Some people pull elaborate pranks for April Fool's day or get pranked. What was yours?


I told people I had a girlfriend. Nobody fell for it.



Made some randos online believe I dipped my balls in hotsauce

I do not have balls


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I got a telemarketing call in the 90’s, on April 01, they wanted to sell me discount auto insurance. The sales guy asked me if i had any traffic tickets or accidents, and i lied - i said i hit a pedestrian while drunk driving.

Naturally this disqualifies me from the car insurance, but i started insisting i could beat the charges in court, that my “wealthy father” has an awesome lawyer who can get me out of any trouble, and i really want to buy his car insurance. I really played up being a spoiled rich brat, which i am not.

Sales guy is not allowed to hang up on people, so i keep going on about beating the charges, and how the pedestrian is in the hospital, and i just kept messing with the guy. When i sense he is going to drop the call, i finally announce “April Fools” and i hang up. True story


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My daughter told me she put chips under the toilets seats at her school last year so they crunched when people sat down. I thought it was hilarious.



threw a firecracker into a bathroom stall while a coworker was doin his business. hilarious.


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Not me, but a friend of mine tried their best to prank people by baking brownies and telling people they were brownies (if y'all know the brown Es pranks, that's what they were going for) and they thought it would make people assume that they were being pranked and the prank was that they were actually getting brownies. Nobody fell for it cause said friend being baked goods to our ultimate games (where the attempt was made) every week and is too wholesome to actually deny people brownies



i put vasaline on all the door knobs🤭


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When I was in school going for lunch, my friends hid behind a wall and called my name.When I looked around nobody was there.Then they came and enquired why I looked confused.Upon telling them they somehow made me believe that it was actually a ghost .They even convinced me to sleep in my parents room from then .After some time they told me


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this wasnt mine but the 8th grade does a prank every year and this year during the school play practice a bunch of girls from the 8th grade snuck into the school and trashed every single classroom and the janitor caught them trashing the music teachers classroom and she was the one helping out with the play. Yes thaf was all one sentwnce.


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The whole college decided to prank a homie into believing that there was a report to be submitted by today.
When he asked thr topic we would answer that it was individually assigned and the deadline was 1200 2 April.
Even the proffesor found out about it and decided to play along until we told the guy it was a prank in the evening.


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None, my boring parents didn’t let me.


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Not this year, but last year I told my teachers that I made them brownies, and pulled out a container of brown E’s. All but one of them fell for it. The one that didn’t taught me in second grade, so you can see why she didn’t fall for it lol.

I did actually make them brownies the next day though.


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I forgot April fools day so I didn’t do any pranks



I had my youngest son...which is also his Daddy's birthday.



once i got tricked into thinking we had school uniforms by my history teacher… i also had my fifth grade teacher trick is into taking a 30-question test to figure out that we were only supposed to answer the last one, which means that to pass, you had to get one out of thirty, and i got a 28. I have and always will hate april fools day


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