Did you spend an entire class making faces and rating them out of 10? Or were you talking to someone who had no idea what a negative number was? Whatever it is, we want to know!


In math class we had to explain to a kid that potatoes were a vegetable/starch thing. She thought they were fruit


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    In science class, we spent the whole time just talking about chickens in space. LOL



    Talking to my friend about her dream of living on Jupiter with ducks. Just ducks



    pinterest vid: *something mildly interesting that dream said*
    comments: ¨omg asdfghjkl¨ ¨askers??? like omigod¨ ¨ḧis is literally traumatizing¨
    me in the comments : no offense ngl you guys are really overreacting, who are askers? it was a storytime. a storytime. yall need to calm down.
    dream stan: um ever heard of sarcasm?
    me: omg oh wow... i just realized that.. SO sarcastic that was gold sarcasm. lessons? /s
    dream stan: you are such a brat. take your toxic comments somewhere else!!!!
    me: toxic? toxic? listen i don think anyone can take critique anymore bu ima just say, your making yourself look like more of a baby..
    dream stan : oh so im a baby? your prob seven
    me: wrong. im fifteen hon. good guess though
    dream stan : your suhc a fraeking brat omg
    me : woah there hon.. need a dictonairy?
    dream stan : OMG haters like you are just ugh
    me: um im not a hater. why would i be on this pin? im just not a wacky stan


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    Me and my friend had to explain to her little brother why he could not watch the movie "IT" with us. btw he was like 7 at the time, and just didn't understand, so we showed him a picture of the thing that came off the painting. long story short he won't watch any movie with us now. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


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    while on vacation in the summer me and my husband are sitting by the campfire near our tent, speaking about random things and just having good time. I am thinking about how our older daughter is going to a different school this year and each of us should accompany one kid on first school day. I begin to tell him this but what actually comes out of my mouth is "We should separate on the the 15th of september" (which in my native language is the same as we should break up). As I see the utter shock on his face I realize what I have just said and that he couldn't hear my internal monologue before this statement. Well I explained myself and we had a good laugh afterwards. It is still a joke between us.


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    In first grade a group of kids and the teacher were telling me that potatoes were living beings


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    1.my older cousin used to think that water was dry 2. my older cousin used to think the earth was flat so i kept arguing with him about it and yet he still thinks that the earth is flat and that water is dry.


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    One of my friends is convinced the world is a rubix cube. Me and other friends have tried to tell her otherwise, but she won't hear it. She also thinks m&ms are candy bars. Still a good friend though.


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