
Hey Pandas, What Was The Rudest Or Most Absurd Thing That A Teacher Or Educator Has Done Or Said To You?
Whether it was a teacher, a substitute, or even a principal!
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I had a history teacher in middle school I couldn't stand. The dude put me on edge from day one and I never liked him. I was one of the few. This being said, he took note of it pretty quickly despite my attempts to keep it under wraps. And I became his favorite target for getting after students.
Multiple kids forgot their homework? Im the only one called out.
When it was clear no one knew the answer to a question? Hed tell me to answer it.
He made me absolutely miserable to the point I started skipping his classes whenever I could get away with it. He was the only teacher I did this with.
I came to class one day, and we were told we were going to watch a video and answer questions on a work sheet as we went and to NOT fall asleep or he'd be stopping the video and making us research the questions instead. (Kids often fell asleep during his oh so interesting educational history documentaries)
Video starts, and I start taking note and writing answers. At some point, AS IM WRITING THE ANSWER he calls me out for sleeping in his class. And I'm trying to argue against it, because I wasn't and I didn't want him turning the whole class against me for something I didn't do.
I told him I was fully caught up on the sheet and he could see for himself. My neighbor even defended me. He got after BOTH of us for talking back and told me I could either admit to it or I could go to the office.
So I went to the office. From what I understand he ended up not stopping the video but then took my worksheet half completed and marked it as failed for not being finished.
Next time I came to class I asked to speak with him after. I wanted to try and be mature about the whole thing in the hopes he would let me do the research and finish the sheet.
When I tried to talk to him about it he shut me down and scolded me for I don't even remember what. So I snapped and asked him why it was always me he chose to pick on
He told me he wasn't picking on me. He was "training me for the real world and teaching growth"
Um I'm sorry but f*cking what? No sir. No. You picked on me. There was no character building or any such bullsh*t. You are a LIAR!!
But you know what? I have a theory on it now. I think he wanted it public that I didn't like him. I think he wanted as many people as possible to be under the impression that I hated him enough to talk c**p about him and make things up.
WHY do I think this?
Because three months ago, I see him on the news. Arrested for being a pedofile.
And WHO else might have figured this out than the only girl in school who didn't like him from day one? Who would he have been completely unable to stop from blowing the whistle had she found out? Me. That's who. Because you can bet your a** that had I known, I would have been sharing that info so fast it would have made your head spin.
And because I really don't give a d*mn who hears his name from this point on...
My sincerest, and deepest f*ck yous, to the worst history teacher ever.
Mr. Griffin, I hope you rot.
I am a teacher and we had a school nurse that should’ve lost her nursing license. I had a Kinder baby that came to me from his first class after lunch. He was holding his left arm against his chest with his right hand, babying it. I asked him what was wrong. He said his arm hurt. My para explained that in the morning, before school started, he had been standing near the basketball court and was hit with a ball. He had been sent to the nurse. She sent him to class, because… despite the fact that he couldn’t move his left arm… there was no swelling, so he was fine. He clearly was NOT fine! A five year old who spends 4 hours babying his arm is NOT fine! I sent him back to the nurse, who called me irate, because I was “wasting her time.” I called his mother. The nurse’s office was off the main office, so when his mother arrived to pick him up early, the nurse called me to yell at me again, for overstepping, because if she felt like he was really injured… she’d have had his mother come get him. Turns out, he had a broken clavicle. His mother was IRATE! She returned and yelled at the nurse and the principal… they had let her son stay at school, in pain, for hours! She actually thanked me for catching the problem.
***Trigger warning: cancer story***
Another time, I had one of my Kinder babies suddenly not able to recall some letters and sounds I knew that she had already learned well. That was super concerning. The next day, I noticed the right side of her face seemed immobile… like she was having a stroke. Her eyelid was droopy and the right side of her mouth wasn’t moving when she talked. Immediately, I sent her to the nurse. The nurse called me and said the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, “I’ve evaluated her and I’m sending her back to class, because I think she’s doing it on purpose to get out of working.” Seriously?!!! How do you purposefully make your eyelid droop? Again, I called home and spoke to the girl’s mother, who had also noticed the issue. Apparently, it was intermittent. She had already taken her to her pediatrician, who said they should monitor the situation. I mentioned the forgetting of previously learned material, which the mom hadn’t noticed. She also decided to pick her up and immediately take her back to the doctor. Again, the nurse called and yelled at me for “overstepping.” The little girl was absent from school the next two days. I called home to check on her. Their pediatrician sent them to the ER to have a brain MRI done. They discovered a very aggressive brain tumor. I couldn’t help myself. I called up our nurse and told her, “Turns out she WASN’T moving half her face TO GET OUT OF WORKING… turns out she has an actual brain tumor.” She told me, “Oh. Well, there’s no way I could’ve known that.” :/
My Kinder baby managed to live almost another two years, but she passed away before her 7th birthday. I still miss seeing her cute, smiling face.
During the pandemic, that nurse left our school to work somewhere where she received more hours. Hopefully, there are competent doctors making diagnosis… and not her!
My Gym Teacher actually smacked me in the face because I refused to participate in class one day! I had a horribly jammed finger, and it was black and blue and super painful. We were supposed to play basketball that day, and he didn’t care that I had a Doctor’s note saying I couldn’t play sports. He kept insisting, and I just said “No, and you can’t make me.” He smacked me across the face, and told me not to “Get smart” with him. I went straight to the Guidance Counselor, and called my Mom crying.
He ended up being forced to retire at the end of the year. I did reports on various sports from the library for my Gym grade. I never had Gym class again.
If I was that parent that teacher would have been fired or every news channel in the area was gonna have a great story the next day
Our school matron told my parents that I will never become anything on my own. Well guess who working for a highly reputable organization that pays way above the average. The last time I heard about her she got pregnant and dropped out college. I honestly feel bad about her.
I found out the art teacher who used to give me special attention ( like rubbing my shoulders or giving me gifts) was a pedo. He always made the girls in class uncomfortable...so sadly it wasnt surprising
My middle school cropped up creeps time and time again. It was honestly horrifying how many bad people were hired throughout the years. Had a para who was sleeping with a 6th grader, a health teacher who unalived her husband, an assistant principal who got fired for slapping a special needs student, a counselor who got fired for calling a little black boy the N word for being late to detention, and just three months ago (I'm 22 now) I seen on the news that my old history teacher who I never liked got arrested for touching kids. These weren't all in the same years of course. The para and the history teacher were mine. But still... Really makes you wonder what the school interviewers are smoking.
Time for a story of my own,
I was in my last period, which was math, and we had a substitute that was a little...off. The first 10 minutes of class were okay, we were given our worksheet, and everyone was doing their work and chatting with friends, then all of a sudden the sub starts yelling, and we all sat there like deer in headlights. Maybe we were a little too loud, but when someone started to giggle he ran up to him and yelled "STOP LAUGHING, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE HAPPY!" And he then proceeded to yell at us about how "we shouldn't be happy teens" "we should be depressed" and "we should be wanting to K*LL ourselves". Then has the nerve to tell a kid to k*ll herself. Finally, our science teacher, who was next door, pops in and asked us if we were okay. We lied and said we were fine since we didn't know what this guy would do, she noticed and asked the sub to step out and talk with her, and the other teachers walked out of their class to check on us. Later that night we all got a phone call from the principal. She apologized for the behavior of the sub, who she KNEW.
Note: we were all 7th graders
My first two years of high school I was part of the gifted program and our classes were separate from all the other students. The very first day I walked into homeroom and the teacher took one look at me and said "You must be in the wrong place." Apparently I didn't look "intelligent enough" to be there. Must have been the blonde hair and lack of glasses.
I had a sub in elementary school who was french but she wasn't a nice french lady. She was strict and a lot of people didn't like her. I remember in 3rd grade she was subbing for us and we were in the middle of working on something. I had no idea what time it was and the clock in the classroom didn't work. I opened my chromebook to check what time it was and she slammed it closed and said "No playing games on you chromebook!!!" Everyone was shocked because I was one of those kids who never got in trouble. Anyways she left a note for my teacher and when he read it they next day he was confused. I explained what happend and the rest of the class agreed we didn't want that sub to come back and she didn't.
I had two instructors tell me I would "never be a nurse"...
(1) a medical terminology instructor once told me i would "never be a nurse" because I forgot ONE assignment (out of seemingly hundreds of homework assignments) out in my car. I was getting 99% in the class at the time 🙄
(2) One of my clinical instructors thought I was too cautious and "slow." "You just aren't meant to be a nurse," she had said.
Joke's on them though. I've be a neuro / med-surg nurse for 7 years now... and I'm really f*****g good at what I do 😁
„You don‘t have to know how accounting works! You‘re gonna get married and be a housewive anyways!“ - a was able to change classes but this idiot is still a teacher (there where many incidents like this)
College down south in North Carolina. Dean Hanson (the person who is supposed to help students with their adjustment to college) must have been told by campus security that I had pitched a tent between two wings of the college. Security was a guy who rode around in his golf cart. He knew I was there but hadn’t said anything. She came to throw me out. I had no car, no money, lived 5 states away, and nowhere to stay. (It was the two weeks between regular school and summer school - which I would be going to. No students were allowed to stay in the dorms during these two weeks.) I tried to explain my situation to her. She just kept saying (in her extremely southern accent) that I could not stay there - repeating the same sentences over and over. She didn’t care that I had nowhere to go. She did not offer any suggestions. Just said she would call the cops if I didn’t get off campus. Stupidest thing an adult has ever said to me - over and over and over again. I left. Walked for hours before I finally went to an instructor’s house that I knew of near the college. I begged for them to let me stay. They did. After good old Dean Hanson I was just overwhelmed to find somebody decent that didn’t even know me.
once I tripped over and hurt my ear on the side of the table, my teacher looked and said something like "it's only a scratch get up and finish your work"
I had ripped my ear in half.
totally torn apart, I got like seven stitches and an now left with a great big scar across my ear where it happened. never forgiven her.
So my friends and I were discussing something about how it’s odd that girls can join Boy Scouts but boys can’t join Girl Scouts. The sub (our teacher was out sick that day) walked up to us and went on a rant that trans people shouldn’t play sports and that it would be unfair to everyone if trans people played sports. That wasn’t ever related to our conversation and half of the people who were discussing the original topic are not cisgender.
Not sure if this really fits here but when I was 10 or something I fell behind in school. Everybody thought I was dumb as a rock so I had to get extra lessons.
This teacher would yell at me if I spelled a word wrong or if I forgot something. Made me very anxious and made me cry. Yelled at me 'if you dont stop crying I will have to tell your parents'... and then said 'practise every word you see written on stores, in the bus or on signs on your way home so YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO SPELL!!!'
I got so scared that even to this day (25 years later) I still panic when I realise I forgot to spell out every word I see. It's like 'f***, I didnt spell out the words today when I was out. Omg, teacher will be so angry' and then a minutter later after the panic sets in I realise im 35 years old and no can tell me what to do!!!
my gym teacher called me a ‘fat little girl’
mind you this guy wasn’t the skinniest person on earth.
During my computer management course, we where asked to program a calculator in Turbo Pascal ( yes i'm ancient ) some how i f****d it and my calculator instead of reseting to 0 it reseted to 1, since i'm a lazy f**k, instead of going back and correcting my error i just added another line. My teacher das it, and he new that program would have exactly 49 lines, mine had 50, só he asked me why was that, and i told him, he looks at me and goes " i really don't know if you're a genius or a blithering idiot.... "
* " my teacher saw it " and *" he knew ". Stupid auto correct
Once in primary school, in my class we had the world’s worst substitute teacher and she was a real b***h and she threatened to call all of our parents and that was probably why she didn’t like kids much. I was one kid who didn’t get on her bad side, because she was frustrated with dealing with some bratty kids and I was a well behaved kid who followed the rules and she saw that I was a good kid but man I hated her and I still do. F*****g b***h. Pardon my French. And another story is that I got a paper cut underneath my fingernail and I was crying because it hurt even though my class was writing a test and the teacher told me to shut up. I was just confused and mildly pissed.
One of my teachers said that I had the concentration levels of a garden pea....she wasn't wrong though...
my class had a big project to work on and we had a sub. he wanted to tell us all about all the jobs he has done before in his life because our project was on economy. no one had time to listen because we needed to get our assignments done (he’d already said we could work). and so because we weren’t listening he screamed at us “you’re all losers and not a single one of you is going to make it anywhere in life.” he is still a sub at my school
My second grade teacher told my parents I was a dunce at math. Well, Mrs. Meadows, guess who has a degree in electrical engineering?
Teacher told me that because I was black I would probably be janitor or something and it wasn't my fault black people black just are not smart enough and that's why she always made me stay and clean up after class so I could be practice for my future, Well i'm in early college now and taking honors classes so f**k you Mrs. Wheeler
My second submission to this post, sorry!
Had a math teacher in year 2 who said this: 'I wont teach you anymore math, as you are too stupid to understand it'... well, he wasnt kidding. Never taught me anything and I never learned it. I changed school some time after but at that point it was kinda too late. Never learned. But I did earn two bachelor later in life, one in fashion and one in childcare psychology. So did not need that math teacher to do what I wanted at least!
Two things:
1) when I was in third grade, 11th now, my teacher simply told me that math was not my thing. Little does she know I am now two years ahead in math and doing AP Calc BC this year.
2) my teacher last year consistently told me that I did not have ADHD. I went through MONTHS of testing and she REFUSED to follow accommodations to help me focused. I was put in the very back the classroom next to a freaking window- surrounded by teenage boys. They were so distracting. Though I will admit they were kind of hilarious.
I have 3:
1. Teacher used the “N” word in class
2. Teacher tells me I’m only dating my boyfriend because he is black.
3. Teacher says you can tell by a girl’s ankles if she will be fat when she gets older or not. He then proceeds to judge every girl in the classroom and decides if they will be fat.
The 90’s were an experience!
In middle school a teacher who disliked me for no real reason once gave me an after school detention for accidentally dropping a pencil, then refused to let me go call my mother to tell her. I explained that my single mom had limited time to pick me up from school and drop me off at home before going to her night school classes and she would not be pleased, but the teacher said that was ‘ridiculous’ and I didn’t need to call her. You should’ve seen the terror in that woman’s face when my mother came marching into her class after finding out what was going on and ripped her a new one over illegally detaining a minor and keeping them from contacting their parent.
This is going to be a long one, but it's a doozy. I was in a clinical placement in grad school with an on-site supervisor who was also one of my professors (we'll call her Hillary) and an off-site supervisor who was likewise also one of my professors (we'll call him George). Hillary never, ever observed any of my therapy sessions, never met with me about anything, and was extremely hands-off. When George came to observe me, Heather had set me up to conduct a therapy session with an individual I'd never worked with before and had no rapport with. Needless to say I felt set up for failure and the session didn't go so great. George also thought I had done a poor job and he didn't like that I had taken my eyes off my client for a second to wave hi to him when he arrived. (Umm okay.) Heather told George that she had talked to me so many times about my clinical skills and that I never listened (LIES - she had never once observed me or talked with me). George told me to expect to fail the clinical placement and to be kicked out of grad school. I sat there in shock not knowing what to say or do. George pointed out that I wasn't even bothering to take notes about anything he was saying which just further solidified his notion that I deserved to be kicked out of grad school. Now mind you, I was in my final semester, I had good grades, and I had graduated top of the class in their undergraduate program, and here they were toying with my future. Hillary made me write up a document detailing all of the ways that I was doing a poor job (including making me write that I "didn't care about my clients" because I had taken my eyes off my client to say hi to George), how I was going to fix each problem, and she made me sign it. It made me sick to my stomach. George came to observe me one more time a few weeks later, thought I did a stellar job, laughed and said, "See! You just needed a kick in the butt!" I graduated completely jaded and no longer wanting to join the workforce. I did eventually get a job and have been working for almost 10 years in the field now, but I don't recommend that school to anyone.
I was terrible at accounting in high school.
One year I caught meningitis and had a short hospital stay.
Upon returning my accounting teacher was handing out marked question papers, one I obviously failed.
When he slapped my paper down he asks: "[Last name], where have you been?" and I explain to him that I had meningitis and was in hospital. He picked up my paper again and says "Well, I'm not so sure I believe that because looking at these marks, you would first need a brain." Today I work in finance - Im not sure if I should be worried for my employer. :)
My English teacher has actually committed a rude act quite recently, and I am pretty much devastated after that incident occurred.
I am in 11th standard now. So Mr. A. was given the responsibility to choose a student from all sections who's gonna be delivering the speech on the Independence day. Mr. A. proceeded to choose my best friend, let's call her B, and he literally begged her to participate in the audition, even when she repeatedly told him that she was already participating in the dance programme. Mr. A. paid no heed, and he convinced B to participate in the audition for delivering the speech. B is my bestie, and she told me that Mr. A. was listing the names of students interested in the speech delivery. I am a good speaker, and my previous teachers often praise me for my speaking abilities. I decided to go for the audition. He listed my name, and told me as well as B that there were 2-3 other students who were willing to participate. He asked us to write the speech by the weekend and he will be hearing the speech around 3-4 days later.
I submitted my speech, and he admitted that my speech was pretty good. When the audition took place, only B and I were present in the room. So he had lied about other students participating in the speech. Anyway, B and I delivered our speech in front of him. He wasn't even listening to us! He was busy scrolling his fb page!!! He told us that the final audition was gonna be held 2 days later.
The school was over and I headed towards my home. At the school gate, he called me aside from the line and told me that the final audition was going to be held on the day of the independence Day programme. I asked him whether he was sure. He said he was sure. So.. the final audition that was supposed to be held n the independence day itself...
The day before the independence day, I called B to confirm the time and venue ... She said that Mr. A. had already selected her.
I felt like I was betrayed. So much time and effort was wasted... This drama was caused only because a moronic teacher favoured another student ... coz she had shared her tiffin with him once when he had forgotten to bring his own food???
On teacher's day, no audition is going to be held for delivering the speech. She was requested to deliver the speech on the occasion. She denied it as she is participating in the dance programme...
I am dumbfounded. I am quite studious and I complete my cw and hw, projects, etc. before the deadline. I follow all instructions given by the teachers. I have not gotten into any trouble for years now.
My friend B is a very good student too. She's extremely kind and helpful.
I am not sure how to react. If I confront Mr. A, I can lose my bestie if she misunderstands me. On the other hand, if I am unable to participate in co -curriculum activities, I will lose chances of qualifying in elite colleges.
I am not sure how to react, but this is definitely the rudest thing done by my teacher.
I am sorry if there are any errors in my writing as my eyes are teary and I can't stop crying.
For the past week me and my gf have constantly been getting f in trouble for touch eachother, even just holding hands. At lunch we were cuddling and a staff member came and told us to get off eachother, so we did, and my gf decided to rest her arm on me. The staff member then said "all appendages off each other" which is really stupid imo
Not to me, but when I worked as a campus safety I saw some crazy things. I will never forget the teacher who had me remove a student from his class because he wouldn't blow his nose hard enough and kept sniffling in class. I took the kiddo for a ride on the golf cart for the remainder of class.
My third grade teacher. *growls furiously under breath*
I admit it: I was far from a good kid when I was younger.
But that's no excuse for how my third grade teacher treated me.
I remember absolutely hating her, especially since she talked about me with the other teachers about me behind my back(I eavesdropped on some of their conversations), but the most common offense she did was assuming things about me based off what the other kids said.
One such incident: a perfectly fine, happy day. We're doing word sort in class. After most of the class was done and it was time to clean up, I clean up relatively quickly and notice that the girl next to me hadn't cleaned up yet. So I cleaned it up for her, thinking I was doing her a favor.
She comes back and is FURIOUS because apparently she hadn't shown our teacher the sort yet. Long story short, she complained to the teacher and made it seem like I had "messed up" her word sort with malicious intent, and the teacher ignored my insistence that it was just a misunderstanding on my part. She called my parents.
This wasn't the only way she hurt me emotionally that year. I think third grade was the year I gave up on trying to trust the staff of my elementary school. Honestly, if I hadn't moved away, I'd still be a jerk, because it was that lack of trust of my teachers that created my hostility towards them.
I had a professor warn me about my already-ex boyfriend that I was still friendly with. He said he likes to prey on girls who are “homely” and I needed to be careful. I hadn’t asked for his opinion (obviously), and at the time I wasn’t even in one of his classes, he just randomly stopped me in the hall. I was too flabbergasted to say anything but I wish I’d told that a**hole what he could do with his advice! Btw, I am not homely, as if that mattered.
I have two stories.
1. Had a teacher in the 5th grade who was the absolute worst person. We were kids right? Well guess what. If anyone did anything he didn't like the whole class would get punished. It didn't even matter if you weren't in the room at the time. Someone talks during a test? Whole class now has to write the state capitals. Someone chewing gum? The whole class has to write "I will not eat in class" Two pages, front AND back. This red headed short loser was the softball coach. Still hate him.
Turns out the whole reason he would torture us is because his wife was leaving him and he needed therapy. He eventually got therapy and returned as a high school teacher much more well adjusted, not that him getting therapy helped with my scars or my trust issues....bastard.
2. High school music teacher. First week of school he was a great guy. He was smart, kind, understanding, winning smile, made me start to rethink some of the c**p my father had taught me (but that's a story for a different time). Second week of school he shows up 10mins late to class, eyes fire engine red and talking about how none of us respect music and how we are all disrespectful kids that'll get nowhere in life. The damned fool was on drugs. I couldn't believe it. He would show up every day that semester and yell at my class and classmates. Eventually enough people complained that the cops got called. I believe one day he actually threw a chair at a female student from another class. He got arrested and last I heard he was in jail in the next town.
Good riddance to him. What really sucks is that in both instances I really liked them when I first met them. I still don't trust people because of them. The nicest people you meet can turn out to be the absolute worst.
Oh I almost forgot the time my 6th grade math teacher. I was a very quiet and reserved kid, no friends at the time. Anyway, she asked me if I understood the material and I was thinking about whether I did or not before responding. So right before I answered she shouted at me "This is why no one talks to you!" I just stared down at my desk and cried. I'll never forgive any of them.
My elementary teacher knowing that hitting the students was illegal (!), was asking from us to hit our deskmate in case he/she did something "wrong"... Thankfully, even though we were 7-8 years old, we stood against him and never hit one another
I admit that I probably wasn't the most well behaved student in school, but I was still surprised by a substitute teacher wanting to fight me when I was in 9th grade. When you have a room full of 14-15yr olds in a human biology class, jokes will be made and there will be laughing, just has to be expected. Well this guy had ZERO sense of humor about anything. I don't remember exactly what the kid next to me said (was almost 25yrs ago), I just remember laughing and then seeing a coffee mug fly past my head and hit a wall. It was immediately followed by the teacher stomping towards our row of desks while staring at me and threatening to "wait in the parking lot in front of your bus and see how funny you think it is when I beat some respect into you in front of your audience". Then just as fast he went back to writing on the white board. Most of us assumed he was just blowing off steam or trying to intimidate the other students into behaving since he was going to be there all week.(regular teacher was recovering from surgery) Well imagine all of our surprise when the last bell rang and we all left to get on the bus and find the teacher standing on the sidewalk where he said he would be. I was a little shocked but thought it might be a coincidence. That is until he started to take off his tie and jacket while yelling profanities at me. Was still not 100% we was for real until he actually took a swing at me. Side note, I was a big kid. By 15 I was 5'11 and 220lbs. Wrestling team, football team and track and field. Short version? He dun f*cked up. Once I realized he was for real, I commenced to whipping his a*s. Badly. Then, rather then take his beating like a man, he went to the school board and had me thrown out and said I assaulted him. Even after multiple students came forward and told them what had really happened, they chose to believe his lie rather then open themselves up to a massive lawsuit.
I wish it was. I ended up having to take summer school classes in another district that year and then a vocational school for "trouble students". My father was fighting cancer(and lost) at the time this was happening so unfortunately I had other things happening that prevented me and my family from fighting it full on. WHY the teacher chose to act that way and do what he did, I have no clue. Never did. I get teachers are people and have bad days too, but they're also supposed to be role models and TEACH students how to act like adults, not just add 2+2. I'm sorry you don't believe it, but it's what happened.
So one day we had a science exhibition. Me, my friend and some other seniors were selected to decorate the blackboards and the soft boards where the exhibition would take place (We were not informed about it and came to know about it 4 hours before the exhibition). We were a group of 6. As we didn't have any resources, we didn't know where to start. Luckily one of the teachers noticed our plight and sneaked us some colored chalks, paper and paint. For 4 hours straight we worked without a break. We didn't even eat our lunch. Oh and on the same day there was a school event and all my classmates went to it without me. After 4 hours of coloring every blackboard and decorating every soft board, we went to our classes. Of course everybody were at the event so we were just there alone. After half an hour or so the class came and started talking about how good the event was. I couldn't hear them because my ears were ringing from walking around our big school again and again. My class teacher came and IN FRONT OF EVERYONE SAID" I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED WITH YOUR WORK! JUST HOW LAZY CAN YOU BE?" I was pretty sad because she was such a nice teacher but didn't comment anything.
Went home. Next day my legs were throbbing, had a headache and was fatigued.
We had a sub English teacher for quite some time after our previous one left quite suddenly. For context, we are graded as Beginning, Developing, Achieving (where we’re supposed to be), Mastering, and Exceeding. She told us that no one was going to receive an Exceeding (similar to an A+) because “I believe no one can ever achieve Exceeding.” Yes, lady, we like your life lessons but the colleges we’re going to apply for won’t.
I was in 5th grade and I had some learning disabilities but was still able to keep up with everything, but it just took me a little longer to comprehend things. I had finally started to understand the problem on the projector and got the courage to raise
my hand to complete the problem in front of the class. Instead in front of the whole class the teacher told me it would be too hard for me and asked me to spell out a word on the projector. To this day I’ve never forgotten that and I have an MBA in my field.