Don't worry about posting, nothing is truly weird.


I don't like to go out of my home, and people think I'm weird for that.



I get so emotionally attached to books and literally fall into the world. Some books are just so good at creating that world and it makes me feel like screaming when the book ends (because the world it's created is gone and finished). If the book's good enough, I make up my own epilogues.


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LilyAnna Guthner
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I do the exact same thing. I also often do roleplays on book series I read. (Percy Jackson is a big one. Harry Potter is another big one)

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I'm a 54 yr old grandmother who collects tattoos (15 at last count) and I love to play Rock Band games (drums/expert/pro and I've gold starred 17 songs.).



I guess my whole stylistic. I live in a very conservative country, and I dress like a witch/goth, so almost every time an older person sees me they do that christian thing where they cross themselves and look at me like I'm the devil.
It always makes me laugh though, so I'm not really bothered.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm going to start doing that when I see goth people from now on. I had that vibe in high school. I'd forgotten how fun it was to freak out the normies.

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I don't shave my legs just because when Gillette invented razors he wanted to double his sales so he decided to make women think they had to
Shave too... social Conformity is ridiculous if isn't hurting anybody



I’m a 42 year old mom & I still skateboard. I broke my arm/shoulder skateboarding last year. The response from everyone who knew about my injury was “Why the hell are you still skateboarding?? You’re a mother!!!!” I guess when you become a mom, you’re not supposed to have fun anymore. Didn’t know that. 😜


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John Montgomery
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It seems like some people think becoming an adult means anything fun stops. I get countless stories from my wife while at work of people thinking our interests are childish. She's gotten comments that we should be watching court shows because we're adults. We're both more into sci-fi and superheroes.

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I don't wear shoes unless its nesecary


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Never eat cakes-, eat salmon sandwiches and remain young! (how to spell necessary!) x

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I am a joyous semi-hermit. I can live without interaction with any breathing thing, except the clerk at the grocery store. AND my pets, whom I have taught to answer my queries and have empathy for my failures. However, I confess to being able to abide people long enough for church services. Truly, I am a queer old platypus.



Probably everything about me but mostly I’m autistic so I don’t like to make eye contact so I just look at the ground lol


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Bow, I’m a Slytherin
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m not autistic but I cannot look people in the eye... the ground is a much better place to look-

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When riding trains for commuting to and from my workplace, I love standing next to the door (that will not open until my destination) and seeing outside. People are considered me strange because everybody else is buzzy with their smartphone. It's just that I love observing people’s activities, city landscape, seeing greenery and so on


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Same here. I enjoy watching the world when I'm on the train.

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I don't have my phone glued to me 24/7

I don't think other peoples opinions of me are more important than what I think of me.

I say what I mean and mean what I say



I'm a woman who chose not to have children for lifestyle reasons.



i like reading. not online, i like to read actual physical books. with paper. and ink. try it sometime.



Eating pineapple pizza. Writing a journal on my phone. Wanting to talk to random strangers (uncommon where I live). Not being exactly sure about my beliefs. Liking math, physics, history and english.



People think it's weird that I like videogames, just because I like books and reading doesn't mean I'm against videogames. People also think it's weird that I like anime for the same reason, I mean if your going to do that at least be creative with it.



56yo female who is tattooed; plays video games; listens to heavy metal, punk, and hardcore, but also classical music; reads avidly and owns a couple thousand books; plays guitar and piano and sings; loves Elfquest; is addicted to cult movies; loves to cook...everyone I've ever met thinks I'm weird because of my multiple vastly different interests. Don't ever let someone else's opinion change who you are.



Suddenly starts laughing at times. Why? About something funny that happened at a 5min - 8year range. The (dis)advantage of having a good memory.


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Easily Excitable Panda
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Me too! I'll say, "That reminds me of something..." Most of my friends have learned to catch on pretty quickly, though.

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World watching. Some people just freak out that you can remain calm and enjoy almost any activity without being particularily involved in it, just watch and still have fun.


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Gary French
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oooh I love doing this. Really good at international airports and shopping centres.

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Going out by myself. Just going out for a tea and reading the newspaper, to the movies, or going out for sushi in the evening and only bringing a magazine with me for company. I love that kind of 'me-time'.


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C. R.
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah- i've always been comfortable doing that myself. You're right- people DO think it's weird. Huh.

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My husband and I have slept in different rooms during our whole marriage. We love being able to stay up/retire early/keep a light on/use TV or iPad at will without bothering each other! No snoring sounds in my room either. We get in our cuddling, etc., but when it is time to sleep we sleep! Would not change it but I know others would judge us...



I like to fall asleep listening to supernatural scary demon stories on YouTube.


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Easily Excitable Panda
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love reading Japanese ghost stories and urban myths - really terrifying stuff, and perfect for bedtime.

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I like to think, I think of it as a activity, DON'T JUDGE ME.



im a girl gamer


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nothing wierd about that. Only with people who make you think it's wierd.

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I really like bones. My sister laughs at me for it. And I have a couple of bones from gem and mineral shows. But if I told people that that'd likely say that I'd grow to to be a murderer



I'm 52 and I think I'm the oldest fujoshi in my country (of course I collect yaoi manga, I think I have every one that was published in my country). I'm also 40lvl at Pokémon GO, aiming for more (this makes me a laughing stock in my family).



I write books, solely for myself, to manage anxiety. I have no goal to publish even though I have completed two books of about 500 pages each have multiples that are close to completion, and have several others around 200 to 300 pages including some that are parts of two different series. I've been doing this for more than ten years. I rarely talk about it because people immediately start telling me I'm need to publish them or there no point in spending so much time on it.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I do aswell, to manage anxiety and (since i mostly write fanfiction) to make my favorite non-canon ships happen

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I don't have a super-strong unbreakable bond with my twin. I do not do anything he does. I don't like his friends. And strangely, I do not like being compared to him.



Carbonation really upsets my stomach so I take the lid off of soda bottles and let them sit a few days until they are flat.


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Mewton’s Third Paw
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This one is actually quite odd. Why drink soda if you can’t have the bubbles? Why not tea or juice instead?

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A lot of people in my school think I'm weird just because I watch anime and read manga. Like, they don't even know the half of it and they think I'm weird for just THAT?



Hot sauce. Hot sauce with everything. Chicken? Ok 👌 hot sauce 🥵 fries? HOT. FREAKING. SAUCE. Everything. Even eggs sometimes lol



I put my cornbread in the bottom of the bowl bowl before adding my soup or chili. I have been told that’s gross or weird but it’s delicious.



Right, do you want a list?

I have zero interest in any sport.
I find all and every religion disturbing, and people who constantly praise God for everything to be weird and intolerable.
I cannot handle any advertising, to the point that I do not listen to radio or watch TV that has ads, and any website I find that insists on me turning off my ad-blocker just gets passed up on.
People whose entire persona seems solely defined by their dietary choices, their 'image', or their tattoos just creep me out.
I ALWAYS return the shopping cart.
Facts have my respect, and your beliefs do not. No, I don't care who you are.
Lots of other things - now get off my lawn.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Zero interest in any sport!! Yes, thank you, we do exist!! Don't care! Sports yuck!

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I'm polyamorous. I have a happy life with my wife. I have a great relationship with my girlfriend (and her husband). I'm starting something new. Everyone knows everyone else. Everyone is happy.

Despite this, I'm regularly told I'm a cheater; that I'm a bigamist (amusing but untrue); that it's illegal (worrying and untrue); and that I don't understand what love really is. The best bit is when you're told all that by someone you know is having an affair.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As long as all the people involved in your relationships agree to this situation (by lack of a better word), it doens't matter what other people think. Don't let other peoples judgement influence your happiness!

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I thoroughly enjoy roleplaying. I've been told by my classmates and many of my close friends that it is weird, annoying, and useless. I find myself to have a lot of energy even though I'm not ADHD or anything like that, so I find that roleplaying something fictional and fun helps me. Unfortunately, society around me thinks that is weird, however, I still do it because you know what? You only live once, so I'm going to do the things I love.



I don’t like French Fries There I said it



I like to read and study, but I also like video games, and also apparently liking to read makes you a erd


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Sheila Stamey
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My entire life I've been chided for my reading habit. 'Get your nose out of that book!" Even as an adult.

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I used to eat salt on my mangoes when i was little. I don’t anymore but i think it’s part of my culture (i’m cambodian)



I need "me-time". As in every couple of hours I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and just sit with my head in my hands. I'm not having a mental breakdown or anything, I just need some time to unwind and get away from all the emotions I've felt in the past couple of hours.



Hm...well I absolutely love sad music and people think that is the weirdest thing ever lol...I also am really kinda awkward so whenever I do something kinda normal people are like "Wait a minute..." I also really wanna go back to in person learning...most people beg to do online at my school but I hate it.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love sad music too! Some of the rock and hip-hop songs are just kind of depressing (I don't know why it just makes me hate life)

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- Liking weird food combinations including white rice + hot sauce + parmesean cheese or fries and ice creme.

- Liking books and reading but also gaming and multiplayers like fortnite :T


- having a hp wand + robes + bandana + tie + hedwig plush + all da books and all da movies

sorry this is long lol


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

first of all ice cream and fries are awesome...2nd of all I love Harry Potter books...also what is ur fortnite name we need to play together lol

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I dunno if it's weird, but whenever i feel stressed or wanna bite something, i chew paper towel bits, don't swallow them though.


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Baby Panda
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

whenever i'm unhappy with my art i chew it up into small pieces then spit it into the trash

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1. When I get mad my voice gets higher and higher until there isn't any word just squeaks.
2. Also when I'm angry or stressed I start laughing like a maniac. It freaks out everyone around me at the time.



I like to talk in accents.



I do bird calls without being aware of it. Sometimes, the only way I realize I'm doing it is when people around start checking their phones and asking each other, "Is it your phone? It's not mine."



I have no social media accounts.

I live happily in a 12’ x 20’ house on 5 acres in the mountains.

My speech is very slow and slurred because of Parkinson’s — people often think I’m drunk, even in the morning.

I speak to dead people.



I'm a teacher but I love videogames. One of my students once even was like "You play video games? But you are so intelligent!" - Makes me wonder what society and families taught my students. Still makes me sad. :-/


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A lot of my teachers play video games, once my class had an argument with our teacher about whether Playstation or Xbox was better, and once a couple guys talked to the teacher the WHOLE period about call of duty, its pretty fun when that happens.

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My attitude and all my style. Im a redneck from the south, A native american, a biker, and a guns enthusiast. i am either constantly feared or looked down upon. I had a teacher tell me that i was distracting and frightening to some of the student for what i was wearing. My Clothing: black Alpha Force Rocky Leather boots, dark blue jeans, my chain wallet, a black grunt style t shirt, a black cowboy hat, my skull dog tag necklace, all four of my rings, and my big black camo jacket. honestly i was kinda pissed off. im sorry that my style or opinions in clothing is disturbing to you. because of it all i just stopped wearing what i wanted to just so people would leave me alone. i had people ask me why i dressed so dark, or why i was so into self defense and crazy s**t like that. i just gave it up. in public tho im all out.


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Mewton’s Third Paw
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sounds like an edgelord / attention seeker. “They all fear me!” Sure, Jan.

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So, apparently people don't drink the "blood" (actually it's myoglobin) left in a package of steak. I grossed my husband out the first time, but I've always done it, so did my parents.


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Baby Panda
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i think it's possible to get salmonella poisoning from doing that or some other type of poisoning, i'm not sure

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Jaywalking. I don't know if it's weird, but I don't think it's necessary to follow the traffic rules if the streets are empty or I'm in a hurry. I don't run in front of cars, mind you.



I have to inspect my poo before I flush. Sorry!


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Octavio Mancilla
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's like looking at the tissue after blowing your nose. Maybe it's a health check just in case ...??

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I'm not sure if this is all that weird but I absolutely CANNOT sleep or relax with an open door near me. I have to close it. I always feel like I'm going to see someone or something walk by or I feel like something is peering at me from the other side of the doorway. I also can't have open drawers around when trying to sleep. Oddly, I can tolerate mirrors in my room.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I cant have mirrors in my room or my doors open.... I blame it on horror movies and true crime podcasts.

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See Also on Bored Panda

A friend and I met when we worked in a molecular biology lab. We found our we’d both had paranormal experiences, so now we do ghosthunting trips for vacations. Lizzie Borden house, The Myrtles, Whaley House, the Queen Mary, New Orleans, Savannah, Newport...
People think we’re weird to be scientists who believe in ghosts, but when you’ve had experiences with both, it makes perfect sense.
There are more things in Heaven and on earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.



Fursuiting- people just misunderstand the community based off stereotypes and all we want to do is spread positivity and put a smile on people's faces- I don't know why people think it's weird.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Fursuiters deserve all the props, especially if they make their own. One of my friends is a furry and makes his own suits, and they are STIFLING! If you've ever had to dress up as a mascot it is exactly like that. Kids adore it though! For them it's like visiting Disney and almost all the suiters I've met have been absolute delights.

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I have a weird way I scratch my ear. I suck air in with my tongue next to one side. It works when you have an itch deep in your ear, but it sounds odd so most people react like I’m crazy. On an unrelated topic, I’m sure people think I’m weird that I don’t like being called sir. It just feels like to me when it’s used one side of the conversation think they are superior to the other. I’d prefer to think of everyone as equals.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When talking to the other person I used to call them sir when I was really mad/irritated, of course calling someone sir or ma'am doesn't mean they are superior, it's just polite. I can see why you would prefer not to be called sir though lol.

See Also on Bored Panda

Laugh and/or smile when I am uncomfortable - aka in really inappropriate situations. I literally laughed at a funeral once.
I probably come across as a total a-hole but I cannot control it. When I try to hold back I just end up thinking about how awkward it must be for the other person and it makes me laugh more! I don't find it funny at all, but it's like my brain will not allow me to be normal.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I laugh when im uncomfortable aswell. It makes everyone uncomfortable, at my great grandmas funeral a couple years ago I was holding back laughter the whole time which probably made everything worse but laughing helps me not cry so

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Being born and raised in Atlantic Canada, other places think it's weird to have milk that comes in bags, poutine, donairs, Poutine râpée. We can go out in minus weather and for the most part not be bothered by it.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

milk pitcher... and no the bag didn't fall off the pitcher. so much less plastic-waster than regular plastic bottle milk-605b2...4edd5a.jpg milk-605b2ed4edd5a.jpg

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I cook gourmet meals at home. No one I know uses fresh herbs and makes their own sauces from scratch.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Maybe join some local cooking clubs once covid is over :)

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I don't have a smart phone, I use my flip phone I got back in 2006/7. I also sleep with a stuffed animal, for shoulder support and emotional. I am 33.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I sleep with a stuffed animal too. I'm still in school but people still think it's weird. I can't imagine I'll ever stop sleeping with it.

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videogames and roleplay whenever i want to, even in the store (once COVID is over i want to start a larp group)



Most of the time, I don't use knife. I *do* know how to use it, of course, but it takes too long time (I am an extremely fast eater, I hate to spend whole eternity at the table). So until it isn't some really official occasion or I'm not with total strangers, I tend to use fork only.



I wear 30-40s style Tweed blazers and knitted fairisle vest. It’s the only type of cloths I own.

People almost gets offended because I don’t wear t-shirt and jeans.

Oh and the fact that I regulary smoke cigars turns up my wierd factor to max.


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I drink straight coffee creamer.



I have been commando for 30 plus years!

I play with my horse like another horse. I sway and prance, flash my long mane and he squeals with delight and runs off bucking, then turns and prances back up to me, I dash and dart to the sides and off again he goes, running and snorting. I prance toward him, and say, “I’m gonna get you!” And he bounds out with excitement and runs to me then darts off to the side! Always a gentleman and never too close to hurt. Pure Heaven on Earth! A lot of boarders have thought I was crazy, or they’re jealous with the freedoms to be a girl with her horse! In one’s 60’s!

I hate coffee (the drink, too acidic) but my favorite ice cream is Coffee! I know...

I tear my nails watching Basketball games, thrillers, and family argumentings!

If I have a hang-nail I keep rubbing it until I have to cover it with a bandaid to stop myself! A touch of OCDness!

I use accents and quote movies (in character - you CAN handle the truth and such) for emphasis of the topics being covered in my consulting work! Makes clients laugh and relax! You CAN have fun while learning to heal your relationship issues!

Ok, last one...I could go on...I live in both worlds! A trained Shamanic Practitioner (28 years! )


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Melissa TO
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I also do the hang nail and commando thing. And I don't think your horse play is weird at all, you're playing with a horse, how wonderful!

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I listen to and create ASMR videos. So when I start tapping and scratching on random things in the stores... people stare 😕



In packets of bourbons that are double wide, i try to keep the level even. If it's odd, i take 3. If it's even, i take 2.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well that's just good sense! Leaving a lonely biscuit is cruel and inhumane- it knows it is next, but has no companion for moral support while awaiting the inevitable! I anthropomorphise too much.

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- Liking anthropomorphic characters ( I would say I'm a Furry)
- Playing videogames and watching (a few) animes
- Reading books



I use all pronouns, and people think that's super weird. They'll be like "what pronouns do you go by? I dont want to misgender you." and i'll tell them that i honestly don't care what they refer to me as, and they'll be very confused

I also read (as in used to read, pronounced red) Warrior Cats in elementary school and the first two years of middle school. People thought I was so weird for that, I have no idea why though.

People think its weird that I have no problem with furries. Dunno why.

I also switch from extroverted to introverted and back again very often. Most of my friends don't know this. They all think I'm super extroverted, so when I ask to stay in they get super weirded out.

Last thing I promise, I hate wasting meat, people will try to throw out meat that doesn't get eaten and I'll have a fit. I always tell them that that animal died so they could eat, and they're just throwing it away. They usually don't care, and (again) think I'm weird for being so triggered about it.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I connect to the last part! I hate it when someone leaves the water running. I don't know why, but it's been a pet peeve of mine since childhood.

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1. I’m seen as a nerd because I love video games and books.
2. I cut my hair short to ‘look like a boy’...
3. I don’t sleep. I have a fear of sleep, I have really bad nightmares, I have nocturnal panic attacks... yeah nighttime isn’t fun for me.
4. I’m ✨ QUEER ✨


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Sheila Stamey
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Awesome!!! Except for 3. To love books and games, yeah,so does most, number 2, only if it's what you want! 4, incredible!! If that's you, you be happy!

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I dress super plain, so plain it’s hard to find clothes for me. Also a gamer chick. Stopped wearing flashier clothes because I would get non stop hit on at gaming conventions.


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Suzanne Griscom
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's so sad that you changed your style to keep creeps away! Wear what you want, plus a bunch of spiky sh*t that keeps them at arms reach. 🙂 (or just crush their balls when they get too close.) Not a guy hater, just a predator hater. 💜


Everything, absolutely everything. I can’t do anything without freaking out in public, and then I freak out about freaking out


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Oh you know dipping French fries in milkshake, not bad, chicken nuggets in ice cream, tried it not bad... but I have a friend that mixes tomato sauce with Sprite... I refuse to try that. Also was into 2ne1 and the rest 10 years before bts was a thing lol had no friends to talk to.



Not sure if this counts- but, for some reason, I HAVE to watch all anime's subbed. Or else it doesn't feel like real anime to me, and I loose interest. No idea why.


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I'm a lorehound - that is gathering useless knowledge from stories and games, oftentimes spending most of a day discussing finer points with others or quizzing each other about it. Why I know way too much random Harry Potter knowledge that I've won quiz nights with it. I love knowledge of all kinds.



Chewing ice cubes. I know it is not entirely uncommon but still considered weird



Welp. A) I think/talk really darkly B) I am really awkward and in social life C) Tbh i love people and i can trust them but i hate opening up to people like i can't D) and i'm thinking i have an anxiety disorder cause reasons so my friends re like "[my name] U look really depressed." and i just laugh it off cause i laugh at everything just cause i do E) i laugh at NOTHING LIKE HOW?! Im just having a conversation and them im like laughing i also have a really weird laugh aswell so either it sounds like im aboutta murder someone or i sounds like a dieing pig mixed with a seal *use ur imagination XD* lmao [u see what i mean about e?!] also i apologise for my spelling and typos! :) XD


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hate opening up to people aswell. It took me a very long time before I found my two friends I can trust with anything and that I will open up to. But I still wont tell them very much unless they ask.

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Among other Christian values that I live by, I don't work or shop on the sabbath.


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I am a 59 year old woman who rides a motorcycle, never talks politics or religion, prefers to stay home and read or sew. I am also a nurse but don’t really like people!


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Showering at night in the pitch black, with my favourite songs playing and dancing in the dark while washing myself.


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I’m 28 and I love to watch cartoons so much but I guess most girls I’ve gone out with found it weird and childish.


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Robert Thompson
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Right there with you. The garbage that Hollywood tries to push down our throats is not worth my time or attention. Cartoons are just better.


> Turn up loud, 16-19th century waltz, or tango, inside room. And dance utterly cheerfully with imagination partner, or stick-shape object -- Since nobody in present era, quite enjoy medieval style, to be my partner.
> Automatically grin upon meeting people's face. Kind of like The Joker.
> Like to drink and eat majorly with tiny to none existence of seasoning.
> The more I am panic, the more not normal reactions.
Example when I completely lose my mind : Snatches cutlery knife. Jump on, and sprint across, public banquet table, with meals and dining people, to reach persons, who was threatening to do robbery, with daggers. Point tiny steak knife at them, and shout threaten to severely injure them.



I make predictions.



I watch Youtube videos at 2x speed


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Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Depending on what it is, I adjust the speed, too. There are a lot of people who speak so slow it bores me out, and others seem to rush through anything with an enormous speed of speech.


I never have and never will like: ice cream, cake, chocolate(or anything with it), candy, cookies, pie, cupcakes, muffins, n gum. YUCK!


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Be it on my plate, be it in the pot while cooking - in case I use pepper, I always use one kind, carefully chosen, and always take 2^n spins of the peppermill. Like, in a pot of potato salad (about 1.5 to 2 kg in total), I use 64 turns.


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I am an introvert, but am working in an extrovert’s job (sales and marketing). Love every bit of the job but at the end of the day, I just want to crawl back to home and don’t do anything or contact anyone. Maybe I am just bi-polar


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I’m a 42 year old woman and I run a Dungeons and Dragons game for my middle school daughter and her 2 friends, both boys. We’ve been playing for a year. This was the age where I didn’t want to admit I even HAD parents, yet three 13 year olds willingly choose to hang out with me. Maybe that makes them the weird ones, and my 70 year old parents think it’s weird, but it’s awesome and I refuse to stop having fun just cause I’m a middle aged mom.


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I'm a furry


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I Consider myself a proud Latina Woman of Colour (Honduran & Uruguayan), yet because I am so 'light skinned', people look at me weird when I refer to myself as a P.O.C. Especially other P.O.Cs


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Getting vegetables and greens when we go through the lunch line. Lol. The grown-ups give me approving nods and the kids give me weird stares. I am gluten free, and they don’t have good Gf options, so I don’t have much of a choice


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I don't like to eat/drink chocolate, and cuz of this, I just tell people I'm allergic


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I put spread cheese in mashed potato's


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When we were kids, if we wanted to read the comics section of the newspaper, (in the 90’s of course) our dad would have us read a story from the front page or the international section first, and tell him about the article we read. Backfired big time. We always take the papers read all of it, comics last, even though we weren’t required to anymore, then carefully placed it back together again so he wouldn’t know. Flash forward to today, I still read the main stories first & look at the entertainment articles for later on my iPad. And we all still race to still text each first if there is a big story, or to mess with our dad, tell him before he has a chance to read it. I know, weird family.


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