ummmm hello


Make sure you know that we all human beings on the same earth, so with that being said you can achieve anything if not more than what you see other people achieve, and thats facts.



    Shut the fluff up before I shove fluffing rocks in your fluffing mouth and watch you choke - Me



    - the clouds never expect it when it rains but the sea changes colors but the sea does not change

    Strangely inspiring... and well worded. Uh... it’s actually a lyric from edge of seventeen by Stevie Nicks but I guess it still counts?? The song was actually written about the death of John Lennon. I would listen to the song if I’ve never heard it... you’ll hear it and go “wait this is familiar”. The staggered guitar... the soothing voice of the almighty Stevie nicks... the beautiful lyrics... it’s irresistible. You’ll know it when you hear it... it’s the song about the white winged dove that goes “whoo whoo whoo”. Lol sorry this was supposed to be about quotes I couldn’t help myself but listen to it


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    not everyone has to love you just a few good people - Charity Barnum



    "If things get too much for you and you feel the whole world is against you, go stand on your head. If you think of anything crazier to do, do it."


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