An example is people being uncomfortable around people with epilepsy.


Other people's life choices, such as deciding not to marry, or not to have children. It's not you f*****g business. And you will never know what trauma you may involuntarily reopen, just by asking a woman why she didn't have a child.



Not wanting to be sociable. I don't want to be forced into team bonding. I don't want to attend a "party" with people I only see because we work together. I don't think "it would be fun" to stand in a loud club paying through the nose for a drink rather stay at home and read. I don't want small talk about your sister's brother's wife's cousin's uncle's next-door-neighbour's friend. It isn't me 'being a miserable misanthrope', I just have different things I enjoy.



Breastfeeding in public- get over it. Does anyone expect you to eat in the bathroom? Or with a blanket over your face? You think its offensive and gross? Well maybe you eating with your mouth open as you chomp chomp chomp your food is gross to me and YOU should be the one to go eat in the bathroom with a blanket over your head. Its just a boob so stop being one. Teach your kids its no big deal. Just say, oh shes just feeding her baby like its the most natural thing cause IT IS. I’m not saying just hang em both out there but it really doesn’t need to be an issue for a baby to be openly on one



Bodily rights. What I choose to do with my body is none of your business, full stop.



LGBTQA+ why does someone else’s personal life, who they are, who they love really truly matter to you? My kiddo is non-binary and their BF is trans. I love them both with all my heart. I would do anything for either of them. But not all of my very conservative LDS family is as understanding. Get over it people!!



Not having enough money.

Maybe you're dressed in out-of-fashion hand-me-downs, or wearing off-brand trainers. Perhaps you don't have the latest phone or earbuds. Is it because you can't afford to meet your friends every week? It could be anything.

Whatever it is, there will always be somebody around who looks down their nose at you because of it. Excludes you from their group. Makes fun of you. Teases or bullies you for it. Maybe your friends get bored of asking and you drift apart.

Whoever you are, whatever your age, please be kind.

Being poor isn't a choice.



Victim blaming/shaming. Specifically in cases of domestic violence or sexual assault.



Being non religious.



Not looking like a Victoria’s Secret model. Curves are appreciated.



People who are disabled, but it is not visible. From someone who has multiple stomach surgeries, my stomach is a war zone. However, I am NOT willing to wear a tube top just to prove I am not “faking it”. Then you have the other hand which is people abusing already slim pickings what with handicap parking.



Forcing your agenda or narrative, whatever it may be, onto people who aren't receptive. Just do you and leave those who want to be left alone, alone.



That elderly folks were born old and have nothing to offer, and thus no longer need respect or deference. Seniors have been there and done that, and younger folks could learn a thing or two if they'd just stop and listen. Our elders have fantastic histories! They lived exciting lives and did extraordinary things, had or have remarkable talents and skills, and are usually thrilled to be asked questions so they can pass their vast and varied knowledge down to younger generations. Some can tell you their entire family tree, going back hundreds of years.
Granted, some become physically and/or mentally incapable of living their daily lives on their own, but they will always deserve respect, affection and compassion. They've earned it.



Being ‘pro-choice’. This refers to a woman’s right to choose whether or not to terminate a pregnancy.
Fundamentally, a pro-choice perspective does not prescribe how a woman should feel
about her pregnancy; rather, it allows a woman to make up her own mind. A pro-choice
position supports the idea that a woman has the right to choose a termination should she decide
she wants one. It is perfectly feasible to hold that perspective and still maintain that you
would not want to make that choice for yourself.



Forcing others to live the way YOU want. This covers everything, all the isms...sexism, ageism, religion, clothing, fashion, culture. Live how you want and leave others be.



The idea that men and women cannot JUST be friends that there is/has to be romance.



That Asians eat and/or abuse cats and dogs. I can't read the comments section of animal videos from Asia without non Asians saying that that cat or dog would be eaten or abused, and as an Asian who loves animals it's heartbreaking



Wanting to be child-free as a woman (gasp, even as a young woman).



As a woman working in a tech store... If I wasn't tech-savvy, I wouldn't be working here. No, I won't call you one of my male coworkers because they "understand it better". Just let me do my job.



That all minorities are the same. That's just simply not true, and is something I've spent my whole life trying rise above! If you look "typical "That doesn't mean you are. People could never see past my looks and always assumed that I was a walking welfare candidate who's lazy and a baby lover. That has NEVER been me!😒



Mask wearing to prevent airborne infectious disease. If you’re insistent on your “freedom” to go unmasked, don’t I get the same freedom to mask up if I want to protect myself against your germs? And can I do so without getting yelled at?



That relationships that don't look a certain way/match a certain ideal are worth less or wrong. Firstly, the centralisation of romantic love over other kinds. Platonic friendships, familial bonds, QPRs, are all just as valid, but apparently you're failing at life until you have found a romantic relationship to take precedence over everyone else.

The idea that that romantic relationship has to look a certain way/hit certain markers to be considered "real" or successful (AKA the "Relationship Escalator"). My partner and I intentionally live separately, don't merge our finances, don't intend to have any kind of legal marriage or commitment ceremony - we prize our individual autonomy very highly and don't wish to enmesh our lives to the extent that is expected in a typical romantic relationship. That doesn't mean we are any less committed or loving.

And finally, we need to normalise non-monogamy. We need to get rid of the idea that the only way to love is predicated on exclusivity. That concept just doesn't hold the same value for everyone. Love is not a zero-sum game



Being single. Single people are not all desperate, lonely, and need to be pitied.



That people who are overweight are automatically overeaters/junk food addicts.

Any time someone who is fat is shown in the media, they usually have some sort of junk food with them.

I admit I am critically obese, but most days I am lucky if I eat one meal. My doctors have told me for years to lose weight I should be eating 4 or even 5 smaller meals through the day… and my body goes into “store” mode… but I just couldn’t get into the mind set to prepare/eat multiple meals

I have only recently discovered this could be because I have ADHD that wasn’t diagnosed until late this year and my brain is basically sabotaging me.



Receiving social welfare does not automatically mean that someone is lazy and does not want to work.

It usually means that someone is in a bad life situation and needs help to get back on his feet.

Unfortunately, social welfare, more often than not, is just so much that it is too much to díe and too little to live.

In addition, there are always the prejudices "laziness", "unwillingness", "pretended illness" etc ...

Yes, these people also exist, but the majority does not want to be dependent on social welfare and is bending backwards to be able to provide for themselves again, even while running into circles and walls trying to explain to possible employers that they, for a fact, want to work and won't skip a few days in.

(Please excuse faulty grammar & spelling - that topic is really grinding my gears, since I worked at the customer support for social welfare)



Being HIV+. It is easy treatable and is basically a chronic disease now. You can't even transmit it once your viral load is zero.



That people can be different and it's okay.

It seems that certain groups of people are filled with such low self esteem that they must do everything in their power to make sure that anyone that is not the same as them must be demoralized, ostracized, and even destroyed. Whether it's an opposing religion, different race, or heavens forbid a different way of loving each other, it's an affront to their way of life! People need to stop grouping others into little boxes just so that they can hate all that they want...



That you can have a deep, caring, even intense relationship with someone, especially of the opposite gender, that isn't sexual or romantic at all.

Especially that MEN, manly men, all men, can have these relationships.



Men showing emotions. Typically, when a male shows any bit of emotion, people immediately think that he is gay. This needs to stop. Just because someone is capable of having and showing emotions doesn't mean society gets to make assumptions about them.



Please stop judging and whining about dating relationships in which the two people have an age difference of more than a couple years. Take the first step in your recovery and stop blaming the man. e.g. “He is dating someone younger (or older) than him. What a creep!”



People thinking that they're entitled to every little detail of the lives of queer people (e.g. asking bi people how many people of the same/opposite sex they've dated, asking trans people if they've had surgery, just generally being nosy). No one needs to know that



People need to stop controlling kids just because they can.
Kids need autonomy. They should be making decisions for themselves about things when there aren’t consequences because A) they are human beings and deserve to be treated with respect and given freedom regardless of age and B) it helps them learn how to make good choices when there are consequences.

This conversation I had with someone:
Him: If a 3 yr old boy tells you he wants to paint his nails, you tell him no.
Me: why?
Him: because boys don’t do that, that’s for girls
Me: so what? Are you afraid he’ll be bullied?
Him: no, he just doesn’t need to
Me: but he wants to and it doesn’t hurt anything. Are you morally opposed to the idea?
Him: no, when he’s older he can do that if he wants but he’s too young to make that choice
Me: the choice has no consequences, why can’t he choose for himself?
Him: because he’s 3
Me: so?
Him: so the parent needs to be a parent and make decisions. Who you let him stick his hand in a light socket?
Me: no that would obviously have negative consequences. Are you concerned there would be negative consequences for him painting his nails?
Him: no, boys just don’t do that. That’s what girls do.
Me: again….so?
Him: if I had a 3yr old son who wanted to paint his nails I would tell him he could paint them at home but he would have to remove it before we went anywhere
Me: why?
Him: because he’s a boy
Me: but why does it matter?
Him: look it just makes me uncomfortable.
Me: why?
Him: idk, can’t you just accept that it makes me uncomfortable so I’m not gonna let my future son do that. At 3, I make the decisions for him

Instead of forcing your opinions on a 3yr old, maybe examine why it makes you uncomfortable, and work on that. Don’t make your insecurities a 3 yr olds problem (or any kid’s/anyone else’s problem).

Be part of the positive changes in society.

Think about how you wanted to be treated as a child and be that person.

If something isn’t harmful, be accepting. And again, stop micromanaging the small human beings just because you can



So what if a boy/man wants to wear a skirt or dress, paint their nails, etc. Who cares? What makes it feminine is society labeling it as feminine.
Pants were once considered masculine and women had to fight for the right to wear what they want.
And if it is feminine, who cares? Why does it bother you?



Polygamy. As long as the people getting married are of legal marrying age, they should be able to have any relationship they want. There is no reason for polygamy to be illegal and/or socially unacceptable.



Shopping in thrift stores.



Breastfeeding feeding in public. It is natural, beautiful, and healthy.



Drug addiction. Many good people fall and they are not disposable. They are someone's child, parent, loved one. Many suffer in silence and secrecy because of the shame. If we want to help others, we need to openly accept them, regardless of their battles.



Teens. WE'RE NOT ALL A******S, GIVE US A BREAK. "You're so nice for your age" this can f**k right off. It's not as big a compliment as you think it is



That money does not necessary equal happiness.



Birth control, use it... If you don't want children.



(including Aspergers Syndrone)

This is just who and what we are.

We do not need your pity, we just need your acceptance.

Do not say things like "oh you're autistic? Oh you can barely tell!"

This is not the compliment you think it is. Appearing allistic (not autistic) is a very psychologically damaging and draining behaviour that is forced by lack of acceptance.

Also IQ does not link to autism, and having a low one is not "being more autistic".

Please get informed.



Farting in public or around others. I excuse myself to fart and people are always surprised. Why? Yall know you all fart. Also, scratching my a*s. Sometimes you get an itch



Wearing socks with sandals.
Internet maybe going to cancel me but this one makes me laugh. Wearing sandals often associated with being free minded, not caring what society thinks. Wearing socks with those sandals? Well you sir should be embarrassed and ashamed and we are judging you for your fashion choices. I wear sandals with and without socks based on what is comfortable. At least I'm not paying big money for pre-torn jeans. LOL



That being a masculine girl or a feminine guy is a bad thing. Also, even though it is not the same thing, being Trans gendered. I was assigned female at birth and I also identify as female, but a lot of style choices I make are considered more masculine. I have been picked on for it multiple times and It doesn't bother me, It just doesn't really make sense. Why should it matter what someone else wants to wear or how they want to look? This goes as I said for Trans people as well. If they want to be that gender, let them. It's not affecting you, especially if it's a stranger you will probably never see again. If you identify as your birth assigned gender, that's great! If you identify as a gender that was not assigned to you, that's also great! Let people live the way they want to, because at the end of the day, none of us are here for very long and if we spend all our time caring about what other people do with their lives, we'll never have time to live our own.


See Also on Bored Panda

Brightly colored hair/clothes/makeup on a middle aged person. I am not having a midlife crisis. Yes, I am getting older, but I can still like being who I am. I dont want to dress in boring colors. SO what if I want purple hair and a dozen more tattoos. So what. I dont have to stop liking things just because I am getting older. In my mind, this is when we need it even more. Life is already dull and dingy. I wanna wear neon green and you can't frikken stop me.. So neener.






Immigrants? I am from Japan. I am not from some sort of third-world, “needs-the-constant-help-of-all-the-global-superpowers” type country. We can function without you. Also, please stop speaking so slowly and drawn out when you find out that english is not my first language…


See Also on Bored Panda

Being fat.



Mental health issues, which can be as debilitating and as devastating as suffering from a physical illness like flu. I can call in sick for the flu and get no hassle about it (uk resident) but I can't if my depression or anxiety are giving me a hard time. I do take antidepressants but I have to take ones which enable me to be able to function normally as opposed to ones which wouldn't allow me to work. The latter would be better but unfortunately, I still need to be able to pay bills and eat so I have to be able to work.



Sexuality. We're all the product of it, but openly talking about it is a mortal sin.



Periods. it’s like, if you’re not going to help or at least let someone know if they bled through their pants, then be quiet. Periods are normal. It’s like someone asking you if you're mad because your hair looks bad. Then you’re even more mad because not only did something happen earlier which is your source of anger, but now someone pretty much told you your hair looks bad.


See Also on Bored Panda

If it’s not hurting anyone leave it alone.
I hate people who are constantly try to pick fights.
For example the other day I was in CVS and there was a young man with an elderly dog sitting beside him without a leash at the self checkout machine.
The dog was extremely chill. It’s was just quietly sitting beside him while he was scanning his items. It wasn’t in the way or anything. While I was waiting to use the machine I asked to pet the dog and he kindly agreed. I softly patted the dog while he stayed seated next to the man as he finished scanning. A bit later I start scanning my items while the man is still scanning his (he had a lot) then suddenly a woman comes up and starts complaining about the sweet little dog (who at knew at this points was named Murphy) She’s saying that Murphy was a “wild animal” and needed to be contained. The man looks confused because Murphy didn’t do anything wrong to cause this. He says “what did he do? Did he get up?” I reassured him that Murphy had been perfectly behaved while he was scanning and he had nothing to worry about. I then turned to the woman and said “Your behavior is far worse than this dogs so maybe you should be contained” and she scoffed and stormed off. The man thanked me and we went our separate ways.
I just don’t understand why some people are like that Woman.


See Also on Bored Panda

That this world needs to be so utterly binary with pointlessly gendered things to make life so much harder and so much more painful for people who don’t fit the norm. It isn’t going to impact cis folx. I’m so over people not being inclusive. What’s the point of putting up an unjust fight and making minority groups feel like second class citizens?



That wearing glasses automatically makes you ugly.



This one jumped right to the front of my mind. When I was a kid it got ingrained in my head that there are 2 things it's just not wise to talk about. Not to friends nor strangers. And that's religion and politics. In the last 6 or 7 years or so it's seams like people can't help but talk about politics and all hell breaks loose when it's with someone from the opposing political party. I've lost friends because of something I've commented on and I've lost friends because I can only take so much election conspiracy bullpoopoo (see I can NOT cuss). I mean otherwise good and sane people drawing lines in the sand over nonsense. If I could make one thing stop, that would be it.


See Also on Bored Panda

Equating Socialism with Facism, then calling it bad for that reason.

Check your facts before jumping on the Capitalist bandwagon


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Queer kissing in public. I dont care if you dont believe in gay love, you dont have any right in me showing my girlfriend I love her, even just by holding her hand.



That everything should be closed on holidays so you can be with family. I just worked 16 hours and need food to work another 16. You want to be with your family? Then come to the nursing home and take care of your elderly relative so i can go home and be with mine!


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So what if a boy/man wants to wear a skirt or dress, paint their nails, etc. Who cares? What makes it feminine is society labeling it as feminine.
Pants were once considered masculine and women had to fight for the right to wear what they want.
And if it is feminine, who cares? Why does it bother you?


See Also on Bored Panda

Thinking someone’s career defines their politics.


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that "my body my choice" applies to everyone, except women who wear hijab/abaya or choose to cover up, because obviously (sarcastic), every single one of them HAs to be oppressed! they've been forced into it by men! they have no idea what they're doing! they've been brainwashed and indoctrinated! ahhhh



That expecting equity somehow makes a person a 'snowflake' or 'closed minded' since they aren't 'accepting someone else's opinion'.
We don't have to entertain opinions that limit human rights of a group of people.



The idea that all illnesses can be named and cured, and that mind over matter works. I've always had a weak immune system and gotten sick a lot. People keep trying to give me advice and think it's due to something I'm doing wrong, instead of just accepting that my body is just that way. It bothers them more than me, because it messes with their idea that everything is fixable.


See Also on Bored Panda

Um… non of stigmas should exist at all


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Putting out food for the strangers in the night.



Treating wheelchair users as inspirational simply for doing everyday things. I am done with being told "You're such an inspiration!" because I went out in my wheelchair to do my shopping/walk the dog/just go for a roll. It's infantilising. You wouldn't walk up to a random non-disabled person and tell them how inspirational it is that they're doing their shopping/walking the dog/just walking about, so why is it sooooooo inspirational when a wheelchair user does it?



Walking any one of the many spiritual paths is often derided by those who think they know better. I specifically exclude religions and dogma based cults from this comment. Their practices involve too much manipulation and domination, and are not spiritually liberating. There is a great deal of ignorance about the spiritual aspects of human life. It is true that there are fakes and predators who prey on the gullible or to magnify their egos, but there are far more who quietly get on with their authentic practices. There is no one right way to spiritual progress, and every soul finds its own way, but a telling hallmark is compassion. The stigma is that many people consider all such activity and belief as "woo woo", frightening and/or phony. Love and healing to all in your lives' journeys.



Opinions...People need to know they are not facts....neither are thoughts or yours (much like mine) are pretty irrelevant.....


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1) It’s okay for people to be single. Aroace people are not lonely, naive people who just don’t know what they want out of life. If I am incapable of loving someone romantically and I hate the idea of sex, then I shouldn’t get married, despite what everyone seems to think. It’s not fair to me or the unlucky person who would get roped into marrying me if I were to follow what society says.
2) Stop trying to cure autistic people who can function on their own. It’s not a life-threatening disease, like cancer. It is just a different way that my brain works. I can do things you can’t, and you can do things ghat I can’t. I will never say that there is something wrong with you because you like touching other people, so quit telling me that there is something wrong with me because I can be so interested in a topic that I try to learn everything about it. I am not weird for being me. Stop trying to take away one of the main things that make me, me.
3) True Christians don’t hate people for being different. We are not evil, sexist, homophobic racists. Jesus taught us to love everyone, accept everyone, and forgive everyone because we all sin. If we say that we believe something is wrong, that you are sinning, etc., it’s not because we hate you or are saying we are better than you. It’s because we truly believe that your actions/disbelief will cause you to spend all of eternity being punished, and because we love you, we want you to spend all of eternity in a loving, pain-free paradise. I respect people’s right to choose not to believe in God because God gave you that choice. But because I love you and care about you, I want you to understand why I believe what I believe, and hopefully, you’ll believe too. I am not trying to say that I hate you by any means.
4) Mental illness sucks ok. Blaming us, judging us, stigmatizing us, locking us ip, it all makes it so much worse. Why can’t you just understand that not everyone can be ok all the time and try helping and supporting us instead of making it worse?
5) And finally, you don’t have to choose between pro-life and pro-choice. Both groups don’t realize they are working towards the same goal, saving lives and improving them. You shouldn’t need to choose which life is more important. We can deal with the problems at the source. Instead of victim-blaming and letting sex offenders walk, we can teach self-defense in schools, teach guys that women are not their toys and actually punish rapists for their crimes. Instead of canceling food stamps, we need to start child support at conception. There are so many things we can do to prevent the need for an abortion and give everyone a decent chance at life, but people just argue about abortion. Can’t I care about both lives? Can’t I try to save both lives? Why do I have to pick a side that causes someone to die?



Intellectually disabled people being capable of making choices and figuring things out at their pace. They're not incapable of learning, it just may take them longer and needing a bit more details to grasp concepts.



Minors are capable of the same things adults are. the consequences may be better or worse for either one, but we need to learn, right? Take me, for example. I'm 12 years old, do stand-up, and studying phycology. I get straight A's, play percussion, and have good behavioral records. I am not "lucky" or "raised right". I am just like any other teen, capable. Just let us decide, let us make decisions, and see who we can become.



That money does not necessary equal happiness.



No one has to suppress there emotions, were not robots.
Its ok to be moody, to just not wanna deal with life today.


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So what if a boy/man wants to wear a skirt or dress, paint their nails, etc. Who cares? What makes it feminine is society labeling it as feminine.
Pants were once considered masculine and women had to fight for the right to wear what they want.
And if it is feminine, who cares? Why does it bother you?



My teachers always say "Your child is very mature for their age, you should be proud." ITS B******T.
I get that 12-15 year olds can be loud and annoying, but its litterally because we're junior highers. Junior high is when you start getting serious with friends and you dont have recess so you socialize! its when we have more perspective so theres more drama. No friend groups where we just play a game every recess, we actually talk. some can be jerks but so are adults!


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Thinking that autistic people are stupid, or that clever people can't be autistic/ are making it up. Bonus points for the shitwads who think vaccines cause autism.


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food. its ok to like different food.


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Your daughter comes home and says she's pregnant. She says she's putting it up for adoption. What do you do? Do you support her decision? Or do you put her down, call her a slút, no, you're keeping it (that'll show HER)? Too many times I have seen the second scenario, especially in the southern US.

Women don't get abortions because they don't want the baby. They get them because it's easier to hide. Easier than being told something is wrong with them simply because they gave up their child.

You want to reduce the number of abortions? How about reducing the stigma of alternative solutions and help those who do keep their kid? How about educating your kids (boys AND girls, it takes both of you)?

Don't just limit access to abortion. That will not reduce the number of them.


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Women's breasts are inherently sexual. They are not. Women should have the freedom to go topless just like men and not fear being sexualized and/or attacked. We should view all genders equally.

source Report

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Breast feeding in public


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Trying to end the dictators! Dictators are always the main enemies of societies and people! Even if they are thousands of kilometers away from us!


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