Hey Pandas, What Was The Inspiration For Your Bp Username?
I've seen some crazy usernames around here for sure!
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when i was a little kid, i would go out to play in the forest with my sister. i would then stand upon my favorite tree stump and loudly declare myself king of the forest and all its creatures and plants, therefore forest king lol
I get my inspiration from my wolf GoodBoi. When people ask me what kind of dog he is? German shepherd? A husky? Noooo he’s a wolf, and a very happy healthy 9 year old boi. I affectionately call him an “oof” because he’s too sweet to be a big bad wolf!
I love wolves and water.
I saw a dead snail and wondered what the ghost of a snail would look like
cause i'm a freaking bee
it described me perfectly when I came up with it. and usually still does.
for the pfp, I just often do the zoom thingy because I think it's kinda funny.
My IRL name is after a song that my mom really liked and it's also something in Carnatic/Indian music. I'm so glad that she picked that because the name my dad chose was 100% disgusting.
My BP name is after the first image I had on my computer to use as a PFP but I also just have a strange affinity towards grumpy animals... NOT GRUMPY PEOPLE!
i wont reveal my real name(or anything about my personal life), but it was based off of hindu mythology, cuz im ethnically indian.
as for my username...
lets do this one more time (i HAD to do the spiderverse intro dude)
shanila: super saiyan powerup from an extremely nostalgic show from my childhood, lolirock
pheonix: fire birdie that i thought looks so cool
Simply because I’m small and I was born that year
if you felt like being funny at the time, you could have ended up with Dinky72. for better or worse.
welllllllll im not important cuz i always make sure other people are happier than me which sounds sweet until you realize that its extremely unhealthy and probably one of the main factors of my terrible mental health
i also like dogs. like a lot. but my parents wont get me one :(((((( btw i like cats too they're also adorable
and the last part "imp" is my nickname. one of my best friends on bp came up with it
A character from the graphic novel series Heartstopper, called Charlie Spring.
I love corgis I have like seven corgi stickers on my water bottle lol
I was laying in bed before I made an acc and “McDonalds French fry” stuck ig. No inspo rlly
I’m shy and I like dragons. I love dragons. A lot. Idk why but I just- ok enough of the “i LoVe DrAgOnS” thing
Have you watched The Dragon Prince, I would definitely recommend it.
I’m just a lover of science, especially physics, though without the formal education to underpin it I’m merely an armchair enthusiast. I was reading about subatomic particles when I needed a username, so UpQuarkDownQuark it is.
It's where I live.
It's a wicked cool place. Vermont spent 14 years as an independent republic...................................................................................
“Vermont tradition is based on the idea that group life should leave each person as free as possible to arrange his own life.” – Dorothy Canfield Fisher (writer and activist)
When my brother and I were very young, my father remarried to a woman who hated children. She said "You can have the brats or you can have me." He chose her. My disgusted grandparents adopted us. Later in life, I would jokingly blame random stuff on my fictional evil twin. I named Evil Twin after the worst person I could think of. Hence, Stephanie Did It.
Bored= I'm always bored
Alpaca= (prepare for a rant) There is an academic competition called World Scholars Cup and it is a global thing (at the time of writing this I am actually currently at Yale University to compete for the Tournament of Champions). It is a really fun competition and even though everyone gets stressed for the difficult academic aspects, the non-academic parts and the community are what makes it great. If you are between the ages of 11-18 or smth I highly recommend researching this. To get to my point now, the mascot of the competition is an Alpaca. In the WSC, Alpacas represent awkwardness, and every competing scholar gets one for free just for signing up, these Alpacas get bigger as the rounds get on, however they are all called Jerry, for reasons not entirely known to the scholars. One last fact before I rap this up as it is getting long, according to WSC lore, the sound an Alpaca makes when happy is "pwaa" so if you do happen to join, don't be shocked when everybody starts shouting pwaa.
142:previous adress.
Durandal: name of the insane classical litrature quoting robot from the Marathon game series.
P.s Marathon can be downloaded for free (legally Bungie licensed it) on Aleph One.
For my pfp im not even that big a Weezer fan I just had a photo if rivers cuomo in my camera roll
I consider myself spiritual but not religious. My basic belief system stems from the Carl Sagan quote that "we are made of star stuff." It makes me feel connected to the people, world, and universe.
it makes me feel like exploding multiple times per second. and yes, I'm attempting to be funny. laugh with me, even if you find me completely funny and thus will feel awkward if you do so. in all seriousness, I'm really into astronomy.
I like snakes, and I like foxes. Why not put them together?
Foxes are cute :) (but danger noodles kinda freak me out Ngl)
My real name was chosen by my mom after Sunshine was turned down.
I was lazy when coming up with my BP user name. I actually found the picture on a BP thread and was like that looks exactly like me but I've never smoked or vaped. I even sent it to a friend who asked, "When did you smoke?!".
Metalhead: I love metal music and I consider myself a metalhead.
Turtle: one of my favorite creatures of all time.
Ukraine's flag: I think I officially joined BP shortly after Putin did what he did.
My profile picture is a chocolate waffle I made and was very proud of. I'm not that important on here, but I thought I'd chip in.
I love all things spooky. I like using terms that are usually associated with being negative, ironically. And I LOVE bats.
When I was but a smol bean, me and my friends started a pangolin-based cult, as teenage girls do. For some reason, it stuck, and even after some other friends created an ACE (anti-cult establishment) which shut Pangolinism down, I still use it as my go-to username, and I still remember Panis Angelicus, my person pangolin guardian Angel.
My Gecko, Her name is Fluffy and I like to call her Fluffernaut
My middle name is named after my great grandfather
I love magpies!
I was born with a name, I made an account, I put my name that I was born with as my username.
So it's kind of a long story of how I got my board Panda username but it's stupidly ridiculous and extra long and I don't feel like telling it just know that Facebook is behind it all... at least now my name is cool
Nice Beast Ludo
Inspired by The Labyrinth (my favorite movie) from the scene where Sarah asks/tells Ludo he is a nice beast. Love that part and the whole movie
Well, I have been on here since before I had an account, and I wanted something that I could make jokes about. The day I made my account, I had just read a meme about x's on ads being ridiculously small, and BAM I had a username.
To be honest, I had no idea what to put as my name, so I just put the first 6 letters of the keyboard in temporarily and just sort of kept it. :)