For many people, scenes in movies and series' can be dramatic, heart-wrenching, terrifying, or intentionally funny. Sometimes, however, there's a scene that's supposed to be one of the above, but due to poor execution on the filmmakers' or showrunners' parts, ends up being silly, over-the-top, or just plain absurd. I would like my fellow pandas to share scenes from films that they found incredibly silly, despite the movie wanting you to take it seriously.


trolls. remeber that scene "singing killed my grandma"? yeah its a whole meme now lol


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The part in Fellowship of the Ring, at the end, where Sam is drowning and Frodo reaches down to save him.
Sam just looked so funny underwater that I laughed. It cracks me up every time.


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The scene where Chrissy dies in Stranger Things.

I loved her but just the imagery got a chuckle out of me...


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I have the perfect one... In ELA we were reading "Mice and Men" When George shot Lenny. it is ONLY funny in the movie.


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