Tell us some of your weird, crazy and bizarre dreams!


I remember having a dream about me dancing with a pink/purple hippo on a unicycle.



    I don't remember how I was feeling that day, but I dreamt of me playing with a doll until it wanted to go poop. It levitated like Doctor Strange and started pooping on the ceiling. More dolls came into the room and started twerking to a remix of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star until the pooping doll was finished.
    I don't remember what happened after I woke up that morning but that dream pops up occasionally.



    This'll be kinda long.
    I had a dream where I was in a puppet council with a giant elephant puppet and Kermit the Frog in a room filled with pillows. Suddenly it switched and I was on a pirate ship with Mickey Mouse. He changed into Sora from Kingdom Hearts for a second and then fell overboard, turning into grunkle stan from gravity falls. He kept switching between tv show characters while he was in the water, and at that point, a new Mickey had appeared and I worked with the new Mickey to save the old, switching Mickey.
    Honestly, it's not my weirdest but it's one of my shorter ones.


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    Scott Crowell
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No offense and what do you take before you went to bed and where do you get it? Ask for friends

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    This dream was set over a period of time. It started 2 months ago. Well, sort of a recurring nightmare really. Only i saw more and more of the scene each time.

    It was just a plain road at first. But it was raining. It was dark, dank and i was alone. At least for the first part.

    The second time i arrived there, i noticed a smell. It was eyewatering but i couldn’t find out where it came from.

    More and more times i visit and it doesn’t change. But after the first month, it began to escalate FAST!

    I start seeing a figure at the other side of the road. Each time he gets closer, and that rotting smell gets stronger.

    The last time i had it, he was right against my face. The smell instantly waved over me and i felt sick. I remember asking what the smell was and all he said was:

    “You’ll be part of that smell soon…”

    I woke up in a cold sweat that night. I did eventually fall back asleep and i never had that dream again. But it still haunts me.



    I had a very detailed mafia dream about a power struggle within a family. There was murder, intrigue, and betrayal. I mean it could have been a movie... Except all the characters were dogs.


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    Scott Crowell
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    opening scene - an aged Pitbull sits in his chair smoking a cigar, this is Don Fido Corleone. A red ball sit on the floor. In the distance you can hear the patter of paws.

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    When I was like 4 I had this dream that I was in a Walmart or a Kroger, and it was completely empty except for one cash register. I was in the cash register line alone behind this old woman in a wheelchair. The old woman turned around to look at me with a baby blue popsicle in her hand. Then the popsicle turned into a baby blue parrot and both of them started evil laughing. Then everything filled up with bubbles and I woke up.

    This dream absolutely scared the s**t out of me for some reason and I couldn't sleep for a long time. Now when I think about it I just wonder why the f**k I had a dream like that.



    I dreamed that I was flying inside of my house with a broom. I have had this dream a couple of times. I get sad every time I wake up.



    I was at my grandma's... and a shark ate me. No explanation.



    I had a dream that Ernesto de la Cruz from the movie Coco was trying to kill me. Also, one of my friends had a dream, and one of the only things he remembered was that I was the youtuber atsuover



    As a young child, Frankenstein's monster was in my bedroom, Karloff style monster, looking for me, I had to hide between the bed and the wall hoping the creature did not see the gap. Cannot remember what happened next, think I may have woken myself up. I do remember being terrified though.


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    I remember multiple times having a dream where I would be in my elementary school, walking down the stairs to the basement, but instead of seeing the schools basement, i saw a massive room where the only wall I saw was the one with the door, and that one stretched on in either direction as far as the eye could see. I couldn't see any other wall, not even the one across from the door, if there even was one. Everything was dim and gray, and the ceiling was about 20 feet up high, big warehouse-like lights hanging from it. and the massive room was filled with stalls. Bathroom stalls. the ones you'll find in public bathrooms. They all had a rusty toilet and some toilet paper. the locks were broken on many of the doors, and some of the doors were missing entirely. I never understood the meaning of it, but it was always kind of freaky to think about.



    I've had plenty of weird dreams, so I'll only talk about the first one that I remember. I was around 7 years old when I had this dream. I was in a huge white room where spiders, specifically tarantulas, were the size of dinosaurs. The spiders were either on the ground or floating in the air, crawling around in slow motion like there was an invisible floor just for them. What made this even weirder was the fact that the only humans in the area were my family members. For some stupid reason, I was a baby and my younger brother was about 4-6 years older than me in this dream. Anyway, some big orange and black striped spider sits in front of us and just stares at me. It's eight eyes were jet black and terrifying. Apparently, the spiders somehow told my parents how to get out of the room. All they had to do was sacrifice me, they just wanted me. The floor we were standing on slowly rose to reach the spider's level. Both of my parents held me for a few moments, they weren't crying ( even looked a bit robotic), and they lifted me towards the spider's fangs. The dream ends before I was eaten, but 7 year old me was still shooketh. I blame my father for that dream; before going to sleep that night he let us watch a movie about some killer tarantula spider that left it's victim's bodies blue and purple.



    i was about 7 and i had a dream where i was at frankenstein's house, and he was holding a tiny little man in his hands. we sat on the couch in front of the fire place and talking, and the tiny little man said something like "alright, im bored" and turned into a zombie and ate my hand. i then woke up


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    I was in the middle of a chaotic battlefield when some Idiot who barely knew that the pointy end of a blade goes into the other guy picked me up. I went through the entire battle correcting him on form and how to beat defend himself against the enemy knights. As he listened to me he got better, but he wouldn't go deeper into the fray so that I could rescue my Shield Mate.

    I did my best to pull him in the right direction, I was trying to follow the tether that bonded my Shield Mate and I, but the Idiotic Wimp was too scared to head into the densest part of the battle. Never did reach my Shield Mate. Oh, did I neglect to mention I was a Sword?


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    Scott Crowell
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To be the Sword, One must become the Sword. Go in peace my child and be sharp!

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    I have had this dream many times before. It always starts different but when I get to a certain part I always know what I have to do. I will walk out of a big hotel like tower and stand with a group of people that look like my family but older. When I look to my left I see a large man-made lake (like the one from Megamind) and when I look to my left I see the large building that I can't see the top of (it's just is a wall of large glass windows). At that moment I realize that this is *that* dream and I have to hurry. My vision goes into third person mode and I see a hotbar (like from a video game) at the bottom of the "screen". I select the speed option and nod to the rest of my group. I then run to the large building on the other side of the lake. It's a museum. The lake is very thin at this point where you can walk in it and it won't even touch your ankles. At that point the bomb appears in my hands. It is a pitch black, cylindrical bomb that I place in a hole infront of a fountain in the thin part of the lake. The bomb fits perfectly. At that moment five more holes open up surrounding the original bomb. We have to go inside the museum and find all of the different shapes to turn off the bomb before it explodes. I never succeed and the bomb explodes when we are all inside. At this point two things can happen. I either wake up very sad (I will be staring into my little sister's face before the bomb blows up and I wake up) or we will teleport to a new scene. The new scene will be me running in a barren wasteland next to a black armored truck. The door would be open and my little sister would be reaching out for my hand. Right as I'm about to grab her hand another truck rams into the open door (and me) and it all goes black before I wake up.

    TL:DR- I try to save the city from a bomb and either die or wake up.



    When I was around 9 or 10 years old, I had a dream where I was running around Costco carrying a jar of tapioca pudding. Demons were chasing me trying to break the jar. If they broke it I would die and go to hell. I was raised in a religious family. I still think of that dream and it makes me uncomfortable.


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    Pamela Piccoli
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    if cassava is not prepared correctly, it can be poisonous. maybe your tapioca wasn't very good that night…

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    I don’t remember the whole dream but i will say what I remember

    Me and my sister were in a car getting ready to do a stunt.I think a billionaire offered us money to do we drove over a ramp and went flying like 100ft in the air and the crashes into a fence that’s behind my house and instead of going to the hospital me and my sister decided to record a YouTube video saying i was fine.small detail but there was a castle behind us and marble flooring when we “recorded “ the video


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    I was a circle, very content and relaxed, contemplating why is never been a circle before and how happy and peaceful I was.
    Best dream ever. But weird.
    It comes up on my FB memories and my family jokingly celebrate circle day with me.


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    Microwave Chef
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I LOVE circles. They've always been my favorite shape because they make me feel the same way you did in your dream. I would totally celebrate circle day with you.


    Okay this dream was like four years ago and it wasn't reoccurring but i remember it so well.

    It started in a bright hallway. I knew, somehow, that the building was made of glass, but I couldn't see outside because of the white light streaming through the windows. I couldn't see through any of the walls either, but knew that I was very high up. I was about five in the dream, and wearing my school uniform, from my first primary school.

    I walked to a red door. I entered a bookstore. It was dark, and dingy, I didn't like it there. But the red door was gone. So i left through an old black one. This room I did like. It was a massive library, full of books, their covers blank and white. I knew this room was glass too, and it wasn't as bright, but i couldn't see to the ends of it. It was an open plan room, with spiral staircases leading up to other floors scattered over the place, and plenty of comfy chairs. An infinite library. I was thrilled. But there was nobody else there. It was completely empty.

    Next thing I knew I was walking around. I discovered that the stairs were made if Doritos, and I exclaimed in excitement. I don't remember what I said, but it was something I said often, a catchphrase of sorts. When I said this, two boys appeared and repeated the catchphrase to me. An older boy and his brother. Both skinny, with brown hair, and blue and red striped t-shirts, with socks pulled up to their knees and cargo shorts. They wore no shoes, and had pretty normal faces, with the classical kid smile and bulging blue eyes. We bonded immediately over the fact that we all used the same catchphrase, and decided to go exploring, clambering up the stairs in eager excitement. We appeared in a small room. Cedric Diggory, robes and all, was circling the room. But he looked like he'd been possessed, and he completely ignored us. He was wearing one of those multicoloured helicopter hats, with the spinning propeller at the top. The top spun, and so did he, circling the small room in a ridiculous spinning fashion, spinning as he walked, the hat whirring faster and faster the more he walked. We decided that was enough exploring, and went back down the stairs.

    For some unfathomable reason, we ate the stairs as we were standing on them. They broke, and we crashed into the basement. But now my friends were gone, falling into the water and disappearing. It was just me, standing on a glowing box, looking down at the water. The room was very dark, the only light coming from the box I was standing on, and mostly quiet, except for two sounds. The sound of water lapping at the sides of a giant tank, and a woman singing, very softly, very sweetly. But the song was interesting. I recognised it. It was 'Regret' by Corpse. But it wasn't being screamed in my face. It sounded beautiful, reconfigured to sound soft and gentle, he opposite of the original. No music, just the woman singing the strange song. I listened for a while. I didn't see the creature. Tentacles wrapped around me, and I woke up.
    Kinda creepy but it was very fun until we fell into the basement


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    This one is more creepy than weird, but I had this dream once a month for almost 2 years. Basically I lived in this town with some friends, and in the center of town there was a big house that was said to have an old lady that tortured people in the basement. There was also another lady that lived in the house, she sat on a chair next to the stairs. The dream would start with my friends and I walking into the house. The lady would convince us to go downstairs. Every time I had the dream we got further down the stairs before I woke up. Until we reached the last step, I woke up and haven't had the dream since. This was when I was between the ages of 7 and 9. Still creeps me out sometimes.



    I have a LOT of weird dreams. It's not uncommon for me to wake myself (and my wife) up because I'm in a full belly laugh!

    The dream that has struck me as just weird:

    I'm walking through very dark woods and I see light ahead. I walk towards the light and end up standing at the edge of a large circular clearing. In the middle of the clearing, on the ground, is a large glass circle that has been divided like a pie chart. Dancing around the circle are three large rabbits. They dance for a bit and then in unison they shout, "THREE!"
    The instant they shout, three of the pie pieces light up brilliantly!
    The dancing and chanting continues and I wake up.



    I always have a dream that I can fly by flapping my arms up and down…I hate waking up from those dreams…it’s so nice to fly


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    mine are usually having to do with being given an attack helicopter.


    I had a dream once, where I was in my own brain - not like a normal dream, but more like some weird sorta mind-scape, made up of previous dreams. some of the places were dreams, other meaningless liminal spaces, but more were memories. even though the places were there, no people were. the people who existed talked without making noise, or opening their mouths. some people never existed outside of my mind. if those people were there, I was safe.

    but then I stumbled upon an old childhood home, and nobody was there. then, a sock puppet shows up out of no where, and tells me to leave. I look up, and the thing puppetting is some large black ink-thing, and it yells at me. I just remember fall backwards, and waking up in my bed.

    I now live in fear of the thing in my head.



    A dream where I woke up and the sky was yellow and I was a clown, riding a horse, which was riding a whale with legal, and the legs were called Bob, Bob, Bob, and Bob.



    The first nightmare I ever had, I was looking out my sister's bedroom window and saw her standing on the side walk outside and the devil was trying to kill her so he set all the sidewalks in my neighborhood on fire and I woke up crying cause Katie died.


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    I dreamt awful shady stuff over the years but I don't want to disturb anybody. Here's one that's almost basic.

    So I am at a concert venue where Me'Shell Ndegeocello plays! I adore this songwriter/performer so of course I'm having a blast. There's plenty of drugs so I'm smashed and what do I find on the ground? That's it- you named it- a backstage pass! So I'm overjoyed!

    Concert ends after two encores, I head backstage once Me'Shell and all the musicians have left. I feel like I have to wait at least twenty minutes and so I do. And then I make my way.

    Arriving at her door, I knock and hear "Come in". There's the friends crowd, maybe she has family in town, etc. She's sat at a chair, undoing her make up. I do my best not to sound too overjoyed as I say:

    "Hey Michelle, what a concert! Always loved your music since..."

    She then turns to me with an awkard look.

    "Name me one song."

    I open my mouth and the words don't come out. And then something comes out of nowhere and it's not so good.


    She punches me in the face.

    "That's a covers album, loser".

    And then I woke up.


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    I have a recurring dream that started when I was around 16. I dream I come to and realize I've been kidnapped. I'm in the back of utility style van, sitting on floor, taped and tied and shake a blue hood off my head. The van is parked on a small access road in the woods. No one is around. I kick the back door open and throw myself on the ground.
    Soon as I hit the ground I see a tiny puddle next to me. I get to my feet, get untied and remove the tape, but the whole time I'm getting freed I notice the puddle getting larger, deeper and wider. By time I'm freed and ready to run away it's a lake, too deep and wide to cross very quickly and I can then see across the lake is a big 3 headed dog like Cerberus. He is snarling and barking and I know I'm going to get caught or eaten by this dog. I start to go into the lake with no real plan for the dog or any idea if I will be able to swim that far anyway. Just as I feel the frigid water hit my chest it feels like I am shot or stabbed in my legs and I am sinking because my legs won't move. I wake up at that point. And everytime I wake up my legs are numb and tingly for a little while or I get a charlie horse in my calf. Everytime. Smh


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    My most memorable dream happened when I was a young girl, probably about 10 or so. Up until then I sort of believed that if you dreamed you died, you died in real life, and I certainly had never dreamed of being an adult man before.

    In the dream I was a man in what looked like Elizabethan times. There were two men who were supposed to be my friends, but I suspected they wanted to kill me. They told me to say my prayers, but I knew that they just wanted me to close my eyes so that I couldn't see them kill me.

    They stabbed me with a sword, but although I knew I was dead and I couldn't move, I was still aware of what was going on around me. The two men began worrying about how they would get rid of my body.

    I wasn't angry. On the contrary I kept trying to reassure them they had nothing to worry about, that they hadn't killed me, that I was still alive. They couldn't hear me though, and carried on trying to work out what to do with my corpse.

    And that was where the dream ended. No light at the end of the tunnel, no celestial being to welcome me. I was stuck in my body but aware of what was happening.

    This was about 65 years ago, but I still remember it very clearly, including how kindly I felt towards my two murders once I was dead. This was the only dream I ever had where I wasn't me, but don't take it as proof of reincarnation, because I did watch a lot of movies.


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    A co-worker got a new house so he wanted to throw a party in a few weeks. As he unpacked he would tell us of the cool "secrets" his house has... A hidden chair hanging from the tree; a sliding hidden door to a closet; one way mirror.

    Enter dream sequence... Party day arrived, host is showing us around and he passes a bathroom. I ask to make a pitstop, he says sure.
    We see 11 more bathrooms on our tour and I asked to use each bathroom along our path.
    On the 13th bathroom, the host asked me if I needed to go. I thought for a moment and said, " Yes, but this time I will wake up and use mine."
    I woke up and barely made it to the bathroom because my bladder was beyond full.

    Mom always said not to go potty in my dreams; got lucky that day.


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    Jaqi Hegland
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I always dream that I can't find a bathroom, maybe I find one with a broken toilet, one where the walls are glass, just all unusable for various reasons until I realize it's a dream and wake up to use the actual one.

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    Once I dreamed that I was carrying a butternut squash around as if it was a baby. I was upset because the diaper wouldn't stay on and I had nothing to feed it.


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    Opal Basin
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    while my mom was pregnant with me she had a dream in which she gave birth to me. I was a turkey sandwich. Apparently the dream escalated into a nightmare as the sandwich kept falling apart.

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    I used to have Nightmares where I could see my daughter, but she wouldn't respond to me when I called her name. I would always see her walking towards danger or getting lost somewhere and I would call her name over and over. I used to scream her name so loud that I would myself up and wake her up in her room.



    In my dreams, I invent amazing touristy/consumerist areas.

    The first was not too spectacular, just a very wide-reaching network of docks that a few inches above water level. You could wander the sprawling docks like a large outdoor market, pop into a bar or cafe, or hop into a small boat to move in and out of the area.

    The second was a water park type of arena where there was a 4-story fortress shaped like a giant wall with openings and pathways through the wall on either side and a narrow river in between. Kids would hide in either fortress and shoot water guns or throw water balloons at the opposite side, and run between floors and windows to surprise the opposing team on the other side. Inspired by the old Halo level 'Boarding Action'.

    My favorite place started as a long, linear underground mall. Looked pretty standard while you were down there, but at the end you take an escalator up and it plots you right out onto the beach, except it is a three-tiered artificial beach on top of the real beach. Each level was staggered a little further back, like 2 mezzanine levels of beach. So you could run right out to the water, or go up one level to the bar, and either hang out in the shade under the top floor, or go and sit on the sandy beach that was raised about 30 feet above sea level. Then, you could go up one level to the top level, which has an even higher beach as well as a pool and a mini bar. Rooftop beach! Then from the top floor (about 60-80 feet up), you can hop on a slide that takes you all the way down right into the ocean (Yes, I did this in the dream, both on a tube raft, and on my butt!). An absolute blast! I'm sure it's something that will exist in Dubai one day.



    When I was 15 in the early 90’s, I wrecked my car when I wasn’t even supposed to be driving it. Part of my punishment was that I didn’t get to earn a replacement car. I guess I mourned my lost freedom more than I consciously knew, because I would dream that Betty White took me to the popular mall in my town and bought me a car. This was weird to me because a) why Betty White [I was definitely a fan thanks to Golden Girls watching with my grandma but still weird to me]? And b) there were no cars being sold at the mall. I guess she was my subconscious’s Fairy Godmother. 🤷🏻‍♀️


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    my bed was in the middle of a desert and there were hUGE spiders all over the place. one jumped on my and i woke up shaking that leg like a madwoman..


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    Ok, so I had this weird dream where I saw a time machine and traveled to the year 1994 to save Kurt Cobain, and I did, and we went on all sorts of adventures in the current day. It lasted a week (1 night, but the time span of the dream was 1 week)

    Monday, we just talked, I wanted to know how he felt. Tuesday, We had some musical fun. Wednesday, I Played more music, Thursday was the turning point, I decided to bring him to rehab, and he met with Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic. On Friday, I noticed he was missing, and I went back to his home and noticed him completely happy, super sober, and healthy.
    We then talked for the rest of the time, where then Kurt did the wackiest thing I've seen. He tried to punch me, but I woke up.


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    So when I was 7, I had a weird dream where I was stuck in a machine that tried to kill me, etc… and at a point it began starting to try to squash me with plastic baskets and prick me. At the end, I got teleported to a metal platform on a rocket booster, with a countdown timer at 3 seconds to liftoff. My parents are waiting below the platform, and I try to get off, but fail. Then the booster starts spewing fire and the platform blasts off. I jump and fall. I start flapping my arms, and start flying. Then a rocket flies towards me and hits me. Then I wake up all sweaty.


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    I had a dream I was in a mall. the Basement was parking, the Ground Floor was a Food Court, the 1st and 2nd Floor where normal Shops, the way to get into the next floors where escalators. and the mall Aesthetics was open type so you can basically sell all floors regardless on which Level you are.

    But on the 3rd and last floor was when it got interesting, once your at the escalator going to the 3rd floor half way it gets Gray and Dark, and the noise from the mall just Dies out.

    there are no stores there but instead you get rows and rows of what looks like an abandon hospital. with full on Heavy Metal Plated Doors, ones your see in an ER. There where port holes where you can peek inside,
    its mostly empty except for dirty medical things. except for one operating room where you can see babies hanging from meat hooks, and preserved in large Jars.

    it was completely surreal. no one goes to the 3rd floor. but your not restricted in anyway to go there though. and the rest of the mall is just a regular mall packed with lights and people and noise.


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    I was at a place called Banbury Hill Farm (I've been there previously on a holiday with my family) and my mum was inexplicably pregnant. I had said some really awful things about the baby, and my mum kicked me out. I ran through fields until I found this really weird looking shack, and because I'm never particularly clever in my dreams, I went inside. I was just helping myself to food when some priest turned up and terrified the living c**p out of me. He promised not to molest me, but after we spoke for about 20 minutes, he tried it on. I ran back to the farm, but my mum tried to get rid of me because she was still pretty upset. I explained the situation and she let me stay, although it was mainly because she went into labour and didn't have the strength to fight me. Priesty McPriestface came back and tried it on with everyone, including the only half-born baby, but my friend's brother killed the priest and my mum declared him godfather of the baby.

    Also when I was 8 I had a series of nightmares in which I was trapped on a desert island with only my friends for (positive) company. There was some naked boy (my age at the time) who kept chasing me around, and these dreams went on for DAYS before I mentally shoved the boy in a box and drowned him.

    I'm very disturbed, in case you couldn't tell.


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    august is mentally unstable
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    that sound like one of my dreams actually. i was having nightmares about being stuck in high chairs while a boy tried to kiss me. i was 5. now i am gay.


    I went to look at a chocolate river which I crossed on a fallen tree. The I walked up the river bank and jumped off a 1000 foot cliff into the sea. I was then chased by sharks and appeared on my parents lounge floor next to a dead person that I had killed, however everyone was happy he was dead as he was a pedophile


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    Okay kiddies buckle up you're in for a wild ride.

    OK I believe I was about 9 when I dreamt this one and I still remember it because it was so weird.

    OK it started off in a funfair that the longer you were there the more it began to fade and age. Well I was there doing some games with normal things like toss the sack into the hole kinda games. The winning toys looked like they were Frankensteined toys, that were bears and cats combined. Still looked really cute though so I tried to win them.

    After that I heard someone shouting come see the oddities etc. So being the morbidly curious creature I was I went to have a look.

    Well there was a manor of weird things in it, like the normal freak show stuff. Then there was a flea that could eat everything but was stored in a bath because that was the only thing that could hold it.

    Then I was walking to the back of the tent and there was another creature in the back. It was freaky looking, it had cat eyes, duck feet and just looked super weird.

    So then there was people screaming outside near the entrance. Over the tannoy this voice came on and said, "everyone get out of here, the zombies have made it to the funfair! Run go out the back they haven't got round that far"

    So we all began running away, zombies were indeed catching up. However they didn't attack because right at the top of the hill someone decided to roll the largest round of cheese down the hill. So we all dive out of the way and the zombies started running away from the cheese.

    Then someone shouted that the flea in all that rampaging has escaped.

    So it began eating people, the road, everything it saw. Until someone came up with the idea of grabbing a belfast sink and trap it in it.

    So we started to hunt the flea down, however everything it ate it began to grow in size. So it was big enough but not as big as the sink.

    I was woken up because I was screaming and crying in my sleep from that one.

    I didn't have that dream again


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    I had a dream I was a spy, with some sort of handsome man. Oh, and we were infiltrating West Virginia...which was trying to take over the United States by messing with water fountains. The Governor of West Virginia was threatened by California, who was governed by my brother, who is not an adult. And I was employed to help California stop West Virginia from taking over the United States and the world by fixing one water fountain at a time.
    I don't think that's how most spy movies go.


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    I had a really weird dream once. I used to have a huge fear of zombies, just the mere thought of them would freak me out. So I had a dream where I was at school and everyone had left except for me and a boy. Most of the lights in the school were shut off, but we could see pretty well. Suddenly, the boy shouted, "Run! The zombies, they're coming!" So then I ducked underneath the teacher's desk, and he hid there with me. I heard growling and footsteps that would creak eerily as the zombie got closer, and me and the boy kept shushing each other even though neither one of us was talking. So the zombie heard our shushing, so he walked toward us, the floor creaking loudly. Then I swirled around to see the zombie reaching for me. Wanna know what he looks like? A giant soda can. I dunno what the brand of it was or anything, it was just a gian green soda can twice the size of me with green legs and green arms reaching towards me. But before me or the boy could scream, I woke up. I don't know why, but I was really freaked out by this dream and I told my parents about it, crying. They laughed VERY hard, but I didn't find it funny, I found it terrifying. Now when I think back to that dream, though, I find it hilarious.


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    I dream the same scenario over and over from when I was a kid. It happens easily once a week. I am just hanging with my family and then we get on a car, and then I end up alone in a fast food restaurant looking for my family. I am 34 now and I've been having the same dream since I was a teen.


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    So I went to middle school 2 hour early, and then everyone hanged around in the cafeteria hitting their heads on plants. Then it cut to after school, I went home, and then these aliens started attacking us by sending flaming balls at us and I met a resistance group that I almost turned around on but then decided to join them. It was run by my orchestra teacher. There were several people in it. Then I got on this spacecraft sort of thing that flew and we attacked the alien ships and then my orchestra teacher got out and said “ THE E FLAT IS OUT OF TUNE.” Then it continued like we were actually in a movie and we were spies trying to stop it. Then I woke up. It was a cool dream. Don’t ask about the details. Then my dad picked me up from my bed by driving his car in a pool. Then I woke up for real.


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    (I have one more I wanted to share)

    The night before, I wondered if you could control your dreams.


    We are having a party at my house. Keep in mind, I was like 12. We were playing hide and seek tag. That’s basically you try and tag people who are hiding. Anyway, me and a few of my friends were ran into my parents bedroom. And then I realize this is a dream. But I try and experiment with it. So I tell my friends to wait for a sec. They pause. I face the wall, and pull out something. I decide to see if I can change the dream. So I close my eyes, and holding the pebble, I make a circle with my hand. Nothing happens. I try again. This time I visualize a portal forming and taking my to a different time and place. And a white portal appears. BEST DREAM EVER! Me and my friends jump in, and like that we keep traveling into different places and times. Then in the end we travel to a place and we are riding future robot horses while people behind us chase us throwing huge pickles. Then we land in a beach, where I see a person. I tell her our dream situation and she doesn’t believe me. Then I show her proof. Then I wake up. Or so I think. But then I wake up again. I “wake up” at least 17 times and then fully wake up. The part where I could control it was awesome. Since then I have wished for a similar dream.



    A week ago I had a dream about my fourteen year old brother coming home from the Vietnam war riding on a llama listening to Aretha Franklin.


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    I was stuck in an iron man suit and I couldn’t move… 🤷🏻‍♀️


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    . I once had a dream where I was hiking in the foothills of Idaho, many winding valleys and high hills to the left of me and a tall hill to the right, blocking the sun. The view was beautiful, and while I was staring at the view, I got distracted and realized I passed a pea shop, full of crispy peas? And I thought that was really bizarre. Also, some kid was at the pea shop, buying a bag of crispy peas. He was holding a fuzzy creature that looked very bizarre also. All of a sudden, I spawn back to my house. I am standing in grass that is up to my knees. I notice a box on my trampoline-a box of kittens. One falls off and into the grass. I look for it but it is gone. Then, I turn my head to see, underneath the trampoline, a looooooooong snail, the length of a classroom, stretched across my yard. I am concerned and run inside. Then, I stare at my kitchen table for two hours, eating an orange. (Literally) then I turn around-and through the glass door I see a bear scratching at the door. This continues for a while, and my family just walks by as if it’s nothing. Then, I notice every single one of my classmates falls out of my tree in sync. (For some reason, only one of them was fully visible though. Most of them were invisible for some reason?) And, the bear, hearing the noise of them falling, turned his head to look. I then opened the door and yelled, “SHOO! GO! LEAVE! MY TERRITORY!” And he ran away.

    And that, my friends, is the weirdest dream I ever, and probably will ever, have. Sorry for wasting time; hope I gave y’all a good laugh



    Dreamed that mashed potato kept coming up out of my throat and clogging my mouth. Every time I scooped it out, more would appear and eventually I choked to death.



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    I dreamt I was in a row boat on a lake of blood. I lost my oar and was scared to retrieve it. I tried anyway and fell 8nto the lake. I was horrified and gasping as I tread water. The lake was full of chunks of bloody meat. Somehow I swam to shore. I stood up and there was a h7ge slab of meat the size of a house. There were people all around6it try8ng to slice pieces off it with saws and blades. I woke up in a cold sweat. I was 13 years old when I dreamt this, many many years ago. I will never get this one out of my head.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Here's the story: I had a dream where a small alien went to earth and then ATE earth and I was floating around in space on a chair and my grandma was floating around too? Then the little alien began to suck all the remaining debris like a vacuum and for some reason I was still alive? And the little alien sent giant hamsters colored pink, blue and yellow. And I just ran and the hamsters chased me lmao. I forgot what happened next but I had this dream when I was in kindergarten so basically 2-3 years old

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    My dream looked like an old black and white film. I'm terrified and running in a weird building hearing dogs barking as they get closer. I tell myself I have to face them or I could wake myself up. I turn around and do a trust fall into nothing. Woke up when I 'landed'.


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    So I used to have a dream when I was like 7/8 where I’m in a dark creepy staircase and every time I had that dream I would go down a little farther and when I got to the bottom step there would be a black lion that would come out and eat my two friends and bite me in half. Idk why but it creeped me out so much and I would always wake myself up if I knew that the dream would come.


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    I had a dream the other day a man went and tried to rape me with his clothes on so I pushed the 28yo man out of that bed and murdered him with a Minecraft pickaxe, ripped off his limbs with a bear trap, and then called the police on him to put his limbs in jail.

    I’m a weird kid


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    Imagine a vintage flat video game, and then a city. Well I was kidnapped by a witch and I was being pushed around in a shopping cart. And the witch went into some store and I jumped out and fell into a sewer and died. I was like 12.


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    I was walking both of my dogs (which is already weird, because at the time, one of those dogs was dead) in the summer, when I saw a sign in front of a house that said "There is cold milk in the fridge". I got into the house through the side gate, and went to the fridge. For some reason, this house, despite being the size of the regular houses I see in my neighborhood, resembled my aunt's house that has 3 floors and is much larger. I drank the whole gallon of milk. Later, I went to return, but the family was home, the mother resembled marge Simpson at first, and asked me who I was, I made something up (I forgot what it was), and left. On the way out, the woman ( who now looked like one of my other aunts) asked me if I had stolen something. By now my dogs had randomly disappeared. Not knowing how to answer the question, I flew away. When I returned home, the dogs were there, and when I remembered that I left the dogs behind, I took those same dogs, and walked back to the house in an attempt to get them back. The father was waiting outside, and he resembled Captain Carl Majors from "Godzilla: Power Hour" but with blond hair. I noticed I had the device they used in that show to call Godzilla, but when I called him, he didn't appear as he did in "Godzilla: Power Hour", he looked like Shin Godzilla. A bunch of stuff that I forget happened, but I remember playing a videogame that kept changing objectives, and the characters' design kept changing (The way things looks is very inconsistent in my dreams) and all of the sudden, the noise my alarm makes started going off, but I thought it was coming from the game, which I was not supposed to be playing (I was under the bed, not the blanket, the bed. and there is not a lot of space under my bed, I somehow squeezed under there). My aunt (the one that I live with) heard the noise and lifted up the mattress to see me with the game. I woke up and noticed my alarm was going off. Does the whole people's look changing thing happen in other people's dreams, too?


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    I've got a couple, I'll try and make it short.
    1. In 5th grade, I had a dream my school had a school shooting, and for some reason I was the target. It was the last 5 minutes of the day, and the school said to dismiss students as usual, and when i got in my car to be driven home, the window was shot and glass went everywhere and no one seemed to notice.
    2. I've had a recurring dream for the past few years, around Christmas time, that on Christmas eve me and my family go to some random, empty field and build a whole city there in a day, and there's no reason to why we do it, and all of it just dissapears in the morning.

    Anyone know what these mean?


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    Karai backstabbed the tmnt and helped the X man kidnap Leo


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And it happens right after Leo had a fight with The team and run away it was also the 2012 version


    I was in a penitentiary where the men were segregated from the women by some fences and a deep chasm. At some point I was attacked in a hallway, had my abdomen slit open, and was forced to watch as my innards were all sucked out by a powerful wet vac. Fade to black...


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    Well the dream was a bit different than what you might be thinking. It was a about a group of teens who found a strange building with a curved corridor that didn’t end with offshoots that had puzzles/challenges. Once they finished a certain number a doorway opened they went through and found a girl asleep in the middle of a square. She woke up and the door behind them closed. They discovered they were in a labyrinth and had to complete a challenge or defeat a foe to continue to next level. They were there for months working their way through till they came to the last challenge. Once there a doorway opened and they decided to run for it rather than face the last challenge. The girl they met at the beginning cried out for them to stop but they didn’t hear over the excitement not even the boy who fell in love with her and her him. Once they got through the door vanished and along with it her. They tried to get through the wall but it was impossible. Then a vision appeared in front of them of the girl asleep in the square back at the beginning and they realized that they had to face that last challenge in order for her to be free and be with them. A horrible sound hit and everything went dark and a weird greenish hued being appeared with large pointy ears only its back visible and it disappeared into the darkness. That’s when I woke up. It was pretty upsetting and I was up rest of night but very vivid!😁 The sound at end was like a heavy wood door slamming mixed with heavy steel banging and a weird droning sound


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    I had this dream in 1994. I was 17. I was an all seeing, all knowing birds head named Quan. I floated in the corner of Point Nemo in the ocean. Resting on top of the water. If you could ever find me, you could ask me anything and I would answer truthfully. My daughter's father, who's part of the infinite unknown now, drew a picture of my dream for me back then. Sad to say, it was lost in a fire.


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    A chicken with human eyes… I was terrified


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    I had a dream that Gibbs from NCIS was trying to kill me. He was very determined and menacing in a quiet way, and scary. I didn’t understand why he wanted to kill me, but I was able to hide from him. His team didn’t understand either. Then my dad showed up to help me escape. I haven’t seen NCIS for several years.


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    I had a nightmare that Christine Barabski had kidnapped me and was holding me hostage. I used to be intimidated by her, but never knew her personally. I used to watch it TV sitcom called Cybill (with Cybill Shepherd from Moonlighting tv show.) Christine Baranski was on it, way before The Good Wife. Later Baranski played Leonard’s mom on Big Bang Theory and she was so funny. It was a bizarre nightmare.


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    Large plants were chasing me because they were my landlords and I needed to pay rent. There was a fern, a pansy, a daisy, some kind of moss...oh, and, the dream I had a nephew named Austin. I have no nieces or nephews or even siblings. I was 8 when I dreamed that.


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    I had this reoccurring dream when I was a young teen till I was about 18. It starts with me waking up in my childhood room, I get up and go out the door. I find myself on the second floor landing of my brother's friends house walking towards the stairs. As I am about to reach them I look back to see a gaunt and jondus me in hospital pajamas floating at me. I run down the stairs to the main floor of an old building turn a corner, open a door and descend into my granparents basement filled with old snow suits, mitts, toques and boot liners hanging drying from the heat of the wood stove. The fire light makes it look they are moving like someone is moving between them and as I come to an opening and about to step into the light of the stove. Pajama wearing me comes face to face and smiles weekly but the eyes aren't and as we blink I am in my bed again with the knowledge I got 6 more times to go before I can wake up. Each time same starting point and ending but different floors and number of levels until I finally wake up and swear to God it sounded like someone just left closing the door to my room. It's happened in different places , cities provinces so I ain't got no clue.


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    I recently got a nightmare that make me want to go to my guinea pig's cage first thing after waking up.

    I dreamt something was wrong with him, acting weird or something. Took him to the vet, he needed surgery.
    Waited a long time, when they brought him back, he was 1 part my guinea pig, other parts were definitely from other guinea pigs, stitched together.

    My nightmare was a guinea pig monster of Frankenstein.
    The first thing after waking up was giving the "monster" a cuddle.


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    Had a dream where I was talking with Where's Waldo, he started crying and said "I feel like everyone looks for me but nobody truly sees me"


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    a duck made of back cheese shooting Doritos at me 😐


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    I remember me being the main character of my little pony. I was in a farm in reality and I saw a chicken chasing a cow and a pig playing fetch.


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    I was in 1st grade and we had a troublemaker in my class who I ABSOLUTELY DESPISED. Fast forward 2 years later when I had a nightmare of him coming to my Sunday school. Next Sunday, i see him and his sister signing up. True story.


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    Once I was playing with my dog and he talked . he communicated to me that he needed to poop and levitated . then he pooped on a cloud and that cloud turned yellow and it started to rain dog pee .


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    I dreamt I was a crocodile and ate a duck. When I woke up my pillow was half empty.



    I had this dream when I was 8. SO me, my dad, and my brother were playing hide and seek in a cave. We were having so much fun when a literal floating notification popped up. It said: Do you want to play again? Something bad will happen! (those were the exact words) You could pick yes or no. I picked yes. as soon as we finished the 2nd round, a zombie came out of the cave. So we ran to a restaurant and my brother got bit by a zombie but as soon as he saw me he turned back to normal because in my dream, if an infected person saw something that they recognize, they would turn to normal. That was the end of the dream. Sorry for making this so long!


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    I think it was about a year or two ago but I dreamt that my cousin and I drove this car up to our grandparent's neighbor's house to watch an outside show about the neighbor's life and there were a whole bunch of animals around (chickens, cows, etc.) and then my cousin and I drove back down to our grandparent's house and my cousin parked the car on their porch and the car started rolling off the porch. I don't remember much after that.


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    Here's 3 that I remember... Being chased by Kirk and Spock through Walmart...
    Doing some kinda science stuff and making a blue fire that was cold instead of hot...
    Watching a battle between the Transformers and some kind of aliens shaped like light bulbs (screw in part was the head) that had laser guns for hands.


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    we were running around a weird version of hong kong (i grew up there) and then some bad people were bounty hunting for ME. i hid but it turned out to be the lair of the bad people. they were sacrificing girls by telling them that this is how you become a “material girl”. i escaped after realizing that this want a good idea,

    i then became a wanted criminal with some other girl and her brother and we flew around the world trying to get away from them. when we were captured i asked the people if they were going to kill us and they politely said yes??

    With a spark of genius i turned to the sister and told her to strangle me because this was a dream and i could avoid death by waking up.


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    I was going through the basement of a clothing store and one of the mannequin saw me and stopped walking. When I walked past it, I saw a grin on it's face and there was a glitch and I fell down a flight of stairs.


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    Barney the purple dinosaur chased my entire family around a soccer field. Oh yeah, and his taste for children is why I don't have a younger sister.


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    I once heard my older sister say that everyone dreams about black helicopters at some point in their lives at least once. I, rather skeptically, said I never had and didn't think about it again. The very next night I dreamed that I walked out of a shopping mall and the sky was filled with black helicopters. In my dream I panicked and I ran to my vehicle to drive away from the area, but the helicopters just got lower and lower. Roads were jammed with traffic and I couldn't get away and the helicopters just kept getting closer. I don't remember how the dream ended, but I do remember that I was terrified of the helicopters for some unknown reason. It was strange.



    My sister (who was 19 at the time of this dream) got pregnant and we didn’t know who the father was. Then, her water broke in the first trimester and she wouldn’t go to the hospital. I called my mom over in the dream and told her everything, she was appalled at the fact we didn’t know the father more than the fact she wasn’t going to the hospital. Anyways… don’t know what it meant… it was just trippy!


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    I had a dream about a giant unicorn taking over the worls



    Being trapped in a tetris game and having to climb up the blocks before they crushed me



    Last night actually, I was a child of a goddess. Except, completely unfamiliar gods, although they were similar to Greeks. Did I just come up with a new religion?


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    i got one just today, it's about me defending my house from zombie horde. i did pretty well in it, until some random girl come running with a loudspeaker which attract a lot more hordes that killed me. now that i think of it, it's probably my alarm clock waking me up


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    i dreamed that i am in a doll factory, the factory is making chucky dolls, no matter where i looked it's all chucky dolls looked at me


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    Benita Valdez
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh he used to haunt my nightmares as a kid when that movie first came out. The worst one was I would be rolling a ball of yarn with a randomly in a small room and as the ball filled the room the randomly would walk on it to roll. But then she'd turn into chucky and try to crush me with the giant yarn ball. This was a recurring nightmare as a kid


    I had a dream that I was being chased through my parent's 2 story house by a cat and dog I didnt know. I tried to close a door but the cat got in the way and when the door slammed on it, the cat screamed "Ow!!" at me, at which point I was scared awake.


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    Its not fair I always have really boring dreams like making a cup of tea or buttering toast 😭


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    One time I had one were chickens escaped from Walmart and then a big robot tried to smoosh me


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    A previously recurring nightmare of a haunted mansion, but it was literally like cheap halloween props, and toy story style inhabitants. I learned how to pop open the "walls" and helped them hide from the headless horseman. One wall opened into a huge shiny bathroom and an aot titan walked in, telling me they'd been trying to reach me. I forced myself awake bc THIS DOESNT FOLLOW THE SCRIPT WTF


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    A few years ago I had this dream where I woke up in the middle of the night with a funny idea- I went into the living room and woke my dad up but when I pulled off the covers nobody was there. A few minutes later in the dream the apartment door opens and he walks in- with no body, just clothes outlining his body. Then I fainted on the spot cause I thought he was a ghost.


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    After suffering through "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace" I had a dream about George Lucas being chased by angry characters from the Star Wars universe. Then characters from other SF movies & shows joined them.


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    I once had a dream where my sister took me to a new bar. Shoes had to be left in the hallway. We went to order drinks and my sister recommended me an H&M beer. It was a white can and the text was in red. Suddenly Smurfette pulled me into the back room which was a secret casino. The Muppets were gambling, but the game was uno. I said something funny and Elmo, who smokes a cigar, laughed at my story. I said I didn’t want to play and went back to the bar counter. Next I tried to find my sister. I came to the bathroom. Man was off the floor in front of the door and doorman tried to wake him up. the doorman’s face was blurry and the sound was a bit roaring like on TV when someone wants to remain anonymous. I decided to go home and woke up. I was quite an adult and childless when I saw this dream.


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    I was in a weird building that was sort of like an Aldi's and a library and a clothing store all at once and I kept running around in circles and taking bites out of foam hangers??? Anyway in the dream I think I died and there appeared The Barack Obama, but he looked like he was CGI. Anyway I kept trying and failing to shake his hand and kept commenting on how tall he was (he was very tall) and then he finally shook my hand and we JUMPED straight up into heaven and then I woke up because I was scared I had actually died


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    I was in a weird building that was sort of like an Aldi's and a library and a clothing store all at once and I kept running around in circles and taking bites out of foam hangers??? Anyway in the dream I think I died and there appeared The Barack Obama, but he looked like he was CGI. Anyway I kept trying and failing to shake his hand and kept commenting on how tall he was (he was very tall) and then he finally shook my hand and we JUMPED straight up into heaven and then I woke up because I was scared I had actually died


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    I once had a very worrying dream in which me and my sister were in 2 different boats, she waved to me and during the act of me waving back a glacier fell out of the sky and onto her boat. Naturally this should have killed her but instead she had gotten stuck in the glacier, I heard a loud crack and a part of the glacier fell off and sunk with my sister in it. In my gut I could feel she was dead, and then I woke up


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    I already posted on this but I thought this one was interesting

    I went to hogwarts and I turned the entire school into a giant inflatable type trampoline park, and then I got to watch snape bouncing down towards the dungeons.


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    I had enjoyed an uplifting matinee movie, and then got the usual surprise at seeing it still daytime outside; actually the early part of a magnificent sunset filling half the sky. I wandered away from the theatre, a bit uphill, until I came to a very wide set of steps with just a few stumps of stone columns still on the plinth. There was a trickle of water coming down the steps, and I followed it up. There, I saw a small stream coming across a desert, and pooling just a bit at the top of the steps. There, grounded, was a complete 50-passenger lifeboat in good condition. It helped me to realize that my concerns are temporary, and efforts often misguided.


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    Star Wars but with over 100 different franchises included the weirdest part was when Freddy fazbear showed up funny i know but i remember it clear as day😂


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    I had three dreams but this one was weird so me and My friends were outside with some other people me and my friends got bored so we screamed random things and we heard yesses me and my friends saw this giant thing I ran in the house when I came in I was all alone then I went in my closet and they thing got me


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    Running down a mountain side, through the trees. Gravity was pulling me down making it hard to control my pace. I was forced to take longer and longer strides to keep from face planting. I took a couple of bounding strides and then lifted my both feet and began to soar like a bird. I flew past beautiful mountain ranges. It was amazing and the only flying dream I have ever had!


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    There was a nuclear bunker and we were in it about to go trick-or-treating. We went out into this prairie setting and it started raining hardly. There was Dr. Jekyll but as a cat and he transformed into Hyde as a cat but buff and with a tiny top hat and rescued everyone. Two 8-12 y/o kids were in a room full of hay and my mom took them in her Nissan Leaf.


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    I was in my regular house, and then I walked up to a lamp and said ‘boo’. Everything in the house then only came alive when I wasn’t looking, and they started following me when I went to a playground. At this playground a dog was going down a slide and then back up the same way, sliding upwards. The dream then changed to me standing in front of a puzzle. After I finished the puzzle I heard an odd sound and looked up. There instead of the sun was a sort of animal I can only describe as a hedgehog-pug. I blew at it, and it drifted away before coming back. Weird music played, and then I woke up.


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    I have had a reoccurring dream since I was about 8. In this dream I am completely alone in the world, all the buildings and stuff was there, just no creatures, only plants as the only other lifeform. To this day, I still have it from time to time.


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    The really good ones are the ones where the harder you try to remember them the less you recall.

    Beautiful subconscious life lessons to savour the moment, because life is just a series of experiences


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    this is gonna be kinda longgggg

    in my dream, a couple had just moved into my best friend's house. me, somehow not knowing my best friend had moved out, went over to hang out with her. the couple answered the door and invited me in. i went in. sometime in the dream my dog and a woman with a baby came in.
    anyways i remember my dog being turned into noodles and also probably the woman and baby. the last thing i remember is me being over a giant crocpot or something, most likely going to be turned into noodles.


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    I was in an airplane that was banking into a long curve, and a voice on the intercom said, 'This is the captain speaking. We are now approaching the airport of the subconscious.' I looked out the window into a cloudy night sky, and woke up.


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    Hard to chose but I had a dream when I was about 5 where I was in a white train station with my parents, grandparents and sister and had an I pad that made all the games I played real life. I got bored and asked my mom, "is this a dream?" She said no and then I woke up.


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    Once when I was 3 about a week after my sister was born I had a weird dream where I walked into our room, and turned off the lights and this little blue monster just said HEy!!!!! Then the door locked, and I fell onto my bed, and there were worms holding me down to the bed. They kept saying things like No we don’t want u to go in high pitched voices.Literally traumatized my 3 year old brain.So yeah now I’m terrified of worms.


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    Had a little nightmare back in elementary.
    It was in a weird Egyptian-themed cave and I was trying to join this female-only, magical assassin cult. The final test was a fight with one of the main leaders and she decided to put this weird lizard hood on. She turned into a huge cocoon that soon exploded into a mummy monster. It quickly went after all the other girls by doing something with their necks. So me being a little idiot pretended and convinced the monster that I had no neck. Last thing I remember before waking up was knocking at the cave entrance. At least I woke up in time for choir


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    I don't remember the whole dream but it was really weird and at the end I remember I was at my grandma's apartment and she was sad we never called her. I felt bad for her and realized I didn't have her number, then I woke up. I felt bad for her until like 1 pm that day and was gonna ask my dad for her number. Right before I did that I realized... My grandma died in 2019.


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    I was being chased by four business men in suits and sunglasses. As I'm running from them, I managed to get run across a street with houses on a hill and just before my foot can touch the grass of one yard, one of the men simply touches my shoulder. I start running up the hill past other houses when the second man grabs my arm and manages to hold on for a few seconds before I break free. As I continue running up the hill past more houses, the third man grabs my wrist and is able to hold on much longer then the first two. I keep struggling to pull away from the man and I'm finally free. I keep running up the hill but I stop as there's now a huge wide open meadow in front of me. No more houses. Just a very big meadow. As I start to run for the meadow, I feel something grab my ankle and when I look down, it's the fourth guy. I keep trying to pull away from him but he's clearly much stronger then the other three. As I'm fighting to get away from the man, the other three show up. Just before all four men can grab me, I finally manage to get loose and run into the meadow. I look behind me and all four men are just standing there looking at me. They don't chase after me so I just run through the meadow leaving those men behind.


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    Not so much a dream but delirious with fever ( I had covid at the time, so did my husband) anyway .... we were in bed really really sick, I thought my husband was feeling me up and I thought why not! So I rolled over to face him and he was facing the other way.... so who the hell was feeling me up? I slowly looked down at where I could feel the hands on me and saw my own hands there.


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    This is more of a nightmare and I don’t know what it means. So it starts out with a girl playing on a little row boat with her dog. Then they disappear and I think a random thought, any random thought will do. And then a voice that sounds exactly like mine will say what I thought over and over again, each time getting louder and angrier. And you know how when you wake up the dreams go away, well not with this one. I can still hear the voice. The only way to stop it is to talk or hear someone else talk to me. But as soon as I think another thought the voice is back. It’s so terrifying. It’s happened twice and I don’t know what it is but it’s not sleep paralysis because I can still move and talk normally. I don’t know what do you guys think?


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    Emma Stripp
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think you need to talk to a specialist about hearing voices. It's probably an underlying mental condition. Believe me they'll figure it out


    I was in a market place, it was wonderfully lovely. When I felt I was waking up and was being pulled away I asked if I could come back after I die. They looked at me very confused and then I woke up…


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    weird and scary, but I have a recurring dream where my sister and I are at a fair or an event and my birth dad comes up and has a g*n and he shoots me and tells me that I ruined his life and my sister is screaming crying yelling for help.


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    I had a dream I died.
    In the dream, I was sitting in a waiting room in a hospital. I remember the walls being that weird hospital green. I was watching a television where they were airing some program where someone was being operated on. I remember hearing a heart monitor beeping and saying aloud, "I wish they would hurry up with my surgery. I'm ready to wake up." Across the room was a man who said, "You're not going to wake up." I asked what he meant and he said to follow him.

    We went through a set of double doors to a room filled with old people who looked at me like I didn't belong. When I looked to my right, I saw my husband sitting on a bench and he was crying so hard. My heart physically hurt at that moment, almost as those I was feeling the pain he felt.

    Following the man, we came to a room where he said to look in this book and find your name, it will tell you who your guide is; it was my ex-husband's father (a minister) who died several years previously. I realized at that point what was happening. I felt so much joy and wanted to tell me husband he needed to believe. I heard a voice tell me I couldn't tell him; he would need to find out on his own. I then thought of my son and realized how devastated he would be, and I sat down, heartbroken. It was then a door opened and my former father-in-law gestured to follow him. That's when I woke up.

    I've never forgotten that dream.


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    In a deep sleep after hours of hearing horrible screaming, i start to float. in warm water at f


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    Is 4:30am and I am here as I woke myself up after having a dream where it was being narrated by one of those old school detective voices. Travelled to Los Vegas and the my private d**k license had gone squelch when I realised I was only allowed one drink as I had it and fell down with shock.

    The voice saying that it had gone squelch really bothered me, apparently.


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    Back is the summer of 2014, I was backing across Canada with my boyfriend. We would leave from Montreal to go to Vancouver island. One night I dreamed that I was looking for my boyfriend. There was weird people around me that I didn't know, they were helping me to look for him. When I woke up that morning I didn't feel good. A week later we were in Manitoba and there was an accident and he passed away. Even to this day I remember that dream as if it was a heads up to what was going to happen.


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    I have a very memorable dream of the cast of Harry Potter giving out free haircuts.

    You better believe I let Emma Watson give me bangs


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    I dreamt that I solved global warming by hatching a plan to bleach all the whales.


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    So erm, this dream is quite long so i hope you dont get annoyed with me. So, I was in my elementary school cafetiria, and i was PISSED off for some reason, because the food they gave us was SO SMALL. Literally a meatball the size of a marble, a shot glass of chocolate milk, and mini green beans. I starting kicking around and one kid named Kaleb jumped up and said, Lets take pictures of the crying girl ( which was me). He tryed to take pictures of me and i got mad so we fought and i won. Then i ran into the hallway, and i saw the schools counsler, and i asked her for a spare mask, but she didnt have any. Then i appeared in the place where they cooked food, exept it was metal conveyor belts, and it looked like my basement. The main lunch aid was trying to hack into my teachers computer, and she said, " Mrs ---------- loves the artist Green, so maybe the passcode is grass cats. GRASS CATS???? WHY IN THE WORLD DID I HAVE THAT DREAM? ( I might post my harry potter dream also)


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    When I was about 8 or 9, I had this really strange dream that my mom let my dog play in the front yard. I decided to go up to the balcony and watch my dog. There was this weird rail road in front of our house, and trucks were driving on it. Then my dog goes up to the railroad and just sits there, watching the trucks. I turned around for a second, and when I look back my dog is laying down with his paws on the railroad. There all bloody and broken, and I start screaming: HELP!!! BAGELS(that was his nickname) IS HURT!! My mom and dad appear and I lead them to the railroad. My dog is there whimpering and we move him away from the railroad. My dad picks him up and puts him in the car, and we drive to the vet. We take him in the into the vet and then sit in the lobby while the vet does surgery. Then the vet appears again with my dog, who is walking but his feet don't have skin, they were just the bones. And then I woke up. It was a really weird dream, and I don't know what it means, but I had a hard time going to sleep the next night.


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    I had a nightmare when I was about 8 years old. It was night. I walk out of my small house because people were being too loud. Suddenly I forget where I am, even thoughy house is just on the other side of the street. I ask a woman about getting home but she just closes the house curtain and leaves. Then a monotone, female voice that I had never heard in my LIFE before said "Hello, (my name,)" Turn around and there is a animal between a giant fox and cat with its tail in the air and black eyes. Suddenly it eats me and then I woke up yelling.


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    As a teen ager I dreamt I took over the world and that ANY offense was punishable by death!


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    Oooooh I have several, but this one is the weirdest because of how much sense it made

    So basically, Luna Lovegood accidentally awakened a giant omnipotent creature living just beneath the surface of reality. It had a name, but I forgot it, so I’ll just call it Omni.
    So first, everything disappeared, and every living thing on Earth was just floating in an ocean of white. As we floated through the white, support beams began to form, and soon rooms formed as well.
    Long story short (although it’s still pretty long), the Omni basically created a hotel-looking thing. Once you leveled up, you can’t escape. You level up by going up floors. The only way to escape was to level up so high you essentially become/merge with the Omni, and then you kill the shared soul/body thingy. That then restarts reality, starting from the Big Bang. The Omni was essentially a big blob of sludge, and the higher you go, the less you retain your human form and you start to fall apart (like sludge).
    The hotel could even produce alternate dimensions that mimicked the actual one, tricking us in all sorts of ways.
    Btw I think the hotel had red walls
    Eventually the hotel did disappear, returning back to that white, and I assume that someone did manage to restart reality. Then even that white vanished, and reality was restarted.


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    I remember when I was pregnant with my Daughter I had a dream that she came out as Jaws.


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    I had dream once where I thought Michael Meyers was chasing me but he was protecting me from Chucky


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    Idk if it’s weird, but I have this dream now and then.

    It always starts at school. I’m with my best friend and we are really annoyed. We are outside. We turn into bats and fly all over the world. We visit our favorite places like London and Rome before coming back home. We always make it back in time for dinner.


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    Greatest, most memorable dream I've ever had was playing poker with the Dinobots and waking up laughing hysterically when Grimlock yelled, "ME GRIMLOCK, LEADER OF THE DINOBOTS!" I can't remember if Snarl, Slag, or Swoop had accused him of cheating.


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    Greatest, most memorable dream I've ever had was playing poker with the Dinobots and waking up laughing hysterically when Grimlock yelled, "ME GRIMLOCK, LEADER OF THE DINOBOTS!" I can't remember if Snarl, Slag, or Swoop had accused him of cheating.


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    As a child, I had this dream for years, ages 3-8…it was being on the snow and being chased by a Killer Whale who somehow could move on top of the snow bank !
    Always woke up terrified!

    I later learned about my affinity with Inuit cultures and thought maybe this dream was from that life time?


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    a duck made of nacho cheese shooting cheese Doritos at me 😐


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    I was abducted by aliens and made to play soccer but like hunger games soccer in an arena


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    At the time I was 6 or 7 and was dreaming of playing a bubble shooter game. Cool. Then, everything blew up and then I was in a futuristic ship and saw a dark clothish shadow coming towards me. It touched my shoulder to pull me then I woke up with a cold chill on the same shoulder.


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    Okay I have two so I'm gonna put them both in here.
    so I'm in some kinda weird school and I'm super unpopular. there are these circular phone things (my alarm) that keep on ringing saying that it's from friends but I'm too busy to pick up. I walk outside and see this lady in a tiny cage and this guy just says he kidnapped her. like, just outside saying he kidnapped her.
    I walk up and am like, hey, stop. he says no, so I let her out of the cage and walk away. I then think that this can make me popular, so I organized this huge musical number about how I saved this lady and invited the popular girls to join. I don't remember any of the verses except for theirs which was
    "hey it's hot that's the weather, I was in twilight so I know how this works"
    I'm not a fan of twilight, I don't know why she said that.
    so, we hit the final note perfectly, everyone's clapping, and it looks like I'm about to be the most popular person in school when suddently!!!!
    my phone starts ringing.
    and it won't stop. I try to make it stop, it won't work, it's really emberresing, and everyone laughs. the lady I saved turns into an old woman and says "I don't want to date you anymore"
    I'm back at the loser table and I'm sad about still being a loser. (yes, my phone/alarm is still ringing)
    I get a brilliant plan to be popular and then I wake up.

    my next dream was set in the zoo, at first. me and like, my entire school are having a field trip and the tour guide turns into a robot so we push her into a puddle and she malfunctions. she gets understandably upset and, naturally, declares war on my school and turns into a cupcake.
    the setting changes to be my school and the cupcake takes out a cupcake gun and starts shooting cupcakes at us. we just start eating the cupcakes, so she instead takes out a "bad" food gun, which I figure out are just snacks and so we continue to eat them. I jumped into her cupcake gun (yes, I shrunk and went into her cupcake gun)
    there are rows and rows of cupcakes, and I pick up a blue one. the cupcake yells at me and says I was rude and I say I'm sorry and ask if I can eat him, and he says "yeah, go ahead."
    I ate him and then I woke up.


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    The Mangum, PI theme song came on with the helicopter and Tom Selleck and everything, then the helicopter crashed to the ground.
    Or, when I dreamt my family and I were on a plane to Bermuda I think (even though my brother and I have never actually been there) and the plane crashed to the ground.
    Maybe I shouldn't eat ice cream before I got to bed.


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    I remember a dream that I was having dinner in a kitchen in a spaceship with Michelle and Barack Obama, and the seats that we were sitting on during the dream were floating in the air due to us being in outer space. We were all having fun in the dream.


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    I’m walking my dog, we are playing in a field and all of the sudden the field freezes over in summer. I am left to chill to death then I find a a none frozen sunflower field a mile away but I keep trying to reach it and it is moving away.

    If you tell me what it means I’ll follow you


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    Katie Andrews
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A dream you had is out of reach, and no matter how hard, you can't reach this goal/dream.


    Okay soooooo...ya'll know the game Amanda the Adventurer. What if I told you that I had a dream that I was Woolie...bruh I was scared for ma life!


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    When I was 12, my mother died. I dreamed she came back for a week, and told/taught me a lot of things I needed to know. She said she would get more and more tired as the week went on, because flesh is heavy.

    On the day she was scheduled to go back, Death came for her, riding a horse made up of one ash of every person who had ever lived. I grabbed a broom, but Mom stopped me and said he has to take someone, and he doesn't care. I must go back; I'm dead, and you have your life to live. Death gave her a hand up on the back of his horse, and they flew up through the roof.

    Weirdly the whole dream seemed to last well over a week, although I'm sure it was an hour or so at most. I'm 54 now, never forgot it, it's just as clear as when I dreamt it.


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    In this dream I was a babysitter for two children's, one girl and one boy. I never saw any of the parent's or adult's in the house, just pictures in the wall. The house was old and I never was allowed to go to the second floor, until I do. And the most TERRIFYING thing just appears of nowhere and goes directly at me but don't do anything more than scare me. So, this house is enormous, and one day some burglar's try to rob the house, and I listen to a voice in my head, asking me to take the kid's with me to the "basement" (it was just a couple of wood attached to the house and dust) and to not come out. The burglars got into the house and I just listen to them screaming and the light flickering until it stops. Me and the kids go back to the house and everything seems fine. I think the ghost or the thing in the second floor is an aunt or the mother or some relative of the children, and tried to protect us. Weird as f.



    I often dream of dying and it's always cathartic. In one particular dream I had died and was in Heaven. There was no ill will, sorrow, or issue whatsoever. I thought about how people must be reacting on Facebook to my death, spent time coloring with "orphaned" children in Heaven, and even went shopping for Heaven souvenirs. It was so peaceful and amazing. Because of all of these dreams I no longer fear death and genuinely look forward to the afterlife when it's my time.


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    I had this dream when I was 5. So me, my mom, my babysitter, and my brother were in a hotel. Me and my brother were in a wagon. Suddenly the song Twinkle twinkle little star started playing and the hotel manager said: "uh oh. The snakes are coming!" So my mom was pulling me and my brother in the wagon while running.


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    I dreamt I lived in a big house. The doorbell rang. When I opened the door there was an otter with a bowler hat at the door. He took off his hat in greeting and went inside. He walked into a room where a walrus was relaxing in a swimming pool. The otter started a conversation with the walrus. Which I couldn't understand. Then the otter Turned, tipped his bowler hat at me and walked away. Then the walrus disappeared through the window. Then I woke up. I'm 44. This dream was 3 years ago.. but i never forgot it.😅


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    I was little (in the dream) and was at a daycare or something. We did normal stuff but then we went to these bunk beds for nap time. I crapped in the bed in my dream but when I got out and looked at it, it became bacon and I started EATING it. My playmates ostracized me and the teacher yelled at me for doing that. I then see them all doing the worm to Cocomelon. But one of them did it wrong and got lectured by the teacher. The kid then got upset and started snapping everyone’s necks. I woke up once he snapped mine. I laughed a little bit just because it was so random.


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    I had a dream that took place in Costco. Which was also Jabba the Hutt's den. He was holding this game show, and I was competing against my friends for my freedom.
    The Costco was full of colorful balloons, which we had to shoot. Each balloon contained a random food item. The contestants were supposed to use the food items to create a dish for Jabba. The creator of the best dish would win their freedom.
    I specifically remember shooting a large red balloon (with what, I don't know) that was full of lucky charms; but I was distressed because I had no milk. I watched my friends create beautiful dishes from pickles, frosting, and croissants, and I had a meltdown knowing I was going to lose the game. I was going to be stuck cooking for Jabba the Hutt in Costco forever!
    That's when I woke up.


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    I once had a dream where I was getting chased by giant Zachbots (yes the ones from Wild Kratts) on a giant recycling bin.


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    Probably one about me, stuffed animals and my friends fighting robots/aliens (can't remember) in an apocaliptic scenery


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Another one of mine was about dementors turning into plastic bags and playing basketball with me


    I was probably 5/6 y/o and I had a dream I was on a deserted island where there was a state farm insurance building and my mom was inside with my little sister discussing insurance and my little sister's (4 at the time) car seat was outside in the sand and there was a random Godzilla sized T-Rex barreling towards me and I just stood there screaming "GO HOME STUPID" at this T-Rex. I'm 15. Idk how I remember this but that is the exact dream summed up to be that chaos I put on here.


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    As a very young child it was a recurring dream that I had a large hole in the middle of my hand. It wasn't bloody, the skin was completely normal and healed, but the hole was about the size of half-dollar. Somehow my fingers still worked even though the bones, nerves and blood vessels wouldn't be connected to the rest of the hand. I'm in my 40s now and I still think about it sometimes.


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    As an adult, I had a dream that I was dating Captain Kangaroo and it was pretty serious. It's my deepest, darkest secret.


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    okay, okay, I know this is my third time posting on this but... anyways

    I had a dream in which me and my sister ran away (I specifically remember not trusting my brothers) and we snuck onto a random boat that was headed to russia, when we got there we were kidnapped and taught how to destroy entire governments. Eventually we escaped (they were torturing us) and we snuck onto another boat that was headed back to america, we knew we couldn't just go back to living with our parents cause honestly that life seemed so boring compared to what we had gone through. So instead we decided to destroy america, first we stole some sniper rifles and then we killed the president and the vice president. During the following chaos we ran into the white house and attached a ton of explosives, we ran out and promptly blew it up. Then we ran around the coast of america blowing up shipping ports to prevent any imports and exports.


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    I was in a concrete tunnel/maze in third person. lining the walls of the tunnel were garbage bins (not really "lining" it, but about as far apart as they would be if they were outside houses). Garbage trucks were driving around, not collecting from the bins, just driving around.
    I was trying to find the way out of the maze, but I kept having to jump to the side of the tunnel to not get hit by the garbage trucks, which were going pretty fast.
    I fount a bathroom, like a public bathroom, all white with stalls, tiles, everything, but I didn't need to go so I just kept exploring the maze.
    I turned one corner, before suddenly needing the bathroom, like RIGHT NOW. So I ran back to the bathroom, but... it had disappeared. The maze was changing around me.


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    In this dream I was a babysitter for two children's, one girl and one boy. I never saw any of the parent's or adult's in the house, just pictures in the wall. The house was old and I never was allowed to go to the second floor, until I do. And the most TERRIFYING thing just appears of nowhere and goes directly at me but don't do anything more than scare me. So, this house is enormous, and one day some burglar's try to rob the house, and I listen to a voice in my head, asking me to take the kid's with me to the "basement" (it was just a couple of wood attached to the house and dust) and to not come out. The burglars got into the house and I just listen to them screaming and the light flickering until it stops. Me and the kids go back to the house and everything seems fine. I think the ghost or the thing in the second floor is an aunt or the mother or some relative of the children, and tried to protect us. Weird as f.


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    In this dream I was a babysitter for two children's, one girl and one boy. I never saw any of the parent's or adult's in the house, just pictures in the wall. The house was old and I never was allowed to go to the second floor, until I do. And the most TERRIFYING thing just appears of nowhere and goes directly at me but don't do anything more than scare me. So, this house is enormous, and one day some burglar's try to rob the house, and I listen to a voice in my head, asking me to take the kid's with me to the "basement" (it was just a couple of wood attached to the house and dust) and to not come out. The burglars got into the house and I just listen to them screaming and the light flickering until it stops. Me and the kids go back to the house and everything seems fine. I think the ghost or the thing in the second floor is an aunt or the mother or some relative of the children, and tried to protect us. Weird as f.


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    I'm just going to copy and paste what I put into my phone notes after waking up

    I was in a backrooms lookin place with [a friend]and then we wnte to a house and climbed alot og stairs and then we went to space with my other friends and then I wanted to not be in space cus I missed my parents. Also there were moths and c**p. Went back to the backrooms and saw my parents with Iinflateable aliens dancing to queen
    Also parkor I stuffed strawberries in my mouth and raspberries. Also Steven Universe



    This is weird because of my reaction (I woke up crying at 1am and couldn't stop shaking until I got up for school at 7). Basically everyone in my class hates me for stupid reasons except my boyfriend. In real life, after an extra bad day with the popular girl who hates me, I went home and cried into my pillow wishing that people liked me more. That night I dreamed that everyone loved me, I was popular, but my boyfriend would have nothing to do with me. I never wished that again.


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    My battle with Breast cancer started 4 years ago, after so many Chemo, Radiation and other natural therapy treatments that I took just to cure my Breast cancer, it all did not work for my condition. I was treating this disease for almost 4 year, I was cured with World Rehabilitate Clinic formula. This is medication that totally kills cancer cells. They also have a cure for hysterectomy issues, Alzheimer's Disease and more other chronic diseases. Contact ( or WhatsApp +17278553511.


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