Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Interesting Thing That Happened In Your Childhood? (Closed)
Tell us about the most interesting thing that happened in your childhood!
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I was small but not too young and sitting in a restaurant when a bigger kid runs up to me and puches the back of my head. I tried not to cry. Apparently he thought i was his sister.
I was a troubled child and wore no clothes when I was hanging out around the house.
When psyco kids would stick an ant through a string (with a needle to push it through)and set it on fire.....
We were in 2nd grade
I was eating ice cream with my mom and I asked her “can I do something” and she said “sure”. I responded by shoving my half eaten ice cream cone onto her nose. I didn’t get any punishment because I had asked and she said yes. It was hilarious
I was on the phone with my best friend when she saw her dog get hit by a car.