Tell me a scary time in your life.


One time I was riding my bike from school. I noticed a car following me and I got scared. I stopped to call my parents and tell them there was someone following me, but before I could someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth so when I screamed it was all messed up. I started crying and got so terrified but then I opened my eyes and it turns out my stepdad played a prank on me.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

By the way, I couldn't recognize the car because my stepdad used my auntie's car which I didn't know about yet.

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    Last Tuesday, I was dancing my heart out to Lizzo and I heard my knee pop really loud. My knee was on the side of my leg. Turns out I dislocated my knee. Idk why but it horrified me. ;-;



    1. 2020 2. When I was being pulled out to see by a strong current. I didn't know how to swim at the time, so thank god I was on a boogieboard!



    i've had loads of scary times but this is the scariest. i was at a place with friends and at that place i had broken my leg on a rock so i had to have someone carry me bc i didn't have anything to walk. i wanted to get a snack but nobody else was awake because it was late. so i attempted to hop on one foot. then i fell over and i couldn't get up and i was very close to a road then all the street lamps went out. i was alone, in the dark unable to walk. then one of my friends came to help me back to our place



    Mine is when a tornado was in the area but thank god there was none like all tornado storys


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    Sista of the moon
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember our tornado. I was young. We were at the pool, and the whole sky and air around me was orange. It was strange... it was so windy we had to hold hands in like a rope and we all struggled to hold onto each other and pile into the car. It was scary... then we had to stay in the basement away from all the windows. I was freaked. I was maybe 4??

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    I have three of them, but the scariest one to me was when I was at my bus stop from school and I had to walk the rest of the way home. I waved to everyone and when I turned to walk to the exit, the door was shut right where my neck was. Everyone who saw me were shocked. My hands were on the door to make sure it didn't close on my neck. Then the bus driver opened the doors (I was using the second door because it was close to me) and I got out. This was last year ( I'm in 7th now).



    On the school bus (this was in 3rd grade), after we were out of the bus, a man came with a pistol, I didn't notice but after he passed my friend told me he saw a "dude with a pistol". Didn't believe him but about 1-1 1/2 hours later 6 rounds of gunshots were fired. And because back then I had never seen a gun or heard a gunshots ever, started to panic and thought I was gonna die..


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This might have sounded confusing but the last part I was panicking in the safety of my house

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    for some reason this didn't post... idk y so

    I've had a lot of them but only two stood out.
    1. When my gf nearly got raped
    2. When I got in a fight with the rapist (he's in our grade and goes to our school... I was trying to be semi-civilized and he started throwing punches) and he started choking me--- I couldn't breathe for a good minute. I did get away by doing the good ol' kick in the jewels. He didn't get in trouble.


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    Mark and Elmo
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    HOW THE HELL DID HE GET AWAY WITH IT???!!!??? I will tie him up and cut his fingers off as he suffers pain that people barely experienced. I will burn his injuries, not use rubbing alcohol. I will force him to eat hot peppers until he's done WITH THEM ALL.I will put his hands in boiling water. I won't stop until he learns not to mess with you. One question; What state and city is he in? Only a 13yr old boy in 7th grade could be this deadly. (Not really. Many people can be deadly)

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    Some may have heard this already but I was on a vaca with my fam and we were at this really pretty lake. I was on a kayak and my brother tried to get on and we tipped over. We were in the middle of the lake and it was 200 ft deep. The lake itself got deep really quickly, like go out 5 feet, and you've gone like 12 ft deep. I swam all the way back to shore bc the kayak got away from me and my brother was already back on it. I was right about to go into hypothermic shock, that's how cold it was. My mouth filled with water, I could barely propel myself through the water, and I could feel myself sinking. I just barely made it to shore bc my sisters helped me out using a paddleboard. I was wheezing for the rest of the day...



    becoming a big sister 100%


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    Sista of the moon
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m a big sis too! But I don’t remember when I went from lil sis to lil sis AND big sis... just be glad u aren’t a middle child

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    This happened yesterday, I was sleeping and around 5-6 a.m, I woke up to sharp pains in my heart. I thought I was having a heart attack, but it turned out it was PCS (Precordial Catch Syndrome).



    My mom was in the hospital for two years. When I was six.



    One time I was at my local theater, we happened to look out the window and saw a man standing there. He walked in, tilted his head back and said "There's a fire." everyone began to freak out. Turns out, he was from a across the street which has a sketchy apartment. We called the police and they took care of it, but it was still terrifying in the moment.



    it might not scare anyone else but it scared me and im left with the emotional scars of it. when i got the news my best friend passed away and i realised i was all alone


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    Doggo Froggo
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so sorry for your loss. I expect that is extremely difficult for you.

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    I have had a lot of scary times but I guess one of them was when I realised someone/ people had just tried to kill me (and someone else) and they would happily try again.



    Two incidents come to mind. One is from when I was about 5 or 6, my sister being the same age. We were outside playing 'cops and robbers' when my sister decided we should play with my moms' car. Well, she was inside the car since she was the cop; I got to be the robber. No idea who's idea, but one of us had the brilliant idea that the robber should hide on top of the car. No clue what my sister did inside that car but suddenly we're rolling back out of the driveway, across the road and into the woods that was in front of our house. I managed to grab onto a tree and was dragged off the roof. Not even a minute later, I hear a crash and I came tumbling out of that tree, crying as I ran to the house to get my parents. The car had hit a large tree in the woods. My sister survived without a scratch; had I still been on the car when it hit the tree, I wouldn't have been so lucky.

    Next one happened a few years later. Was walking my aunts' dog with my sisters when we were all pretty young and it was pretty late. We were just walking around the neighborhood, so my mom and aunt didn't think anything of us going out. At one point, I felt like someone had poured ice water down my back, so I start paying attention to our surroundings and look over at a house. Just in time to see someone duck back behind a shed. Told my sisters and we RAN back to my aunts' house. Could've been innocent but I don't think so. That was terrifying.


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    So my school does this thing every year where we all dress up for a certain time era and we go to this place and live there for a day and sleep there and we do all the things that people living there would do and it is really fun.

    So there was this one time a couple of years ago where we went on one of the trips(they’re called ELPs) and we had these groups that slept in certain rooms of this old building. So my group (there were 5 kids 2 adults) was laying out there sleeping bags and we were kinda nervous because it was really creepy in there and there was a door that led right outside connected to our room that didn’t have a lock.

    So we unpack all our stuff and one of the adults was messing with these lamps that were probably as old as the building and she was trying to dim the lights because again it was really creepy and we didn’t want to sleep in the dark but we wanted it to be a bit dimmer than it was.

    So we are waiting for the light to be dimmed when I look over at the door and it is slowly creaking open. And so I flip out because I think it’s a ghost and I’m like, (this is a literal quote from me) “OMG DUDE SERIOUSLY LIKE THE DOOR OMG” and then at that exact second our adult accidentally turns off the light.

    So now we’re all flipping out and we are screaming and finally our adult gets the light back on and the person opening the door was one of the kids in our groups mom who was an adult for a different group coming to say goodnight to her daughter. We laughed at ourselves for like 5 mins


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    its a long story D:



    When I was about 7 years old (and my sister was 3 but was sleeping through this) I went to sleep, but the neighbors where having some sort of party so my parents told them to please lower the volume. I woke up after a nightmare and went downstairs to go on with my regular day, I didn't see my parents anywhere so I checked the window. When I looked outside I saw my parents arguing with the neighbors outside, I started crying because I thought something bad happened + the nightmare that I had made things worse and could smell raw eggs from somewhere, after my parents finished arguing with the neighbors they took me outside to see what was going on, turns out the neighbors got mad that they had to lower the volume and egged our house. It might have been some sort of prank that they didn't think they could do much damage with, but I still can't tolerate the smell of raw eggs to this day. And if anyone's wondering, the neighbors did get fined for what they did.


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    my mom was making a stew in a crock pot about 7 years ago and she asked me to get a cup out of the cupboard and i climb up on the counter and slip on some of the broth and end up knocking the stew over and getting second degree burns down my whole left arm


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    So some context for why this is scary: I put a glass of water on the my bedside table every night and turn off all the lights.

    I woke up in the middle of the night with the light ON and my glass of water G O N E. I shrugged it off and got more water with another glass from the kitchen and turned off the light. BUT I woke up AGAIN at 3:00 am exactly and the water was GOOONNNEEE!!!! I looked for the glasses and checked under my bed but nothing. The next day I saw the glass right in the middle of the floor under my bed...RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE. My family wasn’t playing a prank on me, I’m a very light sleeper and would wake up if anyone came into my room I still can’t figure out what happened that night but it still scares me


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    The 24-hours after the doctor said, "Hmm, it's a little too early for me to tell, but you guys may be having twins! ... We won't know for sure until the tests come back tomorrow."



    well it scared me when me and my sisters dad died i was so scared something bad was going to happen to us and i missed him but i got a loving stepdad i'm still scared that how ever he died was an accident and i miss btw we don't know how he died. im 12 and my mom wont tell me.


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    Sista of the moon
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You will find out soon, last year my friend lost her mom to 5 yrs of cancer... I’m so sorry...

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    The scariest part of my life was probably at my grandpa's funeral. He was awesome. It was kind of terrifying to realize that I wouldn't see him again. It was really heartbreaking to see my mom crying like she was. This was early 2020. I miss him so much and think about him everyday.


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    Sista of the moon
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m so sorry! I lost my grandpa late 2019, it was terrifying that one day we had to just pack up and drive to New York... i was so sad i would only eat instant ramen... and it was also terrifying to see my grandmother cry like that. So sorry...

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    When I first had gotten a bruise AND it had to be on my knee


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    When a guy in my great grandmother's apartment complex tried to shoot my dad. He had confronted the man's wife about her stealing from my great grandmother and he got mad and tried to shoot my dad. Thankfully my dad saw the gun before he was able to fire. The police didn't arrest him though, because he had mental problems.


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