Describe some troubles you had in 6th 7th and 8th grade.
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I, for one, started using alcohol and smoking cigarettes, got mixed in with a bad crowd, started skipping school, and grades started to drop. It was bad, but I graduated and went to a university. Goes to show that you can still recover, no matter what happens at that sensitive time (7th-8th grade).
Transitioning from very small elementary to very very large middle school (Philly area) I could not grasped it, missed my old teachers, so I skipped school for like a month, got my ass handed to me by my mom when she found out
In middle school now, and I have several problems. First of all, the kids in gym often run a mile around the track, no biggie, but they aren’t allowed to dress out so a lot of these kids are running in sweatshirts and jeans in 80 degrees. This might be just a Covid thing idk. But most of the kids are walking and/or on their phones and/or chatting with their friends.
Number twi! That kids swear. So. Loud. My ears bleed. There’s this one kid in my bus that threatens people with his drumsticks and stands on seats and crawls over to other seats on the backs of the seats and whacked the ceiling with his drumsticks once too. I try my best to ignore him but he lives nearby so he tried to sell my mom overpriced spray paintings just as we were going to leave for XC (cross country).
Problem 3!
Kids aren’t expected to do enough work anymore. In my French class, we were supposed to research a country that had French as its official language and everyone else wrote a ten page google slideshow. I literally wrote a 15- something page google slideshow and a 7 page essay. I had a lot of anxiety because I was worried I didn’t have enough. I had better get extra credit.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
I was overweigh and grew up poor. I was treated so poorly. 30 years later, I keep in touch with no one I went to school with. Screw them all.
Self-confidence. Still struggle with that.
I had a crush on my friend and when I told her about it we started going out-- for a day. then she said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought it was just a joke!", and then she acted like nothing happened, except every once and a while she asked me to stop being mad at her.
Why are you even friends with her still. Punch her in the face and find a new friend.
I was home schooled, both parents gone all the time, had no one to ask for help when I got stuck. If I took a test, I would usually fail it, and get yelled at. I was so glad when I started high school and wasn't doing home school anymore.
I’m sorry you had a bad experience with homeschool. I’m homeschooled and love it.
I had little confidence in 7th and 8th grade. Also I was bullied
While I now have 22 years of sobriety- when I was in junior high I was a drunk. Carried booze in my book bag - was scared about getting caught. Never did.
Bullying. I am a half Ojibwe Canadian who went to school in a southern US state in which the KKK had their headquarters. I also developed early and generally finished my schoolwork early and got along well with the teachers. That of course made me seem like a brown noser.
Two words: teacher’s pet. All the “popular” girls despise me for it, but I despise them too. I am generally one of the smartest students in the classroom, but I don’t brag about it. However my teachers often refer to me as an example. I speak with them often, such as “hi how are you” or “have a good day”, but usually someone’s always giving me the stink eye. But I have fun. Because it’s middle school. And by God, s**t happens fast. I try to enjoy it as best as I can, but maybe that’s why everyone hates me in the first place.
I don't hate you. Keep on being who you are! It's not being a "teacher's pet' it's being a 'good student'. I love creative writing so I spend a great deal of effort on my writing/composition class and I'm not well-liked for that either.
Still in middle school, so these are the problems I face currently:
- Depression
- Anxiety (mainly Anticipatory Anxiety)
- Procrastination
- Homework/Assignment Overload
Sorry for the spacing! I totally didn't mean to format it wrong (when I posted it, it looked like bullet points....
I got Grabage and half full milk cartons thrown at me everyday! I also got called the F-slur so much.
What?! *outraged stomping* *arrives at the bullies' houses and gets revenge somehow*
I went to 4 different schools between 6-8 grade. Moved from my home country to the US and then moved from one state to another. Had to learn a new language, was having numerous painful dental surgeries, and my parents got acrimoniously separated. Oh, and puberty.
I agree, Puberty pretty much sucks! Lucky, it is not painful in my case....
I’m in eighth grade and my troubles consist of this girl named Trista spreading rumors around to everyone close to my girlfriend that she hit on her (Chase is my girlfriend name)Chase absolutely did not I was there and Trista told Chases girlfriend and Aki (chase ex) broke up with her and then we started dating,I love my girlfriend with gender dyshphoria (she think she trans but not sure) I have gender dyshphoria as well
sounds like a typical day of 8th grade drama. bless your soul, I hope you make it to high school all right <3
I didn’t have pocket money to buy snacks as my friends used to do. My mom used to pack me a lunch for school. Also, I was struggling with the way I look and that shattered my whole confidence and till now that inferiority complex haunts me.
Back in 2001, I was barely a 6th grader. Still a full on kid. Mentally and emotionally. I was confused as to why I had to start worrying about shaving my legs as boys would make fun of me O_o. My legs were not even like hairy, hairy, you could barely see the “normal” body hair. So I guess you can say I was forced to “mature” to make the bullying stop.
That sucks.I have very much leg hair and I'm not called out or anything maybe cuz I'm not a girl OR boy...I'm ALL GENDERS
Sexual abuse at home. When shared with a teacher, she shamed me. This was in the '70's.
i'm so sorry for you. i hope you are okay now, or on the road to okay. i'm sorry you had to live through that.
Having an identity crisis.
3rd and 4th grade I liked boys then
5th grade I was chasing after my cousin
6th grade I had a crush on who I thought was a boy who might actually be genderfluid.
Wearing a bra that feels so tight but, I can’t prove I need actual cup bras.
Don’t forget acne under a mask. My skin is so irritated it’s peeling off, pls help.
A note on the genderfluid person, they might actually be non-binary.
I had an issue with defending myself. Not to say that I wasn’t able to, but rather quite the opposite. I used to bite, hiss, and scratch when (boys particularly) people picked on me…
I moved to a new state in 7th grade so finding common interests and adjusting was challenging for me. Also the fact I am introverted does not help.
Two friends of mine confessed they had feelings for me (they actually still carry those feelings today about 2 years later) and it was stressful because I don't like either that way and none of us have talked about it yet.
Ooh that's terrible. Hope you get it worked out or at least get past any awkwardness.
Everyone was picking on me and even the kids from the other schools were going around, saying they wanted to fight me just because they saw me around.
In 7th grade, I started to drink more regularly (started drinking in 4th grade.) I also started smoking and selling weed and taking pills (whatever I could get my hands on,) and smoking cigarettes. I got suspended for smoking in the girls bathroom. I got my ass kicked when I started selling weed and I decided to stop selling. Oddly I maintained grades and was on the honor roll the whole time.
Multiple identity crises! Yay!/s
Middle school is not fun. Identity crises for some people, acne, moving from class to class, and for girls the lingering period on the horizon. Also pretty much none of the boys are mature.
i was in the orchestra class ahead of my grade in middle school, and in 7th grade, i was in the 8th grade orchestra. the thing was 8th grade lunch was during that class, so i had to eat lunch with the grade ahead. i had some 8th grade friends (i was actually pretty close with my stand partner) so i sat with her and her friends. i was super nervous at first but i actually fit in pretty well. it was a group of kids in my orchestra class and they liked a lot of the same things i did, but that was the least of my worries. there was this one boy who sat with us, i never learned his real name because everyone called him Spaghetti Kid. well Spaghetti Kid was always cursing and doing things me and my friend (lets call her breanna) didn't like. the other kids started to dislike him as well and we all took a vote to remove him. it was unanimous. when Spaghetti Kid saw this he began yelling, which triggered mine and breannas anxiety. then it was final, he had to go, we tried for days to be rid of him,but nothing work. we decided to go into hiding, moving away from our normal spot, to behind the wall. it worked and he never found us. about a week later, he called some kid in his class a racial slur, the kid punched him, his nose was broken, but Spaghetti Kid was expelled.
i moved schools in 7th grade, and it was really tough on me. i struggled with awful teachers, and so much homework that i would be spending hours upon hours every night. kiddos in middle school: i promise high school is much better, i had a blast especially sophomore year. keep your heads up!
I was not a very good girl!! I stole my parents car at 13, got caught and on probation. Snuck out A LOT, smoked cigarettes and was just a brat!! I outgrew all that crap… but I didn’t care much back then!!
I used to get bullied relentlessly. Even a (PE) teacher bullied me. Eventually I bloomed and it turned out I was really good at football. The teacher went to the polar opposite and ended up sucking up to me and being over the top nice. It was really weird. I found that I was more popular after my footballing success and got bullied less. Crazy what motivates some people.
They called my mom to come to school so they could show her how I was getting wads of toilet paper wet and throwing it against the wall and ceiling. SPLAT!
Geez, you were only "cleaning" the bathroom! They should have been thrilled to see your school pride😂
I was the black girl on the white bus at a mostly black school. The ONLY black person who rode that bus! One day they changed our bus spot and we had to walk around the parking lot and I could feel 300 pairs of eyes on me and saw a few nods that meant, "Oh that explains everything!" I was treated very differently afterwards.
Also an 8th grade jerk who should have been in the 10th grade decided to N-word me every day, clever right?! I was a super tiny 10 year old. After a few weeks, the bus driver told him to leave that little girl alone. Jason, wherever you are, hope you have become a better human being.
Well i had a fake friend (3)they would all get me in trouble and i would take the blame
well, i was depressed and (mostly) passivly suicidal for all of 6th grade, less depressed in mood in 7th but mroe actively suicidal.
also i had all the homework in the world. ever tried taking an AP in 7t grade? it ain't easy, but 8th grade was worse. also, 1.5 hour commute each way via school bus.
On my first science exam, I thought I saw a trick question, and answered correctly. Actually, it was bad proofreading, and I got a zero. I quit paying attention, and later flunked out with general knowledge scores over college grad levels.
Oh whoops- I guess it double posted? Uh… feel free to delete this one. ;-;
In middle school right now. I have autism and have to deal with lots of different sounds and people moving around a lot. I also have anxiety, have trouble going into the classroom if I'm late due to the fear of getting odd looks and, also, I don't want all my tablemates to be asking me about it. And I get really anxious whenever anyone is behind me, and, while most of my teachers are cool with it, the CTE teacher has given me s**t about it before, along with one guy in the other work cycle.
I also have trouble keeping on top of my math work and getting it right, mainly because for some reason I have such difficulty understanding the videos my teacher gives us to teach the subject. Maybe it's the way she talks about it. Sorry, I kinda just needed to let it out.
I had all of the troubles.
I moved in with my father when I was 13 after my mom got drunk, and forgotten I had called ahead to be late from my date. She proceeded to throw me up against a wall and tried to choke me out. My father never wanted to raise me because he was always out of town on business, but the abuse needed to stop when it reached that point. My Dad didn't stop his job, oh no, he would buy me and my brother a week's worth of groceries, give my 17 year old brother some money (which he always spent on pot) and leave. I was dropped into a new school in the middle of the year, I made no friends, I fought a lot, and wasn't popular at all, so a few months in I already hated school. At this point not having anyone to tell me I had to go to school, I just didn't. I would stay up all night on a text based role playing game, pretending to live the life of an adult, the proceed to sleep all day. It got to the point that I became what the school called a "truant" after missing so many days of school. On the days my father was home and made me go, I had the principal was begging me to come to school. After about 5 months of this, police where threatening to arrest my dad for not sending me, and yet STILL my dad didn't switch jobs. I still didn't show up most of the time, when my dad was away, I didn't care. This went on for a good solid year an a half. One day when I was 14 I decided that it was time to move out. So I packed a duffle bag, hopped on a bus to Texas in the middle of the night, and ran away to be with my 30 year old "mate" from my roleplaying game; to live the happily ever after we had RPed so many times. Fortunately he didn't beat me or sell me into slavery, but we did play as man and wife with his 2 kids. A week later the FBI showed up at the door after a manhunt to return me to my father. I still have some of the old missing and (exploited children posters (the ones they put up in walmart) with my face on them.)
When I was returned to my father, he had moved to Atlanta to stay with my Grandmother thinking that would change things. It didn't. I was right back on my RPing game (It was an addiction at this point). I went back to school for a little while, but had totally changed my style to be a hot topic skater/punk/goth, and I was proud to show off... I was actually very popular for a time, because I didn't care I was the "rebel".
I got bored though, because I had already failed 3 grades so I was in 8th grade when I was 15, and just stopped going to school again. By this time I was sneaking out in the middle of the night to go hang out with my much older boyfriends that I had met at concerts my father would just let me wonder around unsupervised. So I was too tired to make it to school.
They ended up putting me in what they called truancy school where I only had to show up till 1. The problem with that was, they had no transportation to and from, and my grandma or dad weren't driving me; so I had to take public transportation ALONE at 15 to a bad part of Atlanta. I wasn't afraid though, because 1. I had already run away to Texas how bad could THIS be, and 2. apparently my goth persona just made me look like I would stab people. In the end I just got on the bus, pretending to go and just went into Atlanta to roam, eat out, take pictures, ride the train, and just generally avoid school.
When I eventually turned 16 still an 8th grader I dropped out. Met a boy at a concert, moved in with him 2 months later. I went to-1- day of High school, but the principal insisted I was going to be in special ED for being truant in middle school. I went in did a word search, and maze for 10 minuets, and had a remaining hour and 20 minuets. I asked to go see the principal, where I just asked if I could be placed in an actual class where I could learn something. He told me No, I will be in that class or I will leave. I went back to class my thing and left. I had my first kid 9 months later, my second 2 years later...
'La Kika' was obese and ugly as sin but to my mind that didn't escuse her being a thief and a bully. To make it worse she walked to catch her bus the same way I had to walk home every day past all the fights in the alley. Why I was her particular target I'll never know. May she rot in hell.
also parents: ugh you´re only in middle school you don have to pay bill you have no problems your life is so easy
also parents: ugh you´re only in middle school you don have to pay bill you have no problems your life is so easy