Hey Pandas, What Was The Biggest Storm You’ve Ever Experinced? (Closed)
It can be anything-a little flurry to an EF5 tornado, I'm just curious.
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I lived in tornado alley, and I’ve actually experienced a EF5 tornado. It was when I was a younger child, I believe a toddler. I remember the new’s channel warning everyone in the area about it and the sirens blaring. My mom quickly drove us to my grandparent’s house where there was a tornado shelter. The feeling of fear was so intense. My mind couldn’t fully comprehend the situation, but I knew that we had to stay in that shelter or it meant death. I curled up next to my mother, tightly hugging her. I think I remember hearing a rumbling noise. Anyways, the neighborhood was in a devastating state, and my grandparent’s house was taken by the tornado. I can’t exactly remember what happened afterwards, or how the event happened detail by detail, because it was years ago. That was my only time I went through something that instilled that primal fear in me as of right now.
I can't begin to imagine. Tornadoes are my worst nightmare, as far as extreme weather goes.
The storm of 1987 if you live in the UK and were around in 87 I'm sure you remember it.
But compared to storms in America I'm sure it would be like a small breeze.
Holy c**p! Just looked this up and wow! We have really big wind storms around here and we lose a lot of trees on a semi regular basis, but that storm was something else. Calling that storm catastrophic doesn't seem to quite cover it.
Christmas Day, 2017. We got 21 inches (53.34 cm) on Christmas Day, then another 22 inches (55.8 cm) on the 26th. And for shits and giggles, 6 more inches on the 27th. This year, we didn't really have snow until today, the first day of spring. It's been white-outs all day.
I'm not even sure, being in the Southeast means you get a LOT of bad hurricanes, but I'm not sure which is the "worst" lol
okokok, so when i was about 2-3-4 years old, i was living in brooklyn at the time and i got caught in a blizzard with my mom