Hey Pandas, What Was The Worst Thing You Did As A Kid And How Were You Told Off? (Closed)
We all have done bad things and I want to know what you worst was.
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I stole my dads wedding ring.. I didn’t get severly told off, but my mum made me answer a bunch of questions about WHY I did that. I stole a lot back then, and, to be honest, I still do..
I lived in Tennessee for most of my life. We weren’t exactly rich, so when my dad got a job offer in Texas we moved as soon as we could. I was only 8 but I still had a pretty good friend group. It was a difficult move. When I moved there, there was this really sweet girl who always made it a point to talk to me. I thought she was super pretty. About two months later she asked me to be her Valentine using a little hand made card. (Yes I still have it) We started “dating” and it never stopped. 15 years later I asked her to be my wife. Our 10th anniversary is this month.
TL;DR, A girl at my new school had asked me to be her valentine in 3rd grade. Married ten years.
I wanted this cute owl lip gloss at this store when I was little. My Mom wouldn't let me get it, so I placed it in my pocket. When we walked out the door, the alarm rang and security came. My Mom looked so confused until the guards found the owl lip gloss. They kinda chuckled about it, but my Mom was super mad. She pulled me out of the store and as we walked to the car she said next time she goes to a store she'll leave me at home.
i was around 3 or 4 and i really wanted some gum i think but im not sure but anyway we were in the checkout line and i seen gum so i grabbed it and when we left the store i was in the car and my friends aunt seen it and she yelled at me and said i have to return it right away.