What moment are you proudest of in high school? Did you win the prank war? Completely bomb your test in funniest way? Did you get caught doing something funny?


I won the “Silver Feather Award” for excellence in Art my senior year. One recipient per subject per year, and my graduating class was about 750 students.



    Finally, on our senior class trip, getting together with the guy I’d fallen for on the first day of our freshman year. He’d been as smitten but we were two VERY VERY shy kids!



    Ok so my history teach was being nice and since I had an 79%(not yet passing) he gave me an exam exemption form the day of our last test(note that he can't take the form back after he's giving it) well I take the test... and I wouldn't say flunk but it wasn't a grade I'd be proud of but I did horribly on dat test😭... but i was exempt😊


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