Sometimes you have to fake it…


Baby clothes 1 month after a miscarriage. And yes, they knew all about it. And it wasn’t the first time. My fave was the advice to follow so I didn’t do it again. Um no. I can promise it wasn’t something I intended to happen, assholes.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

oh those people were sh*tty. i hope you don't keep in touch with them and found better friends by now.

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    Crayons and really simple children’s colouring books with pictures of trans and teddies, im 23 but my relatives think because i have autism im not an adult ☹️ also lots of hideous brightly coloured pom pom sparkly tinsel christmas sweaters when ive been a goth and worn nothing but black for at least 8 years, im too polite to say anything though and always pretend i like my present 😩



    Clothes that were extremely not my style and way too small for me. It really hurted me how my grandma kept pretending that I was super skinny (I was in the middle of a healthy BMI but considered fat by her).


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    Worst Christmas gift I ever received was the one time my brother thought it'd be funny to throw an ice block at my head and send me to the hospital on Christmas Eve.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    wait, what? were you having a snowball fight? were you badly hurt? what was the injury?

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    One Christmas long ago, I was a happy girl with a boyfriend I adored. He told me he wanted to marry me but nothing was official yet. He came over unexpectedly as we were just hanging with our own families that year. I could tell he was super nervous but had no idea why. Well, since I was saving myself for marriage and unbeknownst to me, he was seeing a former girlfriend for sex. My present that year was she was pregnant, she was keeping the baby and she wanted them to get married. They did and got divorced. Ho! Ho! Ho!


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    Carol Emory
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like your present was dodging the bullet of what would have been a disaster of a husband.

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    A lame self-help book. (Sorry brother, you've gifted many great presents before and after that, but it is what it is)


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    A dirt-filled burlap head. If watered, it would spout cress. It was from an adult, not a child.



    My parents gave me a book and a cd on how to speak with an American accent because they didn't like the fact that I sounded British even though I would spend my summers in the UK throughout elementary school. Plus I'm dyslexic and partially deaf...


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    Carol Emory
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had a friend that got that for a present. She spent the first 10 years of her life in an orphanage in India before being adopted by a couple from the USA. She had a British accent and the kids teased her for it. Some Americans can be really cruel towards people they perceive as non-American.

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    A coffee mug. The mug outfitted with a golden ring-shaped handle, accented by a large, clear crystal. You held the cup by putting your ring finger through the ring. It was made to look like you had a big engagement ring on. The boyfriend who gifted it to me thought it was not so much.


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    as written couple of days earlier in other post: my godparents gave my parents 2 cups for coffee, and for me and my sister - pack of chewing gums each. And they opened 1 pack of gums on their way to our place, and since my sister is younger, she got the opened pack hahahaha


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    Rum from my mother. Sounds ok, right? Except she was an alcoholic and it was really for her.


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    I received a cemetery plot for Christmas one year. I was 12.


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    Cheap box with like 3 pieces of candy (we agreed to exchange not only symbolic gifts). They got big bag of gifts from me :/



    When I was a child, I made the mistake of telling my grandmother I liked owls, and that is what I got for Christmas from then on-things with owls on them. You name it, there was some version of it somewhere with owls on it. The weirdest, when I was about 11, was a roll of paper towels.


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    Carol Emory
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My mother loved owls until she got them as gifts constantly. She was so overrun with seeing them every day, she soon grew tired of them.

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    My mother bought my sister down winter coats for each of her family. My family, a cheap $1 barbie that broke on contact, a used electric knife with moldy dried meat still on it, and for my son, a t-shirt my mother found in the road with asphalt in it in a walmart bag. She didn't wrap a single gift. The knife at least had a box. Her comment about the t-shirt, "Here, I found this in the road and you're so good at getting stains out!". I'm the young child, obviously not the favorite! 🙄


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    Glen MacLeod
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Gads! I can't think of a word that would adequately describe my disgust.

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    When I was a teenager in the 1970s my boyfriend's mom got me a giant plastic purse with a pirate ship on it.


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    I got a makeup kit from my grandmother. I was six, and not amused.


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    My friend got a boxed enema. It was stolen three times...



    Every damn X-mas gift I received as a child from family. Stupid dolls, make believe kitchen crap or girly clothes. Never books or art supplies. I hated all of it, and I could never hide my disdain like a little lady.


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    Carol Emory
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As I said in an earlier post, my father always got presents he thought we'd want based on the girl/boy factor. The year he gave my mother a hand held vacuum was the last straw for her and she stomped to her room slamming the door shut. I explained to my father that his presents were very stereotyped and that he needed to choose gifts based on the person and their likes. The next year my mother got pampering gifts, my sister got power tools and I got a Tyco Race Track.

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    A really expensive electric coin sorter without coins. 15 year old me was buzzing.


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    Underwear. Why would you give a young girl, who is already iffy about the changes in her body, training bras and cute undies in a gift unwrapped in front of the whole family. It's embarrassing.


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    My ex MIL gave me a book on weight loss. I wasn't over weight.


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    Pink shoes with Pompoms on them. I immediately returned them and got better shoes.


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    One year I swear everything i got i didn’t want. Turns out my parents made my Xmas list


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    My best friend got me some sort of fancy chocolate and I got sick, I was sick for about 4 days and couldn't even get out of bed! :(


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    Not me but a boy scout friend, In a boy scout white Elephant gift exchange, we were al supposed to spend about 15$ on a gift. The friend ended up getting a vegtable flavored V8 bottle with a note that said "Eat Your Veggies". Another scout felt bad and gave him their gift. If you saw this before I mentioned it somewhere else.


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    Foreign concept. We only get gifts on birthdays. I have to admit that when I was young and in Sunday School, we did exchange gifts randomly with other kids.



    i got a pizza pan... i didint even know how to cook a frozen one back then and my dad got me one... we still have it and use it.



    My worst gift I ever got was origami paper



    My little brother got 5 pet rocks, one each from his five siblings. He was less than happy.


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    A *cheap!* super detailed paint by number. I have OCD and hate arts and crafts.



    I was around 10 when our family moved to a new town. Had not met any neighborhood kids yet & my parents both worked.
    Grandma basically raised me & was of course, pretty old.
    I got a bunch of board games that required 4 or more players.
    Like, okay. What’s a lone kid supposed to do with these? Invent 3 imaginary friends to play Candy Land? 🙄


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    The most ugly tan rectangular pull along shopping trolley from my future in-laws because I didn’t drive and they thought it would be great to bring the shopping home in. I remember feeling very excited at the wrapped big box under the tree but now firmly believe small is best, and I drive now to get the shopping, Ps I do actually love my now in-laws of 21 years (RIP Brenda)


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    I did secret Santa in school. I gave him everything he wanted and more. He gave me mints. I like mints but they weren’t even the brand of mints I wanted.


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    One Christmas when I was around 4 or 5 years old, the whole family went to an aunts on Christmas Day and all the presents were put in a large sack , Aunt would pull a present from the sack, the recipient would open it and so to the next one.
    My Sister got a bubble bath with a happy clock face on it that you could play with.
    When I finally got a present, I opened it and it was socks . I screamed and shouted that socks were not a present, threw the socks across the room and in tears, stormed out .
    The whole room was in hysterics.
    I’m now 57 and all surviving relatives STILL recall the story and dig me about it


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    Glen MacLeod
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kinda jerks, aren't they? I think I'd be plotting a late life revenge.

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