Tell us about the craziest dramas in your school


I've already posted this elsewhere, but oh well, I'm just gonna copy/paste it.
So, basically, it was my first Middle School dance, and everything was going fine!
Suddenly, about fifteen minutes in, all the lights came on. No one knew why, but we kept on partying and having fun. Then the principal came in and told us that the dance had been CANCELED. How do you cancel a dance while the dance is actively happening?
Anyway, middle schoolers being middle schoolers, we freaked out. Everyone was running around the building, and already, rumors were spreading. I heard a lot of theories, but they were all scattered and unrelated.
I managed to finally leave, and the next day the principal sent an email to everyone saying that a group of students had found a BULLET IN THE SCHOOL. I think it was probably just a joke, but if it wasn't...


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    This kid, notorious for his disruptive behavior, ran OUT OF detention. He literally took off out the school and ran to a Starbucks 10 minutes away.

    To make it even better, the principal chased him down (she's a literal marathon runner) all the way to Starbucks before informing his mom (who happened to be there) of everything.

    He stole a pack of gum from a local Walgreens a week later, he got out into a Catholic school the next year.

    There's also a lot of SA rumors popping up too 🫤


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    The was this one time I was in my gym class and most kids had just left the locker room we had mostly all changed except for a couple seventh graders (sixth and seventh grade had gym together). Anyway we were kind of just milling around until we were told what to when the teachers told all the girls to go back to the locker because they needed to talk to the boys. We didn't think much of it but some people were saying one of the boys had threatened to shoot the whole school and that scared everyone.

    Then suddenly there was a really loud sound just outside the locker room that sounded just like gunshots. We completely freaked out, but we were smart and we all found a place to hide.

    It came again, much louder, then it was quiet.

    A seventh grade girl came into the locker room with the keys to tell us to go out the back door, which did not help our nerves. But everyone was okay when we got outside, and the teachers acted like nothing had happened. We played capture the flag like normal.

    It was only when we got back inside that we got an explanation. The teacher told us that one of the boys was having kind of a meltdown, and the 'gunshots' had been her pounding on the back door to tell us to go out that way. I'm still not quite sure why the rest of the boys didn't go to their locker room, but oh well that's my story.


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    One kid ran out the classroom and we all chased after him. this was 5th grade btw.


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    Kid got shot in the parking lot across from school so we went into lockdown for two hours, nobody knew what was happening and I thought I was going to die.

    Oh yeah and some kids jumped another kid at gunpoint so we had a SWAT team sweep the building.

    And not me, but my cousin, had a 14 year old kid show up to school with a rifle and got shot by the cops. Nobody else was hurt but he was killed.

    *majestic not-actually-an-eagle shriek*


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    Community Member
    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh yeah, and one of my best friends’ brother has a reputation as a creep… yeah that kind. He transferred out of his last school to mine, and I suspect that’s why.