Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Embarrassing Moment You Experienced While On The Phone With Someone? (Closed)
Tell me and other pandas who happen to be looking for some form of entertainment about the absolute most embarrassing moment you've had whilst talking to someone on the phone.
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When I was on the phone with my crush my uncle burst into the room and asked me what I was doing then once I answered truthfully he then proceeded to tease me and ask if we were dating. He felt the need to point out how flustered I was in the midst of it all. I just stared and protested in disbelief, still completely shocked at what was happening. Late he then continued to tease me once I got off of the call and went down to help prepare my aunt's birthday party.
It wasn't necessarily embarrassing, but not a fun experience. I was going through a lot and was just home alone, sitting on the bathroom floor with my head in my hands, sobbing. Then my phone started ringing, it was my grandma, so i of course picked up the call. Without even thinking, i answer and sound like the cheeriest, happiest person. So I talk to her for a few minutes, with the tears still wet, sounding like i was the happiest Ive ever been. It really made me realize how much of a fake front I was putting up to seem okay.
Ohhhh my God. You have been warned. In my last year of middle school, I became amazing friends with two girls, G and J. I was still figuring out my sexuality (I'm bi) but I had a huge crush on G (I still do lol). Once, the three of us were on a FaceTime call late at night, and I had my Bluetooth headphones connected because sometimes they said inappropriate things that I didn't want overheard. I had to pee really bad, so I made up an excuse that I had to feed my dog. I went to the bathroom, and then while I'm peeing, I hear, "do you hear that? It sounds like peeing". HOLY S**T I FORGOT TO TURN OFF MY BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES WHICH MEANT THEY COULD HEAR EVERYTHING. Horrified, I turned the headphones off and finished up in the bathroom, then reconnected and was asked numerous times, "were you peeing? what was that?". I denied everything but I think it was obvious. OMG, I was so embarrassed...ah excuse me while I cringe...
I work in a call center. During COVID, we worked from home. I thought that I could take a quick pee before another call came in. Nope. I stopped peeing, started talking and without realizing, I flushed. I am sure the caller heard that.
I yelled at my rock eating dog while on the phone.
With my new phone.
It was also crystal clear 5G.