My first love mentioned that he didn't like me 3 times!


It was from my abusive, narcissist father. I was in college and somehow, I was hoping that he'd start treating me more respectfully, or at least he'd stop screaming at me. Boy, was I wrong.

I had saved money for months, for his birthday. I bought some books that I knew he liked and wanted to have. I got home very excited. He was in the living room, watching a football match. I offered him the nicely wrapped gift and said, "Happy birthday". In response, he screamed at me: "GET OUT!! DON'T YOU EVER DARE TO BOTHER ME WHEN I'M WATCHING TV!!"

I don't remember how I got out of the room. My mother came after me and explained that this was my fault, since I knew how "passionate" he was about football. My father didn't care. He never apologized, never thanked me for the gift, never said anything about the incident. He acted like nothing had happened.

It was not the first time he behaved like that, and it wouldn't be the last time. But this time in particular, something broke inside of me.



    I didn't date until I got to college, I was a social outcast and bullied often in highschool. The first girl I dated, the short version is that she left me for the guy she cheated on me with. I know, because she explicitly told me how much better than me he was. Two weeks later, I found out she was engaged to be married. To a third guy.

    That's not the worst rejection, though, that was just background.

    While I was recovering from that, I met the second girl I would date. She was seeing someone else at the time, her highschool sweetheart in fact. Trouble is, the guy was a jerk and did not treat her very well. At the time we met, I had no intention of getting into another relationship, we just became friends. I actually spent a lot of time 'patching things up' between them, listening to her troubles and trying to help. Eventually she got into a really bad car accident. She shouldn't have survived, yet she managed to walk away virtually unharmed. But after that she started having horrible nightmares, and only I could calm her down enough that she could sleep. After that, she had a new problem. She started telling me she was having feelings for another guy, and she didn't know what to do. After a while, she revealed it was me. Being young and dumb, I got into a relationship with her, though I foolishly trusted her when I said she'd need to deal with the other guy and break it off. We got together for a while.

    The ending to the story was her admitting that she deliberately pushed me to commit suicide.

    See, she had everything planned out, all her dreams with her highschool sweetheart of getting married. But I 'ruined' all that. He "no longer lived up to (her) standards, because (her) new standards were (me)". Basically, I treated her better than he did, she realized he was a jerk, and now she could no longer marry him and 'live happily ever after' like she had dreamed of. So she did her best to hurt me until I committed suicide.



    Back in High School (in the 60s) I had a best friend since kindergarten. But she had been hanging out with a new crowd. We were all standing around in front of the school making plans for a half day. People were making suggestions. I added one of my own. The "leader" of the new group, a mean girl looked at me and said, "Why do you think you're invited?" My best friend never said a word...that was the end of our friendship. I just walked away. Rejection as a teen stays with you.



    I had a huge fight with my mother ( I was 31 & married at the time). I said " mom, you know I love you, right" and she answered "no, I don't know that"


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    Lil Miss Hobbit
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Been there. It hurts like crazy. I hope that you were able to show that love for her and patch things up.

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    Well, my girlfriend and I were trying to patch things up in 2008. We met on myspace, but I had to move to a neighboring county to find support because I just lost my business due to the market crashing.

    I wasn't on the internet for a while because of my circumstances, when a friend gifted me a smart phone.

    I logged and she made a post about what a wonderful boyfriend she had and what he had done for her.

    She wasn't talking about me.



    Ok so I've only confessed feelings for someone once, and so ofc I've only been rejected once. I know this person online, and we were talking on discord at the time, and I told him, and he said he didnt know how he felt. Eventually, he said he liked me back, and for abt a week things were going fine but then he said that was just a joke even tho he initially sort of specified it wasnt a joke, after I explained that he said that he only told me he liked me back bc I was his friend and he just wanted to make me happy. Ofc I was sad, but I was still kinda happy he cared that much abt me as a friend, even if he did it in a kinda stupid way.
    The second closest thing Ive had to rejection was much more devastating. Ive been in love w one guy on and off for a few mothns short of a year now, and I met him at a robotics competition. I wanted to scout, and his team was in charge of the scouting. I'm not exactly sure what made me love him, but he made me feel safe at a time when I was extremely anxious. He is also the reason I set a goal to be openly a femboy and also crossdress publicly and look good doing it by March (when I'll likely see him next). Anyways, I noticed that we dont text much, and since Discord is easier for me to text w (I can close DMs so my aunt cant read our conversations and also im just more comfy w it) but I asked him if he had discord and even tho it says he read it he ignored it. Ofc, im not giving up completely bc of it, but still it made me sad.



    I spent several days working up the courage to ask a girl out on a date at the dog kennel I worked at. I walked up to her (I'm sure I was actually quaking with nervousness), and asked if she wanted to go out and play mini-golf on Friday. She looked me up and down, and said, "I don't make plans that far ahead." It was a Wednesday. I said something goofy like, "Okay! Thanks!" and scurried off to hopefully die quietly in a corner.


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    Sooploosh MacSchnibble
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is me but im not asking someone out im only asking someone a simple question


    My first love, let's just call him T.T., is a violinist. I met him because I was a cellist. He is a year older than me and insanely gorgeous, hard to look in the eyes. The only reason I had the courage to confess my feelings for him was because he knew and was egging me on, not to mention that I was the one of the only people he texted. If he didn't care about you, he didn't text you back. He didn't give me an answer until a week later, although told my friends he didn't like me when they asked. I've been subtly friend zoned multiple times. Not cool. He lead me on. We still talk. It's almost like he forgot. He was showing signs and everything. Hanging out after school when I was there. There was even one time that he walked back to the school. My mom had just pulled up. One of my friends pointed him out, and when I got into the car, I heard him sigh and say "nevermind." I really had my hopes up.


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    tl;dr: unknowingly rizzed up dude when i was a lil kid and when he (kinda) asked me out, i said no in a really hurtful way as a kid but we made up and we r rlly good friends now :D

    This is not as bad as the other stories on here but i guess it fits the prompt.

    back when I was in elementary school, there was this kid who had a crush on me.

    I usually fluctuated between realizing the kid liked me, to forgetting about it an hour later.

    (i actually forgot for a WHILE until a month ago my sis told me that this guy used to like me. she told me the signs and everything ask in comms below if ur curious)

    so heres the story: i was at some kids birthday party, when we all were on the dance floor. i was busting up some nice groovy moves when this kid comes up to me.

    he looked nervous.

    he asked me to dance with him. not in just the fun friendly way, and I could tell it was in kinda the slow dance way

    you know how they say "the worst thing she could say is no" ?

    i did say that. but I ran away screaming it.

    i probably broke that guy's poor heart. as an at the time - what - 3rd grader? i was not that emotionally intelligent and I didn't know how to handle the given situation. If i was put in a situation like this now I would probably handle the situation better

    happy ending - guy gets over feelings and now we are pretty good friends :DDD

    dàmn lil kids are so dramatic.


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    I got asked out by a boy who I didn't really know all that well. I said yes because young idiot me didn't want to hurt their feelings. That Monday, he said "I'm breaking up with you" super casually, as if he was saying that the sky was blue. Turns out he asked me out as a joke. Oh well. I dated for three days.


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    I've so far been rejected once, so the worst rejection I have experienced is when the cute and lovely girl who is my crush came to tell me that she had noticed my glances at her, that she was thinking I liked her, and finally she told me that she didn't like me back. Only time she ever talked to me on her own initiative :c



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    April Dancer
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    #3 I know it must have hurt, but, in a way she was doing you a favour. She didn't lead you on and she didn't leaving you hanging after her, while she knew she was interested in you the same way. She also didn't announce it in public or in front of friends. She sounds very kind and thoughtful. Look at this way, you have terrific taste in women, this just wasn't the one for you, this time.

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    Legitimately Eragon getting rejected by Arya at the Agaeti Blodhren in book two (Eldest) of the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Poalini. Other than that, me trying to impress my parents with hard work and perseverance and being told that I'm a dumbass and to go give up. Adios.


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