My worst pain is, umm... OOH! I KNOW! There are actually two things! 1. I jumped off a swing and it was like... 10 feet in the air! My back hurt so much for like 2-3 days! 2. I got a massive scrape on my knee, and of course, I got it when we were on a run and... I TRIPPED AND FELL ON LIKE... THE MOST GRAVELY, ROCKY, PART OF THE ROAD! The scrape itself was like... a block of blood and there were two little drips of blood going all down my leg! Both were so painful!


Hard to pinpoint. When you're physically and emotionally abused your entire childhood they all sort of blend together into one gigantic, agonizing moment.



    12 years old. Appendicitis. Doubled over in pain and vomiting. Surgeon was surprised I was still alive because of how bad it had gotten.



    I once crashed my bike face first into a thorn bush. 0/10 I do not recommend.



    The pain of never good enough to anyone.Preferences need to be allowed.



    For context, I have a really weird kind of Juvenile Arthritis that doesn’t really present normally, I don’t have swelling or redness or heat, just excruciating pain, and it sort of moves around to different joints, so it took a while for me to get diagnosed.

    Probably the time I spend a month in such crippling pain in every joint of my body that I could not move, get out of bed, eat, walk, or do pretty much anything without help. Even the tiniest movement felt like somebody literally ripping my body apart. Only time in my life I’ve ever wanted to die. I literally can’t remember almost anything from that period of time, I’m pretty sure I’ve blocked it out. I know this sounds like internet buIIshit but I’m not exaggerating. I can’t even begin to describe it.

    It’s amazing how much you take for granted until it’s taken away. Walking, for example. Or getting out of bed. Or turning the pages of a book. Or leaning forward a tiny bit to reach something.

    And the worst part was that regular pain medicine didn’t even touch it. The doctors kept telling me to take OTC pain meds (or asked whether maybe it was just anxiety, f*cking assfaces), and they did not do SHlT.

    Eventually I went on chronic steroids, which were a whole other kind of nasty (bloat, mood swings, some truly bizarre cravings, made my anxiety so much worse), and now I’m finally on immune suppressants, which work with minimal size effects, although I do have to get a shot once a week, blech.

    I’m doing pretty good now and I don’t worry so much about that part of my life anymore but it f*****g sucked, y’all.

    Anyways if you read this all the way through, thanks, you all are awesome, and I hope you have amazing days. Thanks for listening to my rant.

    TL/DR: I was in such excruciating pain that I couldn’t move, AT ALL, without assistance for a month. It felt like I was being ripped apart. Arthritis sucks.


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    Weird Panda
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    10 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That sounds terrible, so sorry the doctor(s) didn’t take you seriously edit: spelling

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    4 inch rusty nail through the bottom of my foot, went all the way through...... Wasn't fun!!


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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OUCH. My knee went over a rusty nail when I tripped and slid across the floor outside the classroom in second grade… tbh the tetanus shot after was much worse.

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    Probably when I rode my bike into a trashcan. Black eye, ton of bruises, and a few scrapes from falling back onto the concrete. Nothing permanent thankfully.


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    Cosmologist interntobe (he/him
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That was probably a pretty trashy experience. /j i have gotten into a few biking accidents myself, some really stupid, the others kinda okay.

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    Was in a serious car accident with many injuries including fractures in both legs and back.


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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017



    When I fractured my arm at 5.



    Broke my leg when I was nine. Spiral fracture in my right tibia, two weeks before I was supposed to go to Hawaii 💀 yeah that wasn’t fun


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    Flew off my bike, face planted onto the gravel road, skidded to a halt on my stomach when I was 10

    A birthday pony shook me off when I was 7

    Flew off my horse, foot got stuck in electric fence, body slammed the arena floor when I was 12

    Found out my parents never wanted me when I was 11



    Shots between my fingers. I mangled two fingers in a freak accident. The pain of the injury didn't compare to the shots to numb my hand for surgery.


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    Winnie the Moo
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Omg YES! This! I had to get that thrice in one week! So incredibly painful. And still, the last two times it didn’t work so I had to sit still and let them cut. My story is in here somewhere (22?)

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    Weirdly, i know i was in pain when these occured but i dont remember the pain
    My grandmaws dog bit a hole through my hand (kinda my fault i was messing with the dog lol), and i attempted to jumped over a plasitc chair and scrapped a LOT of skin off my knee... took a lot of bandaids to cover it (sticky part was in the wound ouch) couldnt bend my knee



    When I was 3, I tipped a pot of boiling gravy onto myself. My mom was fixing Thanksgiving dinner and was distracted, and I was trying to reach the cranberry sauce. Spilled the gravy down one arm and my stomach. Was in the burn unit in the hospital, then had to return for debrading treatments each week for a while after. It's one of my earliest memories. I remember going into shock on the way to the hospital. Just the realization and wonder that it didn't hurt anymore.



    The doctor cutting my finger with a scalpel in an attempt to get rid of the infection that was making my finger swell up. Best part? Because of the swelling the sedation did not get through to the part she was cutting. It was horrible. Still have scar of 2,5cm that runs right down the fingerprint of my middle finger.
    The nurse was nice though, she started singing even though I was already 17 at the time…



    My father was hypercritical, denigrating me and insulting me. At 15, I had my first crush. She was 13. We were at a friend's house sitting on a couch together. Her father kicked the door in and threatened to kill me, slamming me against a wall. I was terrified. I told my father. He turned away from me, laughed and said "he did?".



    Dunno if you'd count teenage years as childhood, as I don't recall any childhood pain, but here goes.

    Most of the pain I experienced when I did Jiu-Jitsu. And boy, do I have a few to tell.

    1: Screwed up my ankle when I failed to land a cartwheel while warming up. I still feel it to some degree on humid days.

    2: Hyperextended by right ring finger when I was jogging inside an MMA cage (finger got caught), and it made doing several grappling techniques very excruciating.

    3: I was rolling with a sparring partner, and he had me in a very deep straight armbar from mount position (basically using his forearm on my elbow to apply pressure). I tried to escape it, but it was very deep. I yelled in pain before he let go, and said "Dude, your arm was starting to bend".

    4: Got caught in an incredibly rare submission called a "Banana Split"... guess which area of the body that's supposed to target?

    5: Not so much a worse one in terms of pain, but more because my partner didn't stop when I asked. Was sparring with a woman, and I landed a successful double leg takedown on her... only for one of her legs to go up between mine, move my cup out of the way, and accidentally kick me in my manhood.

    Doubled over in pain, and she immediately took my back to start setting up a rear naked choke. Managed to hold on for the remaining 15 seconds, as I tucked my chin down in time before she wrapped her arms around my neck.

    And these are just the ones I remember.



    I slipped while balancing between two rocks, broke my tooth and scraped my elbow. Then the tooth got infected cause the temporary filling wasn't done properly and that meant that the anesthesia didn't work when they were going to fix it for real.



    I accidentally cut the webbed portion of skin between my thumb and index finger because of measuring tape.

    I fell down so hard I knocked out 2 teeth

    I twisted my ankle and fell on a bike

    I scratched my foot so hard the walls of the veins nearly got exposed and wearing shoes hurt

    I closed my cupboard door so hard that I scraped off a lot of skin from my foot that was underneath the door


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    Cosmologist interntobe (he/him
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ouch. Usually it’s the other way around. You fall off a bike and then twist your ankle.

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    I have a few.
    1. I fell off bikes a bunch of times. One time, I actually might have broken my arm.

    2. I walked into a pole a few weeks ago. My knee can’t fully bend without hurting a bit. Yay.

    3. Ear infections. With an extremely dangerous bacteria called MRSA. My outer ear in both ears was extremely swollen and was releasing a whitish pus. Clean your ears, kids.


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    When I was 3 I sliced my upper arm open on an old rusty firing barrel. Much blood. Many stitches. The worst part was the tetanus shot. It took my Mom and a few nurses to hold me down when I saw that needle coming at me. 50 years later I still have the scar.


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    I fractured my wrist in third grade on picture day. I was in a cast for a long time, but compared to the stuff on this list I was fine. And besides the initial pain, and the embarrassing sympathy that teachers gave me, and the fact that my mom didn't come pick me up for an hour because she didn't receive the school's phone call, it was a great day. I got to pick out a cool cast, my picture turned out great, and I ate an entire Subway sandwich one-handed!


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    I bit down on the pip inside a prune and broke my tooth. that's all I can think of rn lol


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    I feel like I got hurt a lot as a kid? Child of the 90's and all that. But as for the worst pain I think I have two. The first is when I was little and I fell while roller skating. There is nothing worse than having all the air in your lungs knocked o


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    Jackie Lulu
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That happened to me once, too. It's frightening when you can't breathe. I was roller skating in the living room.


    Sorry for the repost. Finger slipped and I hit the button before I was finished.

    I feel like I got hurt a lot as a kid? Child of the 90's and all that. But as for the worst pain I think I have two. The first is when I was little and I fell while roller skating flat onto my back. There is nothing worse than having all the air in your lungs knocked out of you. That feeling of dragging air back into your body afterwards is horrible and ragged. Like trying to pull sand through your body and it always comes back into you in three short stages. Like you have to breathe life back into yourself. Awful.

    The second worse was when I broke my arm. I was on a trampoline. I didn't fall off. Me and my cousins were trying to jump from one side to the other and stop ourselves without bouncing back the other way. Newtons laws of motion being what they are, an object in motion stays in motion unless acted on by an outside force. I was the object. The outside force was supposed to be my arms....the bone of the left arm was not as strong as I had hoped. Forearm snapped at a 45⁰ angle going back towards self. Didn't peirce the skin. The local hospital gave me morphine and then we went to a hospital in another city an hour away. My mother made that drive in 34mintues. I can't adequately describe the pain. But morphine does not work at all like I expected. I was still in pain, but I remember once it kicked in I just stopped caring. That's a well of a thing. What I remember most is the itching when it wore off. Ya never expect a bone to itch. And yet somehow it still doesn't compare to having to drag air back into your own lungs. Odd huh?


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    When I was 12 my mother read my diary. She read about my father being a pe*o. So I was sent to my room and my parents went into the kitchen to talk. I was so embarrassed but also relieved, expecting my mother to keep my father away from me in the future.

    Then I overheard my father saying it was all a lie and that I was on drugs. I always wondered, for thirty years, how my mother could believe this and just now I realised she didn't. They were making up an excuse in case I told someone about it.

    Anyways, I sneaked back into my room and that was when I experienced the greatest pain ever. I dropped to the floor, lost vision and hearing. There was nothing except pain. Crushing pain. Mind-splitting pain...


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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't even know what to say. I am so sorry this happened to you and I hope you lead a beautiful life without them.

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    Broke leg while skiing and had to take my foot out of the boot while broken (the break was an inch above the ankle)


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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oof. That's gotta hurt 😨😬. I also broke my leg while skiing one time, wasn't fun at all

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    I was molested at 4 (pre-kindergarten) by a neighbor who lifted me and held me against the living room wall as his other hand went to work under my undies while my grandmother was cooking for him and his wife in the kitchen. He told me I would get in trouble if I told anyone. I learned not to be trapped in the same room as him by hiding under the house with the dogs when they dropped by.


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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so sorry this happened and I hope you are safe and happy now.


    I just remembered a worse pain when I was 12 and I was playing with my dog on his level (I was a really stupid in the morning) and he hit right in the center of my eye scratching off 15% of my cornea. It took 3 days to heal. It hurt so much worse than the arm fracture.


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    Our family dentist was a veteran of world War 2. He walked with a limp. As dental sessions went on; drilling, filling, cleaning, scraping and generally drawing blood, he would gradually put more and more of his weight on me. I was just a little kid. The practice then was to drive wooden pegs between the teeth so the dentist could insert forms to hold the mercury amalgam in place. One year he didn't remove one of the pegs, so I was in moderate agony until I could get my parents' attention and have them take me back to see what the problem might be. He finally figured it out and removed a bloody wooden peg from between two molars. He apologized to my mother. When I reached adulthood, I found a different dentist.


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    I'd say I have 2
    1. Childhood trauma.
    2. Kidney infection that spread to my blood. Doctors thought I had appendicitis at first.


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    I'd say I have 2
    1. Childhood trauma.
    2. Kidney infection that spread to my blood. Doctors thought I had appendicitis at first.



    The 2nd degree chemical burns I got on my chest, abdomen and left leg. Pretty much went from neck to knees.



    I think the worst pain was when I was on my mom's treadmill and I made the speed a lot higher and fell. I forgot to let go, and the treadmill scraped off the skin on my ankle to the bone. The knee scrape almost went to the bone; we patched it up but i still have a scar on my ankle.


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    Fell on my coccyx hard, feet in the air while messing around on my roller skates. Severe bruising, looked like a purple, blue and red, orange yellow coloured basketball had been painted on my butt. Couldn't bend much, couldn't sit, mostly lay on my stomach for almost a week.


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    I had osteomyelitis in my knee aged 6. I remember the doctor trying to make me bend it. Aaaaargh. Surgery and 7 weeks in hospital followed.


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    I was chasing my friend and to slow me down she slammed the fence gate shut. On my big toe. Which, for lack of a better expression, popped. It healed fine but it was gory and painful.


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    I dislocated my kneecap whilst playing netball... very long story.
    So I was in my first year of secondary school (about a year and a half ago) and I joined the netball team because I love netball.
    Fast forward like a month and we were playing our first game against another secondary school, I was looking forward to it so much. About half-way through the game, my teammate threw me the ball and it flew past me (I played wing defence,) I twisted around and I screamed and fell to the floor. I looked down at my knee and I SCREAMED, there was a lump out the side of my knee and for some reason I knew what had happened and I shouted I DISLOCATED MY KNEE. My coach came running over and I'm lying on the floor on my side with my teammates and opponents all staring at me. That was the worst pain I've ever felt.
    About 10 minutes later we managed to relocate my kneecap, probably about as painful as the original dislocation and I was basically dragged over to the side in a school chair with an ice pack, 30 mins later my parents arrived and it took about 20 to get out of the building. 30 mins home and then to the hospital A&E.
    They were very busy. 2 hour wait to triage and then about 1 to be treated and they didn't even take x rays... I was sent home in a straight leg brace and crutches, swollen, bruised and sore. About a week later I had an appointment and it turns out I had FRACTURED it as well. I got an MRI about 2 or 3 weeks later, the fracture did not qualify for surgery.
    Straight brace and crutches - 1 month
    40 degree bendy brace and crutches - 2 weeks
    90 degree bendy brace and crutches - 2 weeks
    Total spent in crutches - 3 months
    Exactly what year after that another dislocation, x rays at A&E and an MRI. Straight brace and crutches - 1 month
    Just crutches - 1 month
    Turns out I have severely damaged ligaments, an off-centre kneecap (that's always been like that) and hyper mobility.
    Currently on a surgery waitlist for kneecap realignment and ligament reconstruction.


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    I lived on a military base in Iceland and we were sledding when I was 5 years old. I laid down to go faster like i had seen some older kids do, but went much faster than I thought I would and went into a parking lot next to the hill. Right as I was sitting up to try and stop, my chin caught a car bumper and sliced my chin open. Car was parked, thank goodness, or it would've been much worse. Got 6 stitches and was quite the kindergarten celebrity for about a week lol!


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    9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    0mmmmmmmmmgggggggggggggggg lordy beeeeeeeeee ! (btw u okie now????????????????????///)