Hey Pandas, What Things Do People Do That Make You Uncomfortable?
People do things that make ME uncomfortable, HBU?
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I can not STAND people who eat loudly. The sound of someone chewing, smacking their lips, making these "mmm mmm mmm" sounds, or eating with their mouths open just make me want to scream. It's to the point that I've literally stood up and walked away from a table to avoid hearing that sound.
My sister in law does this, constantly chewing with her mouth open, her sister doesn;t luckily but she does however watch this absolutely gross YouTube channel - For context it's an Asian guy who buys massive amounts of food from different places, sets it all up in front of a camera with a microphone setup, then proceeds to eat it all as loudly and as close to the mic as possible.. It's disgusting and she watches it at full volume without headphones.
Little kids stare at me a lot.
One particular classmate stares at me constantly and smiles, it's unnerving.
Few years ago, a different classmate did the same thing.
People saying VERY sexual things to me, and a LOT of people have touched me on my chest, on guy did that and said. . . "sorry, I forgot you were a girl"
I don't know why this got down voted, also another thing to say is. . . I had a 23 year old saying those things to me. . . . that's a 9 year age difference sooooooooooo you know. . .
I absolutely hate it when I'm at work sitting at my desk in an open plan office space doing my job and minding my own business, when people decide that the best place to hold their little gossip sessions or impromptu work meetings is RIGHT BEHIND ME!
People, we have meeting rooms for a freaking reason, could you kindly F%%$ing use one instead of right behind me everytime.
Staring blankly
Speaking to me like a pesky, uneducated kid.
Telling me to do something that I was about to do, anyways, and, on top of that, getting mad that I said I was about to do that.
Getting mad or annoyed at me for dropping something, like my hat or mitts.
I have the opposite problem in some countries. (Not where I currently live though). In countries where further education is not common and/or there is a prominent social class system, I've literally had a few people bow next to me when I told them I work for a company that makes vaccines. Soo awkward.
Men asking if I'll stop being lesbian for them. Nope.
To be fair, that very statement has become something of a running inside joke between my best friend and I. Though, in that case, we both know it's a joke, and her usual retort is to tell me when I can put my hair in pigtails, we'll talk. For context, I'm bald and can't grow enough hair on my head to do that. Having said that, I could see how yeah, it could be annoying to hear from strangers, or people you just met.
when people ask what i have "down there". disgusting people
They're asking what you got going on "down there" because they clearly haven't got anything going on "Up there" if you know what I mean.