My best friend is super depressed and tried to suicide. I sent her a cute dog and it lifted her spirits but only for a bit. I can't think of anything more to say to her please help.


"hey i know you're struggling right now and it's hard to get through this; but you CAN do this. you're close to me, your friends, and your family. without you, there's a void in this planet with no one to fill it- this life won't truly be complete without you. please stay strong and call a hotline."


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bon bon (still purple boi)
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

yes yes yes wow wow woah i dunno how to say that but you-you just blew my entire fricken mind!!! your so nice!

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    Listen to them without any interruptions and then advise them on help lines .... It may not work but remind them of people that have life threatening illnesses that would love the opportunity of having their lives to enjoy. When someone is on the brink of suicide it can be a very delicate matter and needs to be handled with caution. If you are not a professional at talking people out of suicide you must think very carefully before you speak.


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    "If you've hit rock bottom, you can only go up from here. I know you want to end your life, but think about everyone you love, and who cares about you. what would they do if they found out you had killed yourself? please think before you make decisions. please do it for your family and friends.."


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    Amber swinger
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No. You can sink lower. And i can speak from experience. I only got out of hospital after taking a paracetamol overdose. The lowest moment is when your sat, aged 14 in a hospital bed scars on your atms and the 5 year old in the bed next to you asks "where did you get those scars" while you wait for your mum who never showed up


    "There are things that are worth living for, you just have to find them, and when you do, you will be thankful for your life and the lives of others around you. "
    I have had suicidal thoughts before, and I am so sorry for your friend. Maybe you could show her these posts, if she sees them, she might realize that even strangers care about her.


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In the recent past, seeing bored panda posts like these helped me too, so thanks to all you guys!


    WHAT I WOULD SAY: hey! there is home-less and poor people that need help and u wanna throw away your life like this?!?!?! WHAT I REALLY WANT TO SAY: good thing life isn't gach
    (i dunno why almost all gacha characters be tryna commit suicide cuz they always jump, pushed, fell off the rooftop)


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    Remind her of all the people who care about her and need her. I would tell her how much she really matters to you and her family and friends.


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    Amber swinger
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But what if you have no one. If your father walks out. If your mother refuses to pick you up from the hospital knowing your an Autistic 14 with self harm wounds one one arm alone, and that the reason your in the hospital us that you OD ON PARACETAMOL. THEN WHO IS THERE FOR ME?!!


    I have already told this to my friend amory so I was like amory don't do that I have tried it before it does not work. Please don't its not worth it. If you think this is different than running from problems, it's the same thing but just not living.


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    I have already told this to my friend amory so I was like amory don't do that I have tried it before it does not work. Please don't it's not worth it. If you think this is different than running from problems, it's the same thing but just not living. i Lied I DI NOT TRY IT


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    Suicide doesn't solve your problems it gives them to the people you love.



    It sucks right now, not gonna lie. You are in a bad sitchuation. But I love you to much to let you do this. For every bad thing in your life, I promise I will give you 3 good things. There are 1000 things to stay for. The clouds may be out but I promise you the sun will shine again. And I love you so so much. Never forget that


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    "think of your family, think of your friends. do you really want to leave them behind? the choice you make is not up to me, but whatever you do just make sure you remember us..."


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    i depends on why there going to commit suicide. if there going to try to commit suicide because of their family and fake friends then tell them that even though their family or anyone that doesn't love them that they are still loved and if they die they will be missed by others. i cant think of anything else at the moment im sorry


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    Remind them of all the people who need them and of all the life changing things they would miss. If that doesn't work then tell them that if they jump you jump.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    “I know you’re struggling. I know it’s hard. But remember this: every day is a new day, and you can start over every time. You are stronger than you think. Sometimes it’s really hard but trust me, things will get better. There’s still hope.”
    I’d also refer them to a suicide hotline and even have them listen to a band that deals with mental health like twenty one pilots or my chemical romance (the former helped me through a lot).


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    let's go have a beer and a last few good laughs bud.
    postpone it just one more day.
    worst thing that can happen is your last day was a really good one


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    Can I be honest.....I actually thought about committing suicide, I talked to my friend about it and she said" you realize that would make things worse, you would miss everything, graduation, meeting someone, even your wedding, pls don't leave, if you killed yourself, I would stab my self just to be with you".i'm glad i'm still alive


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Okay so I may or may not be suicidal... but! There are somethings that have literally saved my life, one was a quote from an online friend, “suicide doesn’t end the pain, it only gives it to someone else”


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You have a point. Now I feel selfish. But it’s a nice quote

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    Make sure they are always ok but don't be pushy. Be there for them. I know what it feels like. I hope this helps.


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    You know how many people you’re gonna hurt for years to come, think about it


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    From experience, this helps a LOT (at least to me, everyone's different)
    tell them that you care for them and you don't know what they'd do if they killed themselves. Ask them what they want to still do in life, if they don't have anything, then offer suggestions.


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