Hey Pandas, What Was The Last Thing That Started Out Bad For You But Ended Up Being Good? (Closed)
Life can sometimes play a big trick on us and hit us hard, but the next minute everything changes and then you're like, "Well, that wasn't so bad."
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Last year one of my roommates brought home a dog. It was living behind one of the admin offices at our school and we took
*it in. He was absolutely terrible. Everything was chewed up and he wasn't house trained but eventually we got it sorted. It was supposed to be temporary but we kept him and now foster out a bunch of animals. So it all worked out.
My freshman year of high school. The whole time I was thinking about how absolutely miserable it was and how much I wanted it to end. At the end of the year, though, I started to remember all the fun memories instead of all the stressful moments and now I wish I could go back and enjoy it more.
My spouse and I used to live in this real tiny, expensive apartment with horrible landlords, a couple I'll call Jane and John. It was supposed to be temporary but due to sine setbacks, we were stuck. Then comes 2020 when everything went to hell. I worked in a restaurant that was shutdown temporarily in March and our lease was up in April. We were worried also because the landlord put up a sign apartment for rent $900, (in our lease it stated there would be a rent increase yearly, but not past $850.) Why? No idea. Anyway, I had asked Jane about renewing the lease at the end of February and she said no problem. When I paid rent for that month, I reminded her again about the lease, and again no problem.
Now it's mid April and suddenly John and Jane are banging on our door demanding to come in. They had never done that in the 5 years we were there plus, we're supposed to have 24 hours noticed, but since we hadn't secured a lease, and they were shady,I wasn't feeling too bold. They come in and they were appalled. They started yelling about how 'disgusting' we were and all the 'damage' we caused. We were really confused because the place had literally never been cleaner since my job was temporarily shut down. It was really theatrical and over the top. They told us 'we had until the end of the month to leave', and Jane says to me specifically 'Don't bother trying to fight it, or getting your deposit back! I know you've had trouble with the law!' I was a bit of a miscreant when I was younger and did have a record from 10 years prior (misdemeanors), so it was true, but I had been a law abiding citizen since, so hardly relevant. She was a bully and trying to scare us.
We began to immediately look for a new place, which was very difficult partially due to Covid, and also, we were BROKE! We only had my spouses income, and hadn't received any stimulus money yet. Not only did we need to be moved in in 2 weeks, we also needed someone willing to trust us to pay the remaining amount for the deposit after we moved in. Not likely. A few days go by and I see my coworker Ryan at the grocery store. I told him what happened, and he said he'd see if he could help. Well, a few hours later he texted me that his sister and brother in law had a trailer that they were debating whether to sell or rent out. They were hesitant to rent to people they didn't know, but luckily I had known both of them for years.
So we meet at the trailer to look at the place and talk things over. They let us move in right away, and said it would be OK to give them the remaining amount for the security deposit when we could. They totally saved us, but also, the place is so much better. It's easily 3x bigger than our old place, with 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bathroom, (our tub is HUGE), an actual living and dining room, nice porch, and a actual yard. Our old place used to be a motel, so all the buildings were super close together in a parking lot. There was no privacy, and uncomfortable. We've been here for 2 years now and are so much happier. We're not on top of each other all the time, we can BBQ, I have a garden. It was the first time in a long time that we had a place that we can enjoy living in that feels like a home
Just in case some of you don't... Take photos if you rent when you move in and out!
Moving to a new school during the pandemic. During my years at my old school, I had a close “friend” that ruined my mental health. I felt so alone moving to a new school, but I have one of the most supportive friends groups now and I’ve never been happier! I’m still recovering from what that old friend did to me, and those first few months were tough. The pandemic was a much needed break.
I’m a guitarist and I broke my little finger on my fret hand. When it happened, and my finger was facing several degrees in the wrong direction, I was afraid my guitar playing days were over, or were going to be extremely limited. However, after surgery—with pins sticking out of the back of my hand for a few weeks(!)—and then a couple of months with an excellent physical therapist, my finger is stronger and more agile than it was before the accident!
Having 3 miscarriages. It was horrible and still makes me sad, but after those, we had a beautiful, healthy girl through normal (although very stressful) pregnancy. Without those horrible happenings, the world would be missing the most wonderful little girl.
covid. i was just starting out middle school everything shut down. then it was all at home. my mental health was absolutely horrible and i felt completely alone. then my family found an amazing group of friends and i felt much better. we went to everyone’s house and i got to meet really funny little kids (all the families were friends with my younger brother, so i was the babysitter) and then i was going into the end of middle school. i had an amazing group of friends and no drama. i’m now in high school and i’ve never been more happy. so thanks covid for helping me figure my self out.
Going to prison. Before that I struggled with addiction and was in and out of jail probably once every couple months with just a slap on the wrist. Well I ended up going to prison and have been clean and sober ended since. Just celebrated 5 years and it's safe to day without a long period of clarity I might not be here today. At the very least still struggling anyways.