Hey Pandas, What Topic Could You Do A Presentation On From The Top Of Your Head? (Closed)
Roughly 20 mins long.
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Giant octopuses. I hate the ocean and almost everything in it and octopuses do scare me but they're also really interesting, i remember i had a full month of my life where all i did was read about giant octopus. It sticks with me, especially the scary stuff lmao
1) How education systems fail neurodivergent children
2) How jedi are the villians in star wars
3) How mutants are definitely coming to the MCU
Anything Star Wars related. History of Jedi, Sith, Mandalorians, The Old Republic, The New Jedi Order. I know more about old canon than new, but I can do both.
Egyptology, specifically Tutankhamun. I was seven when the King Tut exhibit came through our city. Standing less than 10 feet from a gold sarcophagus mask has that effect on a kid and I was hooked on the subject ever since.
I even tried to make it my major in college...but found out I'd have to learn to read, write and speak in German and French to accomplish this since many of the original notes about the initial discoveries in Egypt were not in English. I settled for Forensic Anthropology.
And since I'm a nature show buff...I could also do a presentation about certain species and the problems they face surviving in the wild as well as the efforts by conservationists to save the species through breeding programs.
Toxic Masculinity...I'm an 18 year old girl and it distresses me so much
I hear you. At one point, I worked with folks who seemed to think their Y chromosomes were cause for celebration and used misogynist terms to put each other down. I tried to grow a thick skin and be above it all, but I can testify that denial doesn't work in the long run.
After administering a hospital stroke program, I can easily do presentations on stroke prevention, treating patients with stroke, how to know when someone is having a stroke, and so on.
Marvel stuff (including X-men, The Gifted, Agent Carter, and Agents of Shield)
Doctor Who
LGBTQIA+ stuff
Prehistoric life
Greek mythology
Sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia etc. (though I'll probably end up yelling a lot)
Star Wars
Biblical Knowledge
My English teacher's cat
National Parks of the United States
The Hunger Games
I would like to know the backstory on your English Teacher’s cat please.
Either rabbits or Gravity Falls by Alex Hirsch.
If anyone would like to geek about Gravity Falls in the comments with me, feel free to do so!
Percy Jackson and Greek myths in general
Probably Five Nights at Freddy’s lol. Or Percy Jackson, Star Wars, and Marvel.
Anaphylactic allergies, the issues with having them, and how shitty companies can be to people who have them
why bored panda needs to not do the before and after makeup/hair/outfit stories
there's so many photoshopped pics in those damn things
I will always love them, no matter how many people tell me they're just big gross reptiles.
They are not.
exactly!! snakes are awesome! also here is a cute hognose CSaPjdUWwA...171878.jpg
the ethics of omegaverse and the inherent issues of informed consent that arrive with it. i spend a lot of time on ao3 ok
Webkinz, historical disasters,Travis the chimp, cats, life in a WWII Ghetto... I read too much
Anything to do with Marvel, Star Wars or LGBTQ+ stuff. And anything about US politics
Archery, it's history, various forms amongst world cultures and its impact on world history.
World history in general, with an exception on the renaissance.
Mythology around the world, mainly greek, egyptian, norse and aztec.
The lord of the rings.
- Logic error and its influence in economics
- Building sales units
- Ballistics
- Why my wife is the best ever
These are kind of niche but I can do:
1. Tropical aquaculture
2. Woodworking
3. Football (soccer)
Women's lives in Victorian era, how to repair a toilet, history and interesting tidbits about my city... several others...
Hamilton. I have the entire show memorized plus facts like the bullet, characters backgrounds (especially Lafayette), and would need a bit of a refresher on the OBC but it would take a second
Yes hamilton us soon good! How many times have you seen it? I've seen it 3 times
Anything related to German, English and Russian history of the 19th century. Royal families 1700's-today. The French and Russian revolution. Both World Wars. USSR and GDR.
Dogs or domestication of canines, I love animals and Dogs are my fav! I've read so many books about them (breeds, behavior etc.) I'm practically the animal person in my household
The history of women’s underwear, from the leather straps in the ancient times, to kirtles to stiffened bodices, then stays and corsets, and how the Great War gave us the modern day bra.
I have a diploma in costume, and did a lot of historical hand stitching during lockdown (and watched a lot of Bernadette Banner)
The original Blues Brothers movie was a traditional mock epic, with nearly all of the traditional conventions that make a story a literary epic.
Doctor Who, MCU, the dangers of totalitarianism and how it needs to be stopped, how the extreme (like communism) left is in some ways just the extreme right masquerading as a good idea;how both end up with genocide and dictators. Also how adults need to listen more to kids (12 yrs old, btw), and other stuff…
QUEEN (the band ofc)! I could tell about them for more than 30 minutes (without preparation)
Game of thrones
potato: the most versatile food.
building information modelling (my phd thesis)
Why we shouldn’t say the pledge of allegiance. I researched it SOO much last year.
Game of thrones
potato: the most versatile food.
building information modelling (my phd thesis)
I have actually held a Uni Lecture on Sex Work and I use to hold skill shares on “How to please your partner” and “Self love”.
I’ve been in the adult industry nearly 30 years.