museum job in college and today I run a museum. It's my dream job!


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    I wanted to be an astronaut. I loved the stars and the possibilities of exploring areas nobody had been in before. I ended up a middle and high school science teacher and oddly, astronomy is one of the few courses I haven't taught.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hello, fellow science teacher... just curious where do you teach?


    I’m not an adult, not even close so I’ll tell you what I really want my job to be. I really want to be a vet working at a zoo, specially on African animal


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    I wanted to be an Actor. But ended up being in Marketing dept.


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    I wanted to be an FBI agent, now I work in insurance


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    I wanted to be an animator. It was my biggest dream but for some reason it always seemed impossibe. It was so important, that I didn't share it with ANYONE untill I was around 19yo. Three years later my life was falling appart on every level, so I didn't have much more to loose. I started over in a diffrent city, went to film school and now work as an animator in an independent studio. And I really love it!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes good things can come from negative obstacles. You can look back and see that things happened for a reason! Best of luck!


    I'm a kid (13), but me and my friends are starting up a art business called 'Creative Canvas'. I always loves all the arts, and this is an online business that sends everyone art (it's free for now!). The website isn't out yet, but we will be launching it soon!



    I do not have a job but I used to want to be a farmer lol. Then I wanted to do pet sitting when I was in 3rd grade. In fifth grade I wanted to be a vet. And in 6th grade I wanted to be a pet trainer and still do. (I'm not in 6th grade anymore lol)


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    At about five years old I got my first dinosaur book and saw a picture in it of some guys digging out bones larger than themselves. Ever since I wanted to become a paleontologist. I'm a physician now working in internal medicine, and even though I'm still somewhat of a dinosaur nerd I don't regret how my life turned out


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    I’m not an adult. But I do want to either be a famous gymnast, own a juice shop or an archeologist.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's great! As my dad would say, "As long as you work hard, you can do anything you set your mind to" :)


    I wanted to be an archaeologist. I've got an archaeology degree but the jobs are on hold, currently an archivist in a university library's mediaeval archives.


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    As a kid I grew up in a difficult family situation so I never got my head free for something like that. But now I'm a pedagogue helping kids like me. But my innerchild would have become a Paleantologist. 😉


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    I’m still a kid and don’t have a job yet... but I want to be a politician and the president. I love doing great thing and I love fighting for equality and human rights.



    I'm still a kid so no job,
    But i want to be an author in my free time.
    My parents say I should have a backup job sooo idk.
    What inspired me is Jaqueline Wilson's work.i really love it.
    Started reading her books since I was 7


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    I'm still a kid but i want to be an artist, an influencer on youtube and instagram but it's a big goal.


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    I never gave a s**t. now I´m a graphic designer.


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    When I was six, my schoolteacher asked the class, what we wanted to become.
    Most said "teacher" but I told her I wanted to become a mother. "Silly girl", she said, "you will become one anyway!" And I thought: " How can she know that?"
    Luckily I can say, my wish was granted and the job I worked in was very interesting too.


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    Whelp i went through a couple job phases as a kid...
    First one was to be a ballerina, turned out i sprained my ankle doing lessons and discontinued.

    Next was to be a scientist. I like the idea of mixing up liquids and making them explode. Turns out my cousin explained there was chemistry, and biology, and table of elements and stuff like that. later i discontinued, but it inspired my little sister to be one

    Next was marine biologist. I had no idea what they did other than dive in the ocean and see animals. I think I wanted to be a ocean photographer, but i was really young and got mixed up. My dad told me the real job, and I thought it was boring

    My last phase was to be an author/artist. This lasted from age 8 and beyond. My last phase.

    Currently I am still in school, but I will be an author soon!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Edit: i also wanted to be a cartoonist, comic strip artist, and animator, and i still do those things on the side.


    I've always been into video games. if I was able to do something with creating them that'd be amazing. I'm 17 and work at a coffee shop at the moment. everyone there is nice so I'm fine taking it slow to make that dream come true


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    I'm a kid and I don't have a job but when I grow up I want to be a life guard. My mom is a docter and I love that she is saving lives, so that inspired me to be a life saver. But I love to swim too I have been taking lesons since I was like, 4. Or 5. But now I'm a great swimmer. And now I want to be a lifeguard. :)


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    I wanted to be an Inventor, I was inspired by tons of books, comics and movies, now I make parts for manufacturing machines, build things out of wood and design urban gardens :D


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    I wanted to be a lighthouse keeper, until I learned it wasn't a solitary occupation (aged 7). Then I wanted to be a hermit. Have had lots of temp jobs in offices and worked as dogsbody and delivery driver for garages and other places. Motorcycle courier for a few months in winter. All whilst fighting depression and joint pain. Added a back injury and got fired for being ill. Now I get to be a hermit. Have done occasional dowsing "jobs" for friends, finding water and gas leaks. Seems I am far more sensitive than the professional equipment used to detect gas.


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    I'm still a child, but I want to become a bird vet. I'm interested in birds, because I have one myself. He's a Maroon-bellied conure. If it ends up not happening, then I'll devote my life to science in anyway I enjoy! :)


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    I wanted to be a lawyer but got super sick as a kid. Being stuck on the couch made me pretty much unnoticeable so I watched everyone and observed when they thought no one was watching. I became an excellent mimic and picked up the small habits they had. After years, I finally got better and used my skills to become a paid actor.



    I wanted to be a stuntman. In the early 80s there were shows like the Fallguy ... that inspired me. I worked in several jobs, mainly warehouses but for over 10 yrs now I have been teaching and love it. I have just applied to work in one of our Hostels supporting the homeless. Fingers crossed.


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    In Childhood I wanted to be Police but with some mix up I ended up wanting to be a geoligist


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