Read the title!


Mine was about what the dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets are called. My uncle was calling them dinosaur nuggets, when i kept saying they are called Dino nuggies. We fought over it for like 5 minutes



    When my kid was seven, they said that if someone went back in time, they'd be stuck in an infinite time-loop because they'd then go forward in time until they went back &c. I tried to explain why that was incorrect. I went so far as drawing a time line to illustrate before I realized I was arguing about time travel with a seven-year-old.



    This is kinda really stupid but I took one of my 7 year old cousins skittle turns out it was her favorite color skittle so we got into a fight about it and I said I don't have the mental capacity for this argument and then she started a new argument on how when we fight I have to use words she understands so she hasn't talked to me in a month but the other day in the mail I got a note from her that is all about the rules I have to follow in future arguments if I break a rule she automatically wins the fight now I am kinda wishing I took the yellow skittle and not the red



    my friend kept saying the election was rigged, so i started a fake argument about how the earth is flat.



    I have had 2 that I can remember. Once my middle brother, myself and my dad argued with my younger about which was is clockwise. He was adamant he was right and we were all idiots. Even after he looked at the clock he still thought he was right lol. Now we laugh about it, especially coz he is the brains in the family.

    Another argument I had was with my dad. I saw an ad for the stage show musical “The sound of music” and was surprised to see Lisa McCune was playing the role of Maria. Well my dad was insistent that it was Rachael Beck. Well months went past an the ad came on whilst we were both watching it and my dad says “See, I told you it was Lisa McCune”. Oh boy, I said “Actually you said it was Rachael Beck”. And so the argument started again with him saying “No, I said Lisa McCune yaddi yadda”. I gave up in the end. I know for a fact that I said Lisa McCune coz I didn’t even know who Rachael Beck was at the time but I knew who Lisa McCune was coz I used to watch Blue Heelers.


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    Probably every one of my daily arguements with my sister. Todays was about who should wear headphones during our class since we have to do it in the same room. We both have headphones, but hers are broke, so every single day, i wear mine, and she doesnt. It gives me a headache every day but whatever. Anyways, today i decided i wanted to not wear mine and she started screaming at me to turn down my volume because it was wayyyy louder than hers (they were both at the same volume btw), then when i tried to explain that i wanted to not wear my headphones for once, she said too bad and repeatedly threw them at my computer (during class), then said she couldnt wear them because hers were broke and she just HATED wearing other people headphones (although is fine with using my earbuds). She ended up wearing the headphones after i threw them across the room, then she closed my computer (still during class), but somehow i stayed in class and i could still hear everyone even tho my compuer was completely closed, and then she hit my head into the wall and then apologized and wore the headphones.



    When I was still in high school, I was sitting at lunch with this one boy and we got into an argument about the applesauce I was eating. It lasted most of the lunch period.



    When my sis was five, she colored a pic of Elsa and Anna hugging and colored Elsa's arm the color of Anna's dress (green)
    I kept telling her that it can't be Anna's arm cuz Anna had puff sleeves. She then proceeded to say its Anna's DRESS FOLD then.
    We argued about it, getting serious,then laughing,again and again,till I realized its a effing 5 y.o vs me over a coloring page.

    We now hang it on the wall :/



    Anything involving discourse with a trump chump.


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    my freind thinks horses can run 80 mph ummmm...


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The top speed at which the world's fastest equine sprinter, the Quarter Horse, has been clocked is 55 mph. The fastest recorded race time for a Thoroughbred is 44 mph. The average equine gallop clocks in at about 27 mph.... HMMM NOT EVEN CLOSE

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Whether or not straight people deserve a pride flag i guess


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    me and my sister fought over who got the bigger cookie


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    Dolphin friendly Tuna does not mean that the dolphin was friends with the tuna!
    My sister refused to eat dolphin friendly tuna because we eating the dolphins friend!
