Explain what your worst Christmas event was!


It isn’t Christmas yet, but I think this still counts: a big Christmas tree fell on top of a teacher in school assembly. Luckily, no injuries, but a very talented photographer caught the teacher’s expression of shock on camera. The school newspaper kids decided it would be funny to publish the photos. The teacher was not amused.



    I had spine surgery on the 27th. I was in a lot of pain beforehand so as a family we decided to celebrate Christmas after the surgery ... which was the dumbest decision I've ever made. No, I take that back. Having the surgery was the dumbest decision I've ever made. It was an absolute disaster. I cried for two weeks straight afterwards and I literally didn't move for two weeks. It was so painful. Almost all of the two week-long chunk of time is black in my memory because my brain repressed it so deep but it came back when my mom was telling me the story. Two weeks later I actually had to go to the ER in the worst pain imaginable and ultimately got it removed after like 9 hours in the ER. Worst experience of my life.



    There was the one where my grandma got run over by a reindeer.



    I got stuck in an Airbnb from snow and was trapped there for a week missing christmas


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In Denmark we have this concept of jul i juni (Christmas in June. But it sounds like July June). It started because back in 2009, iirc, the entire Isle of Bornholm snowed in by Christmas and so the ppl on the isle decided to throw a huge Christmas party in June the following year. 🎅🌞🤶

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    Ive never really had a bad christmas experience, but Im about to. This will be our first Christmas w our two mischievous cats, Roxy & Apollo. We will still have a tree. Knowing those two, this can only end in disaster


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Really strong and and super heavy tree stand, no way candles. Then everythin will be fine.

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    My mom died on December 20th 2010, found my MIL dead in the bathroom after checking on her after not answering the phone on Sunday December 23rd. When I walked into her house my first words were DI, you could have called us if you were going to the church musical. I walked right by the bathroom door and didn't see her till I turned around. We figured that she just died instantly, her hand was still up combing her getting ready for church that morning.
    My husband threatened my Dad that he would haunt him in reverse if he died around Christmas.


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    Danish Susanne
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes it is very inconsiderate to die on Christmas day. That is exactly what my MIL did, but luckily my husband didn't hear about it until a few hours after dinner was over.

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    My granddad fell down the apples and pears and was never rlly the same



    Not me but my friend, his family found a huge mouse in their pantry on Christmas, and had to throw it all away. He called it the "Christmas Mouse Incident" lol



    I'm young, like five-seven, visiting grandparents with Mom and Dad. This is in North Dakota, grandparents live on a large plot of land, have some horses and a dog. They're very white and so Christian. Like, there's five representations of Jesus in every room.

    Grandpa likes to tell stories. I'm in the living room, playing. Grandma is outside with the dog. Grandpa is telling stories to my parents. He casually uses the N-word, hard R. Parents start trying to calmly explain why you do NOT use that word. He claims it's fine. Argument grows. Ends with Grandpa shutting himself off in his office for the next few days. These are on my Dad's side. Mom doesn't really visit them anymore, especially since they watch a ton of Fox news and are very pro-Trump.

    We are ALL very white btw.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    if you are 5 to 7 years old please please don't post or talk to people. please.

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    Many years ago, a cousin decided that year, all the cousins "draw names" to exchange gifts. Christmas rolls around and gifts are exchanged; except I, nor my siblings receive gifts. The cousin who suggested this con had lots of siblings and I guess they all drew our names but didn't purchase gifts. It's been over 55 years, and I'm still a little salty over this.


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    My brother was 7 years younger than me so when he "aged" my mother took me aside and told me to pretend I still believed in Santa for his sake. She did not know that I still believed. It was an odd family but it destroyed me.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am sorry this happened to you. I just want you to know that you can still believe it in your heart even if your intellect tells you otherwise. :) I do that with some things and it works fine.

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    Many many years ago. My first Christmas with new boyfriend, friends and some family expected for dinner. I found a recipe in a cookbook ( no internet in those days!) on how to cook a turkey faster wrapped in foil. A few hours later everyone is gathered for the big reveal and I whip the foil off the turkey only to see pieces flying in the air and stuck to the foil. Yes you guessed it I had forgotten to oil the foil and the bird. We managed to scrape off enough chunks so everyone got some.
    Not my worst Christmas but notable anyway. My worst Christmas I am not ready to share.
    Happy holidays everyone!


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    We loaded up the car with gifties and the dog and headed for Maine. It was drizzling, but the weather report said it would stay warm. As we neared the New Hampshire border, the rain turned into sleet, then big flakes. The untreated roads (remember it was supposed to be warm?), sleet on the ground and ever heavier snow made driving difficult. As we passed over the border into New Hampshire, we lost count of the number of cars and trucks who had spun out and were on the sides of the roads. The snow got even heavier and we needed a safe place to go. We made it to the Kittery (Maine) traffic circle, I threw the car into low and didn't stop for anything until we made it to an open McDonald's. I parked the car and both of us burst into tears from the stress of that drive. We looked at the weather radar and we were surrounded by bright pink (ice, sleet) on either side. We thought we'd be stuck there, but the pink turned to green (rain) to our south and we safely booked it home and completely collapsed from the strain. Called the fam and said we couldn't make it. I think we exchanged gifts sometime in July the following year.


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    Worked in a bakery around 10 years ago and my sister offered me to drive me to work at 01:00 o'clock. I said it's fine, I can walk but she insisted

    So, we slowly drove through the village and came up to the rather high bridge that goes over the local train tracks. The streets were clear, the bridge was not. We slid, hit the guardrails 3 times left and right before stopping parallel to the street.
    The car was a total but still able to drive to a more protected area.

    My sister and me had to stay home for a week for very minor back injuries


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    My brother and I being forced to go see my grandma on my "dad's" side of the family against our wills for Christmas 2020. My "dad's" side of the family is pretty bad for guilt tripping, so my brother and I got guilt tripped into going there.

    It was a very uncomfortable 3 hour lunch my brother and I had, almost feeling like an interrogation as to we couldn't be there, or in contact much more... despite him being a busy mover, and me working in retail.

    Luckily I didn't have have to see my dumbáss "dad" that day, so there's that as a silver lining.

    On a more upbeat note, the only other notable disaster were the mashed potatoes that I made the following year's Christmas. Can never nail them successfully by myself.


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    no power for a week (including christmas)


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ooohhh..... old timey-Christmas. Lots of blankets and candles?

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    Getting my first period on Christmas. This was ten years ago



    Visiting dad with my partner of 3 years. My 2 sisters are there with their boyfriends. One is a new hookup, the other is off and on. We exchange gifts and my dad gives gifts to the boyfriends, but nothing to my partner. When I ask about where her gift is, he says he didn't get her anything. I looked at her and said we're leaving. We packed up and left. I was super pissed and deeply hurt, but he thought it was a phase. We've been together for 24 years and married for 5. Ha!


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    An almost disaster: The oven element failed while my mom was cooking the turkey. Of course no place is open Xmas day to get a replacement. Luckily for us my father had gifted my mother with a microwave oven that year. Crisis averted.


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    I guess not really Christmas, but at a new year's party, I was coming home and I was tired, and there was ice on the ground. I was walking to my steps and I didn't see the ice, and nearly lost my eye. I didn't hit my eye, but super close


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    My dad, sister, and I were on our way to my grandparent's house in Wisconsin for the holidays. I was old enough to have learned about Santa, but my sister still got a tickle from the gifts he delivered and set up while we slept. The Volvo station wagon was full of stuff, and the roads were snowy. We had to *inch* along to avoid losing control (rear-wheel drive, regular tires), and when we finally exited the interstate into my grandparent's neighborhood, my dad took the ramp about 1 MPH too fast, and we spun off the road, striking a tree stump going backwards. No one was hurt (thank you, Volvo, for making a SOLID car), but the impact on the rear was enough to pop open the tailgate, and a bunch of the stuff spilled out, including gifts that were hidden and labeled "From: Santa." My sister saw them, and I could tell she was confused and disappointed. We got towed out of the mess by a neighbor with a tractor, and my dad used twine to rig the tailgate shut. We arrived at my grandparent's house late, cold, exhausted, and relieved to finally be there. My sister tried to act like she was surprised by the Santa gifts on Christmas morning, but she ended up crying and everyone felt bad. It was a bummer of a holiday.


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    On December 19th, 2000, my eight year old nephew (son of my sister), Tony, died. He was digging a tunnel in a freshly-plowed pile of snow, when he got stuck because of his slippery snowpants, and the angle in which he was digging, ultimately suffocating. My sister's Golden Retriever tried to get him out, but was unable, so she went to the neighbor's door to get help. He was life-flighted from the local hospital, to Theda-Clark in Neenah, where he was declared brain-dead, and his organs were donated. Worst. Christmas. Ever. This tragedy tore our family apart, and our lives have never been the same.

    sheboyganpress.newspapers.com Report

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    Susan Atkinson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My heartfelt condolences on your loss. I lost my son a month before Christmas 17 years ago. 😢

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    My father abandoned my Mom and us kids(6) 9 days before Christmas. I was 8 years old.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My husband walked out on me and our six year old son on December 27th years ago.

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    Last Christmas was the WORST CHRISTMAS EVER, or as my husband likes to say, "No, honey, it's the worst Christmas SO FAR." Hubby and I both got sick. We both had Influenza A and I had double pneumonia. I was in the hospital for 5 days while hubby was trying to hold things down at home while he was sick. I got out of hospital on New Year's Day. I was still hacking junk up as of Memorial Day. Our pet ferret, Chewy, escaped for three days and was living under the house next door. We were ECSTATIC to get him back. Then he caught the flu from us and died. Not sure what we did to p**s off the Universe, but it well and truly sucked.


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    Coming home after a family Christmas party, my dad hit a deer. Little Brother was sleeping in the back windshield space (a weird family habit we both enjoyed), and rolled down on top of me -- leaving us both squashed on the backseat floor.
    We all crawled out to look at the poor animal. Brother and I burst into tears, sure that Dad had messed up Santa's plans for the night: "You hit Rudolph, Dad! How could you..."
    I'm sure the car was messed up -- and have no idea whether we used the meat or not. But I do remember sobbing about Rudolph. Poor guy. (My dad, not Santa's team leader.)


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can imagine the horror you must've felt that Rudolph was dead. Like.... what if it's your fault that Christmas will be no more because Rudolph is dead? Totally understandable how that could be the worst Christmas for a kid!

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