Name a time your school has been corrupt/biased/just plain old wrong.


Bullying, bullying, bullying. I dealt with it my whole school life, from being called names to being beaten up, having food thrown at me and even strangled in the girls toilets. It wasn’t just one or two people that did it but a whole group of people. Pretty much all the popular people and the derro’s had it in for me and even people I didn’t even know.



    i had a Karen sub once. my friend had gotten a hairbrush stuck in her hair and wanted my help to get it out. we asked the sub if we could go to the bathroom to get the hairbrush out because the bathroom had a big mirror. the sub said yes so we went to work on getting my friend free. after me and my friend came back the sub asked where i was, i said i was in the bathroom and she said that i didn't ask to go. me and my friend just looked at each other in confusion. the sub got mad and sent me to the office. then the sub told the principal that i did a lot of different bad stuff and tried to get me expelled. the principal asked my friend what happened and she told the truth. that Karen was not allowed to sub again. that was just one of many bad days at my school but i would say that was one of the worst days.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The first part made me confused, then I was just like “Karen’s should never be teachers.”


    One day we were coming back from a 4th grade field trip(like 60 of us) crammed into a school bis(3to a seat), and we got totally rammed in the back by a Lexus it got totally totaled and I was sitting 3rd to the back so I literally popped up 3 feet. But the bad part comes here. We were stuck on the side of the road, the bus now smelled like oil, the AC turned off and we were stuck there for two hours on a HIGHWAY. We caused a huge traffic jam and we were on the news. Just imagine: hot, stinky 4th graders stuck in a metal container(school bus) for two hours. It was terrible.


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    failed suicide attempt


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    In my old school, a boy I didn’t know forced me to kiss him and told me to say I was his girlfriend or he would beat me up. I was too scared to go to the teachers and let him get away with it for almost a year. It was really, really horrible


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    that sounds terrible! im so sorry that something that bad happened to you. I'm glad that he is seemingly gone now and I hope you are better and don't have to deal with stuff like that anymore <3


    Two words: Atlanta Snowmageddon.



    When I was in elementary school they're was this kid, lets call them Jane (It wasn't they're real name).
    Jane was really toxic and an all around not that nice person. On the day before Christmas break I had made my friends Christmas presents,and gave the presents to them at recess,at the 2nd recess that day I was on the swings when out of nowhere Jane comes up to me and makes me feel horrible for not giving her a Christmas present, after this she walks away all puffed up and angry, naturally, I ran after her and asked her what was wrong, I barely knew her at the time and didn't understand, she then starts spewing a bunch of personal stuff at me I then tried to comfort her and felt uncomfortable for the rest of the day.


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    We have this anti-bullying day at my high school and for the first half of the day we watched a movie about being homeless and in the second half we went to a presentation about bullying related suicides (I'm deeply simplifying this to keep it short) So halfway through the movie we get a bathroom break, I go with my friends cause I don't want to sit awkwardly by myself. My best friend was crying in the bathroom, and wouldn't tell me why. Instead of telling me she went and hunted down somebody else. To make things worse the bell rang, and a teacher came and kicked us out and would not let us comfort her even as she was SOBBING. She said, "she just going to have to go to the nurse" like wtf? I know there are worse but that's mine


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    School experience? The worst? Well I would have to say that it would be the time I almost lost my only friend. Here’s how it started: I met Jade (made up name) and my other friend Kayla (also made up name) so basically Kayla moved, shes a bit mean too. It’s like those friends who hate u and try to look better than u :( so Kayla moved and it was me and Jade. Jade was exactly like Kayla. I still had Kayla’s number. She turned out lesbian and she had a gf I congratulated her and she had my respect. I met Sara one day, currently my new and only friend. Jade turned away from me and left to hang out with these popular girls (Jade would also compare her breasts with mine, she’s weird) I was gonna introduce Sara to jade. But jade left. We had this other friend uh- Danny? Let’s call her that (Kayla also probably was dating my ex 💀) jade wouldn’t let me talk to Danny, Danny’s on her side 💔 and do me and Sara hang out, but one time we went to this place, the kids there wanted me to almost commit suicide. But I was overwhelmed. So they were jerks and I liked this kid there (he was gay) so Sara told him I liked him 2 days after I met him. But the sweet thing is he didn’t tell anyone abt it... and he helped to look for Sara. So now I never go back there. Sorry this was so long


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    A girl passed out in one of my high school classes
